
How many points on average do you scoreper game?

10-201%1% - 4
20-305%5% - 14
30-409%9% - 27
40-5014%14% - 40
50-6019%19% - 55
70-8021%21% - 59
80-905%5% - 16
90-1007%7% - 21
100 or higher13%13% - 37
I only die while playing :(1%1% - 4
Total: 277
Same shit, Different Arsehole
I normaly get about 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100 around...
I score about 30-50 normally :S
I can get anything, between 25 and 100+, depends on kit/vehicle.
Plöt aba Madurah
+34|6596|Austria - Graz
This thread became ab bit dumb! Especially the calculation for the avg score. Global points / Rounds..... wtf

How many rounds ended before u can spawn? Or shot anyone because u joined in the moment as the round ended? Or your team had no spawn points any longer? Just all those extrem shots rounds under 1 min... U don't get some points, but one more in the win or lose stat. Thats all.

And Polarbearzthing is right, as he said that u cant get some points too, if your team rapes the us carrier on wake, and u are in a tank, waiting for better times.
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6744|Your attic
According to my stats, around 30 and with my old days of scoring 10 points and being happy and even nowadays having bad rounds/30 second rounds with that I'd say that's right.

Although if you take the last month or so I'd estimate (rough estimate) around 40/50.
Per round i score  41.3946 according to Ranks + more.

So i voted 40-50 points pr round.

Platinum Star whore
+365|6831|Middle of nowhere
If it's a city map, 70-80 and i'm usually near or in the top, if it's a big open map, probably 40-60ish

sometimes if i'm really pwning i can get 100+ over consecutive rounds, but that's rare (i like when it happens though!)
Kick His Ass!
+371|6847|Howell, Mi USA
Lately i've been getting 50-60 points per round.
Fantasma Parastasie
Medic on warlord, full round, 150-250
Medic on karkand, 100-150
other infantry maps: 70-120
jets/choppers on Kubra: 70-100
Evil Geniuses for a sparsely populated tomorrow

killa_karnickl wrote:

How many rounds ended before u can spawn? Or shot anyone because u joined in the moment as the round ended? 
You don't get a loss or a win if you don't spawn joining the round at the end.  At least that is what I have experinced.

My average Score per Round is 21 and 25 for rounds played in the last month(mostly infantry).
+3,135|6891|The Hague, Netherlands

50/60/70 +

depends sometimes 100+
2142th Whore

occasionally goes to 50~60

rarely 80+ unless commander

dhoar4 wrote:

Knight`UK wrote:

dhoar4 wrote:

Oh, and Knight...

You're hardly the person to be stalking this board...

The one kit you're decent at is Medic...And after 138:48:08 hours at it, you've got less than 6,000 kills, and a piss arse 2.2 SPM...

You've even tank whored, and the SPM still didn't go up...
What has that got to do with this thread ??

1)Iam not playing medic anymore but working on other kits to get my experts in them .

2)Unlike you i can take somebody picking faults with my stats and not go all mental and start insulting them.If i was you i wouldnt be to proud of yours either they are not the worlds greatest and i think you suffer with hateing people who point out things that you have said or done that are wrong.

3)Tank whored yes to get the vet armour badge and the armour combat medal but the again you have that and your spm isnt that impressive at 2.6 just above mine.

You want to pick fault with me m8 do it but imho your just a average player like me nothing special but just a mental case that flys off the handle when your wrong .
What I'm saying is, the 139 hours as medic HAD to have raised your SPM...Yet it didn't.  I never claimed to be the greatest player, I was picking you out.  You're a fucking loser who has to make everyone feel like an idiot...

"LIAR!  Your Score per round is actually 45.76, not 46!  You suck"

Yes, I tank whored, and yes it did boost my SPM...The difference between me and you is, I kept the high scores going...

However, I recently joined a clan, and they play on Large maps with 16 slots...So it's hard to have the SPM stay at a high level...

Oh, and what a coincidence...You got your Expert Knife and Expert Pistol on the same day...Probably on the same round and on the same server as that 317 you pulled on Karkand...

Been on anymore Knife and pistol servers lately?
I got my 317 on  IO server

i got my expert Knife new to the regs in the 1.3 patch yes i cheated because it was handed to me by EA and not earnt prior patch 1.3

i also got my expert pistol same day because i thought wtf why not go for it ,if i can find the link on here i will post the screenshot of me doing the expert pistol on a Sharqui map with 19 kills and about 50 deaths so please dont post utter rubbish unless you have facts to actually back it up .


thats how mine has risen gradually over game play not spiked like yours .

and forgive me  i always thought a medic was to revive/heal not to be a killing machine also i have about 5000 more teampoints then you and your a higher rank .So forgive me again if i thought this was a teamplaying game fuck me thats where ive gone wrong it should be all about kills and saying fuck the team .

Btw you stat padded lately you fav victim =  sk8ty_drazz (53) dont try and preach to me because you FAIL .

Last edited by Knight`UK (2006-09-26 08:03:49)

The first true Sniper.
+95|6797|Cumberland, MD, USA
Since I've been Medic whoring Karkand with the clan it's been up around 60-80 depending. I'm doing that to shorten the gap between 1st Sarge. and Sarge. Mjr.
Frosties > Cornflakes

Depends, all these guys who are searching through peoples stats to find there true values (GO GET LAID pricks), fact of the matter is, the statistical information is accurate, only if we consider your ENTIRE battlefield 2 career.  E.g, my stat says I score an average of 25 per round, (pretty pathetic) fair enough, now let us take into consideration changing game play since I began.

I've been a heli whore (pilot)
Jet whore on wake
and now i am medic/support whore on IO city maps (usually karkand)

Now, let us take into consideration scores (of which I have evidence of in ss, i don't just randomly pluck out these figures)

Heli whore pilot's are reliant on there gunners to get them 'uber 1337 scores' we all know some of the incompetent gunners we get who miss a fully loaded bh thats 5 feet away and your setting up a TV, and he attempts to give it some aerodynamically improved air holes (listen up kids, the Simpson's were wrong )

Scores attained (depending on server and number of people) 20 to +100

J-10 whore on wake, again, depending on who the other j-10 pilot is, the z-10 boys, and indeed the commanders arty, not taking into consideration any guys on USMC who know what there doing and can get on the island.  Scores vary, 20 to +120 (think my best on wake was 130 from jet whoring).

NOW, karkand, on mec, reviving anyone who screams medic and littering the place in medic packs, or support packs, since IO came out and indeed before it, i've hardly ever seen a score below 50.  Usually hitting 80 every time I play the full round.

My point is, the statistical information displayed by bf2s, and indeed any other stats site, do NOT, take into consideration changing patterns in game play.

To prove my point I played on a new account for a week and got a spm of 3.8 (WAY ahead of my Lt col account which is about 1.85).

When Someone says 'yea I score about 50 a round' then we get the pedantic fuckers going NOOOOOOOOO n00b ur stats say 20.  The guy is talking about now, who takes into consideration how well they did a year ago, if you asked me what do I score per round, I will tell u +70, but this is 3 times what my spm suggests .

Stats don't show how well your doing in intervals, only the entire play, and as I have had this game over a year, I play completely differently to a year ago.

Meaning, stats although correct, do not paint a clear picture as to how, a individual plays now, or last month or whatever.

On a lighter note.......... ITS A GAME!

polarbearz wrote:

Historian wrote:

between 70-80 a round for me
More lies. At your SPM, you're trying to say rounds last 45 minutes or MORE every single time? Give a honest estimate, or don't give one at all.
SPM is an overall average inc you 1st ever game
we are all talking about our average nowdays
+39|6790|OREEGONE, USA
The SPM is flawed since most people sucked at this game and didn't get high scores like they do now.  I was averaging about 20 to 30 per game when it first came out, but now i'm up to +80.
I get a minimum of 500 points each round.
Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6815|Groningen, The Netherlands
On my stat page you can find an avarege of 41 oer round.
But one real round, no half ones I must get at least 70 points.
Kick His Ass!
+371|6847|Howell, Mi USA

JaMDuDe wrote:

I get a minimum of 500 points each round.
Hockey Nut
+243|6683|Boston, MA
Whenever I play with my brother I'm usually above 100 if the map lasts long enough, and that's mainly as Anti-Tank. If I don't play with my brother it's anywhere from 70-100+.
If im on USMC usually around 70 or so.
If im on MEC over 100 usually
Your stat page>"Ranks & More" tab> bottom left.

Everybody was worse in the beginning so that factor doesn't matter when comparing 2 players.
Will fly for food.
+120|6662|Daytona Beach, FL

polarbearz wrote:

Emil_the_Slayer wrote:

depends how long the round is, wich map etc. but i usually comes in the top
Oh. Really?

You have:

83 Gold
123 Silver
97 Bronze

from 2201 games. That makes only ABOUT 10%. I hardly call that 'usually'.
lmao.. brutal
+271|6909|United States of America
My second account to just mess with. http://bf2s.com/player/74252633/  In two games I got 220 points, so on average I get about 110 points per round.  Note: That was a bad day I was playing.

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