+271|7069|United States of America

Gawwad wrote:

Stoman wrote:

Gawwad wrote:

Mind quoting the person you direct your critisism to?
It was written above, bit of a give away
Doesn't seem to be on these forums.
You find people bashing the first post with out quoting.

You're message doesn't indicate in anyway who you directed it to.
I understood immeadiatly who he was chewing out, because the guy deserved it.  It should be plain and simple...

Last edited by Miller (2006-09-26 14:04:21)


Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Spumantiii wrote:

safety is a RIGHT not a priviledge.  5 years and no attacks is hardly an accomplishment.
Wow. Some people in this world just need to get a clue. All you do is bitch and grab on bits and straws to further your dumbass opinions.
what, you don't believe safety is a right??  Are you fucking retarted??

Don't you get it?  They failed:  They let attacks happen!  5 years is no fucking olympic record!!!!


who do you think you are to call my opinions 'dumbass' without a damn thing to say about the topic?

hmm  all i do is clutch at bits

go read a goddamn book.  Do I need to remind you who the real fucking terrorists are in this world?  It's your fucking intel communities who are responsible for the whole mess and there is proof going back 50 years if you want a fucking lecture I'll give you one. 

What is it that makes you believe feeling SAFE  is SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE?

Last edited by Spumantiii (2006-09-26 14:32:28)

My way or Haddaway!
+212|6998|Espoo, Finland

Miller wrote:

Gawwad wrote:

Stoman wrote:

It was written above, bit of a give away
Doesn't seem to be on these forums.
You find people bashing the first post with out quoting.

You're message doesn't indicate in anyway who you directed it to.
I understood immeadiatly who he was chewing out, because the guy deserved it.  It should be plain and simple...
Well, I didn't and the reason should be plain and simple since I already wrote it here.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

Spumantiii wrote:

Do I need to remind you who the real fucking terrorists are in this world?

What is it that makes you believe feeling SAFE  is SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE?
Can you clarify the real terrorist statement?  Who is it? (Not meant to be derrogatory, I want to understand where exactly you come from).

And to answer the question - I think its an accomplishment.  Whether it actually prevented terrorism during that time, we'll never know because it doesn't work that way.
+1|6738|UK deep south

Gawwad wrote:

Stoman wrote:

Gawwad wrote:

Mind quoting the person you direct your critisism to?
It was written above, bit of a give away
Doesn't seem to be on these forums.
You find people bashing the first post with out quoting.

You're message doesn't indicate in anyway who you directed it to.
I cant be bothered to argue with you, common sense would say judging by what i wrote it was directed at the little scrote above, ok mate?
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS

Miller wrote:

Gawwad wrote:

Stoman wrote:

It was written above, bit of a give away
Doesn't seem to be on these forums.
You find people bashing the first post with out quoting.

You're message doesn't indicate in anyway who you directed it to.
I understood immeadiatly who he was chewing out, because the guy deserved it.  It should be plain and simple...
Both of you are right. When I first saw it, I was like 'WHAT THE FUCK.' But then I saw the post above, and then my opinion totally changed.

He was talking about the '9/11 victims suck shit' post.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6998|Espoo, Finland

Stoman wrote:

Gawwad wrote:

Stoman wrote:

It was written above, bit of a give away
Doesn't seem to be on these forums.
You find people bashing the first post with out quoting.

You're message doesn't indicate in anyway who you directed it to.
I cant be bothered to argue with you, common sense would say judging by what i wrote it was directed at the little scrote above, ok mate?
Why are you so damn defencive? Trying to make me look stupid?
I already told you, why it was unclear to me who you directed your comment to, but you still fail to get it!
Who jus tgave me karma for saying 100,000 jews gassed a day?

Its not funny. Its true asshole.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

This topic has broken down to individual bickering.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Since day One.
I think the USA should move out from the whole eastern part....they shouldnt stay there for the oil.
They just wanna get the whole oil fields and that go away...dont make the ppl more angry..
Jeepers Creepers
+136|7044|Peoria, Illinois

SealXo wrote:

Mike_J wrote:

It's official.

World War II cost more American lives than the events that brought the US into it.

I didn't know the objective of the war on terror was to see how many terrorists we could kill without losing a greater amount of Americans than on 9/11.  I think you need to re-think your post and present a point, unless you think what I just mentioned is the goal of this war.
Thats a different purpose , 100000 jews gassed every day if a just cause to help.
We never entered World War II because of any Jews. The point is to fight back regardless if it costs more lives than what we lost from the cause. We may not be fighting this war the most efficient way but we are fighting it nonetheless to prevent future attacks. The men and women in our military are fighting them over there so that our civlians aren't being killed by them here.

SealXo wrote:

uhhhmmm. suck my cock liberal

Wanna know why?

I wonder wha would happen if we didnt go to the middle east. How many more terrorist attacks would have happened?

I dont even know what else to say, go move to canada
Don't try to hit the bee if you don't like the sting.
Jeepers Creepers
+136|7044|Peoria, Illinois

venom6 wrote:

I think the USA should move out from the whole eastern part....they shouldnt stay there for the oil.
They just wanna get the whole oil fields and that go away...dont make the ppl more angry..
If we wanted to steal oil we would have attacked Saudi Arabia and used the 19 hijackers' SAUDI ARABIAN passports as the evidence. War for oil ...pfffttt You believe everything Bin Laden tells you? Moron.

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

AchangelTyreal wrote:

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

It'll work for Australia too asshat. . .here, let me show you.

I like the ballsiness of Australia when they talk trash about the USA.  I mean they have stagnant economic growth. . .their populace is being threatened by terrorists that supposedly don't exist. . .and the only guy from there worth a shit just got killed by a motherfucking stingray.

Crikey!  Let me pack my bags and get my ass over to Australia pronto!!

Point is. . .fuck the rest of the world.
Fuck the rest of the world huh?  Wow, ok everyone not from america who reads that, PLEASE do not think we are all like that, really!  Some of us realize that the US is not the center of the universe(aenima runs to find scientific evidence proving this is so).
No. . .just I could fucking care less what you idiots think.  You act like you know what is best for America when you don't even live here.  As usual America has to take the reigns in dealing with the world's issues when the rest of the world won't.  Personally, I'd like to see us be hands off and watch the world go to hell in a handbasket and have all of you clamoring for our help.

Seriously. . .America became the world's only superpower without your help and I'm sure she'll continue to do fine without it. . .
God, how ignorant.  Your country got where it is by trading and cooperating with neigbors, especially here in Canada.  Ifd it wasn't for us you'd be nothing.  Look up how much your economy DEPENDS ON US.  You have an arrogant view of the world.  Other people who said fuck other countries got their front teeth knocked in for being asshats.  Napoleon and Hitler come to mind quickly. 

Funny how THE USA is the only country saying fuck other countries.

Famous last words from dying empires  :  we don't need your help.
this is the best we can do?
Lets be honest here for a minute..IF William Jefferson Clinton had done his job in the first place, instead of acting like a tank whore while playing commander, we would have stopped most of this crap in the first place.  Its painfully obvious, he did NOT do what he was supposed to, i.e. first wtc attack, Cole bombing, OPM bombing in Riyadh, Saudi 1995, USAF barracks Dharan 1996, embassies in Kenya, Tanzania.  He had at LEAST 3 shots (that we know of) to take out the masterminds of 9/11 but was worried about "legal liabilities".  Not only that, but its your world too, so quit sitting on your asses, even if it is happening in some one else's backyard.  Just go ask Spain, Germany, Syria, UK about al qaeda in their backyards and sure enough, its not if but when. 

Now even I know that we have done things wrong in Iraq.  But come on, this is what happens when you sit still and wait for lawyers to tell you what you can do instead of taking care of business.  Wonder how many of those lawyers were in the pentagon that day when the 3rd plane hit and had to go change their underwear?

Spumantiii wrote:

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

AchangelTyreal wrote:

Fuck the rest of the world huh?  Wow, ok everyone not from america who reads that, PLEASE do not think we are all like that, really!  Some of us realize that the US is not the center of the universe(aenima runs to find scientific evidence proving this is so).
No. . .just I could fucking care less what you idiots think.  You act like you know what is best for America when you don't even live here.  As usual America has to take the reigns in dealing with the world's issues when the rest of the world won't.  Personally, I'd like to see us be hands off and watch the world go to hell in a handbasket and have all of you clamoring for our help.

Seriously. . .America became the world's only superpower without your help and I'm sure she'll continue to do fine without it. . .
God, how ignorant.  Your country got where it is by trading and cooperating with neigbors, especially here in Canada.  Ifd it wasn't for us you'd be nothing.  Look up how much your economy DEPENDS ON US.  You have an arrogant view of the world.  Other people who said fuck other countries got their front teeth knocked in for being asshats.  Napoleon and Hitler come to mind quickly. 

Funny how THE USA is the only country saying fuck other countries.

Famous last words from dying empires  :  we don't need your help.
Please remember the age group you are dealing with for the most part on these forums.   At 17 they hardly have a view of the world, merely a glimpse maybe. 

Most Americans understand and appreciate the rest of the world and respect their views.  Sadly, our current administration does not.  Which could be the reason their approval rating is hovering in the 30% range.

smtt686 wrote:

Lets be honest here for a minute..IF William Jefferson Clinton had done his job in the first place, instead of acting like a tank whore while playing commander, we would have stopped most of this crap in the first place.  Its painfully obvious, he did NOT do what he was supposed to, i.e. first wtc attack, Cole bombing, OPM bombing in Riyadh, Saudi 1995, USAF barracks Dharan 1996, embassies in Kenya, Tanzania.  He had at LEAST 3 shots (that we know of) to take out the masterminds of 9/11 but was worried about "legal liabilities".  Not only that, but its your world too, so quit sitting on your asses, even if it is happening in some one else's backyard.  Just go ask Spain, Germany, Syria, UK about al qaeda in their backyards and sure enough, its not if but when. 

Now even I know that we have done things wrong in Iraq.  But come on, this is what happens when you sit still and wait for lawyers to tell you what you can do instead of taking care of business.  Wonder how many of those lawyers were in the pentagon that day when the 3rd plane hit and had to go change their underwear?
Why do you think they waited until Bush took office to commit their attacks?  Just a question.  I mean if Clinton did such a horrible job don't you think the most opportune time would have been while he was in office?
Jeepers Creepers
+136|7044|Peoria, Illinois

GATOR591957 wrote:

Why do you think they waited until Bush took office to commit their attacks?  Just a question.  I mean if Clinton did such a horrible job don't you think the most opportune time would have been while he was in office?
Um maybe because they had to train for it first? They were already in the US since 1995 conducting flight training in Florida, collecting the necessary funds, and various other matters. Changing out presidents at the time wasn't going to make it easier or harder to hijack a plane. The president doesn't wave the wands in airline security.

GATOR591957 wrote:

Spumantiii wrote:

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

No. . .just I could fucking care less what you idiots think.  You act like you know what is best for America when you don't even live here.  As usual America has to take the reigns in dealing with the world's issues when the rest of the world won't.  Personally, I'd like to see us be hands off and watch the world go to hell in a handbasket and have all of you clamoring for our help.

Seriously. . .America became the world's only superpower without your help and I'm sure she'll continue to do fine without it. . .
God, how ignorant.  Your country got where it is by trading and cooperating with neigbors, especially here in Canada.  Ifd it wasn't for us you'd be nothing.  Look up how much your economy DEPENDS ON US.  You have an arrogant view of the world.  Other people who said fuck other countries got their front teeth knocked in for being asshats.  Napoleon and Hitler come to mind quickly. 

Funny how THE USA is the only country saying fuck other countries.

Famous last words from dying empires  :  we don't need your help.
Please remember the age group you are dealing with for the most part on these forums.   At 17 they hardly have a view of the world, merely a glimpse maybe. 

Most Americans understand and appreciate the rest of the world and respect their views.  Sadly, our current administration does not.  Which could be the reason their approval rating is hovering in the 30% range.
Actually it is up closer to 50% now that gas prices are dropping.  It seems like the "Adults" who have had more than a "glimpse" of the world base their thoughts and opinions on how much they have to pay when they go to the gas station.  And half of those people actually think Bush is manipulating gas prices!!

So. . .President Bush is too dumb to spell or say the word nuclear but he's smart enough to mastermind the 9/11 terrorist attacks. . .start bringing about a New World Order. . .AND he's able to call up the oil companies which are run by shareholders and the like and manipulate the price of gas whenever he pleases. . . .
this is the best we can do?

GATOR591957 wrote:

smtt686 wrote:

Lets be honest here for a minute..IF William Jefferson Clinton had done his job in the first place, instead of acting like a tank whore while playing commander, we would have stopped most of this crap in the first place.  Its painfully obvious, he did NOT do what he was supposed to, i.e. first wtc attack, Cole bombing, OPM bombing in Riyadh, Saudi 1995, USAF barracks Dharan 1996, embassies in Kenya, Tanzania.  He had at LEAST 3 shots (that we know of) to take out the masterminds of 9/11 but was worried about "legal liabilities".  Not only that, but its your world too, so quit sitting on your asses, even if it is happening in some one else's backyard.  Just go ask Spain, Germany, Syria, UK about al qaeda in their backyards and sure enough, its not if but when. 

Now even I know that we have done things wrong in Iraq.  But come on, this is what happens when you sit still and wait for lawyers to tell you what you can do instead of taking care of business.  Wonder how many of those lawyers were in the pentagon that day when the 3rd plane hit and had to go change their underwear?
Why do you think they waited until Bush took office to commit their attacks?  Just a question.  I mean if Clinton did such a horrible job don't you think the most opportune time would have been while he was in office?
READ READ READ READ....they did not wait...once again for the gator, they did not wait.  They have been doing attacks for years, but they finally have someone who is willing to fight back.  and fight back we have.
this is the best we can do?
Its kind of funny that nobody remembers why al qaeda attacked us in the first place and why they hate us sooo much.  anyone remember when Kuwait was attacked by Iraq and proclaimed by Iraq a province on August 2, 1990.  August 7th, 1990, Americans were placed in the holy land of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and that folks, is when all hell broke loose.  Bin Laden was snubbed by the kingdom as well as Kuwait and then and there is when the holy war was started.  American and other non-muslim personnel stationed on holy land.  this is our punishment for helping out a sovereign nation, and protecting (while invited) another sovereign nation.  If you read anything else into it, well thats your problem, but these are the facts.

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

Spumantiii wrote:

God, how ignorant.  Your country got where it is by trading and cooperating with neigbors, especially here in Canada.  Ifd it wasn't for us you'd be nothing.  Look up how much your economy DEPENDS ON US.  You have an arrogant view of the world.  Other people who said fuck other countries got their front teeth knocked in for being asshats.  Napoleon and Hitler come to mind quickly. 

Funny how THE USA is the only country saying fuck other countries.

Famous last words from dying empires  :  we don't need your help.
Please remember the age group you are dealing with for the most part on these forums.   At 17 they hardly have a view of the world, merely a glimpse maybe. 

Most Americans understand and appreciate the rest of the world and respect their views.  Sadly, our current administration does not.  Which could be the reason their approval rating is hovering in the 30% range.
Actually it is up closer to 50% now that gas prices are dropping.  It seems like the "Adults" who have had more than a "glimpse" of the world base their thoughts and opinions on how much they have to pay when they go to the gas station.  And half of those people actually think Bush is manipulating gas prices!!

So. . .President Bush is too dumb to spell or say the word nuclear but he's smart enough to mastermind the 9/11 terrorist attacks. . .start bringing about a New World Order. . .AND he's able to call up the oil companies which are run by shareholders and the like and manipulate the price of gas whenever he pleases. . . .

smtt686 wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

smtt686 wrote:

Lets be honest here for a minute..IF William Jefferson Clinton had done his job in the first place, instead of acting like a tank whore while playing commander, we would have stopped most of this crap in the first place.  Its painfully obvious, he did NOT do what he was supposed to, i.e. first wtc attack, Cole bombing, OPM bombing in Riyadh, Saudi 1995, USAF barracks Dharan 1996, embassies in Kenya, Tanzania.  He had at LEAST 3 shots (that we know of) to take out the masterminds of 9/11 but was worried about "legal liabilities".  Not only that, but its your world too, so quit sitting on your asses, even if it is happening in some one else's backyard.  Just go ask Spain, Germany, Syria, UK about al qaeda in their backyards and sure enough, its not if but when. 

Now even I know that we have done things wrong in Iraq.  But come on, this is what happens when you sit still and wait for lawyers to tell you what you can do instead of taking care of business.  Wonder how many of those lawyers were in the pentagon that day when the 3rd plane hit and had to go change their underwear?
Why do you think they waited until Bush took office to commit their attacks?  Just a question.  I mean if Clinton did such a horrible job don't you think the most opportune time would have been while he was in office?
READ READ READ READ....they did not wait...once again for the gator, they did not wait.  They have been doing attacks for years, but they finally have someone who is willing to fight back.  and fight back we have.
Soooo if they had been doing attacks and training since 1995, why not attack in 1999?
© 2009 Jeff Minard

GATOR591957 wrote:

smtt686 wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

Why do you think they waited until Bush took office to commit their attacks?  Just a question.  I mean if Clinton did such a horrible job don't you think the most opportune time would have been while he was in office?
READ READ READ READ....they did not wait...once again for the gator, they did not wait.  They have been doing attacks for years, but they finally have someone who is willing to fight back.  and fight back we have.
Soooo if they had been doing attacks and training since 1995, why not attack in 1999?
Cos they wanted to see the Millenium firework show.
this is the best we can do?

mafia996630 wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

smtt686 wrote:

READ READ READ READ....they did not wait...once again for the gator, they did not wait.  They have been doing attacks for years, but they finally have someone who is willing to fight back.  and fight back we have.
Soooo if they had been doing attacks and training since 1995, why not attack in 1999?
Cos they wanted to see the Millenium firework show.
which by the way, failed.

also,  there were at least 6 attacks, carried out or stopped while clinton was in office, which occured before 1999.    next???

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