Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

Phantom2828 wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

Phantom2828 wrote:

Is that so. I think if I was defending my home I would'nt hide behind my children. I wouldnt strap bombs to my children or brainwash them to hate jews. I wouldnt hide in hospitals. I wouldnt blow up my people including children with a car bomb. I wouldnt hide amongst civilian populations.
Alright. China invades the US. You're pissed. Not everyone is willing to fight. You are. What do you do. Go into the street and yell "HEY MR CHINAMAN LOOK AT ME WITH THIS HERE GUN AND I AM GOING TO KILL YOU?" Effective tactic?
lol your not even trying. I just proved your little they are defending their homes theoryBS. I have no problem with IED's even if it is kinda pussy of them. I do have a problem with all the civilians getting killed by carbombs from insurgents. I have a problem with hiding behind children and hospitals. If china invaded I would fight but I would NEVER think of putting a child in harms way. I would NEVER think of hiding in heavly populated areas. I would NEVER think of hiding in hospitals and stashing weapons in ambulances.
Not even trying? You're on here talking about how badass it is that people are kill other people, did nothing to my defending theory because you put out a ton of other bullshit. I clearly said a terrorist attacked civilian targets. These guys CLEARLY attacked soldiers. Are you an idiot? Are these guys in Iraq throwing children everywhere? Where's your sources on that? I think i've here of a few cases in PALESTINE, which happens to be NOT IRAQ. So you didn't answer me, you wouldn't hide there, what would you do? You've gotta do something? Or would you sit there and take it?
+51|6841|Land of the free

Ikarti wrote:

Phantom2828 wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

Alright. China invades the US. You're pissed. Not everyone is willing to fight. You are. What do you do. Go into the street and yell "HEY MR CHINAMAN LOOK AT ME WITH THIS HERE GUN AND I AM GOING TO KILL YOU?" Effective tactic?
lol your not even trying. I just proved your little they are defending their homes theoryBS. I have no problem with IED's even if it is kinda pussy of them. I do have a problem with all the civilians getting killed by carbombs from insurgents. I have a problem with hiding behind children and hospitals. If china invaded I would fight but I would NEVER think of putting a child in harms way. I would NEVER think of hiding in heavly populated areas. I would NEVER think of hiding in hospitals and stashing weapons in ambulances.
Not even trying? You're on here talking about how badass it is that people are kill other people, did nothing to my defending theory because you put out a ton of other bullshit. I clearly said a terrorist attacked civilian targets. These guys CLEARLY attacked soldiers. Are you an idiot? Are these guys in Iraq throwing children everywhere? Where's your sources on that? I think i've here of a few cases in PALESTINE, which happens to be NOT IRAQ. So you didn't answer me, you wouldn't hide there, what would you do? You've gotta do something? Or would you sit there and take it?
I think I would let china invade if bush was a mad dictator killing 4000 people a month for 27 years gassing us and torturing us for speaking out against him. Anyways I said I would fight, but the thing is the Iraqis that fight fight on our side against insurgents. Do you have any Idea how much help we are giving them. Millions go to hospitals, schools, healthcare, food. Insurgents are not Iraqis and dont represent them.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

Phantom2828 wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

Phantom2828 wrote:

lol your not even trying. I just proved your little they are defending their homes theoryBS. I have no problem with IED's even if it is kinda pussy of them. I do have a problem with all the civilians getting killed by carbombs from insurgents. I have a problem with hiding behind children and hospitals. If china invaded I would fight but I would NEVER think of putting a child in harms way. I would NEVER think of hiding in heavly populated areas. I would NEVER think of hiding in hospitals and stashing weapons in ambulances.
Not even trying? You're on here talking about how badass it is that people are kill other people, did nothing to my defending theory because you put out a ton of other bullshit. I clearly said a terrorist attacked civilian targets. These guys CLEARLY attacked soldiers. Are you an idiot? Are these guys in Iraq throwing children everywhere? Where's your sources on that? I think i've here of a few cases in PALESTINE, which happens to be NOT IRAQ. So you didn't answer me, you wouldn't hide there, what would you do? You've gotta do something? Or would you sit there and take it?
I think I would let china invade if bush was a mad dictator killing 4000 people a month for 27 years gassing us and torturing us for speaking out against him. Anyways I said I would fight, but the thing is the Iraqis that fight fight on our side against insurgents. Do you have any Idea how much help we are giving them. Millions go to hospitals, schools, healthcare, food. Insurgents are not Iraqis and dont represent them.
You still haven't answered me on how you'd fight though, which is all I've been asking.
+51|6841|Land of the free

Ikarti wrote:

Phantom2828 wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

Not even trying? You're on here talking about how badass it is that people are kill other people, did nothing to my defending theory because you put out a ton of other bullshit. I clearly said a terrorist attacked civilian targets. These guys CLEARLY attacked soldiers. Are you an idiot? Are these guys in Iraq throwing children everywhere? Where's your sources on that? I think i've here of a few cases in PALESTINE, which happens to be NOT IRAQ. So you didn't answer me, you wouldn't hide there, what would you do? You've gotta do something? Or would you sit there and take it?
I think I would let china invade if bush was a mad dictator killing 4000 people a month for 27 years gassing us and torturing us for speaking out against him. Anyways I said I would fight, but the thing is the Iraqis that fight fight on our side against insurgents. Do you have any Idea how much help we are giving them. Millions go to hospitals, schools, healthcare, food. Insurgents are not Iraqis and dont represent them.
You still haven't answered me on how you'd fight though, which is all I've been asking.
I would fight bravely. Example not doing all the things I have mentioned. I would plant IED's though. I would not cut the heads off innocents that I capture. What dont you get.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

Phantom2828 wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

Phantom2828 wrote:

I think I would let china invade if bush was a mad dictator killing 4000 people a month for 27 years gassing us and torturing us for speaking out against him. Anyways I said I would fight, but the thing is the Iraqis that fight fight on our side against insurgents. Do you have any Idea how much help we are giving them. Millions go to hospitals, schools, healthcare, food. Insurgents are not Iraqis and dont represent them.
You still haven't answered me on how you'd fight though, which is all I've been asking.
I would fight bravely. Example not doing all the things I have mentioned. I would plant IED's though. I would not cut the heads off innocents that I capture. What dont you get.
Bravely is not really a tactical assessment. If you're not hiding among the population you're hiding in broad daylight and I won't press this any further since you really don't seem capable of answering. So all you'd do is plant IEDs. From what I understand they're pretty indiscriminate on who they kill sometimes.

Quite a few of those "innocents" are war profitteers in my estimations. I don't care for them too much.
+51|6841|Land of the free

Ikarti wrote:

Phantom2828 wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

You still haven't answered me on how you'd fight though, which is all I've been asking.
I would fight bravely. Example not doing all the things I have mentioned. I would plant IED's though. I would not cut the heads off innocents that I capture. What dont you get.
Bravely is not really a tactical assessment. If you're not hiding among the population you're hiding in broad daylight and I won't press this any further since you really don't seem capable of answering. So all you'd do is plant IEDs. From what I understand they're pretty indiscriminate on who they kill sometimes.

Quite a few of those "innocents" are war profitteers in my estimations. I don't care for them too much.
Think france ww2. French resistance.
You are incable of admiting that those insurgents are not people defending their homes. Which is a fact. Did you see the french resistance hiding behind children or in hospitals I dont think so.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

Phantom2828 wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

Phantom2828 wrote:

I would fight bravely. Example not doing all the things I have mentioned. I would plant IED's though. I would not cut the heads off innocents that I capture. What dont you get.
Bravely is not really a tactical assessment. If you're not hiding among the population you're hiding in broad daylight and I won't press this any further since you really don't seem capable of answering. So all you'd do is plant IEDs. From what I understand they're pretty indiscriminate on who they kill sometimes.

Quite a few of those "innocents" are war profitteers in my estimations. I don't care for them too much.
Think france ww2. French resistance.
You are incable of admiting that those insurgents are not people defending their homes. Which is a fact. Did you see the french resistance hiding behind children or in hospitals I dont think so.
Honestly you have yet to show me where these insurgents are hiding. If you're talking about HEZBOLLAH, an NON IRAQI organization in NOT IRAQ putting rocket launchers in neighborhoods, I'd have to agree. You know the positions of insurgents in IRAQ attacking MILITARY targets? They are trying to drive out a foreign invader, like the French Resistance. Of course, it's really seeming to me like the Middle East is all one big country to you populated by a swarthy people who are all terrorists.

You have yet to see me condone the actions of those blowing up markets and mosques, yet you want to lump these people who are fighting the US military in with them.


War Stories, not me first I'm not even in the military (something called a ripped hipflexor would be the case, I can run but I'm more or less out of any heavy training.  long story behind it so don't ask).  However, I have a friend currently attending West Point and another older friend in the SEALs although he never talks about his work.

Don't know why I'm posting this.  Kind of tired and all.  Oh I remember now, does getting stabbed in 8th grade count as a war story?  Probably not but it was painful, mainly for the other kid, Broken nose, fractured jaw and a dislocated elbow (that was his fault not mine, shouldn't have tried to stop the fall with his arm).  Don't blame me, he stabbed me.

Anyways.  Lets try to get back on Topic here.

Phantom2828 wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

Phantom2828 wrote:

yes well terrorists and insurgents can hardly be clasified as human.
Well since terrorist is a rather arbitrary label and the insurgents are doing nothing more than defending their homes (can you fault them for that?), I'd say you just find the notion of killing others entertaining.
Is that so. I think if I was defending my home I would'nt hide behind my children. I wouldnt strap bombs to my children or brainwash them to hate jews. I wouldnt hide in hospitals. I wouldnt blow up my people including children with a car bomb. I wouldnt hide amongst civilian populations.
Sure but you might brainwash your kids to hate black and brown people, and yes you would hide amongst civilian populations. That's how wars work. Country is invaded, then citizens take up arms in their residential areas. What are you going to drive downtown to the mall to fight the war? lol Come on now... American's have stereotypes just like "insurgents" do.

Phantom2828 wrote:

lol your not even trying. I just proved your little they are defending their homes theoryBS. I have no problem with IED's even if it is kinda pussy of them. I do have a problem with all the civilians getting killed by carbombs from insurgents. I have a problem with hiding behind children and hospitals. If china invaded I would fight but I would NEVER think of putting a child in harms way. I would NEVER think of hiding in heavly populated areas. I would NEVER think of hiding in hospitals and stashing weapons in ambulances.
I like how these ghetto ass fighters, who have very limited firepower to their disposal are pussies for laying IEDs, or more accurately defined "MINES". Sure you wouldn't fight in heavily populated areas, if you're out in the boonies... But if you live in the city, which is not only a heavily populated area, but a key strategic one... What choice do you have? Give up the city for their strategic use, and fight somewhere uninhabited at a huge cost to support and logistics? Um No...
the electric eel has got me by the brain banana

Phantom2828 wrote:


well me and my squad (7) where in a certain area and as we were bounding from covered postion to the next we took heavy fire from north east, as I moved up to a burm I see 4 enemy moving in on our postion fast with several more heads occastionly popping up to take shots at us,  I eased up to the top of the burm and with my 16w/scope I popped 1 in the head while my SAW gunner mowed downed the remaining 3, the ones in the rear popping shots at us took off running but didn't get to far with all of us         
haha nice story. Insurgents have a tendancy to just pop a few shots off and run. Did the SAW tear them up?
Glad you came home ok.
Damnit I hate when you guys speak of real life warfare like it was a game.. "did the SAW tear them up?" what a sick thing to ask..
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7078|Toronto Canada
yay! government administered death!
+39|6950|OREEGONE, USA
While serving in the Middle East, I was based out of Bahrain.  I was in the NAVY as an aircraft electrician.  We had to drive across the town of Manama to get from the base to the airport.  It was about a 15 minute drive.  The first day of the war in Iraq,  we were welcomed to the parking lot at the airport with around 5 propane tank bombs and a couple of rounds of fire from a "black flag" neighborhood that was nearby.  We were told to never go down those roads and that day I could see why.  Thankfully nobody was hurt, but it'll be an experience i'll never forget.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

sgt.sonner wrote:

Phantom2828 wrote:


well me and my squad (7) where in a certain area and as we were bounding from covered postion to the next we took heavy fire from north east, as I moved up to a burm I see 4 enemy moving in on our postion fast with several more heads occastionly popping up to take shots at us,  I eased up to the top of the burm and with my 16w/scope I popped 1 in the head while my SAW gunner mowed downed the remaining 3, the ones in the rear popping shots at us took off running but didn't get to far with all of us         
haha nice story. Insurgents have a tendancy to just pop a few shots off and run. Did the SAW tear them up?
Glad you came home ok.
Damnit I hate when you guys speak of real life warfare like it was a game.. "did the SAW tear them up?" what a sick thing to ask..
Game winner here. Someone has some decency.
Ok! Try smelling this banana!!!

sgt.sonner wrote:

Phantom2828 wrote:


well me and my squad (7) where in a certain area and as we were bounding from covered postion to the next we took heavy fire from north east, as I moved up to a burm I see 4 enemy moving in on our postion fast with several more heads occastionly popping up to take shots at us,  I eased up to the top of the burm and with my 16w/scope I popped 1 in the head while my SAW gunner mowed downed the remaining 3, the ones in the rear popping shots at us took off running but didn't get to far with all of us         
haha nice story. Insurgents have a tendancy to just pop a few shots off and run. Did the SAW tear them up?
Glad you came home ok.
Damnit I hate when you guys speak of real life warfare like it was a game.. "did the SAW tear them up?" what a sick thing to ask..
Yeah u guys are sick!! +1 for u sonner
so... wars just like the game without the respawn

edit: and you actually dont mind the chopper whores on your team....

Last edited by DaZeD863 (2006-10-09 17:28:46)

GunSlinger OIF II
route senators, feb 2005

OIF II,  I was a bradley driver on this mission
one of the last few patrols we had it was about 2 in the morning and we were doing a routine presence patrol for route security.  the gunner on the  lead track, A32, spotted something with the FLIR (thats nightvision on the bradleys targeting systems, more like heat sensing imagery...white hot/black hot) on the side of the rode.  we turn the patrol around as we passed it and thats when we targeted an IED laying team of about 3 hajis with about 3-4 guys pulling security with ak's and an rpg.  it was a little bootleg haji mission to place an IED on the road of an already IED filled road.  these guys were stupid though, because all the gunners spotted them with crystal clarity and these guys though that since it was night we couldnt see them.  when we started to flip that u turn, haji starts running towards the farm lands and dirt roads and mudbrick houses that were close by.  "GUNNER HE TROOPS"  "IDENTIFY"  "ENGAGE"  BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM goes the 25mike mike.  coax too.  we just started spraying that whole field they were running into with HUGE amounts of fire power.  QRF (quick reaction force) got called and they were some tankers so they started going buck wild fiiring into the field.  after a good 5 mad minutes we got air support, Apaches, flying by to see where the goodies were left.  well they said they saw some movement but i think it was an excuse to just lay down some rounds so they started firing their little rockets and gizmos for about another 10 minutes.  but yet, no dead bodies.  the dismounts were searching the field since we knew they laying IED's we were gonna send the tracks following TOO far and they still had an RPG un accounted for.  our LT is on the comm getting chewed out byt the sgt major. " LEUITENANT, FOR THE AMOUNT OF FIRE POWER YOU GUYS EXPENT I BETTER SEE SOME GOD DAMN DEAD BODIES"  well after about an hour and a half of search the dismounts find the fuckers behind somebodies house and we detain what was left of them.  we killed two,  captured two and later on found out two got away.  they try there best to recover their dead from firefights so we couldnt get any good statistics on the enemy KIA.  good times.
...performing headshots!
+46|6898|Hamburg / Germany

Ikarti wrote:

Well, I'm glad we can laugh about killing people.
You orrible caaaaaaan't

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

route senators, feb 2005

OIF II,  I was a bradley driver on this mission
one of the last few patrols we had it was about 2 in the morning and we were doing a routine presence patrol for route security.  the gunner on the  lead track, A32, spotted something with the FLIR (thats nightvision on the bradleys targeting systems, more like heat sensing imagery...white hot/black hot) on the side of the rode.  we turn the patrol around as we passed it and thats when we targeted an IED laying team of about 3 hajis with about 3-4 guys pulling security with ak's and an rpg.  it was a little bootleg haji mission to place an IED on the road of an already IED filled road.  these guys were stupid though, because all the gunners spotted them with crystal clarity and these guys though that since it was night we couldnt see them.  when we started to flip that u turn, haji starts running towards the farm lands and dirt roads and mudbrick houses that were close by.  "GUNNER HE TROOPS"  "IDENTIFY"  "ENGAGE"  BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM goes the 25mike mike.  coax too.  we just started spraying that whole field they were running into with HUGE amounts of fire power.  QRF (quick reaction force) got called and they were some tankers so they started going buck wild fiiring into the field.  after a good 5 mad minutes we got air support, Apaches, flying by to see where the goodies were left.  well they said they saw some movement but i think it was an excuse to just lay down some rounds so they started firing their little rockets and gizmos for about another 10 minutes.  but yet, no dead bodies.  the dismounts were searching the field since we knew they laying IED's we were gonna send the tracks following TOO far and they still had an RPG un accounted for.  our LT is on the comm getting chewed out byt the sgt major. " LEUITENANT, FOR THE AMOUNT OF FIRE POWER YOU GUYS EXPENT I BETTER SEE SOME GOD DAMN DEAD BODIES"  well after about an hour and a half of search the dismounts find the fuckers behind somebodies house and we detain what was left of them.  we killed two,  captured two and later on found out two got away.  they try there best to recover their dead from firefights so we couldnt get any good statistics on the enemy KIA.  good times.
Lol thats pretty funny did you take a before and after picture of the field? Weren't you guys able to see with nightvision couldn't you just have aimed and shot? Do you ever feel weird knowing that you end someones life?
I'm not going to share any of my combat experiences here for a few reasons;

1. You just don't need to fucking know.
2. I only remember looking through my crosshairs and squeezing the trigger.
3. Simply because I don't want to have questions about, "Did their head explode? etc"

I went through it a few times, I'm not going to sit at my desk and recall this shit for people to get all excited about or pissed off about.
Your choice.  Besides thats what most soldiers do.  You don't see the person you see the target and shoot.

You have to sick and really f-ed up want to hear the sounds of death... seriously that's really f-ed up.  Hearing about what you are your buddies did for fun in you spare time now that's somewhat interesting.  How was life over there?  Not, the war but life in general what did you do when you weren't getting shot at/shooting someone/wondering if you are going to get shot at.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

wah1188 wrote:

Lol thats pretty funny did you take a before and after picture of the field? Weren't you guys able to see with nightvision couldn't you just have aimed and shot? Do you ever feel weird knowing that you end someones life?
Funny? This isn't a god damn video game.
+385|6804|Northern California

S3v3N wrote:

I'm not going to share any of my combat experiences here for a few reasons;

1. You just don't need to fucking know.
2. I only remember looking through my crosshairs and squeezing the trigger.
3. Simply because I don't want to have questions about, "Did their head explode? etc"

I went through it a few times, I'm not going to sit at my desk and recall this shit for people to get all excited about or pissed off about.
Haha, yeah, that's right.  You're one of the pretend-marines on the forums.  I forgot! lol

How old are you by the way?


S3v3N wrote:

I'm not going to share any of my combat experiences here for a few reasons;

1. You just don't need to fucking know.
2. I only remember looking through my crosshairs and squeezing the trigger.
3. Simply because I don't want to have questions about, "Did their head explode? etc"

I went through it a few times, I'm not going to sit at my desk and recall this shit for people to get all excited about or pissed off about.
Haha, yeah, that's right.  You're one of the pretend-marines on the forums.  I forgot! lol

How old are you by the way?
Pretended Marines?

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