sergeriver wrote:
Visit these links and then tell me the guy sucks. I don't understand why people criticize him. Do you think GWB would do something like this? Don't tell he's supporting his wife for 2008. While GWB is destroying thousands of lifes for oil, this guy does charity. And this is not propaganda, this is a real fact.
Duh its not propaganda, but your trying to compare too things here, don't I miss this guy? No, you must miss Bosnia and the Balkans, and many other things. Did you know there were 5 times as many democratic leadership and congressman being indicted in the 90's than there were supposedly in this "corrupt" administration. That is not propaganda, that is fact.
Also I have still seen ABSOLUTELY NO REAL proof how GWB is getting lots of oil back to America or even back to him. While Mr. Clinton is more respectable now than when he was a President by his much needed use of charity, you even saying that GWB is DESTROYING lives for OIL is itself propaganda, because you don't have any proof whatsoever that MORE lives are being destroyed than saved (which isn't the case) and that we are getting a lot of oil for being there (which is not the case)
Note: I have not read the past 3 pages, as I am addressing this one and only point from the OP.