I'd like to point out that the majority of people (my guess) in modern society probably think this way. "Eat, Drink, Be merry for tomorrow we may die!" Someone also said (cameron i think) that religion is slipping further and further away from what the world mandates. This is also true, and we religious people realize it and saw it coming (thanks to ancient prophetic writings saying it would be this way).
Probably because people are realizing things and thinking for themselves, not letting a 2000 year old book rule them and tell them what to do. Just as people did once the Egyptian religious system became pretty much out of order, so to say.
So what then should happen? Should religious people, who understand life better than those who aren't religious just give in and go along with the world on it's reckless pursuit of gluttony, anarchy, and ignorant bliss? NO. That's what makes us religious.
LOL, you guys understand life better than us? Oh yeah, we don't believe in god, so we know NOTHING about life and have no morals!
More importantly, on Poseidon's remark to live life to the fullest by indulging...I would like to reverse that and add a question, "How do you know that abstinence, if practiced and understood would not allow you to live life to the fullest?" We practice abstinence (some of us) from pre-marital sex because in doing so we become masters of ourselves (as opposed to lathargic, gluttonous, and out of control) which gives satisfaction like nothing else can. Acheiving a difficult goal, especially a spiritul one, brings huge benefits and blessings..even blessings undescribable that easily counter the effects of having 'lived life to the fullest' by engaging in pre-marital sex.
I'm not saying if you practice absintence you won't live life at all, just as if you don't go skydiving or something you can still live life, but by partaking in pre-marital sex, people live life to the fullest without anything holding them back. It's a bit difficult to explain.
I've had pre-marital sex and I'm not out of control, in fact my grades are higher than ever and I'm doing quite well in life.
I don't drink alcohol, smoke, drink coffee, do harmful drugs, have extra-marital affairs, break laws, I try to hold my tongue in anger, and I avoid a host of other things that the world says is ok. Guess what? I'm living a much richer, more blessed, more happy life than I was before I started that 15 years ago. I can say without a doubt that because of my sacrifices, my blessings far outweigh what I'd experience without the sacrifices. And as added benefits, i'm not a wife beater, womanizer, child molester, criminal, drunk, STD carrier/passer, addict to a thousand different things, and probably other things. Granted these are extremes...they are still not possible to me because i'm in control of myself. And if you call that oppression, you're sorely mistaken. Control is not oppression, unless it's a negative effect.
I don't do any of the above either, but I'm still living my life to the fullest extent because I'm not letting a 2000 year old book tell me what to do. I do what the country's laws tell me, because those are NOT optional. You follow them or your face the consequences.
Even though I don't do any of those, I have MANY family friends who: Drink, smoke, drink coffee and everything and are VERY VERY SUCCESSFUL. One owns a Toyota Car Dealership and is a Multi-Millionaire.
Just because we partake in pre-marital sex doesn't mean we're out of control or have no morals, it means we enjoy ourselves.