+5,233|6842|Global Command
The WHO quietly lifted the ban on DDT.
This ban was junk science pushed by the likes of Greenpeace and other organizations that are now pushing the same junk science of global warming.
How do these touchy feely braindead morons answer for the blood of MILLIONS who have died in Africa as a result of their jihad against DDT?

They don't, and won't. … detail.asp
+385|6804|Northern California
Oh, I wasn't aware that global warming was "junk science."  Care to explain?  Also, care to list any context or reasoning on why the WHO reversed the ban on DDT?  Or is it just easier to post shit that means nothing and has no objectiveness worthy of debate?  Respectfully.  I've got 2 more hours before i can go home from work and I'm looking for good debate.
ATG you need to look at the facts a little better than reading articles.

Last edited by GATOR591957 (2006-10-06 14:41:20)

+5,233|6842|Global Command
Give me a while making $$$ on my computer right now.
. . .
Maybe you will delete this thread like you did the other one (" Joins The Jihad"). . .

Why do you use such moronic cliches?
"Enviromental Loonies Got the Blood of Millions on Their Hands"
"jihad against DDT"
"touchy feely braindead morons"

Why don't you just make a point instead.
Leading causes of death from infectious diseases were acute lower respiratory infections (3.7 million), tuberculosis (2.9 million), diarrhoea (2.5 million), HIV/AIDS (2.3 million) and malaria (1.5-2.7 million).

There are many global concerns in reference to human suffering... lifting a ban on DDT might be effecitive; but it also might not be effective. There is even the possiblity of resistence in the mosquitos and DDT might only be a temporary solution with other environmental consequences.

Honestly just engineering a clean water system in a remote rural area could save 2.5 million people.

Last edited by topal63 (2006-10-06 14:50:18)

+5,233|6842|Global Command
If this thread boils down to a
"fuk youz bastiches " I will delete it.

"Enviromental Loonies Got the Blood of Millions on Their Hands"  TRUE
"touchy feely braindead morons" describes typical reactionary liberals just fine.

Now, I'd like to do more with ya'll right now, but I got a stack of payroll checks to sign.
+385|6804|Northern California

GATOR591957 wrote:

ATG you need to look at the facts a little better than reading articles.
How DARE you question his thread making abilities?!!??!?!  HE has over 400 karma and i only have 32 karma!!!  He will pwn your ass in popularity!  lol

Connoisseur of Fine Wine


GATOR591957 wrote:

ATG you need to look at the facts a little better than reading articles.
How DARE you question his thread making abilities?!!??!?!  HE has over 400 karma and i only have 32 karma!!!  He will pwn your ass in popularity!  lol



Oh, and I'd love for you to cite some of the "science" that proves evolution.  Then I'd love for you to tackle the truth that scientist are just dumb, slow, vain men and women trying to discover how God created things, seasons, time and space.  They get it now and then, but mostly they are dealing with adversaries beyond their understanding.
You have no credibility here, IRONCHEF.
+385|6804|Northern California
haha, i think you get erect when you see me posting.  you love to stalk and quote me so much.
. . .

ATG wrote:

If this thread boils down to a
"fuk youz bastiches " I will delete it.

"Enviromental Loonies Got the Blood of Millions on Their Hands"  TRUE
"touchy feely braindead morons" describes typical reactionary liberals just fine.

Now, I'd like to do more with ya'll right now, but I got a stack of payroll checks to sign.
It will only boil down that level - if the dense Devil apparition makes an appearance; but then again you've got it started off in that direction (from its insult-slant cliched conception).

ATG - you're kind of free-association cliche machine, Oh and I am already with ya(!) go ahead delete it now.

Last edited by topal63 (2006-10-06 15:03:25)

+5,233|6842|Global Command
Trying to deny that the ddt ban has killed millions?
Trying to deny that it was junk science to begin with?
Yet to see any rational statement backing up anything other than your discomfort at callings spades spades.

I love getting a rise out of you tools.
The pissed'r you get, the more threads I will make as your wrath pleases me.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida
ATG - "Well, I don't want this thread to turn into a f you bitches thread, but as long as we can continue trashing liberals and everything they stand for, that's ok."

ATG in another thread - "WAAAAAAAAAAAH Youtube hates America!!!!!!!!!! Let's do something!  /wahahha bitch moan cry cry cry sob"
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

Global warming isn't junk science at all. It is happening, that is an absolute certainty. The joint academies of sciences agree it is a serious threat as do NASA and every other reputable scientific organisation in the world.

The largest 'scientific' document discrediting research into global warming is the OISM petition. This petition is completely full of shit and has been refuted by the NAS. It's ridiculous propaganda, using 'evidence' such as their claim that global temperatures are not rising, yet the data they provide is for US temperatures, when global temperatures have clearly risen significantly (according to the same agency as they got their figures from as well as all the others). There are also signatories such as Michael J. Fox and Dr Geri Haliwell (aka Ginger Spice). You show me a credible argument that global warming is junk science and I'll be shocked.

DDT use seems like a good idea to me though and the bodies who support it's use are very reputable. It's use is not ideal, but if it saves lives, go for it.
+5,233|6842|Global Command

The computer models depend on the world evolving in a linear fashion and take no account for mitigating effects such as shift of ocean currents, volcanoes or impact events.

The world was warmer in the medival times and if i thought it would gain anything with the libs  i'd post links proving such.
+385|6804|Northern California

ATG wrote:


The computer models depend on the world evolving in a linear fashion and take no account for mitigating effects such as shift of ocean currents, volcanoes or impact events.

The world was warmer in the medival times and if i thought it would gain anything with the libs  i'd post links proving such.
Woot!  There you have it!  Global Warming science totally and utterly destroyed and disputed because they lack the insite ATG has.  It's the mitigating effects such as shift of ocean currents, volcanoes and impact events they didn't consider!  And it was warmer in midival times too..even though there's no probably just seems like it was warmer, huh atg?

And yes, you'd have the ears of the libs if you provided some substance or at least a well formulated opinion.  But we will be going without I see.
+5,233|6842|Global Command
Here is a thread i created a long, long time ago in a account far, far away.
Been there done that.

btw 611 + 252 = whooped yer ass bizatch.

Last edited by ATG (2006-10-06 16:06:23)

+385|6804|Northern California

ATG wrote:

Here is a thread i created a long, long time ago in a account far, far away.
Been there done that.
I didn't see a single post in there by you.  Did you have another account?  Also, what's up with you and pollux? Can't you just say what you want to say?  If you're going to flame people, don't be lazy.

Oh, duh.  YOu're the thread starter.  But still, can't you just say what's relevent in that thread to this topic?  Or are you too lazy to google more news that favors your beliefs?

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2006-10-06 16:08:03)

+5,233|6842|Global Command
The post to read in that thread is #36 btw
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US
Damnit ATG, just post the picture
. . .

ATG wrote:

Here is a thread i created a long, long time ago in a account far, far away.
Been there done that.

btw 611 + 252 = whooped yer ass bizatch.
How utterly dense... using karma to try and make point! LOL Actually 611 + 252 = 863 nothings,
NOT "whooped yer ass bizatch."

ATG wrote:

Trying to deny that the ddt ban has killed millions?
Trying to deny that it was junk science to begin with?
Yet to see any rational statement backing up anything other than your discomfort at callings spades spades.

I love getting a rise out of you tools.
The pissed'r you get, the more threads I will make as your wrath pleases me.
You don't get it - I never get pissed at this crap...  it's simple:

I think you are using language that makes you look/seem dense as a brick.
Any comment made (in relation to above) was directed at that - it is not about my blood pressure level (LOL). It is funny and absurd you even think it is.

I say make a point instead: you the "cliche-machine" parrot back "a spade is a spade."

The facts are malaria kills, so does HIV/AIDS, lack of clean water (ANOTHER BIG KILLER!), etc.

The (rural) Africa situation is a complicated issue - infant/child mortality is horrific numerically, it is waste of human resource and life. Africa needs to decide for itself. I never said don’t use DDT in Africa. And as far as I know  the U.S. bannned DDT due to its links to birth defects, environmental concerns, declining effectiveness, etc (in the U.S.).

. . . one popular controversy involves CLAIMS that restrictions on the use DDT in vector control, imposed by various national governments, donor countries and international aid agencies, in response to pressure from environmentalists, has resulted in millions of unnecessary deaths. Claims of this kind commonly include reference to a ban on DDT (although it is still in use in malaria control) and  (YET) refer specifically to the 1972 US ban, with the implication that this constituted a worldwide ban, and to Rachel Carson's “Silent Spring.” This international ban is supposed to have resulted in millions of malaria deaths: 90,500,000 as of January 2006, according to the ever-increasing "deathclock" at “,” and hundreds of thousands according to Nicholas Kristof. Popular author Michael Crichton states in his novel State of Fear:
“Since the supposed ban, two million people a year have died unnecessarily from malaria, mostly children. The ban has caused more than fifty million needless deaths. Banning DDT killed more people than Hitler.”

. . . “Silent Spring” undoubtedly influenced the U.S. ban on DDT in 1972, the reduced usage of DDT in malaria eradication began the decade before because of the emergence of DDT-resistant mosquitoes.

However, DDT has never been banned for use against Malaria in the tropics.

It is one thing to make a claim, it is another to prove it true.

Also this from:
In March 1999, the MFI and the MP wrote an open letter to treaty delegates arguing against a DDT ban without replacement.

It is about cutting off a future UN treaty ban.

Furthermore, the application of DDT that proved most troubling to environmentalists (and indeed, health officials) was; has been; in agriculture. Even as anti-malaria programs were reducing their usage of DDT, producers of cotton and other cash crops were spraying ever increasing amounts of the pesticide, further limiting DDT's overall effectiveness. As noted above, El Salvador actually saw its cases of malaria increase during years of high DDT usage, directly contradicting the claims of Crichton and others

Last edited by topal63 (2006-10-06 16:35:00)

+385|6804|Northern California
yeah, i can post crazy pictures that mean nothing too!
look gloabal warming is a THEORY....there is a bunch of evidence supporting it and a bunch of evidence saying that the earth naturally cycles through temperature shifts over great deals of time.  Me? I think that both are correct. greenhouse gasses are contributing to the rise of world temperatures AND the Earth is in it's "upward slope" in temperature.  btw atg maybe be full of shit most of the time, but you libs are usually a lil bit more full of shit.
+385|6804|Northern California
well, the science and reporting i've read and agreed with contributed their findings to both the natural temperature changes in the earth AND the influence of industry.  I'm not sure I've read science or reporting that say it's just man and his hummer  that are heating the planet, which is probably wht ATG thinks we think.

Oh, and careful what you call a "theory."  I called evolution a "theory" and pollux's panties got all in a bunch.  Yes, it's a theory, just like evolution, and both are "virtually" proven in their own respect.  It's to the extent you study it properly that you will find the proof you need to know without doubt that it's real or not.

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2006-10-06 16:32:06)

. . .


Oh, and careful what you call a "theory."  I called evolution a "theory" and pollux's panties got all in a bunch.  Yes, it's a theory, just like evolution, and both are "virtually" proven in their own respect.  It's to the extent you study it properly that you will find the proof you need to know without doubt that it's real or not.
Evolution is a FACT and a theory. It is both... it has happened, happens, and will happen this is a FACT, it is not a matter of belief. Abiogenesis, how and why mutations happen in DNA, how RNA was replaced with DNA early-on, etc and the like. . . these involve theoreticals, but as a basic premise evolution is a FACT of nature.

This (above) is a rather mundane point. . . oh, and yes fancy has it out for you...

Last edited by topal63 (2006-10-06 16:43:07)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

ATG wrote:


The computer models depend on the world evolving in a linear fashion and take no account for mitigating effects such as shift of ocean currents, volcanoes or impact events.

The world was warmer in the medival times and if i thought it would gain anything with the libs  i'd post links proving such.
Forget the computer models and look at the trends. Every computer model has been inaccurate, but all of them of been surpassed by observation.

It is well known that there are natural cycles of global warming and cooling. What is unusual about what is happening now is the rate of change. Try reading this if you can be bothered, it's maybe the longest page of a thread I've ever seen.

Oh and since everyones posting graphs of temperature, just for good measure here's the actual global temperatures for the last 120 years.!OpenElement&FieldElemFormat=gif

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