Cowboy from Hell
kr@cker wrote:
the difference with hollywood and us is that us "real people" don't think that the proper method of changing a tire is to call the bentley dealership and have them do it for us, and we know how much milk costs, because we can't pay our illegal alien housekeeper to go buy our groceries for us, they are so out of touch with reality and are so emotionally unstable that their primadonna pontifications usually mean less than nothing to me

A bf2s thinker wrote the above, and I totally agree with that statement.  Now, as real people, what things would improve your life?  You can list own goals or achievements you expect from your government.
PR Only
+70|6957|United States - Illinois
I intend on finishing college and going out into the work force.  I intend to work my entire life like i have since age 15 until i retire. 

I really don't expect anything from the government except for what i paid into with my own money(SS).

I will retire on my own money that i put away.

The government shouldn't have to help its people they should help themselves.

Last edited by Colfax (2006-10-03 10:26:17)

+2,187|6881|Mountains of NC

ACLU to disband - morals & values to be reintroduced into school systems - the pride of being an American to resurface across our nation
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Life is short don't expect anything.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6905|Scarborough Yorkshire England
- about a 5k wage increase
- Stop smoking Pot
- Get some exercise
- Sort out what's going on with my long term GF (9 years and counting)

Government - I don't see the point of putting anything because any government will not make their population happy and I don't see anything the UK government can do to improve my life.  Unless i put totally non viable things like No taxes, lower petrol ETC.

Last edited by Jinto-sk (2006-10-03 10:28:55)

Jackass of all Trades
+62|6994|Dayton, Ohio
peace and fucking quite.  How about a government that doesn't have to make headline news every 60 minutes.  How about a low cost and efficient government without corruption.
Proud Born Loser
I want my wife.........
+385|6804|Northern California
Be a better husband and parent. 
Stay employed
Improve the financial future for my wife and I

Better public transportation
Affordable Health Care for all Californians
Affordable housing for all Californians
Greater family values (like having two parent households where one parent (preferrably the mother) can stay home and nurture kids instead of letting schools nurture them; religious, sexual preference, and racial tolerance, etc)

Political accountability: specifically, trials for Bush, Cheney, Rove, Powell, Rice, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld for crimes against humanity.
Small government that represents the people
Comensurate pay for government employees based on hours worked.
Disable the ability for Congress to vote in their new pay increases.
Provide funds for state-managed health care and medicare.
Seal border 100% and require that immigrants bring something beneficial to this country before they enter it, be it a skill, trade, talent, etc.
END Homelessness in the USA.

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2006-10-03 10:45:24)

+149|6861|USA bitches!
The government just needs to be there to provide stability, break up monopolies to keep the economy strong, and protect us from outside harm.

Things that would improve my life:

Finishing school
Gas prices to drop back down to $1.00/gal like it was when I first started driving in high school
Advance within my company and make a decent salary
Have my children
Win the lottery so I could splurge on shit and play BF2 all day
Proud Born Loser


Be a better husband and parent. 
Stay employed
Improve the financial future for my wife and I

Better public transportation
Affordable Health Care for all Californians
Affordable housing for all Californians
Greater family values (like having two parent households where one parent (preferrably the mother) can stay home and nurture kids instead of letting schools nurture them; religious, sexual preference, and racial tolerance, etc)

Political accountability: specifically, trials for Bush, Cheney, Rove, Powell, Rice, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld for crimes against humanity.
Small government that represents the people
Comensurate pay for government employees based on hours worked.
Disable the ability for Congress to vote in their new pay increases.
Provide funds for state-managed health care and medicare.
Seal border 100% and require that immigrants bring something beneficial to this country before they enter it, be it a skill, trade, talent, etc.
END Homelessness in the USA.
Did you ever ask your wife if she would like to have job?
+149|6861|USA bitches!


Political accountability: specifically, trials for Bush, Cheney, Rove, Powell, Rice, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld for crimes against humanity.
Some things I agree with you on, but that is such a stupid fucking comment. Go hang yourself now, please, and rid this world of your moronic opinions.
+385|6804|Northern California

klassekock wrote:


Be a better husband and parent. 
Stay employed
Improve the financial future for my wife and I

Better public transportation
Affordable Health Care for all Californians
Affordable housing for all Californians
Greater family values (like having two parent households where one parent (preferrably the mother) can stay home and nurture kids instead of letting schools nurture them; religious, sexual preference, and racial tolerance, etc)

Political accountability: specifically, trials for Bush, Cheney, Rove, Powell, Rice, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld for crimes against humanity.
Small government that represents the people
Comensurate pay for government employees based on hours worked.
Disable the ability for Congress to vote in their new pay increases.
Provide funds for state-managed health care and medicare.
Seal border 100% and require that immigrants bring something beneficial to this country before they enter it, be it a skill, trade, talent, etc.
END Homelessness in the USA.
Did you ever ask your wife if she would like to have job?
Yes, my wife has worked before we had children and she will returnto work when they're older.  Is it a problem that she enjoyes staying home with the kids instead of sending them to be mentally butchered in a day care? lol
Proud Born Loser


klassekock wrote:


Be a better husband and parent. 
Stay employed
Improve the financial future for my wife and I

Better public transportation
Affordable Health Care for all Californians
Affordable housing for all Californians
Greater family values (like having two parent households where one parent (preferrably the mother) can stay home and nurture kids instead of letting schools nurture them; religious, sexual preference, and racial tolerance, etc)

Political accountability: specifically, trials for Bush, Cheney, Rove, Powell, Rice, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld for crimes against humanity.
Small government that represents the people
Comensurate pay for government employees based on hours worked.
Disable the ability for Congress to vote in their new pay increases.
Provide funds for state-managed health care and medicare.
Seal border 100% and require that immigrants bring something beneficial to this country before they enter it, be it a skill, trade, talent, etc.
END Homelessness in the USA.
Did you ever ask your wife if she would like to have job?
Yes, my wife has worked before we had children and she will returnto work when they're older.  Is it a problem that she enjoyes staying home with the kids instead of sending them to be mentally butchered in a day care? lol
It's no problem as long as she wants to. Sounded a bit old fashioned though. No offense man
+385|6804|Northern California

Jenkinsbball wrote:


Political accountability: specifically, trials for Bush, Cheney, Rove, Powell, Rice, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld for crimes against humanity.
Some things I agree with you on, but that is such a stupid fucking comment. Go hang yourself now, please, and rid this world of your moronic opinions.
Well take a good read through the newspapers and tell me our leaders have no reason to worry about being tried for their crimes against humanity.  Or are you unable to read and discern for yourself such a serious thing.

Did you know that since this "war on terror" has started, there's not been ONE oversight session performed by Congress on the president?  Doesn't that bother you?  Especially given the countless failures in almost every aspect of said war on terror?

Harry Truman said of his job, that the buck stops here.  I believe I've even heard Bush saying that phrase during the 2004 election.  Yet the buck has been passed to everyone but himself...someone who can't admit mistakes is someone in denial.  Such a person in charge of invading countries illegally and without constitutional support is probably the most dangerous element on the planet.  Surely civilized humans would demand trials for crimes against humanity for this type of person.  he needs to be roommates with Slobodon Milosevic....oh wait, he died i think...oh well, still, he should be roommates with him.
I kill you in future, too
What would improve my life...
Lets see...
Connoisseur of Fine Wine


Jenkinsbball wrote:


Political accountability: specifically, trials for Bush, Cheney, Rove, Powell, Rice, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld for crimes against humanity.
Some things I agree with you on, but that is such a stupid fucking comment. Go hang yourself now, please, and rid this world of your moronic opinions.
Well take a good read through the newspapers and tell me our leaders have no reason to worry about being tried for their crimes against humanity.  Or are you unable to read and discern for yourself such a serious thing.

Did you know that since this "war on terror" has started, there's not been ONE oversight session performed by Congress on the president?  Doesn't that bother you?  Especially given the countless failures in almost every aspect of said war on terror?

Harry Truman said of his job, that the buck stops here.  I believe I've even heard Bush saying that phrase during the 2004 election.  Yet the buck has been passed to everyone but himself...someone who can't admit mistakes is someone in denial.  Such a person in charge of invading countries illegally and without constitutional support is probably the most dangerous element on the planet.  Surely civilized humans would demand trials for crimes against humanity for this type of person.  he needs to be roommates with Slobodon Milosevic....oh wait, he died i think...oh well, still, he should be roommates with him.


Oh, and I'd love for you to cite some of the "science" that proves evolution.  Then I'd love for you to tackle the truth that scientist are just dumb, slow, vain men and women trying to discover how God created things, seasons, time and space.  They get it now and then, but mostly they are dealing with adversaries beyond their understanding.
+385|6804|Northern California

klassekock wrote:

It's no problem as long as she wants to. Sounded a bit old fashioned though. No offense man
Oh, my apologies for rebutting in such a way.  I just imagined someone more liberal than me calling me oppressive.  hehe

Yes, we are equals and we plan our family carefully and we also follow strict moral principles in our family including scripture reading together, prayer together, service for others, and making ourselves good citizens.  Among the many things we have decided on is that instead of paying boocku bucks for daycare and having our kids come home from daycare learning bad behaviors and habits from other kids who were abandoned by their working parents, save that money and stay home.  And yes, we are also a little old fashioned in the aspect that we have decided that I should be the bread winner while she does the real work of being a stay-at-home mother.  I do my best to relieve her of her duties when I get home..hence the few hours of BF2 I play from home. 
+385|6804|Northern California

Fancy_Pollux wrote:


Oh, and I'd love for you to cite some of the "science" that proves evolution.  Then I'd love for you to tackle the truth that scientist are just dumb, slow, vain men and women trying to discover how God created things, seasons, time and space.  They get it now and then, but mostly they are dealing with adversaries beyond their understanding.
Trying to understand your spasms of being attention starved, I am not able to understand why you keep directing everyone to this statement that is hardly worthy of your highlighting!  Did you get dropped on your head alot as a kid?   I know, it's hard for you to imagine a religious liberal.  Well, that's ok.  I wonder how I do it too sometimes.
Cowboy from Hell


klassekock wrote:

It's no problem as long as she wants to. Sounded a bit old fashioned though. No offense man
Oh, my apologies for rebutting in such a way.  I just imagined someone more liberal than me calling me oppressive.  hehe

Yes, we are equals and we plan our family carefully and we also follow strict moral principles in our family including scripture reading together, prayer together, service for others, and making ourselves good citizens.  Among the many things we have decided on is that instead of paying boocku bucks for daycare and having our kids come home from daycare learning bad behaviors and habits from other kids who were abandoned by their working parents, save that money and stay home.  And yes, we are also a little old fashioned in the aspect that we have decided that I should be the bread winner while she does the real work of being a stay-at-home mother.  I do my best to relieve her of her duties when I get home..hence the few hours of BF2 I play from home. 
I don't share a lot of things you say about religion and science, but you seem to be a good father, and that's what makes the difference, despite what you may think.
Connoisseur of Fine Wine


Fancy_Pollux wrote:


Oh, and I'd love for you to cite some of the "science" that proves evolution.  Then I'd love for you to tackle the truth that scientist are just dumb, slow, vain men and women trying to discover how God created things, seasons, time and space.  They get it now and then, but mostly they are dealing with adversaries beyond their understanding.
Trying to understand your spasms of being attention starved, I am not able to understand why you keep directing everyone to this statement that is hardly worthy of your highlighting!  Did you get dropped on your head alot as a kid?   I know, it's hard for you to imagine a religious liberal.  Well, that's ok.  I wonder how I do it too sometimes.
+385|6804|Northern California
haha, i love that video!  is that your mom?  sorry if i offended you dude.  please don't come and kill me with the jesus fire you crazy god warrior!  lol
Proud Born Loser

Fancy_Pollux wrote:


Fancy_Pollux wrote:

Trying to understand your spasms of being attention starved, I am not able to understand why you keep directing everyone to this statement that is hardly worthy of your highlighting!  Did you get dropped on your head alot as a kid?   I know, it's hard for you to imagine a religious liberal.  Well, that's ok.  I wonder how I do it too sometimes.
Oh shit pollux. That was just plain disturbing. I respect that people can have a religion but that woman is waaay to religious for her own good.
Cowboy from Hell
I want to upgrade my PC as Kmarion did.
I want my government to lower impo taxes so I can buy all the stuff here and not in Miami.
PR Only
+70|6957|United States - Illinois

Fancy_Pollux wrote:


Fancy_Pollux wrote:

Trying to understand your spasms of being attention starved, I am not able to understand why you keep directing everyone to this statement that is hardly worthy of your highlighting!  Did you get dropped on your head alot as a kid?   I know, it's hard for you to imagine a religious liberal.  Well, that's ok.  I wonder how I do it too sometimes.
Seen that whole episode.  Hilarious.  But that women makes religious people look bad.  They aren't all like that.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

sergeriver wrote:

I want to upgrade my PC as Kmarion did.
I want my government to lower impo taxes so I can buy all the stuff here and not in Miami.
My girlfriend is probably wishing I never
Xbone Stormsurgezz

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