360 owns my soul
+31|6822|Behind You

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

I like the ballsiness of Europe and stuff when they talk trash about the USA.  I mean they have stagnant economic growth. . .they have race riots in France. . .they have their populace being bombed by the terrorists that supposedly we should just leave alone. . .

Damn!  Let me pack my bags and get my ass over to Europe pronto!!
He's from fucking Australia, cocktard.

Not that I disagree with him, but this has nothing to do with Europe.
It'll work for Australia too asshat. . .here, let me show you.

I like the ballsiness of Australia when they talk trash about the USA.  I mean they have stagnant economic growth. . .their populace is being threatened by terrorists that supposedly don't exist. . .and the only guy from there worth a shit just got killed by a motherfucking stingray.

Crikey!  Let me pack my bags and get my ass over to Australia pronto!!

Point is. . .fuck the rest of the world.
Fuck the rest of the world huh?  Wow, ok everyone not from america who reads that, PLEASE do not think we are all like that, really!  Some of us realize that the US is not the center of the universe(aenima runs to find scientific evidence proving this is so).
actually this happened a few weeks ago

AchangelTyreal wrote:

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

He's from fucking Australia, cocktard.

Not that I disagree with him, but this has nothing to do with Europe.
It'll work for Australia too asshat. . .here, let me show you.

I like the ballsiness of Australia when they talk trash about the USA.  I mean they have stagnant economic growth. . .their populace is being threatened by terrorists that supposedly don't exist. . .and the only guy from there worth a shit just got killed by a motherfucking stingray.

Crikey!  Let me pack my bags and get my ass over to Australia pronto!!

Point is. . .fuck the rest of the world.
Fuck the rest of the world huh?  Wow, ok everyone not from america who reads that, PLEASE do not think we are all like that, really!  Some of us realize that the US is not the center of the universe(aenima runs to find scientific evidence proving this is so).
No. . .just I could fucking care less what you idiots think.  You act like you know what is best for America when you don't even live here.  As usual America has to take the reigns in dealing with the world's issues when the rest of the world won't.  Personally, I'd like to see us be hands off and watch the world go to hell in a handbasket and have all of you clamoring for our help.

Seriously. . .America became the world's only superpower without your help and I'm sure she'll continue to do fine without it. . .
360 owns my soul
+31|6822|Behind You
"I could give a shit what you guys think."  Well, that's always conducive to a good debate and intellectual discussion.  Your posts in the Clinton owns Wallace thread actually made you seem like you were slightly intelligent, but you clearly have developed the thought inhibiting "America, Fuck Yeah!" belief.  I'm done debating with you before this degenerates anymore into pointless name calling.  Oh and I DO live in the US, I live in New Hampshire.  I go to college in Ireland though.  Go abroad man, it would help expand your perception of the world.

Last edited by AchangelTyreal (2006-09-24 18:31:37)

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida
this thread has been hijacked by good ol' boy whity white tighty American right-wingers. 

"I hate it when all those dumbshit European French people attack America when they don't have shit themselves.  blah blah blah a duuuhhrrr"

"Dude, he's from Australia."

"Makes no difference.  A duuuuuuhhhr?!1"

and of course.. here's Aenima Eyes acting like he really knows his shit about world politics, running a country, and creating a superpower....

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-09-24 18:42:20)

sealxo[Murders-Katana] guywithhugefont
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Spark wrote:

It's official.

The War on Terror has cost more American lives than the event that spawned it, 9/11.

Seriously, guys. You might have to re-think your strategy.

EDIT: For the stupid and ignorant: I mean MILITARY strategy. E.g. How many troops you have in each patrol.
9/11 was 1 day. The war on terror has been 5 years. So far no attacks on the US since. I'd be willing to bet if you asked any American after 9/11 if we would be hit again in the next year they would have said yes. This is not to say there hasn't been mistakes made militarily though.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

AchangelTyreal wrote:

"I could give a shit what you guys think."  Well, that's always conducive to a good debate and intellectual discussion.  Your posts in the Clinton owns Wallace thread actually made you seem like you were slightly intelligent, but you clearly have developed the thought inhibiting "America, Fuck Yeah!" belief.  I'm done debating with you before this degenerates anymore into pointless name calling.  Oh and I DO live in the US, I live in New Hampshire.  I go to college in Ireland though.  Go abroad man, it would help expand your perception of the world.
I've been to Estonia, Finland, France, England, Germany, Mexico, and Italy.

Quit talking out of your ass.  The world thinks they know what's best for America.  That's why whenever we try working together with them on things cough OilForFood cough we end up getting screwed.  That's why after the '04 elections they printed that famous how can 56,000,000 people be so DUMB? article.  Americans are constantly vilified across the globe as fascists and the "evil empire" and all this other bullshit.

Nevermind the fact that Americans give more money in charitable donations that any other country in the world (and not just because we're the wealthiest).  I think we gave somewhere in the range of $1.2 BILLION when the tsunami hit...and that was just from everyday people here in the States. 

We do the world's dirty work like trying to take care of terrorism and we get nothing but criticism for it.  Meanwhile, PLENTY of countries have been subject to terror attacks EXCEPT America since 9/11.  Did the world ever stop and think for a second that maybe America knows what the fuck we're doing?  Maybe that's the reason why we have a very successful economy year in and year out. . .why we have the highest standard of living in the world. . .why we are on top after only a couple hundred years of even being a nation.  Look at France who consistently dogs the USA and her citizens.  The open-minded wonderful French had horrible race riots all across their country in the year 2005!  Americans get blamed for being these ignorant racist idiots yet we sorted our shit out in that department 40 years ago!  Yeah, it is still a problem (L.A. riots 1992). . .but we don't have people across our entire country burning shit down, killing old people, and whatnot.

I just get tired of the hypocrisy more than anything.  "The world" acts like they are a bunch of choir boys and points to America for everything that goes wrong.  It's o.k. tho, the American people have some pretty strong backs.  Just toss your problems up there and we'll carry them the extra mile.
+271|7069|United States of America
This was a good debate until the above.
+5,233|6842|Global Command
He wasn't that out of line.
Man of Moebius Morals
+71|6894|Nottingham, UK

Masterstyle wrote:

its called war fool, we are willing to die for what we believe in. for every 1 of our guys that die we kill 3 time as much if not more.
That could be my new sig. An American with a suicide bombers mentality. I salute you.
+1|6738|UK deep south
At the end of the day have we lost sight of what was the catalyst for the war??? Could the free world stand back in good conscience and let innocent people die/be dictated by rulers who dont value human life the same as you and I, knowing full well we have the ability to at least try and make these peoples lives better? Long before 9/11 the iraqi's thought nothing of using chemical weapons against thier own people.
I don't believe democracy can be applied to all races and situations, but surely humanity and freedom can?

Last edited by Stoman (2006-09-24 21:42:55)

My way or Haddaway!
+212|6998|Espoo, Finland

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

. .why we have the highest standard of living in the world. . .why we are on top after only a couple hundred years of even being a nation.
Standard of living is calculated with HDI (human development index) I belive and USA is not number one in those charts.

Your nation is nothins special, my friend

Last edited by Gawwad (2006-09-25 00:09:46)


Gawwad wrote:

Your nation is nothins special, my friend
Right.  How many people flock to your country everyday risking death and imprisonment?

Spearhead wrote:

this thread has been hijacked by good ol' boy whity white tighty American right-wingers. 

"I hate it when all those dumbshit European French people attack America when they don't have shit themselves.  blah blah blah a duuuhhrrr"

"Dude, he's from Australia."

"Makes no difference.  A duuuuuuhhhr?!1"

and of course.. here's Aenima Eyes acting like he really knows his shit about world politics, running a country, and creating a superpower....
Nice generalizations there hoss.  You act like you actually know something about not looking like a total asshat.  So do you have anything worthwhile to say or is it just going to be more ejaculation like above?

usmarine2005 wrote:

Gawwad wrote:

Your nation is nothins special, my friend
Right.  How many people flock to your country everyday risking death and imprisonment?
Haha.  Owned.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

this thread has been hijacked by good ol' boy whity white tighty American right-wingers. 

"I hate it when all those dumbshit European French people attack America when they don't have shit themselves.  blah blah blah a duuuhhrrr"

"Dude, he's from Australia."

"Makes no difference.  A duuuuuuhhhr?!1"

and of course.. here's Aenima Eyes acting like he really knows his shit about world politics, running a country, and creating a superpower....
Nice generalizations there hoss.  You act like you actually know something about not looking like a total asshat.  So do you have anything worthwhile to say or is it just going to be more ejaculation like above?
Nope, and neither do you.  So stop acting like your better than other people on internet forums.  You're the asshat, buddy.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS
This thread has gone to the shitter. Anaemia, fuck off. If you "don't care about other opinions" then you are simply not capable of debate.

I'd like to invite everyone else to read that too. I simply cannot believe the idiocy started in this thread. Not talking about any paticular side here.


Either clean this up or close the thread so this inane stupidity does not spill over to the rest of the forum.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Spark wrote:

This thread has gone to the shitter. Anaemia, fuck off. If you "don't care about other opinions" then you are simply not capable of debate.

I'd like to invite everyone else to read that too. I simply cannot believe the idiocy started in this thread. Not talking about any paticular side here.


Either clean this up or close the thread so this inane stupidity does not spill over to the rest of the forum.
Oh noes! Everyone fun for teh hillz!!!1!!1!1one!!  Spark the forum enforcer is here!!!  AHHHHHHH!

Excuse me while I laugh my ass off you halfwit.

Spark wrote:

This thread has gone to the shitter. Anaemia, fuck off. If you "don't care about other opinions" then you are simply not capable of debate.

I'd like to invite everyone else to read that too. I simply cannot believe the idiocy started in this thread. Not talking about any paticular side here.


Either clean this up or close the thread so this inane stupidity does not spill over to the rest of the forum.
Ya Aenima...what is wrong with you?  You are supposed to say stuff like America is stupid and GW is dumb and US troops are baby killing nazi's to be accepted in this section.
Dropped on request

Spark wrote:

So basically you guys are saying that 3000 deaths in 5 years is part of the plan? Because I haven't seen any constructive points made here (save one, by Miller)
9/11 = 1 day
5 years = 1826 days

It's fun to use numbers to make you people look like the biased jackasses you are.
Anyways, some mistakes have been made. Mostly involving Bush (like the idiot he is; unfortunately I am of the opinion that Kerry is an even worse idiot) disbanding the Iraqi army.  If he would have changed the name and the uniform, sacked the higher-ranking officers (all of who were idiots anyways; that way they couldn't stage a coup), and he would have had an instant policing army, which could have taken the place of many US light divisions which were missing.

Oh, and I have one major bone to pick.  US soldiers are not kill-happy rapists.  In fact, once you break down the numbers, the modern US army is one of the best-behaved in the world.  The prison abuse; that was just a small group of soldiers, and many of the claims were false.  Rape/murder; there are two confirmed cases, and US soldiers are standing trial.  Compare that to the US army of WW2 (although it is true that that was a mostly conscript army which did not do as much as the modern-day army to prevent rape/murder).
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6998|Espoo, Finland

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Gawwad wrote:

Your nation is nothins special, my friend
Right.  How many people flock to your country everyday risking death and imprisonment?
Haha.  Owned.
Not too many. Here in finland we know how to close our broders from illegal immigrants.

A lot are accepted to come here though. The free (and best in the world) school system is one thing that people outside of Finland want to have. Also jobless people are treated very well by the goverment and powerty is very very rare.

I don't see why you are proud about not being able to keep the mexicans out of your country if you don't want them to immigrate.

And "owned"?

Last edited by Gawwad (2006-09-25 06:13:12)

People need to stay on topic, US soldiers are not all gun happy racist raping murderers and this is not a debate on whos got the best country. The fact that 3000+  troops have been killed shows the war on terror is not working and America needs to rethink its entire strategy, lots of people would laugh at the idea of negotiation but shit guys were running out of ideas here. Iraq has turned into everything Bin Laden could of hoped for. Its the ideal recruiting call for young arab men to join al-qaeda on the premise of defending islam from western invasion, and this is whats fuelling further terrorist attacks around the world. People also seem to forget that at least 43000 civilians have been killed since the outbreak of war with around 100 dead daily, we are NOT helping the Iraqi people in any shape or form here.
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6998|Espoo, Finland

JohnnyBlanco wrote:

People need to stay on topic, US soldiers are not all gun happy racist raping murderers and this is not a debate on whos got the best country. The fact that 3000+  troops have been killed shows the war on terror is not working and America needs to rethink its entire strategy, lots of people would laugh at the idea of negotiation but shit guys were running out of ideas here. Iraq has turned into everything Bin Laden could of hoped for. Its the ideal recruiting call for young arab men to join al-qaeda on the premise of defending islam from western invasion, and this is whats fuelling further terrorist attacks around the world. People also seem to forget that at least 43000 civilians have been killed since the outbreak of war with around 100 dead daily, we are NOT helping the Iraqi people in any shape or form here.
+1 Agreed.

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