Got His War On
+37|7087|Golden, CO
Ok, I'd just like to share my favorite BF2 moments with you guys:

#1) On Operation Clean Sweep, I was MEC.  I noticed that a large group of US guys were heading to one of the rear flags.  I spawned as an Engineer there and noticed that there was an M1A1, and 2 jeeps already there.  I immediately ran and dropped an AT mine under the tank.  As I dropped the mine, the tank ran over me so I wass sitting there like, damn we lost that flag...

10 seconds go by an BOOM: Not only did I get the tank, but both jeeps also blow up, so I instantly got about 7 kills and saved the flag.  That was super satisfying...

#2) Playing MEC on Shaqui Peninsula, I was trying to get the flag to the west of the Construction Site.  We were about 2/3rds of the way to capturing it when a Attack Helo came in.  We fired a lot of rounds at him and he wandered off, most likely to fix up and resupply.  As he left I jumped into the AA site and launched both missles.  I was surprised that I killed it, but I was happy.  Not 10 seconds later, I went back to finish off the flag when ANOTHER gunship showed up, and coming right at me no less.  He let loose with a missle slavo and I fired an AT missle at him.  I fully expected to die, but I guess the sandbags must have saved me because I didn't have a scratch.  Meanwhile my AT missle blew the gunship up.  Now since taking down a helicopter is really hard, getting 2 in under a minute was awesome.

#3)  I got my first Gold Star on Strike at Karkand as a MEC medic.  The utter chaos at the Hotel CP was amazing there were grenades flying everywhere, and I just ran around throwing medkits and healing people constantly.  Seriously, there were always about 4 people to be revived.  I had a total blast just trying to do my part in this total chaos.  That round solidified Karkand as my favorite BF2 map.  The proximity of those 2 spawn points can make for some awesome action.
The Tom Cruise of BF2 pilots
+102|7086|California, US
i have a better one. i was playing on wake and i was on chin. and i was in a jet and havent died once yet. somehow my team sucked and let the US get all the flags and they all died off...

well im still flying around and see that no one is left (and at this point our tickets are still higher then the US)
well i jump out the jet and cap the south base and hop in the tank. once it was finished being capped everyone came back, and alot of US were coming down to the flags and i would just take them out with the tank.
then i got in a boat (as all the my team is still at the south base) i drive to the north base and cap that flag too.
well finally the round ends and guess what
WE WON!!! it was like 6-0 at the very end. once i saw we won i had a victory dance and another 100 points to my total global score

Last edited by Stun_Gun (2005-11-14 22:17:34)

Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7060|The United Center
i dont have many specifics, but i love following the enemy tanks, waiting for them to take damage, then they back off and their driver (if hes an engineer) jumps out to fix it.  i love snagging it.  they dont realize whats happening and there isnt enough time to switch to AT awesome.

although it happened to me once a couple days ago...i wasnt pleased.
+0|7079|Trondheim, Norway
Had a complete blast on Karkand with me pig sticker. Was a bit tired of just whorin around so i tought i go knifin.

Got me about 20 kills and a dual stabb, thats right 2 guy's in one stabb. But heres the real beauty. I sneaked upp on a tank as a spec op, placed the charges. But before i got around to blowing them a lill devil in me said.. "go stabb the guy on the Mounted MG first" And hell yeah i did .. jumped upp, stabbed the dude in the face, ran off the blew the charges.

I swear i got a hard on still after that run.

And surely i got a kick wote on me aswell.. think ppl's had a grudge since i virtually stabbed everyone on the opposing faction. Where 4 votes away from a kick .. *grins evil*

Now that i've got 100+ kills with knife i cant to save my own life come anywhere close to reproduce that game session.
Major Payne
every time when i own somebody
Guys, yesterday i just did something that made laught so hard !!

It was on a 16 server on wake island, i spawn, and i get killed by a cobra ... 2 seconds later the base is lost
So i spawn at the nearest base and i try to take it back, when the same cobra killed me ...
I try now to spawn on the east part of the island (as i was Chinese) i take an armor (don't remember the name of the chinese heavy armor) after 1 minute i see the cobra trying to get a flag, i aim, shoot, and the shell hit it, and suddenly, the cobra turn around and shot me ... (how can he survive to this ??)

Then, with 0 kill and 3 deaths, i think about getting on the carrier and get the cobra with a blackhawk / C4s, i take the chinese transport chopper, and i go for the carrier, someone was with me...

I get there, but the cobra saw us ! and he started to rocket us, but we escaped by getting under the deck, (boats) finaly he get blown, i write to my mate "let's get in a blackhawk and kill these guys" we get on the deck, and we get in the blackhawk, 1 on the right 1 on the left, i was on the right, aiming on the east side, then we killed abot 5 guys each before the blackhawk started burning, i get out, but my mate died ...

I run to the ladder, and get where the satelite radar is, i find a ladder that i din't know it was here, and then, this was the cool moment, i had Ak101 as i was medic, about 5 guys was folowing me, i kiled the 5, 3 ak101 and 2 Mr444 (pistol) and these same guys tried to shoot me 3 times each !!! and i killed them each time !

I had about 20 kills and 3 deaths ! and then, no more Ak101 magazines, only one left with 20 bullets, i start looking over the ledder and see some guys climbing to the top of the carrier ==> 2 more pistol kills

Suddenly ! the cobra arrived, with the 2 same whores from the same clan in it, they start shooting at me, but i ran around a fuckin lil pole thats saved my life !! finaly, i see on jecting from the cobra, and his mate still in ... but he wasn't shooting at me, i think he wanted to cover the ladder, cause 5 seconds later, when i get behind the pole, the guy climbed up and tried to knife me, but i killed him with AK101, then the cobra start shooting again, i accidentaly hit the wrong button and i pick up a sniper kit with M95, i first lay down a mine in front of the ladder, still being shot by the cobra ...

Then the last part come :p ! I take back my medic kit and throw a medic bag on the ground (if i get wounded), then i pick again the M95 kit, and suddenly i get shot by the sniper ! i run and take the medic bag, when i try to kill him he shot me again !! but NO MORE MEDIC BAG !! so i'm lost, i think i'm already dead ... but then, i see the cobra looking at me without firing (reloading or ?? ) i aim the pilot with the M95, and BAM in his head !! i killed this guy after 10 minutes, just after that, the game ended 1 second later !!!

I was first with 24 kills 3 deaths !

this poor guy in the cobra was certainly angry to be kileld 1 seconds before the end !!!!!!
Every kill for me is a best moment.. Every opponent I kill and points I get is a best moment.

These people were brought along to die by my gun/knife/nade.   I am just there to make it shorter for them

Last edited by StokoE (2005-11-15 05:28:27)

Got His War On
+37|7087|Golden, CO

Nebular wrote:

Guys, yesterday i just did something that made laught so hard !!

It was on a 16 server on wake island, i spawn, and i get killed by a cobra ... 2 seconds later the base is lost
So i spawn at the nearest base and i try to take it back, when the same cobra killed me ...
I try now to spawn on the east part of the island (as i was Chinese) i take an armor (don't remember the name of the chinese heavy armor) after 1 minute i see the cobra trying to get a flag, i aim, shoot, and the shell hit it, and suddenly, the cobra turn around and shot me ... (how can he survive to this ??)

Then, with 0 kill and 3 deaths, i think about getting on the carrier and get the cobra with a blackhawk / C4s, i take the chinese transport chopper, and i go for the carrier, someone was with me...

I get there, but the cobra saw us ! and he started to rocket us, but we escaped by getting under the deck, (boats) finaly he get blown, i write to my mate "let's get in a blackhawk and kill these guys" we get on the deck, and we get in the blackhawk, 1 on the right 1 on the left, i was on the right, aiming on the east side, then we killed abot 5 guys each before the blackhawk started burning, i get out, but my mate died ...

I run to the ladder, and get where the satelite radar is, i find a ladder that i din't know it was here, and then, this was the cool moment, i had Ak101 as i was medic, about 5 guys was folowing me, i kiled the 5, 3 ak101 and 2 Mr444 (pistol) and these same guys tried to shoot me 3 times each !!! and i killed them each time !

I had about 20 kills and 3 deaths ! and then, no more Ak101 magazines, only one left with 20 bullets, i start looking over the ledder and see some guys climbing to the top of the carrier ==> 2 more pistol kills

Suddenly ! the cobra arrived, with the 2 same whores from the same clan in it, they start shooting at me, but i ran around a fuckin lil pole thats saved my life !! finaly, i see on jecting from the cobra, and his mate still in ... but he wasn't shooting at me, i think he wanted to cover the ladder, cause 5 seconds later, when i get behind the pole, the guy climbed up and tried to knife me, but i killed him with AK101, then the cobra start shooting again, i accidentaly hit the wrong button and i pick up a sniper kit with M95, i first lay down a mine in front of the ladder, still being shot by the cobra ...

Then the last part come :p ! I take back my medic kit and throw a medic bag on the ground (if i get wounded), then i pick again the M95 kit, and suddenly i get shot by the sniper ! i run and take the medic bag, when i try to kill him he shot me again !! but NO MORE MEDIC BAG !! so i'm lost, i think i'm already dead ... but then, i see the cobra looking at me without firing (reloading or ?? ) i aim the pilot with the M95, and BAM in his head !! i killed this guy after 10 minutes, just after that, the game ended 1 second later !!!

I was first with 24 kills 3 deaths !

this poor guy in the cobra was certainly angry to be kileld 1 seconds before the end !!!!!!
hehe, that's awesome.  I hate the helicopter whores.

Today I took down about 6 or 7 Cobras on Dragon Valley all by myself.  I was playing as Anti-Tank and I would spawn on the flag closest to the Carrier as Chinese.  There were probably 3 different Cobras flying around the map and one or two would try to clear out the flag.  I'd just jump into the TOW anti-ground mussle launcher thing and try to hit the Cobras.  1 hit from a TOW will take a chopper down.  I must have fired about 50 AT missles that round...
My best bf2 moment came when i bought the game and installed it, ive been hooked since and cant stop playing it!!
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|7044|Uhh... erm...
Mine was once when I was playing Mashtuur, before that round I hated the map, so I was playing Medic and we were having one huge firefight in the center of the map, allies were dying left and right and I was having a BLAST reviving them all! I even got my First Aid and Medic Combat badges that round, had the highest score for Medic, Heal, Revive, Teamwork and Kill Assists. Best round of my BF2 life!

[RL]Tarasque wrote:

Had a complete blast on Karkand with me pig sticker. Was a bit tired of just whorin around so i tought i go knifin.

Got me about 20 kills and a dual stabb, thats right 2 guy's in one stabb. But heres the real beauty. I sneaked upp on a tank as a spec op, placed the charges. But before i got around to blowing them a lill devil in me said.. "go stabb the guy on the Mounted MG first" And hell yeah i did .. jumped upp, stabbed the dude in the face, ran off the blew the charges.

I swear i got a hard on still after that run.

And surely i got a kick wote on me aswell.. think ppl's had a grudge since i virtually stabbed everyone on the opposing faction. Where 4 votes away from a kick .. *grins evil*

Now that i've got 100+ kills with knife i cant to save my own life come anywhere close to reproduce that game session.
BWHAHAHA - That's f'in sickness .. LOL LOL ..
Mobile AA Whore
+1|7052|San Diego

Nebular wrote:

Guys, yesterday i just did something that made laught so hard !!

It was on a 16 server on wake island, i spawn, and i get killed by a cobra ... 2 seconds later the base is lost
So i spawn at the nearest base and i try to take it back, when the same cobra killed me ...
I try now to spawn on the east part of the island (as i was Chinese) i take an armor (don't remember the name of the chinese heavy armor) after 1 minute i see the cobra trying to get a flag, i aim, shoot, and the shell hit it, and suddenly, the cobra turn around and shot me ... (how can he survive to this ??)

Then, with 0 kill and 3 deaths, i think about getting on the carrier and get the cobra with a blackhawk / C4s, i take the chinese transport chopper, and i go for the carrier, someone was with me...

I get there, but the cobra saw us ! and he started to rocket us, but we escaped by getting under the deck, (boats) finaly he get blown, i write to my mate "let's get in a blackhawk and kill these guys" we get on the deck, and we get in the blackhawk, 1 on the right 1 on the left, i was on the right, aiming on the east side, then we killed abot 5 guys each before the blackhawk started burning, i get out, but my mate died ...

I run to the ladder, and get where the satelite radar is, i find a ladder that i din't know it was here, and then, this was the cool moment, i had Ak101 as i was medic, about 5 guys was folowing me, i kiled the 5, 3 ak101 and 2 Mr444 (pistol) and these same guys tried to shoot me 3 times each !!! and i killed them each time !

I had about 20 kills and 3 deaths ! and then, no more Ak101 magazines, only one left with 20 bullets, i start looking over the ledder and see some guys climbing to the top of the carrier ==> 2 more pistol kills

Suddenly ! the cobra arrived, with the 2 same whores from the same clan in it, they start shooting at me, but i ran around a fuckin lil pole thats saved my life !! finaly, i see on jecting from the cobra, and his mate still in ... but he wasn't shooting at me, i think he wanted to cover the ladder, cause 5 seconds later, when i get behind the pole, the guy climbed up and tried to knife me, but i killed him with AK101, then the cobra start shooting again, i accidentaly hit the wrong button and i pick up a sniper kit with M95, i first lay down a mine in front of the ladder, still being shot by the cobra ...

Then the last part come :p ! I take back my medic kit and throw a medic bag on the ground (if i get wounded), then i pick again the M95 kit, and suddenly i get shot by the sniper ! i run and take the medic bag, when i try to kill him he shot me again !! but NO MORE MEDIC BAG !! so i'm lost, i think i'm already dead ... but then, i see the cobra looking at me without firing (reloading or ?? ) i aim the pilot with the M95, and BAM in his head !! i killed this guy after 10 minutes, just after that, the game ended 1 second later !!!

I was first with 24 kills 3 deaths !

this poor guy in the cobra was certainly angry to be kileld 1 seconds before the end !!!!!!
Wow that is freaking crazy...long read but worth it.

One of my craziest moments was I was USMC on Karkand,  and we were trying to take the Suburb spawn point.  I go left up the street,  and I lay prone and snipe the MEC on the next street.  A sniper goes prone rights next to me.  So we start sniping,  and when I went to find another spot,  I look at him,  and I realize he has RED TAGS.  So I thought it was a glitch,  but I took my chances and knifed him.  I was like wtf...did he even know I wasnt on his team?
+0|7065|greenville, sc

StokoE wrote:

Every kill for me is a best moment.. Every opponent I kill and points I get is a best moment.

These people were brought along to die by my gun/knife/nade.   I am just there to make it shorter for them
amen brada.
NJG HukaMaster
My best was when I was playing on Dragon Valley.  I was palying sniper and I met this little Chinese girl named Bai-Ling. She had green eyes.  Anyways...She says "You have big stick" Thought she was refering to my M95.  Well needless to say I went AWOL that round and still scored alot of pionts.  She said I was her #1 Commander even though I played the whole round with her in a slightly damaged HumVee.  Image all the kick votes...They were all jealous, I guess.  I know no commanding while in vehicles, but you would too.

Can't wait to see her again.  She said she has a cousin from Karkand. Let me know if you guys see her.

The Huka
1337 Kn1fe Skills
I would have to say one of my best bf2 moments is when I am in a tow/hj8 and a helo comes right in my view for me to shoot. BAM one shot kill. I was playing the other night on Dragon Valley 32 size map and I was commander on the USMC. I sit in the tow at the main and I do a scan on the map and I see a few vehicles coming to US main so I get off commander screen and I take out every single vehicle that was coming at me. Probably got like 15 kills with the tow that round. That was fun.
+0|7019|New York
One of my favorite moments was on Strike on Karkand.. I think

Well I was a lone wolf at the time and I headed to the constructiong site (i was chinese) US had control at the time. 

I picked one guy off from ontop of a wall with my silenced pistol.  I head into the construction building.  Theres two guys prone, so I dont want to cause any commotion, so i crouch, walk over, and knife them both in the neck, in under 3 seconds.. not bad eh?  so I head up the stairs, and toss a claymore on the stairway. knife another guy standing around on the second floor.  throw a grenade at the small building down on the ground, get another kill.  run up the stairs to the top, toss a claymore on the stairway..  as I'm doing so my first claymore goes off, I kill one guy, and another guy gets hurt and runs out.  I look over the side, and nail him with my M95.  I go prone, and pick off a couple of guys. 
This is where it gets good.

I hear a heli coming in from the rear, just as an artillery strike occurs right on top of me.  So i can't go down the stairs (claymores there) so i take cover under this piece of wood.. luckily I live.  my claymore goes off but I dont get a kill.. next thing you know theres a guy strafing left, and right at me with a knife.  I pull my knife out, strafe to the left, leap at him, and nail him right in the leg. He's dead.  So the heli circles around the site, firing off a couple shots.  I turn over, but its moving to swiftly to get a shot.  Finally i get up and begin to run down the stairs.  The heli fires some more shots, and I get injured.  I have about 3 bars of health left, and suddenly the heli just slams into the side of the site, I'm just standing there amazed, the heli explodes, the pilot dies. 
I got a few more kills with my M95 and knife, finally died from a hand grenade thrown up the stairs... 

That was the best time I've had as a lone wolf on BF2
+41|7049|200m out and smiling at you.
I no scoped this one guy with my M95 when he charged me with his knife.
Mass Media Casualty

I was playing SF for the first time - Warlord I believe it was called. Not my best BF2 moment, but it was pretty funny.
I was in that TV tower thing, I had finished checking out the balcony where the flag was and went back into the stairwell. A guy came around the corner. We emptied our Automatic weapon clips into each other, pulled out our pistols and did the same. I decided to pull out my knife after my pistol went kaput, but my worthy opponent decided to re-load his pistol. I widly slashed around. It was pretty intense action in this tiny little area, more lead in the air than oxygen. He managed to re-load his pistol while I still was trying to gouge his eyes out. He fired as many shots as he could - 10 I believe, while I thought my number was up, but just kept slashing.
Well, like I said, he fired only 10 shots, because I got him before he could empty his clip. I was down to two bars of health, but he was dead, so there.

I could feel my small-arms accuracy statistic plummet, but it was a lot of fun.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Tangy Meat Sauce
Woo, a chance to talk about good stuff after all the complaining.  Nice. 

I've had a number of awesome moments so far.  In no particular order:

1. This one guy was owning the server this particular day, and I'd gotten one-bullet killed by him a number of times and wasn't too happy about it.  This round I was playing on Surge, defending the Cooling Tower as a sniper.  I turned around and 10 feet away here there was this angry-looking knife-wielding Chechnyan rebel running straight for me.  Normally I'd pull out my pistol as I usually have more luck with that close-range, but all I had time to do was swing around and pop off a single shot with my normally-not-so-trusty M95.  I don't think it was a headshot, but the guy went down nonetheless, and it was the guy I mentioned at the beginning of this.  Needless to say I was pretty pleased. 

2. I've taken down choppers a couple of times with the M95...  not sniped the pilot, just hit the chopper body and watched it explode.  I've been pretty geeked about that when it's happened.  However, a couple days ago I took aim and fired at a transport chopper flying perpendicular to me and took out a PASSENGER, whether it be one of the guys manning the miniguns or someone along for the ride.  I don't expect that to ever happen again, but I'll definitely keep trying.

3. Successful countersniping attempts, at any time, make me feel all warm and fuzzy.  There's little I like better in BF2 than being aware a sniper is causing our team hell, hunting him down, and removing the threat...  at least until he respawns and climbs up there again. 

4. One game on Dragon Valley I was at the middle left Chinese point (the one surrounded by concrete walls, with a TOW launcher right next to the flag.  I was alone, just pulling out of there in an APC, when an enemy tank pops me from nowhere.  I took enough damage so that I figured one more hit would take me down and, not knowing where the hit came from, I bailed from the vehicle and ran.  Moments later, the tank came rolling in from the south and stopped at the flag.  Great.  I stood there waiting, when all of a sudden he spotted a supply crate just north of the base and drove up.  At the same time, an enemy APC came driving up and followed in the same path as the tank.  The partially damaged APC I'd been in was still sitting there as they decided destroying it wasn't worth the bother...  which was their first and last mistake.  The person driving the enemy APC parked his APC next to the supply crate and got out, and it's then that I made my move.  With no time to think, I ran and hopped in the partially damaged APC, firing one or two rounds and killing the other APC driver instantly.  Quickly, I targeted the tank with a wire-guided rocket and fired.  Without taking the time to guide the rocket home, I hopped out of the APC, ran for the TOW launcher several feet away, jumped in, swiveled, and fired.  The wire-guided hit first, followed by the TOW a second or so later, blowing the tank into itty bitty pieces.  Base defended!
An African or European swallow?
1. Daquing(sp?) Oil fields as US in the fighter jet. I'm not a real experienced jet pilot, I can do the basics and take out ground targets like nothing, but I often get killed by better pilots (especially when I'm on US). I check my rear view and see a J-10 following me back to my base lining up his MG shots. I pull up w/ afterburners and then start diving w/o straight towards the three smokestacks, I went knife's edge straight through two smokestacks and the J-10 followed suit, right as he cleared the smokestacks he gets smashed in the side by his friendly bomber jet. Wasn't a real accomplishment of mine, but it was the funniest thing I've ever seen.

2.) I'm in a buggy on Kubra dam on driving top of the dam. I hear a salvo of rockets from a cobra hit behind me and take my buggy down to 1/2 armor. I jump in the gunner seat and shoot at him as he passes/turns  around (he was in the helo alone), then jump back in the driver seat and drive directly underneath him. He is forced to go back the opposite way he came and I repeat the process again, he turns around and goes back for his base only to get shot down by a single guy in a buggy that he underestimated.

-Edit- Got some more

3.) Playing on Mashtuur back in the days where you could cap bases in a blackhawk. There were some BH whores going around and getting all the flags + killing all the little tiny ants.  I spawn at the power station which was our only point left and watch him fly in with his tail facing me. I run up on the side and pop a GP-30 through the side of it, it hits and kills a passenger and explodes right next to the driver, it kills him and the BH starts flying upwards and spiraling -- it took quite a while for the passengers to notice he was dead and that they weren't going anywhere. I was able to take the point back and luckily their newfound pilot wasn't very experienced/good and their squad ended up stopping the BH nonsense.

4.) Playing on Kubra Dam again on MEC, we could barely hold a single point - If I remember correctly we were outnumbered on a non autobalance server. I hopped in the MEC transport chopper and hovered really high. I started a squad in the air called Paradrops and told my team what I was doing. I had a bunch of people spawn on me and we slowly increased the number of points we could hold to two, then three, and eventually we got most of the points under control. I didn't really get any points, but it was fun, especially since the USMC didn't ever find me. They sorta just saw troops falling from the sky. This really reminded me a lot of the desert combat flying spawnpoint planes.

Last edited by Rapturesan (2005-12-19 00:03:23)

+224|6998|Some where huntin in Wisconsin
i got a good one
it was my first or second time playing bf2 and i was playing strike at kark USMC as a Spec Ops and we lost the hotel so i put a bunch of c4 around a doorway they all swarm at.  so i planted the C4 and i ran back to the atry position and a bunch of guys where there (7-10) and boom i got 2-3 badges at once and leveld up a rank.  the best thing was watching the bodies fly about 80 feet into the air.  Rofl How Fun

I got another
At the daquin oil field err what ever it is i was playing USMC and i got a jet i took off and went strait up for a good 6-8 min and then jumped out.  not lying i had fallen for 20 min before i found ground.  that is not even egzadtrating

Why aim for the cheast

When you can hit the head

Last edited by Tushers (2006-01-07 20:39:53)

Cleansweep; MEC side, flew the heli with a major skilled gunner, voice communication turn it into a blast. Downed atleast 10 cobra's, numerous Bh's, loads of boats and was only downed once by an aircraft. For the rest of the round our pilots kept them off my back. WICKED

Karkand; 2 days ago, MEC side, just got in grabbed an APC and rolled up the 1st ramp just past the bridge and tunred left. For some reason the entrie US team came running at me by foot.....TURKEY SHOOT!!!! Man that was fun, I finished #1 that round in a few seconds : ) it took them litterally 5 minutes to bring up 3 AT from above, by them the round ended and my day was MADE.

Mashtuur; USMC side, piloted the heli, everyone in the heli joined my sqaud, we had two very well skilled chief gunners, 2 mechanics. Fullhouse, got many frags, flew 100% for ground support, clearly my way of flying paid off since we won like 168-0. We werent shot down once, never had to go back for repairs, everyone did their job and had a ton of fun. + 3 had a mic that really helped since we all spotted our enemies and so helped me to navigate the heli for my gunners to do thier job.
+77|6990|respawn screen
My best Kill was on Zatar. The enemy chopper tried to take a flag and flew low so I sticked some C4 and made 2 kills.
My second best kill was the american attack chopper on sharqi with the tow and he was aiming towards me. Was surprised that this worked out for me! Killing good pilots is always a pleasure!

My "best" death was yesterday in karkand. I tried to take the flag at Square with two teammates. I was proned and there were 2 boots running towards me. I looked up and saw the enemy dolphin-diving onto me with the knife; sorry I have no screenshot. Good One CurtisJackson1975!
Best moments:

- Sniping everyone in a HMMV on Karkand.  This HMMV came driving towards me so I went prone and realized that I had to get the driver through the window w/ my M95 or get run over.  I headshot him and the HMMV coasted to a stop and two other guys hopped out.  One guy immediately dropped prone and started firing at me and I knew I only had one shot before he killed me (my health was dropping).  I landed a second headshot and took him out and the third guy was a medic so he went over and tried to revive the other dude so I headshot him too.  Three straight headshots on a moving HMMV.  I still get goosebumps thinking about that one.

- Taking out everyone in a Blackhawk with two GL shots through the open hatch.  I had just spawned as assault on Mashtuur and heard a Blackhawk hovering above our flag and in the process of cap'ing it.  I jumped out from behind a building fired a single round with the GL and saw it arc perfectly into the open hatch of the Blackhawk and take out the gunner. I was able to stand my ground since the gunner was gone and reload and the 2nd shot did exactly the same as the 1st and arc'ed into the open hatch.   This time three more guys dropped, one of which must have been the pilot because the helo dropped like a rock and landed in front of me and the engine stopped.  I thought everyone was dead so I thought to myself, "cool a free helo!".  I ran over and just as I started to jump into it, it took off.   Apparently there was a wounded survivor in the bird and he jumped into the pilot seat and limped off before I could finish him off.  Still 4 kills and pts for flag defense and a wounded bird sent back to it's base was a great trade for 2 rounds with the GL.
People bitch about the GL but I love getting perfect downrange arcs on someone.  Landing GL rounds on moving HMMV's at a distance is also a lot of fun.
The Microwave Man
Strike on Karkand : I'm on the US side ans spawn as a Special forces . I snag a jeep and beg everyone to jump in . No one does so I head for the battle . I make my way up to the suburbs with no problem and cap the flag . I was checking the radar while capping the flag and notcied the biggest mass of red dots I've ever seen in 6 months of playing .It seemed as if they were holding good ground and laying waste to anyone who tried to take it . I jumped out and covered my jeep with satchle charges . I wondered if I can attack these guys from behind . Who attacks from behind ??? So I make my way down to the high rise building , cross the court yard by the tow missle and booked down the street . On my way I ran over 5 guys all snagging supplies from a sup drop in the middle of the street and a few guys laying prone cover firing my guys running down the hill . At full speed I made a quick right turn into the mass of red dots and slammed into one of the ambient burning cars - killing myself and about 18 other enemy troops .The last frame I saw was like 5 medics , 5 support guys and like 6-7 special forces tossing grenades . There were so many kills that there wasn't enough room to display them in the upper " who killed who with what " text . Then someone typed "OMFG !!!!! " . I was laughing so hard I couldn't play for the next 3 minutes . Everyone chimmed in with a " No fucking way ! " - " Bullshit !! " - "kick him " - " WTF !?!?!!?!?! " . You name it they said it hahahhahaha .
I chimmed in with " 23 kills in 5 seconds - OWNED ! "


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