Cowboy from Hell

Mr.Pieeater wrote:

The guy who started this post is a cool dude.  We should cut off all those bastards who don't like us.  Let them starve to death and then they will no longer be a problem!  +1 dude!
I really think Kmarion is cool, but I also think you are just a kid.  I hope so.
Cowboy from Hell
Reading all these unselfish posts I remember the words of a contemporary poet named Ice-T (Body Count).

1994 bc still in the house they did
Everything they could do to take us out
But like any good monster that just made us stronger
You see, they dont like us and they dont like you,
The bc fan,
cause they know we stand for three things
Truth, justice and fuck the american way
That word justice got me fucked up though
Twenty cops in the street, two go to jail
Thousands of people died in wars
Overseas and its justice ?
You think they give a fuck about us ?
Youre a fool

Born yellow,
Born brown,
Born red,
Born black,
Born dead
Born dead

Born asian,
Born jewish,
Born latino,
Born poor,
Born dead
Born dead

But you dont hear me though

New york , atlanta, chicago, oakland, miami, detroit

Every day I gotta get out my muthafuckin bed,
Put on my muthafuckin gun,
Down in my muthafuckin gun,
Down in my muthafuckin pants, cause
Muthafuckas out here is trippin

How the fuck you gonna get up every morning
Tryin to worry about if you gonna make it to the next evening
Do you understand ?
Sometimes we take for granted
The little things like food, like freedom

Born in somalia,
Born in south america,
Born in south africa,
Born in south central,
Born dead

Born dead
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

sergeriver wrote:

Mr.Pieeater wrote:

The guy who started this post is a cool dude.  We should cut off all those bastards who don't like us.  Let them starve to death and then they will no longer be a problem!  +1 dude!
I really think Kmarion is cool, but I also think you are just a kid.  I hope so.
I'm a grown ass kid  .. 31 For the record
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Cowboy from Hell

Kmarion wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Mr.Pieeater wrote:

The guy who started this post is a cool dude.  We should cut off all those bastards who don't like us.  Let them starve to death and then they will no longer be a problem!  +1 dude!
I really think Kmarion is cool, but I also think you are just a kid.  I hope so.
I'm a grown ass kid  .. 31 For the record
I mean Mr. Pieeater, I know you are a grown up, despite your comments.  Lol.

Rosse_modest wrote:

weamo8 wrote:

Where does our government get the gall to give away our hard earned money without our consent???
You elect people to represent you in the government. This makes your government a democratic republic. Having this government ask the population whether or not they should do something every time something has to be decided would make your government a true democracy instead of a democratic republic. This would defeat the purpose of electing representatives in the first place, since it is then the population that runs the country and not the representatives. The reason the population does not run the country is because it is technically impossible since the population is too large.

Imagine the billions upon billions of dollars that would go lost in just organizing the voting process on each proposition again and again and again and again.
You are completely right in your assessment Rosse_modest.  I should have been clearer.  What I was questioning is why governments do give away the people's money as aid?  Why not give the people back more money (tax them less), and hope they will be generous enough to donate the money themselves?  It is their money, and it should be their decision.

Why do some of you seem to believe that because the U.S. has more money, we should have to give more away?  The U.S. gives away huge amounts of money.  Who the hell are you to tell us to give more?  I appreciate the story of the Widow's mite, but this isn't about morality.  We buy more food, medicine, and every other kind of aid than any other country in the world and we are still criticized.  Give me a break.  What percentage of your excess money do you give to charity sergeriver?

Last edited by weamo8 (2006-09-28 18:05:11)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

sergeriver wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

I really think Kmarion is cool, but I also think you are just a kid.  I hope so.
I'm a grown ass kid  .. 31 For the record
I mean Mr. Pieeater, I know you are a grown up, despite your comments.  Lol.
Hey you sound like my girlfriend
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Cowboy from Hell
When you give a quarter to a beggar in the street, do you think he will love you, or he will still be hating his life?

sergeriver wrote:

When you give a quarter to a beggar in the street, do you think he will love you, or he will still be hating his life?
He will still be hating his life.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

sergeriver wrote:

When you give a quarter to a beggar in the street, do you think he will love you, or he will still be hating his life?
It's not hating his life it's hating the person who gave you the quater. So let's keep the quarter then?
Xbone Stormsurgezz
The Lizzard
Only if that person is responsible.
I truly do feel bad for beggars, and I am quite generous when I run into one, but that is because it is my personal moral decision to try to help and respect others.  I give 15% of my paycheck to charity, pay tithes at my church, and truly try to help beggars when I meet them.  I feel good about all of that because I do it of my own accord.

I lived in the slums of Rio de Janiero for 2 years as a service mission.  I have felt true hunger and seen great sadness, but none of it was my fault or my resposibility.  I think the the U.S. government should make restitution for Clinton's bombing of a Sudanese medical facility as a faux attempt to kill bin Laden, and i think that the U.S. needs to support Iraq until they are in good shape (if you break it you buy it), but beyond that, I have a hard time seeing how the U.S. is responsible for the hardships of those around the world.
Cowboy from Hell

Kmarion wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

When you give a quarter to a beggar in the street, do you think he will love you, or he will still be hating his life?
It's not hating his life it's hating the person who gave you the quater. So let's keep the quarter then?
So, you don't do charity to help people, you do it to feel good about yourself, then is a selfish act.  If you expect people to love you because of your charity then you are buying love not doing true charity for nothing.
Cowboy from Hell

Bubbalo wrote:

Only if that person is responsible.
Ah, responsible, the conservative word of these days, ain't it?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

sergeriver wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

When you give a quarter to a beggar in the street, do you think he will love you, or he will still be hating his life?
It's not hating his life it's hating the person who gave you the quater. So let's keep the quarter then?
So, you don't do charity to help people, you do it to feel good about yourself, then is a selfish act.  If you expect people to love you because of your charity then you are buying love not doing true charity for nothing.
I do in fact, I said it like that to point of the absurdity of the thought. Just like I did when I labeled this topic. Don't you see the point of this topic is to show that although you may not agree with us we will still help?

BTW did you just call Bubbalo a
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Cowboy from Hell

Kmarion wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

It's not hating his life it's hating the person who gave you the quater. So let's keep the quarter then?
So, you don't do charity to help people, you do it to feel good about yourself, then is a selfish act.  If you expect people to love you because of your charity then you are buying love not doing true charity for nothing.
I do in fact, I said it like that to point of the absurdity of the thought. Just like I did when I labeled this topic. Don't you see the point of this topic is to show that although you may not agree with us we will still help?

BTW did you just call Bubbalo a
Not at all.  Why?

Edit: Ah coz of the responsible thing, I think he was being sarcastic.

Last edited by sergeriver (2006-09-28 18:44:41)

$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

So, just like virtually every industrialized country on earth, the USA doesn't deny aid to needy citizens because of the political whims of their leaders. That's good. However, I'm not so sure that proves your title was necessarily sarcastic.

The US does give the most official deveopment assistance (ie, foreign aid) of any country in the world. By far. That's pretty natural, seeing as how we are the richest country in the world.

Total official development assistance by country, 2005 (source: OECD) … 005sr8.png

But to really measure selfishness, we have to go beyond the AMOUNT given.

Total official development assistance as a % of gross national income, by country, 2005 (source: OECD) … 005oq7.png

So a billionaire donates a hundred bucks, and a little kid with only a dollar to his name donates a nickel. Who's stingier?
27.4 billion dollars is still 27.4 billion dollars regardless of who is donating them. I understand your point that USA contributes a small amount of their gross income, but we must also consider that a lot of the income is being spent on other things that help the world advance. Things like medical research, technology advances, new energy source discovery, etc, etc. At the same time, a lot of these funds go to military purposes which don't exactly help other countries if you know what I mean... but I'd like to think that the USA does their part on world causes.

sergeriver wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

When you give a quarter to a beggar in the street, do you think he will love you, or he will still be hating his life?
It's not hating his life it's hating the person who gave you the quater. So let's keep the quarter then?
So, you don't do charity to help people, you do it to feel good about yourself, then is a selfish act.  If you expect people to love you because of your charity then you are buying love not doing true charity for nothing.
This isnt about "true" charity - whatever you think that is.  The truth is the U.S. puts more food in the stomach's of starving people than any other nation in the world.  When you are desperately hungry you dont give a damn where the food is coming from or why it is there.

And dont confuse conservative with Republican.  There is a huge difference between the two in the U.S. now-a-days.
Cowboy from Hell

weamo8 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

It's not hating his life it's hating the person who gave you the quater. So let's keep the quarter then?
So, you don't do charity to help people, you do it to feel good about yourself, then is a selfish act.  If you expect people to love you because of your charity then you are buying love not doing true charity for nothing.
This isnt about "true" charity - whatever you think that is.  The truth is the U.S. puts more food in the stomach's of starving people than any other nation in the world.  When you are desperately hungry you dont give a damn where the food is coming from or why it is there.

And dont confuse conservative with Republican.  There is a huge difference between the two in the U.S. now-a-days.
Where did I say conservative is equal to Republican?

sergeriver wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Only if that person is responsible.
Ah, responsible, the conservative word of these days, ain't it?
What does this mean sergeriver?
+102|7015|New York

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

And another revealing chart … dgraph.gif
Alls that proves is that they ALL spend more on there military So whats your point?
The Lizzard
The US has greater disparity than other nations.
+105|6945|Lexington, KY

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Title was obviously sarcastic.
This information is a little old but just as relevant today.

What most Americans do not realize is that the vast majority of the recipients of US Foreign Aid routinely vote against the wishes of the United States in the UN at an average rate of 74%.
So, just like virtually every industrialized country on earth, the USA doesn't deny aid to needy citizens because of the political whims of their leaders. That's good. However, I'm not so sure that proves your title was necessarily sarcastic.

The US does give the most official deveopment assistance (ie, foreign aid) of any country in the world. By far. That's pretty natural, seeing as how we are the richest country in the world.

Total official development assistance by country, 2005 (source: OECD) … 005sr8.png

But to really measure selfishness, we have to go beyond the AMOUNT given.

Total official development assistance as a % of gross national income, by country, 2005 (source: OECD) … 005oq7.png

So a billionaire donates a hundred bucks, and a little kid with only a dollar to his name donates a nickel. Who's stingier?
This is only based on what our government gives.  We double the 2nd giver, and if we were to add all the money that the US gives to places like the Red Cross, then the numbers will be completely different.  I would even bet that the US gives more to those type of chartable organization.  For example, the 2004 tsunami the US citizens give 1875M (USD) to aid.  This does not account for corporations that also donated.  This is higher the the last nine on your first chart, and more then the last four combined.

Note:  That out of the top four in the first chart only UK is listed on my source, and it is stated that they have given 654.9M (USD) or  roughly one third of the US. … earthquake

Also, if you look at your chart, Japan, the second largest giver is only ranked four spots higher on your second cart.

If US citizens were as less giving as you state, when where would the people that are effected by natural disaster each year be helped?

By the way, the original post was asking why does the US provide support to those who continue to not agree with the US most of the time?  Why do they not support the US, but freely open their banks to our support each year?  Why is it that when something happens, they come running to the US?  On top of that, how much of our aid is not used on the citizens of that nation?  How much goes into other government ran projects?  How much goes into corrupt government officials personal bank account? 

One more thing, how much of the US military spending helps the UN?  This may not be given for aid, but it does help the UN when it comes to peacekeeping, wars, and conflicts.
The Lizzard
And if we look at your chart we find that the US is still less generous relatively, based both on percentage of GDP and a per capita basis.
+5,233|6842|Global Command
PHPR Hunter

DesertFox423 wrote:

Hell no "make them citizens." They can get a job making minimum wage here so they get citizenship. They can nail someone here so their child is a citizen. What happened to the centuries of LEGAL immigration that were no picnic for them either? Why should we make exceptions for the Mexicans?
I don't know about centuries.  The U.S. is only 230 years old, and a very good part of that time was being settled by Europeans.  I don't know that there was a whole lot of policing going on at that time.

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