ATG wrote:
If he had done his job the Trade centers would likely still be standing.
He was a pathetic disgrace of a president.
Oh great. Another fool who watched Path to 9/11 and believed it as if it were historically accurate and actually based on the 9/11 commission....
FACT: Clinton DID attack Bin Laden directly, narrowly missing him. he ordered at least 50 tomahawk cruise missles to be fired at bin Laden..he did this when it wouldn't have received public support..when it wasn't a source for getting fellow democrats reelected, and he didn't do it after lieing to the world and desiring oil. He did it as an adequate response to the embassy bombings.
Very true. There were many, many missile strikes against terrorist targets and probably other strikes against terrorist targets under Clinton. But they weren't part of the over hyped war on terror, so did not recieve much media attention, unless something went wrong - we heard all about it when a cruise missile hit a mosque.
FACT: BUSH read the August 6th presidential daily breifing telling him specifically that bin laden was going to attack inside the country using airplanes...and Bush did not do anything with airline security..he didn't even call Secretary Mineta to inform him that terrorists would be using aircraft. He instead went to his freshly stocked lake and fished.
That's not all he did. He (well, Cheney did, 01/06/01) actually implemented measures that made it easier for that type of terrorist attack to suceed, such as removing the ability of generals to take steps to shoot down hijacked planes over US airspace without authorisation. The AP had reported on exercises involving jets being flown into the world trade centre taking place in August 2001. This does not fit in with the claims by the Bush administration that they had never heard of a plan to fly planes into the world trade centre. They had heard about it and considered it a sufficient threat to run multiple exercises simulating it, yet Bush has said "Nobody in our government, at least, and I don't think the prior government, could have envisaged flying aeroplanes into buildings", when his administration recommended that NORAD conduct drills of exactly these sort of attacks, with the world trade centre high up on the list of priorities. So Bush lied about that.
Bush's negligence was certainly a contributary factor in the 9/11 attacks. Fighter jets were only minutes away from New York when the 2nd plane hit, if orders had been given more quickly, as they would have been under the previous system the 2nd plane would most likely have been shot down before reaching the WTC.