All looks perfectly legal to me, from a US law perspective. Congress had already authorised the use of military force to remove Saddam from power. The bill had not been intended for a full scale invasion, but rather to assist resistance groups in Iraq. That never happened. There are paragraphs in the bill that allow for any DoD resources to be used to assist in the overthrow of Saddams regime.IRONCHEF wrote:
If Bush was legal in attacking Iraq based on the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998, then it would have to do with circumstances following the provisions of that bill. But the invasion of Iraq did NOT have anything to do with that bill. Further, Bush's criteria for invading (pre-emptively) Iraq seperated itself from that 1998 bill and based it on the war powers resolution he illegally obtained from Congress using the criteria that it's invasion was based on the 9/11 event. Since there was no relation between Iraq and the 9/11 event, it was an unlawful invasion as much as Iraq's invasion of Kuwait was in 1990.Bertster7 wrote:
Have any of you lot ever heard of the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 (H.R.4655). Which was passed by congress before Clinton attacked Iraq in 1998. Which under US law made it legal for Clinton OR BUSH (since no time frame was placed upon it) to attack Iraq.
Clinton did not follow through with the regime change policies contained in the bill because the UN opposed regime change. Bush ignored the UN and defied international law.
Everything Bush did was perfectly legal under US law.
That is what Bush did, he took it to an extreme, but it was legal under US law. Not under international law though, so he shouldn't have done it - that's not why I think he shouldn't have done it though.
He shouldn't have done it because now there are lots of terrorists there, it cost loads of money which has destabilised the US economy and it has pushed up oil prices.
Why did he do it? Fuck knows. Maybe 'cos Saddam tried to kill his dad?