
DesertFox423 wrote:

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

I know. Out of Character Stephen Colbert is more liberal than camron. He makes his show so sacrastic that if you don't notcie he is a liberal irl then you're fucking retarted.
And you've met him "out of character"? Liberal= an ambiguous word thrown about far too much on this forum.

1. It is his wish.
2. He's not an atheist.
3. He bashes pretty much all politicians, so you're forgetting one side.
It is well known that Colbert is an advocate of the republican opposition. He's also a talented actor when it comes to mocking republicans.

jonsimon wrote:

DesertFox423 wrote:

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

I know. Out of Character Stephen Colbert is more liberal than camron. He makes his show so sacrastic that if you don't notcie he is a liberal irl then you're fucking retarted.
And you've met him "out of character"? Liberal= an ambiguous word thrown about far too much on this forum.

1. It is his wish.
2. He's not an atheist.
3. He bashes pretty much all politicians, so you're forgetting one side.
It is well known that Colbert is an advocate of the republican opposition. He's also a talented actor when it comes to mocking republicans.
It is somewhat funny and aprapos that the only people that are noteworthy in the liberal circle are actors and comedians, both of which spend the majority of their lives in a non-realistic fantasy world .......... just like the average liberal.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6998|United States of America

lowing wrote:

It is somewhat funny and aprapos that the only people that are noteworthy in the liberal circle are actors and comedians, both of which spend the majority of their lives in a non-realistic fantasy world .......... just like the average liberal.
BURN! That was an unexpected setup.

see Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy for my response

Last edited by jsnipy (2006-10-08 20:13:26)

Capt. Foley
+155|6901|Allentown, PA, USA

Spearhead wrote:

Capt. Foley wrote:

Holy shit, alot of you guys(almost all liberals) seem to love the idea of complete and utter control and also with the destruction of the most basic of human rights contained in the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Holy shit you guys make me sick.....get rid of organized religion...what is wrong with you guys. Seriously I would rather live in Soviet Russia under Stalin then under the ideas some of you have.

There was no organized religion in the Soviet Union.  I hope you know that.
I know that but I would feel alot more free and alot safer in the Soviet Union even with a Dictator that murdered something like 20million of his own people.
Capt. Foley
+155|6901|Allentown, PA, USA

The#1Spot wrote:

1. Able to choose which channel you want when buying cable or digital cable
2. make criminals that have a certain amount of counts not able to reproduce
3. lower medicine costs that retard diseases
4. gas prices will be a fixed rate of $1.50 since they screwed us over for so many years
5. increase womens car insurance to equal mens or lower mens to equal womans
6. do any kind of research even if the church disapproves of it
7. welfare should only be to people that are only critically disabled
8. rollcages in every car standard (will save a lot of lives)
9. make p.e. a required course for 4 years in high school and must pass with C or fail high school
10. Not allow corperations to make foreign countries to make our stuff (help with economy)
11. All the countries that majority votes that they dont need our help we will not support them at all
12. no smoking in any buildings at all even in own home
13. if you drink you must have a breathelizer in car no matter if you are a small time drinker
14. people can only buy cars that they can afford cash upfront
15. dropping out is not an option at high school
16. junk food will cost way more and health food will cost way less
17. make way harder requirement for someone to be president like military 10years, atleast 6year degree that kind of stuff
18. No more white people as president let other races have a go at it they may not fuck things up
19. have the white people that are heavily and obviously racist to black people put them as slaves that work for black people for 400years have there families beaten and limit them on what they can and cannot do.
20. have every jew apologise for their ancestors for the death of jesus
21. sell alaska to the highest bidder to further help economy (but we still own the oil on it)
22. any rasits person that has been asked to stop numerous times to not use offensive words allotted to beaten and not allowed to press charges unless a firearm or weapon is used for a offensive matter

cant think of anymore at the moment
Im trying to figure out if that was sarcasm. Though a few of the ideas are good..
1. Keep the money in, no out sources.
2. No more politicians, kill the fuckers. We need humans in office that actualy give a shit.
3. Dropping out of high school=NO
4. If you go to collage and get a degree of some sort you have LOWER taxes
5. Max tax rate, if a person is rich we shouldnt punish them for it.
6. PE(YES!!!) you must pass with a C grade atleast in all 4 years in high school unless you have a medical condition.(cant wait for lawyers to fuck that one up)
7. Your injured? Damn, heres your wellfare. Your to lazy to get off your fat ass and work? Damn, go starve to death for all I care.
8. Get all the bull shit out of goverment and I mean fucking all. We could be saving HUNDRES OF BILLIONS of dollars per year.
9. Oil thing I posted above.
10. All the other shit I dont feel like typing.
Black Panzer Party
+184|7035|Eastern PA
Everyone gets a pony.
Zee Tank Skank
+80|7014|MoVal So-Cal
1. See if it is possible to blow up Pluto with some stuff
2. Declare Tuesdays "Taco Tuesdays"
3. Give sloppy joe mix to the Aussies
4. eat some cheese
5. Find the bastard fish that shanked Steve Irwin
6. plant bombs at the end of cigarettes
7. Own the rights to Vida Guerra (in every way, shape, and form...including ones that make beds squeak)
8. Shoot my airsoft gun at people that bug me; Lisk, bubbalo and others.....while they fire back at me (hey I'm fair)
9. do stuff
10. Blow up France

Last edited by Pernicious544 (2006-10-08 23:06:37)

Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US
Speaking of Lisik, I can't wait until he posts his ideas and subsequently gets banned for them.
Spread my seed so far and wide into the world that every consequent generation in the next few hundred millenia will have some form of my genetics.

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

2. Force all countries to abide by the 2ND Amendment
Unless you are part of a well-regulated militia, you have no specified right to own a weapon.
Calmer than you are.
First off, I'd make sure I never had to work again Then I would resign after dividing the people into small manageable communities (100 people in each approx) so that they be able to decide almost everything on their own. The central government will have as little authority and responsibilities as possible, its principal role being that of making all communities synchronize and work together and its members will be randomly selected every six months (all get to do it, no extra pay).

Last edited by oug (2006-10-09 03:24:27)

Nuke China.
+12|7066|Perth, Western Australia

CameronPoe wrote:

1) Declare war on Israel, both economically and militarily speaking, unless they unconditionally agree to retreat COMPLETELY to 1948 borders, recognise a fully sovereign state of Palestine in the West Bank & Gaza (with capital in East Jerusalem), return the Golan Heights to Syria and Shebaa Farms to Lebanon, pay reparations to refugee Palestinians in other countries and release all political prisoners. In return all arab nations have to leave them the fuck alone thereafter.
2) Enforce severe but sensible restrictions on the movement of global capital to ensure developing nations aren't exploited. Examine the fairness of 'Free-Trade' agreements and amend where necessary to the same end as that stated. Come down like a TON OF BRICKS on monopolies and oligarchies. Basically slow down globalisation by reworking/scrapping the WTO and IMF because quite frankly the underdeveloped world is just going to get shafted by what equates to modern imperialism. Let PROTECTIONISM be the watch-word.
3) Toughen up state-church separation rules and regulations IN ALL COUNTRIES (that includes you too, Saudi Arabia). All nations must be secular. Religion to be practiced on your own personal time.
4) Toughen up penalties for wasteful and inefficient use of exhaustible natural resources (including tough penalties for unacceptable levels of pollution). Accelerate research on alternatives to finally break the hold oil monopolies have on us, whether they be US oil companies, Venezuela or a middle eastern crackpot nation.
5) Have the US embargo on Cuba lifted.
6) Scrap the UN.
7) Catch and incarcerate Osama Bin Laden (for symbolic purposes only, it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference). Have him humiliated publicly.
8) Reprimand the USA for obvious human rights violations and Geneva Convention breaches at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib. Same goes for other similar nations: China, Myanmar, Zimbabwe, etc.
9) Give Taiwan and Tibet full sovereign control over their own nations independent of China.
10) Incorporate the six counties of Northern Ireland into the Republic of Ireland.
11) Deport all illegal aliens out of USA so they'll finally stop their fucking whinging.
12) Adopt a 'Robin Hood' policy with respect to taxation to try and narrow massive gulfs between rich and poor around the world (think Scandinavian policy).
13) Grant Scotland full sovereign independence from the UK.
14) Introduce strict policies on what can and cannot be broadcast on 'News' channels. Prohibit editorials on  channels or programs wishing to be described as 'news'. Introduce rules that state that if one POV is to be aired on a news item then the opposing POV must be presented also in quick succession. Monitor all 'news' media for fairness and impartiality.
15) Introduce multi-party politics and proportional representation to all nations. Have rules and regulations drawn up that shape the way in which campaigning for political positions take place such that ALL canditates, irrespective of wealth, have equal airtime and billboard time in whatever election they are competing in.
16) Give the Basques a fully free and sovereign nation independent of Spain, to include the Navarre province.

... I'll think of more as they come up....

They haven't been methodically thought-through and I may revise/regret/retract some of those posted....
I agree with everything, except the separation of church and state, just get rid of religion completely, we have no need for it in modern society right now, people who rely on a deity and not themselves or the others around them are  weak willed and don't deserve to continue the overpopulation problem. Perhaps a policy of Universalism? (loss of an individual to benefit the world as a whole)
+12|7066|Perth, Western Australia

Pernicious544 wrote:

1. See if it is possible to blow up Pluto with some stuff
2. Declare Tuesdays "Taco Tuesdays"
3. Give sloppy joe mix to the Aussies
4. eat some cheese
5. Find the bastard fish that shanked Steve Irwin
6. plant bombs at the end of cigarettes
7. Own the rights to Vida Guerra (in every way, shape, and form...including ones that make beds squeak)
8. Shoot my airsoft gun at people that bug me; Lisk, bubbalo and others.....while they fire back at me (hey I'm fair)
9. do stuff
10. Blow up France
I think we don't really desire a sloppy joe mix. Stingrays aren't fish. The cigarette idea is good, but I'd prefer for people to simply die because of their own mistakes, not because they're forced to. #8 is probably the best idea ever =P

EDIT: Sorry about the double post, would've expected someone else to post :\

Last edited by I2elik (2006-10-09 05:36:09)

Cowboy from Hell

DesertFox423 wrote:

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

I know. Out of Character Stephen Colbert is more liberal than camron. He makes his show so sacrastic that if you don't notcie he is a liberal irl then you're fucking retarted.
And you've met him "out of character"? Liberal= an ambiguous word thrown about far too much on this forum.

1. It is his wish.
2. He's not an atheist.
3. He bashes pretty much all politicians, so you're forgetting one side.
Who told you that a liberal must be an atheist?
Cowboy from Hell

lowing wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

DesertFox423 wrote:

And you've met him "out of character"? Liberal= an ambiguous word thrown about far too much on this forum.

1. It is his wish.
2. He's not an atheist.
3. He bashes pretty much all politicians, so you're forgetting one side.
It is well known that Colbert is an advocate of the republican opposition. He's also a talented actor when it comes to mocking republicans.
It is somewhat funny and aprapos that the only people that are noteworthy in the liberal circle are actors and comedians, both of which spend the majority of their lives in a non-realistic fantasy world .......... just like the average liberal.
Again you are insulting a lot of people here.  If you want respect be respectful with people who think different than you.
+46|6765|Bradford UK
I would sack all of the EA staff and make mods new EA staff and set them about making bf2 better. And also get them to make better patches, and huge 100% payrises, they would also get to marry 10 blonde beauties apiece legally and all the free beer in the world they ever needed. Thats just to start with.
16 more years
+877|6839|South Florida

Spearhead wrote:

DesertFox423 wrote:

4. Pwn the views of Cameron, jon, serge, Bub and such like
6. Name everything after Stephen Colbert
?  You DO know that Stephen Colbert is a democrat, don't you?  He trashes the right wing to hell everyday he exists...
What the fuck are you smoking! Have you ever watched his show? Maybe your mistaking him with his commy friend Jon Stewart?
15 more years! 15 more years!

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

DesertFox423 wrote:

4. Pwn the views of Cameron, jon, serge, Bub and such like
6. Name everything after Stephen Colbert
?  You DO know that Stephen Colbert is a democrat, don't you?  He trashes the right wing to hell everyday he exists...
What the fuck are you smoking! Have you ever watched his show? Maybe your mistaking him with his commy friend Jon Stewart?
Colbert is a democrat. His show is a satire on neocon smearmongers like Bill O'Reilly. Even wiki it if you must.

wikipedia wrote:

Although by his own account he was not particularly political before joining the cast of The Daily Show, Colbert is a self-described Democrat.[17][18] He is also a practicing Roman Catholic[8] and a Sunday school teacher.[19][20]

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-09 08:01:12)

Cowboy from Hell

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

DesertFox423 wrote:

4. Pwn the views of Cameron, jon, serge, Bub and such like
6. Name everything after Stephen Colbert
?  You DO know that Stephen Colbert is a democrat, don't you?  He trashes the right wing to hell everyday he exists...
What the fuck are you smoking! Have you ever watched his show? Maybe your mistaking him with his commy friend Jon Stewart?
Lol, you call Jon Stewart commie just coz he ain't a right wing fascist.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

DesertFox423 wrote:

4. Pwn the views of Cameron, jon, serge, Bub and such like
6. Name everything after Stephen Colbert
?  You DO know that Stephen Colbert is a democrat, don't you?  He trashes the right wing to hell everyday he exists...
What the fuck are you smoking! Have you ever watched his show? Maybe your mistaking him with his commy friend Jon Stewart?
Someone's missing the point.
Colbert's whole show is a spoof of the O'Reilly Factor.
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6878|Area 51

sergeriver wrote:

Science Fiction: imagine this scenario, every country votes for a candidate for President of the World, and you win.  You have the power to change anything you don't like, what would you do?
I would make myself a fighter pilot.
Then limit every country except for my own to only have one tank, one jet, one ship and one soldier. Then I would invade every country, making it all mine.. making sure that the entire world will speak one language, have one kind of money etc etc..owh yeah and give my self an F-16 to fly in else whats the point in being a fighter pilot?
Terror in the Skies
i would annex scandinavia and then anect a law that all scandinavian girls had to serve me ;-)

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