+5,233|6842|Global Command


pollux, as usual, you proved my point.  you have NOTHING on me.  you are such a fucking coward, you can't even debate with me?  it's a message board.  i'll never meet you.  nobody will know how bad you feel when your ass is owned here because you can jsut go away for a few days.  just humor me and point out a single point where i'm full of shit.  i asked you once sincerely already, but you keep being a pussy and changing the subject, shifting context, or making up shit.

oh, this is a karma i got on this thread....though it's not about you, sorry.
Hooray! Someone who uses intelligence! Keep up the e-Battering on them fools ATG & Kmarion pls. Much obliged. m3thod
Your always full of hateful shit.
You make ikarti and spittle seem like teddy bear hugging college professors.
I always held them two as the chief purveyors of nonsense on these forums.
I'm glad somebody has stepped up to fill the void of Majorspits absense.

You should consider toning down your use of swear words; not only does it take away much of the value in anything you might have to say, but its a good excuse to report your posts and get you banned.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

ATG wrote:

Your always full of hateful shit.
You make ikarti and spittle seem like teddy bear hugging college professors.
I always held them two as the chief purveyors of nonsense on these forums.
I'm glad somebody has stepped up to fill the void of Majorspits absense.
He felt the wrath of the ban hammer too?
+385|6804|Northern California
Report me...pollux said i'm just a troll with a throw away account anyway... lol

But seriously, how is my profanity bad compared to the shit that some of you write..even when you're not saying anything at all?

Also, if you were stalked by pollux (he's posted that religious thread in probably 10 different threads that have nothing to do with why he stalked me), you'd eventually get pissed enough to use colorful language.  And like Pollux, I see you are incapable of seeing the message I write.  But that's cool.  I'd expect that from you.

By the way, how is my use of profanity worse than you creating posts just to get a rise out of people?  Maybe you are in need of being reported?
Dont tread on me
+77|7008|Mountains of West Virginia

ATG wrote:


pollux, as usual, you proved my point.  you have NOTHING on me.  you are such a fucking coward, you can't even debate with me?  it's a message board.  i'll never meet you.  nobody will know how bad you feel when your ass is owned here because you can jsut go away for a few days.  just humor me and point out a single point where i'm full of shit.  i asked you once sincerely already, but you keep being a pussy and changing the subject, shifting context, or making up shit.

oh, this is a karma i got on this thread....though it's not about you, sorry.
Hooray! Someone who uses intelligence! Keep up the e-Battering on them fools ATG & Kmarion pls. Much obliged. m3thod
Your always full of hateful shit.
You make ikarti and spittle seem like teddy bear hugging college professors.
I always held them two as the chief purveyors of nonsense on these forums.
I'm glad somebody has stepped up to fill the void of Majorspits absense.

You should consider toning down your use of swear words; not only does it take away much of the value in anything you might have to say, but its a good excuse to report your posts and get you banned.
Pollux comes in and "e-thugs" him in several posts. He slams him blatantly saying he is not even reading anything IRONCHEF writes. Yet you seem to turn a blind eye to that? I was not aware that a thread about George Bush was a place to "call someone out" I respect you ATG I really do, but I think they both should take it to PMs or something.

On Topic:
I think people can bitch and moan back and forth till they are blue in the face. That is not helping the current situation. It is time to take all this energy and put into conjuring up some real solutions to the Iraq "problem"
+385|6804|Northern California

Snipedya14 wrote:

On Topic:
I think people can bitch and moan back and forth till they are blue in the face. That is not helping the current situation. It is time to take all this energy and put into conjuring up some real solutions to the Iraq "problem"
And that is what the hope is for the majority of the country come November.  So far, that is the only legal route.  If we had gun nuts on the left, this situation would have been fixed long ago.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

Snipedya14 wrote:

Pollux comes in and "e-thugs" him in several posts.
New favorite term.
Connoisseur of Fine Wine

Ikarti wrote:

Snipedya14 wrote:

Pollux comes in and "e-thugs" him in several posts.
New favorite term.


Snipedya14 wrote:

On Topic:
I think people can bitch and moan back and forth till they are blue in the face. That is not helping the current situation. It is time to take all this energy and put into conjuring up some real solutions to the Iraq "problem"
And that is what the hope is for the majority of the country come November.  So far, that is the only legal route.  If we had gun nuts on the left, this situation would have been fixed long ago.
I think that the Dems are again going to be disappointed come November.  Just like the last presidential election.  How I laughed at the likes of the moronic, drunk driving murder Ted Kennedy and Tom Daschle.  Poor Tommy Boy couldn't even retain his own seat after predicting Kerry winning, and the Republicans losing control of the House and Senate.  It was a perfect illustration of how Dems are so out of touch with reality...
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
+385|6804|Northern California

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Poor Tommy Boy couldn't even retain his own seat after predicting Kerry winning,
But Kerry did win.  Just like Gore did.  But yes, it's possible that each contested senate race this november will have dem winners, but republicans will still maintain their seats.  God bless "democracy!"
PHPR Hunter
Back to the issue of whether the Iraq War was illegal.  This issue goes back to the founding fathers.  We have been involve in many many conflicts, however, there have been few Declarations of War.  On May 20, 1801, Thomas Jefferson sent ships to the Meditteranean to protect American shipping interests.  During this engagement, a Tripolitan cruiser was seized and disarmed.  Hamilton wrote to congress expressing the belief that since the U.S. did not start the conflict, they were not in a state of war and no Declaration was necessary.

In the history of the United States, War has been declared exactly 5 times (War of 1812, Mexican American War, Spanish American War, World War I and World War II).  It was not until the Vietnam War that congress tried to reign in the power of the executive through the War Powers Act.

In the current Iraq War, congress did authorize the use of military force against Iraq.  Given the history of "declaring war", this would be adequate under every administration going back to Jefferson.  To now say it is illegal is absurd.


DBBrinson1 wrote:

Poor Tommy Boy couldn't even retain his own seat after predicting Kerry winning,
But Kerry did win.  Just like Gore did.  But yes, it's possible that each contested senate race this november will have dem winners, but republicans will still maintain their seats.  God bless "democracy!"
Kerry didn't win. Gore didn't win either. I'm pretty sure Bush is sitting in the White House
God I love the way the CONSTITUTION works!
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

GATOR591957 wrote:

2.WMD's wer never found thus the assumption was wrong.  Since when does a nation go to war on "assumtions"
3.The US has used more WMD's than any other nation in the world combined!

GATOR591957 wrote:

First of all I question your numbers.  Seeing as there is no accurate account of the number killed by Sadaam, just estimates.  You site 2 as the number of WMD's, yet fail to list the number dead or died later of complications.  I saw you also failed to mention the depleted Uranium rounds used in the Gulf War and the Iraq war.  Geez.
Okay, sorry then your definition of WMDs needs some clarification.  I posted two of your earlier points for reference.  But before you get all wound up, I'm NOT debating about right or wrong, it's been done before.  I'm refuting these two statements as they conflict with each other.

Here's some food for your logic:
1) If your #3 statement refers to the number of WMDs deployed by the US it's 2, which is less than the number of chemical attacks by far.

2) If your #3 statement refers to the number of deaths caused by WMDs, then I refer you to the Holocaust with the use of Zyklon-B in the gas chambers.  That's one incident that is larger than bombing Japan, there was many more...

3) If you include depleted uranium bullets in your argument we need to clarify what a WMD is.  There is a broad spectrum of opinion, from small arms (because they kill more people, just not at once) to the conventional definition - massive destruction with long term effects. 

In 2001 the chief prosecutor for the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia investigated possible war crimes for NATO's use of depleted uranium and determined there is no specific ban on the use of Depleted Uranium projectives because they kill through kinetic energy, not from exposure or inhalation.  Therefore, they ruled it's conventional.  However, the good news is that in late 90s the US has switched to Tungsten instead, which actually is better at killing then DU.

So basically, if you include DU rounds as a WMD, most large conventional projectiles are WMDs.  The largest used by the US was the 120 mm fired from a tank.  The entry hole is 120 mm, then is spalls, much like other non-DU rounds.  The smallest DU round is 9 mm, so if its a WMD, suddenly every round 9 mm or bigger is a WMD.

By the logic that DU rounds are WMDs, this is in direct conflict with point #2 above, Iraq had tanks, artillery, rockets, mortars, jets, and other "WMDs".  Of course, on the other hand, the US has therefore deployed more than 2 WMDs.  After all, the US used cannons and other weapons all the way back to the thirteen colonies.

4) A strict definition WMDs, the one I'm use is the one which includes chemical, biological, nerve, and atomic weapons that kill quickly and indestriminately in a large area, causing lasting damage.  If true, then the US has not caused either more deaths or used them more times than the entire world.  DU rounds do not fall into this category because they kill only within a few feet (if you're in the vehicle when its hit), although it will pass through a body intact without shattering.  The lasting effect doesn't irradiate the entire area either.

5) A more generous definition of WMDs includes larger bombs and bombs that kill large areas.  The Daisy Cutter bomb, cluster bombs, or SCUD missles fall in this category.  Again, the US then used more than two, but then again Iraq had WMDs - cluster bombs and SCUDs.

6) My reason for including Saddam gassing the Kurds and using gas in the Iran-Iraq war is to reflute the number of uses, not the number of deaths.  So if you want to go down the number of deaths caused, I've addressed that already.

So basically you have a choice:
1) Iraq had WMDs because you have expanded the definition of WMDs, and therefore one of the many reasons for the Iraq invasion is valid.
2) The US hasn't used more WMDs than all countries in the world combined.

It also would be useful to refer you to the definition of what the US considers a WMD, which is the context of the Resolution that was passed - It's the same definition I'm using...not yours.

Last edited by Pug (2006-10-06 17:39:21)

+110|6902|United States of America
I think Pug said all that needs to be said on the WMD's.
smells like wee wee
I dont blame bush for war, we all have our orders.

Although I do blame him for this … 8E1G6.html

Pug wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

2.WMD's wear never found thus the assumption was wrong.  Since when does a nation go to war on "assumptions"
3.The US has used more WMD's than any other nation in the world combined!

GATOR591957 wrote:

First of all I question your numbers.  Seeing as there is no accurate account of the number killed by Sadaam, just estimates.  You site 2 as the number of WMD's, yet fail to list the number dead or died later of complications.  I saw you also failed to mention the depleted Uranium rounds used in the Gulf War and the Iraq war.  Geez.
Okay, sorry then your definition of WMDs needs some clarification.  I posted two of your earlier points for reference.  But before you get all wound up, I'm NOT debating about right or wrong, it's been done before.  I'm refuting these two statements as they conflict with each other.

Here's some food for your logic:
1) If your #3 statement refers to the number of WMDs deployed by the US it's 2, which is less than the number of chemical attacks by far.

2) If your #3 statement refers to the number of deaths caused by WMDs, then I refer you to the Holocaust with the use of Zyklon-B in the gas chambers.  That's one incident that is larger than bombing Japan, there was many more...

3) If you include depleted uranium bullets in your argument we need to clarify what a WMD is.  There is a broad spectrum of opinion, from small arms (because they kill more people, just not at once) to the conventional definition - massive destruction with long term effects. 

In 2001 the chief prosecutor for the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia investigated possible war crimes for NATO's use of depleted uranium and determined there is no specific ban on the use of Depleted Uranium projectives because they kill through kinetic energy, not from exposure or inhalation.  Therefore, they ruled it's conventional.  However, the good news is that in late 90s the US has switched to Tungsten instead, which actually is better at killing then DU.

So basically, if you include DU rounds as a WMD, most large conventional projectiles are WMDs.  The largest used by the US was the 120 mm fired from a tank.  The entry hole is 120 mm, then is spalls, much like other non-DU rounds.  The smallest DU round is 9 mm, so if its a WMD, suddenly every round 9 mm or bigger is a WMD.

By the logic that DU rounds are WMDs, this is in direct conflict with point #2 above, Iraq had tanks, artillery, rockets, mortars, jets, and other "WMDs".  Of course, on the other hand, the US has therefore deployed more than 2 WMDs.  After all, the US used cannons and other weapons all the way back to the thirteen colonies.

4) A strict definition WMDs, the one I'm use is the one which includes chemical, biological, nerve, and atomic weapons that kill quickly and indestriminately in a large area, causing lasting damage.  If true, then the US has not caused either more deaths or used them more times than the entire world.  DU rounds do not fall into this category because they kill only within a few feet (if you're in the vehicle when its hit), although it will pass through a body intact without shattering.  The lasting effect doesn't irradiate the entire area either.

5) A more generous definition of WMDs includes larger bombs and bombs that kill large areas.  The Daisy Cutter bomb, cluster bombs, or SCUD missles fall in this category.  Again, the US then used more than two, but then again Iraq had WMDs - cluster bombs and SCUDs.

6) My reason for including Saddam gassing the Kurds and using gas in the Iran-Iraq war is to reflute the number of uses, not the number of deaths.  So if you want to go down the number of deaths caused, I've addressed that already.

So basically you have a choice:
1) Iraq had WMDs because you have expanded the definition of WMDs, and therefore one of the many reasons for the Iraq invasion is valid.
2) The US hasn't used more WMDs than all countries in the world combined.

It also would be useful to refer you to the definition of what the US considers a WMD, which is the context of the Resolution that was passed - It's the same definition I'm using...not yours.
1. You are incorrect, what my statement refers to is the fact the US has used more weapons of mass destruction than any other country.  The fact that depleted uranium is classified as a WMD.  Once a projectile, be it bullet or missile is fired and explodes it makes for a very nasty environment.  And is a major suspect in the gulf war syndrome.  You really need to read more.

2.Didn't know the gas chamber was classified as a weapon.  But I guess it could.  By that line of rationality we could classify the bullet, bayonet, and billy club as well.
3.Depleted uranium rounds do kill more than one person at a time.  Please refer to #1.
4.Please show me your verified tell all list of WMD's.  However you do say it is your list, not anyone else's
5.You seem to volley on both sides here.  I'm confused. 
6.Yadda Yadda Yadda

In all I believe your sig sums it up best.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

GATOR591957 wrote:

1. You are incorrect, what my statement refers to is the fact the US has used more weapons of mass destruction than any other country.  The fact that depleted uranium is classified as a WMD.  Once a projectile, be it bullet or missile is fired and explodes it makes for a very nasty environment.  And is a major suspect in the gulf war syndrome.  You really need to read more.

2.Didn't know the gas chamber was classified as a weapon.  But I guess it could.  By that line of rationality we could classify the bullet, bayonet, and billy club as well.
3.Depleted uranium rounds do kill more than one person at a time.  Please refer to #1.
4.Please show me your verified tell all list of WMD's.  However you do say it is your list, not anyone else's
5.You seem to volley on both sides here.  I'm confused. 
6.Yadda Yadda Yadda

In all I believe your sig sums it up best.
I had a nice response that got blotted out by the server interruption...oh well...sorry about the delayed response, real life is getting in the way.

First off, get yourself registered in an anger management class.  Insults merely point out your inability to have a rational debate, or it just points out that you are an ass.

I've edited my previous post to point out the sections which actually answer your questions.  I hope you absorb it this time around.  Keep in mind that I'm pointing out a conflict in the statements you have made here, based on the logic you are using.  Either DU rounds are WMDs or they aren't.  Each choice has a consequence, so you will need to figure out which works for you.

Answer to #1 & #3
A strict definition WMDs, the one I'm using is the one which includes chemical, biological, nerve, and atomic weapons that kill quickly and indestriminately in a large area, causing lasting damage.  DU rounds do not fall into this category because they kill only within a few feet (if you're in the vehicle when its hit).  The lasting effect doesn't irradiate the entire area either.

If you classify DU rounds as WMDs, the definition changes from "kill quickly" to "kills over a long period of time" or one might argue "makes you sick".

As far as the Gulf War Syndrome, which really has no relevance to my point about your conflicting statements:

Doctors have not determined the source of the GW Syndrome.  They believe it might be because of one of five issues:
1) Exposure to DU dust
2) Reaction to the Anthrax vaccine given to all the troops
3) Infectous disease in the region, exposure to a virus/bug/parasite
4) Possible exposure to chemical or neurological weapons
5) Post tramatic stress disorder

In Sept the US Institute of Medicine released their conclusions that 30% of US troops who served have suffered or still suffer from symptoms.  However, the symptoms that constitute the syndrome are not the same from case to case, and the syndrome itself is similar to symptoms past veterans have suffered after returning to normal life.  Therefore, this doesn't prove or disprove anything.  Mentioning DU as a possible cause doesn't mean it's a WMD.

However, lets assume it is...lets follow your logic.

Given this fact:

In 2001 the chief prosecutor for the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia investigated possible war crimes for NATO's use of depleted uranium and determined there is no specific ban on the use of Depleted Uranium projectives because they kill through kinetic energy, not from exposure or inhalation.  Therefore, they ruled it's conventional.

Therefore, if DU ammo is a WMD and DU ammo is a conventional weapon, any weapon similar to a DU round is a WMD.  This is of course, what you are arguing - that a weapon that kills by kinetic energy should be classifield in the same ballpark as a nuke.

By the logic that DU rounds are WMDs, Iraq had tanks, artillery, rockets, mortars, jets, and other "WMDs".  Of course, on the other hand, the US has therefore deployed more than 2 WMDs.

Comment on question #2
Ahhh...the irony.  Did you stop for a second and think that the logic I used in my post is the same as your statement?  Zyklon-B = Bullets, DU ammo = Bullets.

This is basically why I'm asking you to clarify your definition of WMDs.  Because it's a ridiculous conclusion, a conclusion you are whole-heartly supporting.

Answer to #4
Show me exactly where I said that the US found WMDs, given the fact I'm using the US definition of a WMD and not yours.

Answer to #5
A more generous definition of WMDs includes larger bombs and bombs that kill large areas.  The Daisy Cutter bomb, cluster bombs, or SCUD missles fall in this category.  Again, the US then used more than two, but then again Iraq had WMDs - cluster bombs and SCUDs.

Basically my point is that DU rounds kill within a few feet.  But if you want to expand it to include a few feet there are some larger bombs and missiles in use that do more damage than a tank shell.  Therefore, it's middle ground between chemical/biological/nuclear bombs and anything smaller than tank ammo.

Furthermore, you stated this:
You site 2 as the number of WMD's, yet fail to list the number dead or died later of complications.

If you want to include military weapons that MIGHT kill you over a period of years, do you want to expand the list to include other conventional weapons?  Smoke inhalation comes to mind...

And again furthermore, you stated this:
WMD's wear never found thus the assumption was wrong.  Since when does a nation go to war on "assumptions"

The Resolution congress passed had many points in it besides the threat of perceived WMDs.  But lets just focus on WMDs only as the only reason for your benefit.

It also would be useful to refer you to the definition of what the US considers a WMD, which is the context of the Resolution that was passed - It's the same definition I'm using...not yours.

Your definition is expanded...which means that you can't argue that US has used more than two WMDs AND argue that none were found in Iraq at the same time.  Nor can you say that the assumption is wrong in almost the same breath.

So make a choice - use your definition and US found WMDs, or use the US definition and count to two.

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