I never say "enough" of freedom of religion. Perhaps you missed the paragraph which says "It is not only Muslims who have been offended by depictions of religion in art". I don't really care if people want to claim they are trying to avoid stirring up tension, because if are unwilling to put themselves in the firing line for their art then what they have to say is not worth hearing anyway.
And when businesses pull the plug on a cartoon/play/film which might cause offence, you always know the real reason is they are scared that the bad publicity will affect their bottom line, nothing else. Businesses don't care who gets fucked over or upset as long as they can profit from it.
People can hold demonstrations against passion this and da vinci that, but just because they protest with demands that may infringe on others rights, doesn't mean that people have to do anything about it. If someone organised a protest saying that all people of denomination xyz shouldn't be forced to pay taxes, doesn't mean that it's fair or reasonable. I've been to anti-car protests that turned into riots, but there are still fucking cars everywhere.
The media is
trying to make people scared of Muslims because it sells papers and keeps the viewer figures for the news up. It's not surprising that some foolish theatre house actually believes they are responsible if people die at a protest against a production they put on. The media is in a win-win situation, they over-cover any protests by Muslims and spin it out as highly dangerous, and they jump on it as Muslims breaching freedom of speech when cowards decide their art isn't worth standing up for.
I say "ENOUGH" media hype, "ENOUGH" acting like Muslims are criminals simply because of their religion, and "ENOUGH" to lowing's hatred of human rights.
Savage Trayloc wrote:
Muslims are the problem and they should be wiped from existence period....
Yeah, we hear that all the time on these forums. I find it just as offensive as if someone had said "dirty Jewes, I wish Hitler had finished the job".