keyword = alleged
That whole scenario is strange why would he goto an American hospital and why would they treat him and release him.
As I said that is a whole other topic for another day and it involves Osama's deep connections to the CIA.
got bored.

It also involves conspiracy thoeries and fictional accounts. Theres nothing wrong with derailing..JimmyBotswana wrote:
As I said that is a whole other topic for another day and it involves Osama's deep connections to the CIA.
We (America) aided the Taliban against the Soviet Union in the 80's that doesnt mean we supported him in the 90's and on.
If you got factual information feel free to share it here.
Where is the conspiracy theory? I linked to the news article. Is the Guardian not a reputable news source? As for Clinton being offered him by the Sudan and Clinton refusing, a quick search will give you plenty of results. Just because CNN doesn't talk about it doesn't make it a conspiracy theory.
EDIT: We didn't aid the Taliban in the 80s, the CIA created the Mujahaddin (there is a difference) with the help of Osama in order to battle the Soviets.
EDIT: We didn't aid the Taliban in the 80s, the CIA created the Mujahaddin (there is a difference) with the help of Osama in order to battle the Soviets.
Last edited by JimmyBotswana (2006-10-01 21:54:03)
The conspiracy thoery you allude to that we had such close ties with Osama and the reason he evades capture is his CIA links. . thats conspiracy thoery. And the guardian does print bullshit regularly. The story originally printed by France's Le Figaro newspaper was refuted by American diplomats that the even never occured. Had it been factual surely it would have been the top story on more responsible news agencies.
The CIA didnt create the Mujahadin they aided it. Trying to differintiate the Taliban from the Mujahadin is semantics and nothing noteworthy to merit making some correction. Before the Soviet Afghan war they were ruled by the Pashtun's the Mujahadin tried to preserve this Pashtun rule and the Taliban were Pashtun.
And no sorry I dont believe that story for a second if it had any facts our media would have reported it here. Maybe you got a theory that the govt controlled media brainwashed us and censors our media from the "truth" People have the internets and its safe to assume someone other than you speciafically in America has read this as well. In fact I found several reports on this same story that commented that it was bullshit conspiracy babble.
The CIA didnt create the Mujahadin they aided it. Trying to differintiate the Taliban from the Mujahadin is semantics and nothing noteworthy to merit making some correction. Before the Soviet Afghan war they were ruled by the Pashtun's the Mujahadin tried to preserve this Pashtun rule and the Taliban were Pashtun.
And no sorry I dont believe that story for a second if it had any facts our media would have reported it here. Maybe you got a theory that the govt controlled media brainwashed us and censors our media from the "truth" People have the internets and its safe to assume someone other than you speciafically in America has read this as well. In fact I found several reports on this same story that commented that it was bullshit conspiracy babble.
Last edited by ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ (2006-10-01 23:50:00)
OK if the government denies something and you believe it that's your decision me I tend to subscribe to the philosophy of in politics never believe anything until it has been officially denied. But the question of Osama's CIA links is unarguable they are very well documented. Just because you found some websites saying its conspiracy bullshit doesn't mean it is. Me I like to prefer newspapers to websites. And British newspapers like the Guardian tend to be way better than their American counerparts. Whatever though, believe what you like.
EDIT: Taken from
The mujahideen won when the Soviet Union pulled troops out of Afghanistan in 1989, followed by the fall of the Mohammad Najibullah regime in 1992. However, the mujahideen did not establish a united government, and they were in turn ousted from power by the radical splinter group known as the Taliban in 1996. They regrouped as the Afghan Northern Alliance and in 2001 with U.S. and International military aid, they ousted the Taliban from power and formed a new government under Hamid Karzai.
EDIT: Taken from
The mujahideen won when the Soviet Union pulled troops out of Afghanistan in 1989, followed by the fall of the Mohammad Najibullah regime in 1992. However, the mujahideen did not establish a united government, and they were in turn ousted from power by the radical splinter group known as the Taliban in 1996. They regrouped as the Afghan Northern Alliance and in 2001 with U.S. and International military aid, they ousted the Taliban from power and formed a new government under Hamid Karzai.
Last edited by JimmyBotswana (2006-10-02 03:13:08)
Kracker we're talking baseball here and yet again your facts are incorrect. #1 Bush has never run a business that has made a profit. Bush bought into the Rangers as a partner for 800,000. The rangers as a whole were sold for 16 mil. The money ponyed up was a loan Bush made. The Rangers were unprofitable the entire time Bush was a partner. The Rangers returned to the black two years after Bush wrote:
speaking of lies, george bush has a bachelor's from Yale in history, and an MBA from Harvard, he bought his share of the texas rangers for approximately $800,000, and sold it for around $16 million, sounds like a real dumbass to meﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:
Those are lies as well. Clinton did leave lots of intelligence and its a proven fact. The USS Cole was determined to be by Al Qaeda after Clinton's office left and he publicly stated that he wanted a military strike upon confirmation of thier responsibility. Unlike the current administartion they dont attack and invade on whims and suspicions.. If you want to blame anyone blame Bush for after recieving confimation that Al Qaeda was responsible did nothing.ATG wrote:
Clinton had no HUMINT that was doing anything, producing no human intelligence for them to pass along to Bush.
Clinton didn't do enough about terrorism. He viewed acts of war like the bombing of the US Cole as criminal acts to be dealt with as law enforcement matters.
I hate Bush too, so don't accuse me of being his dough brained lackey. Just stop trying to confuse Clinton with a good president.
Please give me examples of what a horrible president Clinton was because I believe he was a good president. Please leave the "stupid" comments out because Clintion was a very intelligent person a Rhode Scholar went to Oxford and Yale law school with honors while Bush was a C/D student taking underwater basket weaving. Also leave out the cocksucking incident ..that was between him and his wife and it was noones business but theirs. Yes Clinton could have done more but while he was president there was no large attacks and he left a surplus. Now this retard has been in office and theres been 2 conflicts the biggest deficit in history and imo the worst cabinet in ever.
Clinton lies and his cock gets wet and Hillary gets pissed. Bush lies and a hundred thousand or so people die over false pretenses. Hmm which is worse ?..I challenge you to ever find anything I've ever posted supporting Bush. Supporting Israel and not being a bleeding heart pacifist doesnt automatically make me a redneck right winger and Bush supporter.ghettoperson wrote:
Oh, I thought you were part of the Bush-bumming patrol?
as for the cocksucking, when it involves the intern he (clinton) recruited to help cover up his sexual assault on Gennifer Flowers, and his (the top police officer in the nation basically) subsequent lying under oath, then don't expect it to go away anytime soon
and since you are one of those bludgeoned into believing that (A) the deficit is the sole responsibility of the president (some of us realize that congress actually signs the checks), (B) the deficit is the sole indicator of the state of the economy (it is one of many, the most pertinent being unemployment and housing), what are you going to whine about now that it is going down? I'll leave out the price of gas going below $2.00 in my town for your sake, or are you one of those that believe that's an evil Karl Rove scheme to get more repubs elected?
Theres no question Osama got money and training from the CIA. The link youre trying to establish is full blown conspiracy and I wonder if you're even aware of what youre insinuating. Assuming you believe we treated and released Osama in Nov 2001 that means we had complancency if not full cooperation with Osama in the 93 world trade center bombing the 98 embassy bombings The USS Cole attack and of course 9/11. If you believe we aided and exscused Osama and Al Qaeda after killing our troops youre brain damaged. However I see from your sig it looks like you believe the WTC attacks were controlled demolitions. Sorry I prefer to stick to reality and facts.JimmyBotswana wrote:
OK if the government denies something and you believe it that's your decision me I tend to subscribe to the philosophy of in politics never believe anything until it has been officially denied. But the question of Osama's CIA links is unarguable they are very well documented.