
How many points on average do you scoreper game?

10-201%1% - 4
20-305%5% - 14
30-409%9% - 27
40-5014%14% - 40
50-6019%19% - 55
70-8021%21% - 59
80-905%5% - 16
90-1007%7% - 21
100 or higher13%13% - 37
I only die while playing :(1%1% - 4
Total: 277
+108|6896|In the hills
well i calculated my average points per round and its only like 35.9, yet I get a gold medal 2/3 rounds, lately.  I assure you that my average is around 70-80 points at this time, but some rounds where I am USMC on wake or just bad China rounds I will get only 10 or 15 points which really drops my average.  I have a high SPM, and I play 64 player so the rounds only last about 10 or 15 minutes...
+13|6688| NS Canada
when i started i was lucky to get into the double digits, now i get between 30 and 50 usually. Sometimes i can get much higher tho.

Last edited by cannonfodder18 (2006-09-26 13:39:55)

Whoa, to be honest, there's a lot of l33t folk out there, aint they? My avg is around 20 before x2(oops per round). And I have about 262 hours in bf2, having never played a bf game before while being a hardcore fps'r since 1998ish. I'm more newb than I'd like to think:/

Last edited by lendll (2006-09-26 14:27:02)

+151|6688|Forest Lake, Australia

Knight`UK wrote:

dhoar4 wrote:

Knight`UK wrote:

What has that got to do with this thread ??

1)Iam not playing medic anymore but working on other kits to get my experts in them .

2)Unlike you i can take somebody picking faults with my stats and not go all mental and start insulting them.If i was you i wouldnt be to proud of yours either they are not the worlds greatest and i think you suffer with hateing people who point out things that you have said or done that are wrong.

3)Tank whored yes to get the vet armour badge and the armour combat medal but the again you have that and your spm isnt that impressive at 2.6 just above mine.

You want to pick fault with me m8 do it but imho your just a average player like me nothing special but just a mental case that flys off the handle when your wrong .
What I'm saying is, the 139 hours as medic HAD to have raised your SPM...Yet it didn't.  I never claimed to be the greatest player, I was picking you out.  You're a fucking loser who has to make everyone feel like an idiot...

"LIAR!  Your Score per round is actually 45.76, not 46!  You suck"

Yes, I tank whored, and yes it did boost my SPM...The difference between me and you is, I kept the high scores going...

However, I recently joined a clan, and they play on Large maps with 16 slots...So it's hard to have the SPM stay at a high level...

Oh, and what a coincidence...You got your Expert Knife and Expert Pistol on the same day...Probably on the same round and on the same server as that 317 you pulled on Karkand...

Been on anymore Knife and pistol servers lately?
I got my 317 on  IO server

i got my expert Knife new to the regs in the 1.3 patch yes i cheated because it was handed to me by EA and not earnt prior patch 1.3

i also got my expert pistol same day because i thought wtf why not go for it ,if i can find the link on here i will post the screenshot of me doing the expert pistol on a Sharqui map with 19 kills and about 50 deaths so please dont post utter rubbish unless you have facts to actually back it up .


thats how mine has risen gradually over game play not spiked like yours .

and forgive me  i always thought a medic was to revive/heal not to be a killing machine also i have about 5000 more teampoints then you and your a higher rank .So forgive me again if i thought this was a teamplaying game fuck me thats where ive gone wrong it should be all about kills and saying fuck the team .

Btw you stat padded lately you fav victim =  sk8ty_drazz (53) dont try and preach to me because you FAIL .

How did I know you were going to say something about my favourite victim...

If you'd even bothered to search, you would find a post explaining why I have 53 kills with him.  It was a 24 hour round...Before all the patches.  I did it legitimately and I know it. 

Also, you might have 5000 more team-points than me, but I have 12,000 more Commander points, and 13,000 more kills (26,000 more combat points)...

That's where my time has been played...so get over it...

EDIT:  I've just realised, you got your team points from capturing flags, not reviving others...

Yeah, you're a wonderful medic...LOL

139 hours as medic, and only 2,631 revives and 731 heals...While with me, I have 15 hours less than you, and almost 2,000 more revives and almost 1,000 more heals...

and forgive me  i always thought a medic was to revive/heal not to be a killing machine
In summary, I have more revives, heals and kills than you with the medic kit, and you preach to me that they're supposed to help the team...You were obviously the worst medic on your team...

Last edited by dhoar4 (2006-09-26 19:29:21)

stats show that I get 1st 2nd or 3rd about 50 % of the time.

In the past few months I've probably came out on the top around 90% of the time.
BF2s US Server Admin, IRC>Forums
+157|6793|The Mind Of A Cereal Killer
obviously it all depends on map and kit
by the numbers 52 points per game average... but its up to about 85 - 95 - 150 average i would assume, minus the old days of learning, and games that i was unable to start or finish.

Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2006-09-26 19:36:57)

+98|6618|Life in a vacuum sucks
20-300 it just depends
120+ if the round isn't cut short from being capped out.
Body Skater
+28|6799|Berra - Aus
Thats a new account ay sarge? i swear i saw you on GA with a insanly good rank..
My average overall is 25.5 but over the last few weeks its been about 60-70 a round.

dhoar4 wrote:

Knight`UK wrote:

dhoar4 wrote:

What I'm saying is, the 139 hours as medic HAD to have raised your SPM...Yet it didn't.  I never claimed to be the greatest player, I was picking you out.  You're a fucking loser who has to make everyone feel like an idiot...

"LIAR!  Your Score per round is actually 45.76, not 46!  You suck"

Yes, I tank whored, and yes it did boost my SPM...The difference between me and you is, I kept the high scores going...

However, I recently joined a clan, and they play on Large maps with 16 slots...So it's hard to have the SPM stay at a high level...

Oh, and what a coincidence...You got your Expert Knife and Expert Pistol on the same day...Probably on the same round and on the same server as that 317 you pulled on Karkand...

Been on anymore Knife and pistol servers lately?
I got my 317 on  IO server

i got my expert Knife new to the regs in the 1.3 patch yes i cheated because it was handed to me by EA and not earnt prior patch 1.3

i also got my expert pistol same day because i thought wtf why not go for it ,if i can find the link on here i will post the screenshot of me doing the expert pistol on a Sharqui map with 19 kills and about 50 deaths so please dont post utter rubbish unless you have facts to actually back it up .


thats how mine has risen gradually over game play not spiked like yours .

and forgive me  i always thought a medic was to revive/heal not to be a killing machine also i have about 5000 more teampoints then you and your a higher rank .So forgive me again if i thought this was a teamplaying game fuck me thats where ive gone wrong it should be all about kills and saying fuck the team .

Btw you stat padded lately you fav victim =  sk8ty_drazz (53) dont try and preach to me because you FAIL .

How did I know you were going to say something about my favourite victim...

If you'd even bothered to search, you would find a post explaining why I have 53 kills with him.  It was a 24 hour round...Before all the patches.  I did it legitimately and I know it. 

Also, you might have 5000 more team-points than me, but I have 12,000 more Commander points, and 13,000 more kills (26,000 more combat points)...

That's where my time has been played...so get over it...

EDIT:  I've just realised, you got your team points from capturing flags, not reviving others...

Yeah, you're a wonderful medic...LOL

139 hours as medic, and only 2,631 revives and 731 heals...While with me, I have 15 hours less than you, and almost 2,000 more revives and almost 1,000 more heals...

and forgive me  i always thought a medic was to revive/heal not to be a killing machine
In summary, I have more revives, heals and kills than you with the medic kit, and you preach to me that they're supposed to help the team...You were obviously the worst medic on your team...
You really have no idea about the game i guess you idea how to play it is

revive/heal as much as poss to get those points

you dont bother capping flags you more intrested in getting those kill points

and about my time in armour the difference between me and you son is that i try and take out the other tank as much as poss so he doesnt set the spawn rapeing my fellow players .but from my guess i reckon you park your ass by hotel and rack the lovely kills up because your a pro-gamer and stats mean everything to you .

you dont know me son and you dont want to your the one who started all the insulting yesterday because i pointed out one simple fact about your average score per round .

you want to carry this on i can do this all day if you like but the means lowering myself to your standard's of being a mental case and flameing people over such stupid stuff.

dhoar4 you are the worlds best gamer and your stats own everybody on this forum your that good and care about points all the time .

PS if you worked with decent players all the time you dont need to revive/heal so much but i guess you play with those lil blue smurfs all day and you get all gooey when you get a revive and think "fuck me iam a point god i got another revive"

/end rant

you want to carry on be my guest


5000 more capped flags the you

2000 ish more cap assits then you

700 more defend flags then you and you talk to me about not being a team player and your the higher pr0-gamer rank .

Last edited by Knight`UK (2006-09-27 00:37:56)

+519|6774|Gold coast, Aus.
a game of Sharqi = 80 points pretty easily.

Flying helicopter on wake = 40 points (remember, FLYING) my gunner gets over 100 unless I'm versing super 1337 pilots + expert j-10s.
+151|6688|Forest Lake, Australia

Knight`UK wrote:

You really have no idea about the game i guess you idea how to play it is

revive/heal as much as poss to get those points

you dont bother capping flags you more intrested in getting those kill points

and about my time in armour the difference between me and you son is that i try and take out the other tank as much as poss so he doesnt set the spawn rapeing my fellow players .but from my guess i reckon you park your ass by hotel and rack the lovely kills up because your a pro-gamer and stats mean everything to you .

you dont know me son and you dont want to your the one who started all the insulting yesterday because i pointed out one simple fact about your average score per round .

you want to carry this on i can do this all day if you like but the means lowering myself to your standard's of being a mental case and flameing people over such stupid stuff.

dhoar4 you are the worlds best gamer and your stats own everybody on this forum your that good and care about points all the time .

PS if you worked with decent players all the time you dont need to revive/heal so much but i guess you play with those lil blue smurfs all day and you get all gooey when you get a revive and think "fuck me iam a point god i got another revive"

/end rant

you want to carry on be my guest


5000 more capped flags the you

2000 ish more cap assits then you

700 more defend flags then you and you talk to me about not being a team player and your the higher pr0-gamer rank .
Obviously you can't read either...You just critisised me for not playing Medic within the team-based environment...

Medic's do not cap flags.  They are used for reviving and healing, and in some cases, killing.  Medic and Sniper are the last kits you should be when capping flags...

I never said anything about me being a pro gamer.  You started the bullshit by saying "I've got 5000 more team-points than you"

All I did, was point out none of them came from being a medic...

Grow up buddy...It's a fucking game...
+151|6688|Forest Lake, Australia

polarbearz wrote:

dhoar4 wrote:

Grow up buddy...It's a fucking game...
If anyone needs to, its you.
Pfft...hahaha...It's you again...

Have you gotten a job since the last time you spat the dummy?

Or are you still a house-nerd?
+3,135|6891|The Hague, Netherlands


Longbow wrote:

Knight`UK wrote:

Longbow wrote:


50-60 or 90-150 .
Score  42.4591
I have to create new accout to prove you that without counting my n00b days & so on I have average round at about 50-60 ( if I'm in 'wrong' team - n00bs , no teamplay , low ranks & enemy is mix of officers with brilliant skills . Then the goal is KDR , so I try to survive more then get loads of kills ) & 90-150 ( if my team is the same as enemy one or better -then it's easy to get high number of kills & awesome KDR )
I agree it really depends on the team that surrounds you on how well you do and the skill of the other side .Some days you can go on a server and really own it others its like you just started playing again and you get prawned everywhere you spawn
+163|6799|Odessa, Ukraine
I have to create new accout to prove you that without counting my n00b days & so on I have average round score is between 50-60 ( if I'm in 'wrong' team - n00bs , no teamplay , low ranks & enemy is mix of officers with brilliant skills . Then the goal is KDR , so I try to survive more then get loads of kills ) & 90-150 ( if my team is the same as enemy one or better -then it's easy to get high number of kills & awesome KDR ) ?
+0|6704|Melbourne / Australia
50 - 80  karkand and jabaaa

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