If you are punished for a Teamkill that was obviouly not your fault. You could challenge the punish. The server AI could asertain who was at fault and double punish the challenger for a failed challenge or double punish the offender for a succesful challenge.
Explain how an artificial program will make what amounts to a judgement call?
the ai cant ascertain whose fault it was
Mass Media Casualty

Nice idea, but impossible in this day and age.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Such as if a teammate runs into a claymore you put at the top of a ladder and punishes you or if some ass decides that if he can't get the jet then nor can you and runs in front of it to get a TK.

The AI could tell that (punisher) was standing in front of a (teamplayer in a jet) and was run over or that the (punisher) ignored the big red warning sign and just blindly carried on up the ladder of death.

They are a lot of judgement calls to be sure, but I'm talking about the blatant "brought it on your self" teamkills that are easy to work out who is really at fault.
+0|6939|United States
I think that would be cool of course, but extremeley hard to perfect.

DTAC wrote:

If you are punished for a Teamkill that was obviouly not your fault. You could challenge the punish. The server AI could asertain who was at fault and double punish the challenger for a failed challenge or double punish the offender for a succesful challenge.
What if the computer gets the challenge wrong?  Should the other player get a double challenge?  Maybe you'll respond back with a triple challenge?  The computer couldn't figure it out in the first place which is why they wanted to give the option of the one killed to decide.

Personally I play on servers that punish automatically.  I somehow kill a friendly.  Even if it was an accident I think my score should still be deducted from.  If you keep forgiving people for TKs they start to get sloppy.  If you didn't get punished for it then everyone would be thowing around C4 like party favors in Karkand.  It would be just like servers with TKs turned off.  People whore around the C4 without fear of killing any of their teammates.

What they need to do is bring in the old punishment system from Desert Combat (BF1942 mod).  For examply If I shoot you and it takes off 50% of your health I also lost 50% of my health.  If you end up dying I also die and receive negative score.  Those smacktard snipers that shoot you with the M95 to get in the Cobra would just be screwing themselves anyhow because they would die as well.

Last edited by SlickWRX (2005-11-18 12:27:24)

there could be more of a warning when you are in the danger zone like a hard piercing sound. but i think punishment should be suspended for mines and claymores if you are dumb enough to run over them take the death.

dead_on_delivery wrote:

there could be more of a warning when you are in the danger zone like a hard piercing sound. but i think punishment should be suspended for mines and claymores if you are dumb enough to run over them take the death.
Part of the problem is the fact that the red skull and crossbones disappears on the C4 or mines if you ALT+TAB out and back in.  They need to fix that.  Also the red warning indicator in the middle right of the screen is barely noticable.  Especially if you're hauling in a DPV.

One easy thing they could do is make mines and claymores not blow up when enemy vehicles run them over or pass by them.  I know that would be unrealistic but FFS the fact that I can shoot a Blackhawk in the windsheild with a M1A1 tank round and it can still fly is kinda unrealistic.
maybe if it cost you a certain amount of team points to punish team mates.. hummm

SlickWRX wrote:

dead_on_delivery wrote:

there could be more of a warning when you are in the danger zone like a hard piercing sound. but i think punishment should be suspended for mines and claymores if you are dumb enough to run over them take the death.
Part of the problem is the fact that the red skull and crossbones disappears on the C4 or mines if you ALT+TAB out and back in.  They need to fix that.  Also the red warning indicator in the middle right of the screen is barely noticable.  Especially if you're hauling in a DPV.
By default, ALT is the button that toggles the 3d map (which includes skulls on mines) off/on.  When you ALT+TAB out of the game you are also turning those off, just hit ALT again when you come back in and they will reappear.  Or map that option to a different control.
this shit sounds retarded ... this isnt the nfl and you being irriated by an errant punish doesnt warrant that kind of effort .. instead of asking coders to make some fantasy style programing how bout instead you just get over it .. k thx
+0|6907|Los Angeles
I say just get rid of the team punish it will make everyones life a lot easier
Pay It Forward
all this could be overcome if we just had more good admins.
Death StatPadder
+228|6942|Human Meat Shield
I need to call my lawyer on this. Everyone would be plea bargaining " I didn't mean to TK you!"
I like the servers which have the Punish count published when you do it or get done by it..

Says "stokoe has forgiven 1 and punished 1" etc etc..

Thought that was a good idea
i got real pissed once when i was in an attack chopper and it was full and the dude jumps on the missle rack and i fly off and get punished. I think it should be put up for vote ONLY on the offenders team. getting rid of punish would SUCK. if u pissed some1 off, they could TK u forever...

Last edited by frvwfr2 (2005-11-22 16:36:47)

Lazarus Tag'lim
Have Wrench, Will Travel
+1|6954|Alabama Coast, USA

DTAC wrote:

The server AI could asertain who was at fault and...
You have severely over-thought this, bud.

*If* in the case of what is now considered a TK some new server code could determine whether or not the dead teammate was actually at fault for their own death, then why bother with a punish/challenge system at all?  Any TK which was the other guy's fault is not a TK, any that isn't is a TK.

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