fas‧cism  /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ [fash-iz-uhm]
--"Fascism is a radical political ideology that combines elements of corporatism, authoritarianism, nationalism, militarism, anti-anarchism, anti-communism and anti-liberalism."

Hi, I am an American.  I live in Texas, I have a job, I live in a one bedroom apartment, I own a vehicle, I have a girlfriend whom I love very much, I enjoy everyday freedoms and rights that the brave men who came before me fought and died to give to me.  I am a law abiding citizen, I vote, I pay taxes, I do jury duty, I served in my country's armed forces.  I love my family, my friends, my neighbors, my country.  Hi, I am an American. 

If any of our forefathers could come back to the realm of the living and read the above paragraph, it would instill a sense of victory, accomplishment, success and satisfaction to know that what they wanted to accomplish back in 1776 for their children and children's children, had succeeded.  A better life, free from tyranny, oppression and domination.  A country who's masses governed the government, instead of the government governing the masses.  A nation who's number one priority was the freedom and prosperity of it's people.

Hopefully it would be the only paragraph that they would read.  I have the distinct feeling if they were to read an hours worth of CNN or go back and read over the constitution and bill of rights with all of its new amendments that they would either have a heart attack on the spot or start forming a militia to take over Washington.

The government has almost completely become exactly what they hoped it would not.  Corruption has become widespread, it is no longer which candidate is best but rather, who has more money.  The government no longer prints it's own money but rather, a private bank called the "Federal Reserve" owned by a conglomerate of wealthy bankers controls the nations currency.  Americans are being charged a labor tax, which is unlawful and forced to fill out 1040's that are enforced by a agency (IRS) that has no legal backing to enforce anything.  Not only are 1040's practically illegal, just filling one out is in violation of the 5th amendment, because you have to fill it out and if you lie you go to jail, but if you have done something wrong and you put it there, you still go to jail, in other words, you are incriminating yourself.  We have a two party system that works against itself, something Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and John Adams all warned about.  We have an intelligence agency that answers to no one but itself, making it above the law and a supreme court who's verdicts and judgments are negated and voided by lower courts.  We have had consecutive administrations that spy on the people illegally and then answer to know one when caught, administrations that pass bills like the Patriot Act that nullify most of our rights listed on the Bill of Rights, in the name of safety.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. --Benjamin Franklin

What do you honestly think a founding father would do if they came to the future and set eyes upon us?  Sit and think about that for a minute.  Forget about being a Democrat, Republican, Conservative, Liberal.  Remember to be an American and sit there and think hard about what they would do.

Now that you are done thinking about that, go back and re-read the definition of fascism.  Tell me that doesn't sound an awful lot like what America is becoming.  All of the parts of the definition, corporatism, authoritarianism, nationalism, militarism, anti-anarchism, anti-communism and anti-liberalism are all part of our government, economy and social structure and WE DON'T EVEN NOTICE.  Sometimes I think most people just don't care anymore.  We as a nation have become so fat and lazy that we will endure anything so long as we have a comfy couch and a HDTV to come home too.  It makes me so angry to know that if something were to happen, no one would do anything about it because it would mean that their nice pleasant little lives would get interrupted and they might miss an episode of 24 or American Idol, they wouldn't get their gas for under 2.50 a gallon and Domino's pizza would no longer deliver to their door.

I just went out on a break with a co-worker.  I asked this co-worker the same question about what the forefathers came back and saw the state of the union, what would they think.  He went on about how it really wouldn't hold any bearing into today's society and things of that nature, but before he could finish I asked him if he would even care what they thought.  He said, no.  I then asked him if he had ever read the constitution or the Bill of Rights.  He said he had read the Bill but not the constitution.  I then asked him if he even cared what was in it and he said, no.  I'd would dare to say 9 out of 10 Americans have never given it a read.  This piece of paper pretty much says what you can and can't do, from the time you wake up until the time you go to sleep and he doesn't care, as most Americans probably do not care.  A simple piece of paper.  A piece of paper that protects you from tyranny, oppression, a piece of paper that gave a nation rights that no other nation at the time had for its people and soon gave the rest of the world a rolemodel for freeing itself.  A piece of paper that we thought so important that we preserved it for almost 300 years.  He doesn't care.  Most Americans, don'  Ask these same people how much they would care if that piece of paper no longer existed and we lived in a Police State or Fascist State such as Nazi Germany or Communist Russia and all of the sudden they are gung-ho American protectors of the freedom.  Then you will care.  Then it will be to late.  You cannot change a democracy using the rights given to you by the constitution if it no longer exists.

Well it isn't going to matter what YOU think before to long.  Honestly, after sitting here reading articles, books, research papers, watching documentary's and other various forms of information, I as an American can only see the next 10 years going 1 of 2 ways.

1. A George Orwell Nightmare Pretext
Government issued ID cards are slated to be out and issued by the end of 2008.  A national ID card would be something similar to a drivers license with the difference being, you HAVE to have it on you at all times.  You cannot operate a vehicle, go into a federal building, board a plane, get a job, get medical attention, insurance, a bank account (or any banking services), use public services or even buy goods.  These cards will also be fitted with microchips that act almost like miniature GPS systems, making your whereabouts known to anyone who wishes to know.  Take the card away and you take a persons freedoms away.  So lets say hypothetically that Pres Bush decides to declare Martial Law under the pretext of a terrorist attack (which now, under the patriot act he can do without the approval of congress and the duration can last up to 6 months without any kind of reasoning or review) and the government disables the cards.  Now you can no longer draw money from the bank, put gas in your car, buy food.  You have basically been unwittingly bent to the will of the government.  What happens after that is up to whoever is in charge at that point.

(Also, think of a military draft.  They issue one, you don't show up and all of the sudden you can no longer function, not to mention they know where you are.)

"All political thinking for years past has been vitiated in the same way. People can foresee the future only when it coincides with their own wishes, and the most grossly obvious facts can be ignored when they are unwelcome.--George Orwell"

2. The Second Great Depression
It's a known fact that America has hit it's Oil Peak.  This means we are using more oil than we are bringing in, which by logic, means we are going to run out.  Do you think that all that is going on in the Middle East is to fight Terrorism?  Get over yourself, it's for OIL.  Oil is the one and only thing that would make present day America invade another country illegally and under false pre-text.  It's a resource war, and you're going to be seeing a lot more of them in the next decade as oil supplies dry up around the world.  The next oil shortage is going to make the 1970's oil crisis look like a cake walk.  There will not be any relief because there will be no more oil.  The first things you will see are unusually high gas prices, followed by trucks on the side of the road, full of goods, broke down because they have ran out of diesel.  Next, airliners will go bankrupt and there will be next to no airliners able to operate, the ones that are able to stay running will be charging astronomical airliner fees just to stay in the air.  Next you will see the price of food go up as farm equipment can no longer operate and trucks can no longer ship food to markets, this will force massive inflation on all markets thus causing lay-offs and mass un-employment.  Wall Street will all but collapse and the price of the dollar will plummet.  Around this time, expect another "terrorist attack" from another foreign country (more than likely with alot of oil) and hence we invade another country and have another war.  This will probably force a draft.  It's going to be Vietnam in 1934, present day.

"When the well's dry, we know the worth of water.--Ben Franklin"

What can we do about it?  Rather ask yourself what you want to do about it.  Maybe you want to sit there and endure whatever comes your way in the hope that it doesn't disrupt your perfect little lives.  Maybe you want to take the approach I took by trying to inform people, or maybe you want to get into politics.  Perhaps you, like very very few American's this day in age, will be the modern day minutemen, ready on a moments notice to defend your country from all enemies, foreign and domestic.  Whatever the case, stop bickering with each other over whether democrats or republicans are right or wrong, and start working together to ensure that there will still be democrats and republicans when you wake up in the morning.  When the day comes when you realize American democracy is gone, it's too late.

"A tragic situation exists precisely when virtue does not triumph but when it is still felt that man is nobler than the forces which destroy him.--George Orwell"

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.--Edmund Burke"


Last edited by Cougar (2006-10-07 19:45:55)


I like you now.  Good post.

I'll admit, I skipped around a bit, I'll finish reading it here in a second. I honestly think that if something isn't done about the oil (I.E better fuel efficiency or an alternative fuel source) that what you said will happen. And if that happens, we're going to collapse on ourselves. In my opinion oil is the backbone of the US of A.
I'd karma you, but I'm out.

Last edited by PspRpg-7 (2006-10-07 19:47:17)

+129|6759|Texas.. getting out asap
I agree with you on every point.
Cold Fussion
72% alcohol
+63|6953|Sydney, Australia
Great post. +1
Nice post, nice objectivity and plus 1 for not picking political sides.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6975|Tampa Bay Florida

Cold Fussion wrote:

Great post. +1
long, but a great summary of the situation in the US. +1!
+51|7060|North Hollywood
Great post man. I wanna ask all the neo-cons where they stand on this.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6975|Tampa Bay Florida

golgoj4 wrote:

Great post man. I wanna ask all the neo-cons where they stand on this.
Same here.  We don't want to bring the parties into this.. but.. I think Cougar explained himself very well.  I just wanna see what ATG has to say about this post.

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-10-07 20:20:00)

I didnt read it. But i say its all false.
theories arent that interesting to me... facts are more substantial... 

ID cards by 2008... Bushs second term will be over... and yes it needs to be monitored to make sure they dont go to far... and im pretty sure it will with the voice of the people...

and running out of oil? 
When is this going to happen 2030,2040 etc...  dont you think we will have alternate energy cars by then...?

I agree we have to work on a lot of things, legal immigration,alternate energy,education and getting rid of the terrorists that want us dead...  im still proud of the U.S and wouldnt want to be anywhere else...
Love is the answer

[TUF]Catbox wrote:

theories arent that interesting to me... facts are more substantial... 

ID cards by 2008... Bushs second term will be over... and yes it needs to be monitored to make sure they dont go to far... and im pretty sure it will with the voice of the people...
I think you will be unpleasently suprised.

[TUF]Catbox wrote:

and running out of oil? 
When is this going to happen 2030,2040 etc...  dont you think we will have alternate energy cars by then...?
Actually, experts predict between 2010-2012 is when the oil crisis will hit at the current pace.

[TUF]Catbox wrote:

I agree we have to work on a lot of things, legal immigration,alternate energy,education and getting rid of the terrorists that want us dead...  im still proud of the U.S and wouldnt want to be anywhere else...
I agree on those points as well.  But also note, there are other, just as important, things that we must work on besides education, immigration and "terrorists".

On a side note, where do you think the money for education, infastructure and border patrol comes from?
AAAAAAAAAAARGGGGGG!!!  I am going to lose my mind if one more person says that we went to war with Iraq for oil.  I can also see that you were inferring that the attack on 9/11 was staged by our own government when you say, "  Around this time, expect another "terrorist attack" from another foreign country (more than likely with alot of oil) and hence we invade another country and have another war".  Do you honestly believe that we are recieving any oil from Iraq?  I have heard this many times, but never with facts to back it up with that are not purely circumstantial.  Why don't you try to back that up with facts.  Even if we were getting oil free from Iraq, it would do nothing to replace the trillions of dollars spent on the war(Not to mention how terrible it would look to the rest of the world and to the rest of America if Bush did that).  Serously how can people be applauding this?!  Why would the government destroy our economy and spend billions on a war just rof oil?  If we were taaking any significant amount of oil from Iraq the media would jump all over it.  I found the rest of that speech to be overdramatic, but nice job not mentioning parties. 
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6960|Canberra, AUS

JaMDuDe wrote:

I didnt read it. But i say its all false.
Congratulations on proving for the something-hundredth time that you aren't capable of debate.

Great post cougar.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Cougar the cat wins again at posting.

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

I am going to lose my mind if one more person says that we went to war with Iraq for oil. Do you honestly believe that we are recieving any oil from Iraq?  I have heard this many times, but never with facts to back it up with that are not purely circumstantial.  Why don't you try to back that up with facts.  Even if we were getting oil free from Iraq, it would do nothing to replace the trillions of dollars spent on the war(Not to mention how terrible it would look to the rest of the world and to the rest of America if Bush did that).
Do you think it's just gonna "pop up" all ready to go?  Do you think there is a big gas station in the middle of Iraq that you just pump the fuel out of?  No.  They need to build the infastructure to get the oil out, which takes years.  Think about how long it took to build the Alaskan Pipeline, and then note, those guys weren't getting shot at and having cars explode around them while they were building.  Also note who the largest contracter, with the most contracts in Iraq is......Haliburton.  What does Haliburton specilize in?  Oil and Natural Gas infastructure construction.  Who owns Haliburton?  Dick Cheney the Vice fucking President.  Also, the overtaking of Iraq would give the U.S. military the oppurtunity to build bases in Iraq, which borders Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, two of the biggest oil producers in the world.  If anything were to happen in those two countries, we would be right there, waiting.  Also, who are the Saudi and Kuwaiti's biggest customer?  You got it, U.S.A. 

I could also go into the plans Haliburton has laid out for a pipeline through Iraq and Afghanistan that would run into China, who at the moment is going through an industrial revolution and has a high demand for oil.  That cash would more than make up for the amount of money spent on the Iraq war and Afghani war combined.  Not to mention the U.S. would be set on oil for the next 20 to 30 years.

But you're right, all the stuff I said above is just poppycock and "kookoo konspiracy" non-sense, which makes absoultly no sense what so ever, because after all, a bunch of rich bankers and oil barons that just happen to run the most powerful country in the world would NEVER do anything dasterdly like that because they are all good ole boys and "good christians".

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Why would the government destroy our economy and spend billions on a war just rof oil?  If we were taaking any significant amount of oil from Iraq the media would jump all over it.  I found the rest of that speech to be overdramatic, but nice job not mentioning parties. 
Perhaps, because the end profit will be more than the initial deficit.
Why the hell is this debate getting into war in Iraq... Well the war in Iraq was mostly about profit, think about it. If the US really wanted to help people why hasn't the US or UN sent aid in darfur? FFS people are getting massacred in Sudan and no one gives a shit, why? Because there is nothing valuable there.

Military companies profit from war, the US has a shit load of military companies. Construction companies profit from reconstruction. Iraq= War and reconstruction, profits rise.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6960|Canberra, AUS

Cougar wrote:

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

I am going to lose my mind if one more person says that we went to war with Iraq for oil. Do you honestly believe that we are recieving any oil from Iraq?  I have heard this many times, but never with facts to back it up with that are not purely circumstantial.  Why don't you try to back that up with facts.  Even if we were getting oil free from Iraq, it would do nothing to replace the trillions of dollars spent on the war(Not to mention how terrible it would look to the rest of the world and to the rest of America if Bush did that).
Do you think it's just gonna "pop up" all ready to go?  Do you think there is a big gas station in the middle of Iraq that you just pump the fuel out of?  No.  They need to build the infastructure to get the oil out, which takes years.  Think about how long it took to build the Alaskan Pipeline, and then note, those guys weren't getting shot at and having cars explode around them while they were building.  Also note who the largest contracter, with the most contracts in Iraq is......Haliburton.  What does Haliburton specilize in?  Oil and Natural Gas infastructure construction.  Who owns Haliburton?  Dick Cheney the Vice fucking President.  Also, the overtaking of Iraq would give the U.S. military the oppurtunity to build bases in Iraq, which borders Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, two of the biggest oil producers in the world.  If anything were to happen in those two countries, we would be right there, waiting.  Also, who are the Saudi and Kuwaiti's biggest customer?  You got it, U.S.A. 

I could also go into the plans Haliburton has laid out for a pipeline through Iraq and Afghanistan that would run into China, who at the moment is going through an industrial revolution and has a high demand for oil.  That cash would more than make up for the amount of money spent on the Iraq war and Afghani war combined.  Not to mention the U.S. would be set on oil for the next 20 to 30 years.

But you're right, all the stuff I said above is just poppycock and "kookoo konspiracy" non-sense, which makes absoultly no sense what so ever, because after all, a bunch of rich bankers and oil barons that just happen to run the most powerful country in the world would NEVER do anything dasterdly like that because they are all good ole boys and "good christians".

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Why would the government destroy our economy and spend billions on a war just rof oil?  If we were taaking any significant amount of oil from Iraq the media would jump all over it.  I found the rest of that speech to be overdramatic, but nice job not mentioning parties. 
Perhaps, because the end profit will be more than the initial deficit.
Uhm they already have the big-ass Caspian pipeline, right?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Spark wrote:

Cougar wrote:

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

I am going to lose my mind if one more person says that we went to war with Iraq for oil. Do you honestly believe that we are recieving any oil from Iraq?  I have heard this many times, but never with facts to back it up with that are not purely circumstantial.  Why don't you try to back that up with facts.  Even if we were getting oil free from Iraq, it would do nothing to replace the trillions of dollars spent on the war(Not to mention how terrible it would look to the rest of the world and to the rest of America if Bush did that).
Do you think it's just gonna "pop up" all ready to go?  Do you think there is a big gas station in the middle of Iraq that you just pump the fuel out of?  No.  They need to build the infastructure to get the oil out, which takes years.  Think about how long it took to build the Alaskan Pipeline, and then note, those guys weren't getting shot at and having cars explode around them while they were building.  Also note who the largest contracter, with the most contracts in Iraq is......Haliburton.  What does Haliburton specilize in?  Oil and Natural Gas infastructure construction.  Who owns Haliburton?  Dick Cheney the Vice fucking President.  Also, the overtaking of Iraq would give the U.S. military the oppurtunity to build bases in Iraq, which borders Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, two of the biggest oil producers in the world.  If anything were to happen in those two countries, we would be right there, waiting.  Also, who are the Saudi and Kuwaiti's biggest customer?  You got it, U.S.A. 

I could also go into the plans Haliburton has laid out for a pipeline through Iraq and Afghanistan that would run into China, who at the moment is going through an industrial revolution and has a high demand for oil.  That cash would more than make up for the amount of money spent on the Iraq war and Afghani war combined.  Not to mention the U.S. would be set on oil for the next 20 to 30 years.

But you're right, all the stuff I said above is just poppycock and "kookoo konspiracy" non-sense, which makes absoultly no sense what so ever, because after all, a bunch of rich bankers and oil barons that just happen to run the most powerful country in the world would NEVER do anything dasterdly like that because they are all good ole boys and "good christians".

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Why would the government destroy our economy and spend billions on a war just rof oil?  If we were taaking any significant amount of oil from Iraq the media would jump all over it.  I found the rest of that speech to be overdramatic, but nice job not mentioning parties. 
Perhaps, because the end profit will be more than the initial deficit.
Uhm they already have the big-ass Caspian pipeline, right?
Yes, and it's a very profitable one.  However, it mainly serve's EU demand.  The pipeline through Afhganistan and Iraq, would not supply the U.S. with oil, it would supply the U.S. with money to buy oil from the Saudi's and Kuwaitis. 

Think of it like this, if you controled the oil in Iraq, you could do one of two things.  Use it and sell it to your citizens at a cheap price, since your supply would be more than demand, or you can sell it to the Chinese, who have a high demand and make double the profits.  You take those double profits and you completly corner the Saudi and Kuwati markets (buying up pretty much all thier oil) and then you sell it too your citizens at a high price because supply is low and thus raise your profits again.  Not only are you profiting, your are limiting the amount of oil that the area can ship to other nations, driving the price of thier oil up and putting thier economys in a bind.  Hence, America remains the world superpower.

Cougar wrote:

Spark wrote:

Cougar wrote:

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

I am going to lose my mind if one more person says that we went to war with Iraq for oil. Do you honestly believe that we are recieving any oil from Iraq?  I have heard this many times, but never with facts to back it up with that are not purely circumstantial.  Why don't you try to back that up with facts.  Even if we were getting oil free from Iraq, it would do nothing to replace the trillions of dollars spent on the war(Not to mention how terrible it would look to the rest of the world and to the rest of America if Bush did that).
Do you think it's just gonna "pop up" all ready to go?  Do you think there is a big gas station in the middle of Iraq that you just pump the fuel out of?  No.  They need to build the infastructure to get the oil out, which takes years.  Think about how long it took to build the Alaskan Pipeline, and then note, those guys weren't getting shot at and having cars explode around them while they were building.  Also note who the largest contracter, with the most contracts in Iraq is......Haliburton.  What does Haliburton specilize in?  Oil and Natural Gas infastructure construction.  Who owns Haliburton?  Dick Cheney the Vice fucking President.  Also, the overtaking of Iraq would give the U.S. military the oppurtunity to build bases in Iraq, which borders Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, two of the biggest oil producers in the world.  If anything were to happen in those two countries, we would be right there, waiting.  Also, who are the Saudi and Kuwaiti's biggest customer?  You got it, U.S.A. 

I could also go into the plans Haliburton has laid out for a pipeline through Iraq and Afghanistan that would run into China, who at the moment is going through an industrial revolution and has a high demand for oil.  That cash would more than make up for the amount of money spent on the Iraq war and Afghani war combined.  Not to mention the U.S. would be set on oil for the next 20 to 30 years.

But you're right, all the stuff I said above is just poppycock and "kookoo konspiracy" non-sense, which makes absoultly no sense what so ever, because after all, a bunch of rich bankers and oil barons that just happen to run the most powerful country in the world would NEVER do anything dasterdly like that because they are all good ole boys and "good christians".

Perhaps, because the end profit will be more than the initial deficit.
Uhm they already have the big-ass Caspian pipeline, right?
Yes, and it's a very profitable one.  However, it mainly serve's EU demand.  The pipeline through Afhganistan and Iraq, would not supply the U.S. with oil, it would supply the U.S. with money to buy oil from the Saudi's and Kuwaitis. 

Think of it like this, if you controled the oil in Iraq, you could do one of two things.  Use it and sell it to your citizens at a cheap price, since your supply would be more than demand, or you can sell it to the Chinese, who have a high demand and make double the profits.  You take those double profits and you completly corner the Saudi and Kuwati markets (buying up pretty much all thier oil) and then you sell it too your citizens at a high price because supply is low and thus raise your profits again.  Not only are you profiting, your are limiting the amount of oil that the area can ship to other nations, driving the price of thier oil up and putting thier economys in a bind.  Hence, America remains the world superpower.
Not to mention the neighboring military presence is more than just a little influence in decisions concerncing purchasing oil with the euro.
+149|6834|USA bitches!
Good job posting that here where a bunch of closet faggots that live in their parents basement, spending all of their time reading this website. I stopped after the first paragraph. Get a life sir.

Jenkinsbball wrote:

Good job posting that here where a bunch of closet faggots that live in their parents basement, spending all of their time reading this website. I stopped after the first paragraph. Get a life sir.
Hah, you just called yourself a closet gay, and told us all you live with your mum reading forums all day.

I think you lose.

Cougar wrote:

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

I am going to lose my mind if one more person says that we went to war with Iraq for oil. Do you honestly believe that we are recieving any oil from Iraq?  I have heard this many times, but never with facts to back it up with that are not purely circumstantial.  Why don't you try to back that up with facts.  Even if we were getting oil free from Iraq, it would do nothing to replace the trillions of dollars spent on the war(Not to mention how terrible it would look to the rest of the world and to the rest of America if Bush did that).
Do you think it's just gonna "pop up" all ready to go?  Do you think there is a big gas station in the middle of Iraq that you just pump the fuel out of?  No.  They need to build the infastructure to get the oil out, which takes years.  Think about how long it took to build the Alaskan Pipeline, and then note, those guys weren't getting shot at and having cars explode around them while they were building.  Also note who the largest contracter, with the most contracts in Iraq is......Haliburton.  What does Haliburton specilize in?  Oil and Natural Gas infastructure construction.  Who owns Haliburton?  Dick Cheney the Vice fucking President.  Also, the overtaking of Iraq would give the U.S. military the oppurtunity to build bases in Iraq, which borders Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, two of the biggest oil producers in the world.  If anything were to happen in those two countries, we would be right there, waiting.  Also, who are the Saudi and Kuwaiti's biggest customer?  You got it, U.S.A. 

I could also go into the plans Haliburton has laid out for a pipeline through Iraq and Afghanistan that would run into China, who at the moment is going through an industrial revolution and has a high demand for oil.  That cash would more than make up for the amount of money spent on the Iraq war and Afghani war combined.  Not to mention the U.S. would be set on oil for the next 20 to 30 years.

But you're right, all the stuff I said above is just poppycock and "kookoo konspiracy" non-sense, which makes absoultly no sense what so ever, because after all, a bunch of rich bankers and oil barons that just happen to run the most powerful country in the world would NEVER do anything dasterdly like that because they are all good ole boys and "good christians".

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Why would the government destroy our economy and spend billions on a war just rof oil?  If we were taaking any significant amount of oil from Iraq the media would jump all over it.  I found the rest of that speech to be overdramatic, but nice job not mentioning parties. 
Perhaps, because the end profit will be more than the initial deficit.
Wow.  You were....not kidding.  You actually believe everything you just said...OOOKAAY.  I do not like our current president, nor have I liked our last few presidents, but what you are saying is insane.  You believe that Haliburton is going to build an oil piplline from Iraq to China, and that they are going to sell oil to China from Iraq.  I thought that you said that the government knows oil is running out and that we went to war to secure oil for the future.  One again, even if this pipeline story were true, the media would be going wild right now.  We would be criticized by hundreds of countries and the American public would be PISSED.  They would never get away with it.  I have not yet heard a single thing about an American owned pipline.  Could we really even make up enough money(with a pipline that would be a prime victim for terrorist attacks) to replace the money lost in the world trade center, the war, and the economy all put together.

You also believe that the government staged the attack on 9/11 to go to war with Iraq.   Your entire arguemt rests on the base that this is true; without it, your entire debate falls apart.  There were already several dozens of reasons that we could have gone to war with them.  There are easier ways of convincing the country to go to war.  I guarantee that anybody who reads this with an IQ>130 will be able to think of at least 3 different ways that the government could have either staged some other type of attak, or falsified intelligence in order to take us to war.  Seriously...use common sense people!

Last edited by Deadmonkiefart (2006-10-07 22:03:44)


Deadmonkiefart wrote:

You also believe that the government staged the attack on 9/11 to go to war with Iraq.   Your entire arguemt rests on the base that this is true; without it, your entire debate falls apart.  There were already several dozens of reasons that we could have gone to war with them.  There are easier ways of convincing the country to go to war.  I guarantee that anybody who reads this with an IQ>130 will be able to think of at least 3 different ways that the government could have either staged some other type of attak, or falsified intelligence in order to take us to war.

You also believe that the government staged the attack on 9/11 to go to war with Iraq.   Your entire arguemt rests on the base that this is true; without it, your entire debate falls apart.  There were already several dozens of reasons that we could have gone to war with them.  There are easier ways of convincing the country to go to war.  I guarantee that anybody who reads this with an IQ>130 will be able to think of at least 3 different ways that the government could have either staged some other type of attak, or falsified intelligence in order to take us to war.  Seriously...use common sense people!
Please quote, where I said in this thread, that 9/11 was staged.  Until then, your arguement has fallen apart.

Last edited by Cougar (2006-10-07 22:04:54)

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