After trying to rail Clinotn and pass blame for this adminstrations pitiful performance Condy Rice went ahead and lied saying this administration never got intelligence and plans from Clinton's people.

You've been awarded worst president ever ribbon!

You've been awarded expert retard medal!

Oh, I thought you were part of the Bush-bumming patrol?
+51|7087|North Hollywood
Look. I hear ya. I really do. But now, at this point, we gotta move on. We gotta stop talking about the past and start talking about how to rebuild the credibility of America on the international stage and how to REALLY solve problems like terrorism. Im no apologist for Bush, check any of the posts i've made here. But whats done is done and the true tradgedy here would be to allow ourselves to fall into a bitch & moan cycle. Get out there, talk to people. Be an instrument for change. The REAL question is how to dress this mess in iraq, much less the wider jihadi movement thats been on the rise.
+5,233|6842|Global Command
Clinton had no HUMINT that was doing anything, producing no human intelligence for them to pass along to Bush.
Clinton didn't do enough about terrorism.  He viewed acts of war like the bombing of the US Cole as criminal acts to be dealt with as law enforcement matters.
I hate Bush too, so don't accuse me of being his dough brained lackey. Just stop trying to confuse Clinton with a good president.
+276|6968|United States of America
Stupid is, Stupid does.
+5,233|6842|Global Command

ATG wrote:

Clinton had no HUMINT that was doing anything, producing no human intelligence for them to pass along to Bush.
Clinton didn't do enough about terrorism.  He viewed acts of war like the bombing of the US Cole as criminal acts to be dealt with as law enforcement matters.
I hate Bush too, so don't accuse me of being his dough brained lackey. Just stop trying to confuse Clinton with a good president.
Those are lies as well. Clinton did leave lots of intelligence and its a proven fact. The USS Cole was determined to be by Al Qaeda after Clinton's office left  and he publicly stated that he wanted a military strike upon confirmation of thier responsibility. Unlike the current administartion they dont attack and invade on whims and suspicions.. If you want to blame anyone blame Bush for after recieving confimation that Al Qaeda was responsible did nothing.

Please give me examples of what a horrible president Clinton was because I believe he was a good president. Please leave the "stupid" comments out because Clintion was a very intelligent person a Rhode Scholar went to Oxford and Yale law school with honors while Bush was a C/D student taking underwater basket weaving. Also leave out the cocksucking incident ..that was between him and his wife and it was noones business but theirs. Yes Clinton could have done more but while he was president there was no large attacks and he left a surplus. Now this retard has been in office and theres been 2 conflicts the biggest deficit in history and imo the worst cabinet in ever.

Clinton lies and his cock gets wet and Hillary gets pissed. Bush lies and a hundred thousand or so people die over false pretenses. Hmm which is worse ?..

ghettoperson wrote:

Oh, I thought you were part of the Bush-bumming patrol?
I challenge you to ever find anything I've ever posted supporting Bush. Supporting Israel and not being a bleeding heart pacifist doesnt automatically make me a redneck right winger and Bush supporter.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

golgoj4 wrote:

Look. I hear ya. I really do. But now, at this point, we gotta move on. We gotta stop talking about the past and start talking about how to rebuild the credibility of America on the international stage and how to REALLY solve problems like terrorism. Im no apologist for Bush, check any of the posts i've made here. But whats done is done and the true tradgedy here would be to allow ourselves to fall into a bitch & moan cycle. Get out there, talk to people. Be an instrument for change. The REAL question is how to dress this mess in iraq, much less the wider jihadi movement thats been on the rise.
I agree.  But the reason they did this report is because it's been on a lot of peoples minds lately and they're CNN, they're not in charge of defending the country.
What the heck has pacifism any thing to do with the Israeli case ?
Let me give you a example if we where right now in the 40's and Hitler with his army was terrorising how many would sit here and would do nothing.

P.S. I am talking about the policies but the people cause i know US entered the war later.

Last edited by bogo24dk (2006-09-30 11:04:02)


ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

Oh, I thought you were part of the Bush-bumming patrol?
I challenge you to ever find anything I've ever posted supporting Bush. Supporting Israel and not being a bleeding heart pacifist doesnt automatically make me a redneck right winger and Bush supporter.
Sorry, my bad.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

ATG wrote:

Clinton had no HUMINT that was doing anything, producing no human intelligence for them to pass along to Bush.
Clinton didn't do enough about terrorism.  He viewed acts of war like the bombing of the US Cole as criminal acts to be dealt with as law enforcement matters.
I hate Bush too, so don't accuse me of being his dough brained lackey. Just stop trying to confuse Clinton with a good president.
Those are lies as well. Clinton did leave lots of intelligence and its a proven fact. The USS Cole was determined to be by Al Qaeda after Clinton's office left  and he publicly stated that he wanted a military strike upon confirmation of thier responsibility. Unlike the current administartion they dont attack and invade on whims and suspicions.. If you want to blame anyone blame Bush for after recieving confimation that Al Qaeda was responsible did nothing.

Please give me examples of what a horrible president Clinton was because I believe he was a good president. Please leave the "stupid" comments out because Clintion was a very intelligent person a Rhode Scholar went to Oxford and Yale law school with honors while Bush was a C/D student taking underwater basket weaving. Also leave out the cocksucking incident ..that was between him and his wife and it was noones business but theirs. Yes Clinton could have done more but while he was president there was no large attacks and he left a surplus. Now this retard has been in office and theres been 2 conflicts the biggest deficit in history and imo the worst cabinet in ever.

Clinton lies and his cock gets wet and Hillary gets pissed. Bush lies and a hundred thousand or so people die over false pretenses. Hmm which is worse ?..

ghettoperson wrote:

Oh, I thought you were part of the Bush-bumming patrol?
I challenge you to ever find anything I've ever posted supporting Bush. Supporting Israel and not being a bleeding heart pacifist doesnt automatically make me a redneck right winger and Bush supporter.
speaking of lies, george bush has a bachelor's from Yale in history, and an MBA from Harvard, he bought his share of the texas rangers for approximately $800,000, and sold it for around $16 million, sounds like a real dumbass to me

as for the cocksucking, when it involves the intern he (clinton) recruited to help cover up his sexual assault on Gennifer Flowers, and his (the top police officer in the nation basically) subsequent lying under oath, then don't expect it to go away anytime soon

and since you are one of those bludgeoned into believing that (A) the deficit is the sole responsibility of the president (some of us realize that congress actually signs the checks), (B) the deficit is the sole indicator of the state of the economy (it is one of many, the most pertinent being unemployment and housing), what are you going to whine about now that it is going down? I'll leave out the price of gas going below $2.00 in my town for your sake, or are you one of those that believe that's an evil Karl Rove scheme to get more repubs elected?

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-09-30 12:19:55)

PHPR Hunter
Of course we will never know exactly what Clinton knew or didn't know about terrorists thanks to his good buddy Sandy Berger stealing top secret terrorism documents from the National Archives.  Oh, my mistake, he accidently took them and accidently threw them away.  How convenient.
+51|7087|North Hollywood

Major_Spittle wrote:

Stupid is, Stupid does.
Actually im kinda happy Kerry isnt president. He cant be blamed for the current global clusterfuck.

kr@cker wrote:

speaking of lies, george bush has a bachelor's from Yale in history, and an MBA from Harvard, he bought his share of the texas rangers for approximately $800,000, and sold it for around $16 million, sounds like a real dumbass to me
C/D student while taking bullshit classes at Yale ? Yes I'd describe that as dumbass in "presidential" terms ..sound like Harvard material ? No big shocker that he got rejected from UT and his daddy got him into Harvard taking the minimum requirements and barely passing. You'd think if youre intelligent enough to get an MBA from an ivy league school you'd have some business saavy? Then why'd he run every single venture *which was funded by Saudi money* into the ground? Arbusto? Harken? both run into the ground by this genious and then he gets funded again bailed out by daddy and the Saudi's and with the connections they get him controlling share of the Texas Rangers.. not in some genious stragegical move but a job they hoped he couldn't fuck up like the rest. Bought cheap with connections inflated by luck.

kr@cker wrote:

as for the cocksucking, when it involves the intern he (clinton) recruited to help cover up his sexual assault on Gennifer Flowers, and his (the top police officer in the nation basically) subsequent lying under oath, then don't expect it to go away anytime soon
Honestly if you want to obsess over his cock thats great but I couldnt give a flying fuck. He can put his cock into that porker Lewinski, Flowers, or a goat for all I care that has nothing to do with a president and how he manages to run the country. Personally I find the deaths of hundred of thousands of people due to the purposefull lying of scummy politicians much worse than some interns blowjob.

kr@cker wrote:

and since you are one of those bludgeoned into believing that (A) the deficit is the sole responsibility of the president
No but when a politician runs on being "fiscally conservative" and his campaign promise is to eliminate the deficit I'd expect him to live up to thoe promises not go 180°  in the other direction and be by far the largest speding president in history and contribute more to the deficit than any other president ever. Hopwever if you wish to place half the blame on the Republican Senate I suppose thats apt.

kr@cker wrote:

the deficit is the sole indicator of the state of the economy (it is one of many, the most pertinent being unemployment and housing), what are you going to whine about now that it is going down?
Wait does it have to be the end of the world to confront it ? The deficit is a very negative thing and just becuase it doesn't mean the economy is dying doesnt mean we should ignore it. I'll stop bitching when  Republicans decide to live up to their promises and actually push for smaller govt. instead of adding more to the bugdet and inventing new ways to tax people to death, actually cut taxes for the middle class and not just the ridiculously ritch, and actaully be fiscally conservative and stop wasting our tax money. Actually making some significant headway into the deficit would be a good first step. I'd like you to find an unbiased source showing any significant progress cuz the sources i found say that the debt sontinues to increase 1.48 billion per day. The deficit this time last year was 7.8 trillion today its 8.5 trillion ..thats going down huh ?

This govt is killing social security and medicare at a record pace and shitting all over the future.

Last edited by ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ (2006-09-30 16:19:33)


ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

You've been awarded worst president ever ribbon!

You've been awarded expert retard medal!
Those have to be the worst Photoshopped images ever created.

This one is better.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-09-30 16:42:42)

yeah it took me 30 seconds.. id vote for your shitty sig being worse
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

golgoj4 wrote:

But whats done is done and the true tradgedy here would be to allow ourselves to fall into a bitch & moan cycle.
Too late.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6843|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia
I think it's funny that the same people who argue that Bush isn't responsible for the economy are the same people who call Reagan a good president because of his good economic management.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

TeamZephyr wrote:

I think it's funny that the same people who argue that Bush isn't responsible for the economy are the same people who call Reagan a good president because of his good economic management.
Actually it's Reagan's strength during the cold war most (Reagan supporters)admire.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6843|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia

Kmarion wrote:

TeamZephyr wrote:

I think it's funny that the same people who argue that Bush isn't responsible for the economy are the same people who call Reagan a good president because of his good economic management.
Actually it's Reagan's strength during the cold war most (Reagan supporters)admire.
What strength? The only thing he did was make a speech at the Berlin Wall and watch the Soviet Union have the economic collapse that was on the cards for years.

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

yeah it took me 30 seconds.. id vote for your shitty sig being worse
Oh, sensitive about our crappy art, are we? Took me less time to piece together that South Park character from a website than it took you to select two Bush heads.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

yeah it took me 30 seconds.. id vote for your shitty sig being worse
Oh, sensitive about our crappy art, are we? Took me less time to piece together that South Park character from a website than it took you to select two Bush heads.
nope just thought it was misplaced you talkin shit about my little 30 second photoshop job for some stupid shit on this thread while you sport around that dumbass lookin sig wherever you go.

Side note I'd have to say Giving all credit to Reagan for the collapse fothe Soviet Union is as misguided as saying he had nothing to do with it. Had we not gave the Soviet Union something impossible to keep up with they would be intact today. They very least you can give credit that he spent more money than the Russians could ^^

Last edited by ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ (2006-09-30 19:42:21)

Quakecon Attendee
+17|6972|SLC, Utah, USA
Lovely use of the "serious debate" forum, judging people's merits by their signatures...

I feel that it doesn't matter who's fault. There had to have been loads of more false leads that we also ignored, that turn out to be nothing.  It's not fair to complain when people take efforts against every threat, then turn around and complain that "the signs point to an attack!"

Don't forget that we've also had no experience in dealing with preventing any kind of terrorist attack.  They're only now taking steps to secure things that should have been before.  Why, I remember years ago being allowed to take a knife up to 3 inches long ON the plane, which was handy to cut the zip ties we closed our luggage with (to prevent theft by the airline) on the other end of the flight.

It's not to say that I approve of all the security we have now.  They've gone way overboard, and only watch for the obvious methods (METAL blades, explosives, and more recently liquid explosives (which, honestly, they way they were trying would NOT work.  Bringing nitroglycerin would have...)), and not more imaginative ways.  Heck, if it weren't for the fact they lock the cockpit doors now, a handful of terrorists could take over the plane with no weapons, just hand-to-hand combat.

Warlord wrote:

Lovely use of the "serious debate" forum, judging people's merits by their signatures...
..............really.... .. . did you notice I spoke about his shitty sig or him personally? Dont make stupid accustaions... I made no statement of his "merits"

Warlord wrote:

There had to have been loads of more false leads that we also ignored, that turn out to be nothing.

Don't forget that we've also had no experience in dealing with preventing any kind of terrorist attack.
Firstly Al Qaeda has attacked targets many times before 9/11 so they are quite the glaring exception. You don't need to wait for them to attack 50 times before you decide they are a legitimate threat. Secondly as far as "no experience" im assuming you were born after 1985 or something becuase there has been arab extermists using terrorist attacks are a wepon for the last hundred years or so.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

TeamZephyr wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

TeamZephyr wrote:

I think it's funny that the same people who argue that Bush isn't responsible for the economy are the same people who call Reagan a good president because of his good economic management.
Actually it's Reagan's strength during the cold war most (Reagan supporters)admire.
What strength? The only thing he did was make a speech at the Berlin Wall and watch the Soviet Union have the economic collapse that was on the cards for years.
[sarcasm[]Spending trillions on preparing to defend itself against the US couldn't have contributed in any amount to their economic decline. [/sarcasm]There are things you can not possibly know on this subject. Such as the sense of confidence and security he provided to Americans. Being an outsider looking in I can understand how the only thing you think he did was make a speech.

Last edited by Kmarion (2006-09-30 20:20:47)

Xbone Stormsurgezz

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