Situation 1: Stimulus

PanzerCardinal Benedict quotes a Byzantine Christian Emperor essentially declaring islam 'evil and violent' and plays down the reference to islam in the quote with the rather watery and not entirely condemnatory word 'brusque'.

Situation 1: Response

Protests across the global muslim community expressing dismay and disappointment in the Catholic Church. The protests are mainly peaceful, however some minority groups perpetrate isolated criminal acts such as church burning, effigy burning and death/attack threats. The media blows this out of proportion in their usual 'demonise the muslims' way.

Situation 2: Stimulus

Ferenc Gyurcsany, the prime minister of Hungary (a predominantly white christian nation) is videotaped speaking of how 'we lied morning, noon and night.' with respect to government promises and performance and spoke thus, 'There is not much choice. There is not, because we have screwed up. Not a little but a lot. No country in Europe has screwed up as much as we have. It can be explained. We have obviously lied throughout the past 18 to 24 months. It was perfectly clear that what we were saying was not true. We are beyond the country's possibilities to such an extent that we could not conceive earlier that a joint government of the Socialists and the liberals would ever do. And in the meantime we did not actually do anything for four years. Nothing.', among other shocking revelation of misgovernment.

Situation 2: Response

What begins as a peaceful protest, carried out by predominantly white christian folk, degenerates into a rampage of carnage, burned cars, burned buildings, riots, vandalism and looting perpetrated by minority groups.


Continue demonising muslims if you really want but don't think they have some kind of monopoly on anarchic behaviour when the words of powerful people test sensibilities. They're human just like you and me and we're just as capable of responding like some of them have under certain circumstances. Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone, as a part-time magician/part-time carpenter once said.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-09-19 09:44:17)

Mr. Bigglesworth
Its too late for understanding. The time is upon us. Pick your side. No more words. Its time for war.

Last edited by rawls2 (2006-09-19 09:53:39)

Cowboy from Hell
Some people reacts against their shitty politicians, others prefer to imagine they are good ones.
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6992|Broadlands, VA
Please, let's be very clear - it's the "Radical Muslims" or "Radical Islam."  Not all Muslims are terrorists, just as not all Germans are Nazis and not all Irishmen are IRA.  There are Radical factions of almost all groups.  Because they are the most vocal, they make a bad rep for all else.

Please, let's speak accurately.
Understood Kaosdadoo8.  How can we got to war with Radical Muslims without angering the moderate Muslims?  Its a catch 22.  But it is true that its time to pick sides. As a Christian I cannot allow the spread of Islam to impede Christianity.  It is bound to come to a battle to further spread each others faith.
© 2009 Jeff Minard

ncc6206 wrote:

Understood Kaosdadoo8.  How can we got to war with Radical Muslims without angering the moderate Muslims?  Its a catch 22.  But it is true that its time to pick sides. As a Christian I cannot allow the spread of Islam to impede Christianity.  It is bound to come to a battle to further spread each others faith.
Islam looks like its winning. FALL BACK AND REGROUP SOLDIER
+76|7089|Antwerp, Flanders

ncc6206 wrote:

Understood Kaosdadoo8.  How can we got to war with Radical Muslims without angering the moderate Muslims?  Its a catch 22.  But it is true that its time to pick sides. As a Christian I cannot allow the spread of Islam to impede Christianity.  It is bound to come to a battle to further spread each others faith.
So, there's no side for me?
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6992|Broadlands, VA
I wasn't thinking of going to war.  I was more thinking of within the context of these forums.
Yes. Being Christian now a days means to love they fellow man and all that.  How bout the old days when they waged war to suppress  the rise and perpetuation of Islam.  Regroup guys and call upon the faithful to wage the Fourth Crusade.  By the way... Israel is God's country.  No weapon waged against it shall prosper.
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6992|Broadlands, VA
Sides - wow.  I really hope the world is NOT spiraling in this direction.

Has anyone considered that the "sides" may be the Radical vs the Moderate.  THAT's scary.  All of the radical factions of anything bond together in one huge Jihad Crusade.  OK, yeah, that was silly.

Rosse_modest wrote:

ncc6206 wrote:

Understood Kaosdadoo8.  How can we got to war with Radical Muslims without angering the moderate Muslims?  Its a catch 22.  But it is true that its time to pick sides. As a Christian I cannot allow the spread of Islam to impede Christianity.  It is bound to come to a battle to further spread each others faith.
So, there's no side for me?

Sure there is. Just like Battlefield. You may not like the MECs or USMC but you still get on a side.  Just depends on who is winning at the time.  I personally like to play the under dog side.

People are rioting because polititians admit to lying to them. Almost sounds like this is a new idea to them....
Cowboy from Hell

ghettoperson wrote:

People are rioting because polititians admit to lying to them. Almost sounds like this is a new idea to them....
They should try to do it in other countries.
The Flying Kalakukko.
+94|6844|The lunar module

Kaosdad008 wrote:

Has anyone considered that the "sides" may be the Radical vs the Moderate
Yes. QFT.

But how the heck are us moderates going to fight this one?
Mr. Bigglesworth

Kaosdad008 wrote:

Please, let's be very clear - it's the "Radical Muslims" or "Radical Islam."  Not all Muslims are terrorists, just as not all Germans are Nazis and not all Irishmen are IRA.  There are Radical factions of almost all groups.  Because they are the most vocal, they make a bad rep for all else.

Please, let's speak accurately.
Not all Germans were Nazi's correct. However, the Germans in charge of the country were nazis. Just like the leaders of the muslim nations are extremist.
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7078|Toronto Canada

CameronPoe wrote:

Situation 1: Stimulus

PanzerCardinal Benedict quotes a Byzantine Christian Emperor essentially declaring islam 'evil and violent' and plays down the reference to islam in the quote with the rather watery and not entirely condemnatory word 'brusque'.

Situation 1: Response

Protests across the global muslim community expressing dismay and disappointment in the Catholic Church. The protests are mainly peaceful, however some minority groups perpetrate isolated criminal acts such as church burning, effigy burning and death/attack threats. The media blows this out of proportion in their usual 'demonise the muslims' way.

Situation 2: Stimulus

Ferenc Gyurcsany, the prime minister of Hungary (a predominantly white christian nation) is videotaped speaking of how 'we lied morning, noon and night.' with respect to government promises and performance and spoke thus, 'There is not much choice. There is not, because we have screwed up. Not a little but a lot. No country in Europe has screwed up as much as we have. It can be explained. We have obviously lied throughout the past 18 to 24 months. It was perfectly clear that what we were saying was not true. We are beyond the country's possibilities to such an extent that we could not conceive earlier that a joint government of the Socialists and the liberals would ever do. And in the meantime we did not actually do anything for four years. Nothing.', among other shocking revelation of misgovernment.

Situation 2: Response

What begins as a peaceful protest, carried out by predominantly white christian folk, degenerates into a rampage of carnage, burned cars, burned buildings, riots, vandalism and looting perpetrated by minority groups.


Continue demonising muslims if you really want but don't think they have some kind of monopoly on anarchic behaviour when the words of powerful people test sensibilities. They're human just like you and me and we're just as capable of responding like some of them have under certain circumstances. Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone, as a part-time magician/part-time carpenter once said.
my friend was actually one of the original protesters

CameronPoe wrote:

PanzerCardinal Benedict quotes a Byzantine Christian Emperor essentially declaring islam 'evil and violent' and plays down the reference to islam in the quote with the rather watery and not entirely condemnatory word 'brusque'.
How dare he quote someone in a speech intended to educate about history. Overstate his offense to serve your purposes

CameronPoe wrote:

Protests across the global muslim community expressing dismay and disappointment in the Catholic Church. The protests are mainly peaceful, however some minority groups perpetrate isolated criminal acts such as church burning, effigy burning and death/attack threats. The media blows this out of proportion in their usual 'demonise the muslims' way.
I know right thousands of Muslims across the middle east burn effigies of the pope, burn down churches, murder nuns, and clerics throught declare war on Christianity all over miniterpreting s Popes speech.. no big deal right ?..
Play down thier widespread violent reaction to serve your purposes.
Connoisseur of Fine Wine
I would no longer consider Muslim extremism to be an "isolated" case anymore. Although the number of extremists in terms of the entire Muslim population is relatively small, horrific examples of this extremism are apparent every day. The entire situation is idiotic. They misinterpreted what the Pope said and went ape-shit...just like they did with that Mohammed cartoon. These people are a shining example of hypocrisy.

Last edited by Fancy_Pollux (2006-09-19 11:54:28)

+76|7089|Antwerp, Flanders

ncc6206 wrote:

Rosse_modest wrote:

ncc6206 wrote:

Understood Kaosdadoo8.  How can we got to war with Radical Muslims without angering the moderate Muslims?  Its a catch 22.  But it is true that its time to pick sides. As a Christian I cannot allow the spread of Islam to impede Christianity.  It is bound to come to a battle to further spread each others faith.
So, there's no side for me?

Sure there is. Just like Battlefield. You may not like the MECs or USMC but you still get on a side.  Just depends on who is winning at the time.  I personally like to play the under dog side.
Then I just won't play. I don't like the prospect of fighting for any religion, nor do I like being associated with one.
I received this karma message, which the sender did not sign

anonymous karma sender wrote:

Name one internation act of terrorism perpetrated by Christians solely based on their hatred of others culture, and don't be a twit and bring up Ireland, you know that example is faulty.coughdarfur
I don't really see the point in asking me this but I'll answer it by providing three examples:
The Crusaders (Middle Ages) - against muslim culture
The Lebanese Phalangist Movement (Modern Times) - against muslim culture
Christian Anti-Abortion Terror Cells (Modern Times) - against western 'right to choose' culture

By the way - and I've reiterated this about EIGHT FUCKING ZILLION TIMES - the conflict in Ireland is/was a TERRITORIAL CONFLICT based on EXPELLING FOREIGN INVADERS. Religion is not the driving force behind the Irish conflict: we have a distinct language, culture, heritage and history that we are/were protecting: religion is/was just one small facet of our identity.
All I hope is that crowd wont do any rioting around my place here.
Yesterday (2006.09.18) a calm mass of protesters were in front of the headquarters of the hungarian national television (MTV) asking the director to let them read a petition in tv. The director refused.
Then suddenly a group of 60-70 men and women cut their way through the crowd and start smashing in windows, setting cars on fire etc. About 40 of those people are skinheads. It was obvious that extreme rightists started the whole madness, it was not a spontane recation, it was planned.Why? A guy who just wants to protest always have a gas-mask? Would he cover his face with a mask? Would he go to the event in full military clothing?
The plicemen were not prepared for an attack like this, soon they were wiped out and the mass flooded into the buliding, stealing(!) and breakin everything! (A little baby's baby carriage was also set on fire, one pliceman had such serious injuries that he had to be operated, 100(!) other policemen had minor injuries)
The crowd started yelling "56, 56, 56", referring to 1956 when our nation rose up against the soviet oppression.
This incident however has nothing to do with 1956 in any aspect at all...They called the riot-policemen traitors which i found pathetic.
So we are not talking about evil hungarians i hope, but a few people who instigated the mass. (I watched many many footage about the incident, when the swearing and pushing started a few protesters stood between the policemen and the rioters try to hold the rioters back and tell them  there is no use fighting).
What did the rioters achieve?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. They stromed the hq to read a petition. in the end they didnt...
Today there are again some demonstartions, but all is going well and peacefully...yet.Hope it stays this way.

The only thing that i dont nderstand: why cant people be rational? Why cant they stop for a moment and ask themselves : "Is this gonna change anything?"

About our prime minister, Gyurcsány Ferenc:
yes, he lied.
yes, he did nothing.
But hey! Everyone else is doing it!
Whats the big effing deal!?

Sorry being offtopic, i just had to speak my mind. It is a bit shocking to experience such things in my homeland...

Rosse_modest wrote:

ncc6206 wrote:

Rosse_modest wrote:

So, there's no side for me?

Sure there is. Just like Battlefield. You may not like the MECs or USMC but you still get on a side.  Just depends on who is winning at the time.  I personally like to play the under dog side.
Then I just won't play. I don't like the prospect of fighting for any religion, nor do I like being associated with one.
Okay you win. No sides for you. Maybe you can work for the Red Cross or United Nations Relief Org. Anything that will act as salve for your soul if you believe in an after life.
+5,233|6842|Global Command
They are rioting against their own leaders misbehavior. Not something somebody on the other side of the world said.
Nice try.
Muslims kill over words.
+76|7089|Antwerp, Flanders

ncc6206 wrote:

Rosse_modest wrote:

ncc6206 wrote:


Sure there is. Just like Battlefield. You may not like the MECs or USMC but you still get on a side.  Just depends on who is winning at the time.  I personally like to play the under dog side.
Then I just won't play. I don't like the prospect of fighting for any religion, nor do I like being associated with one.
Okay you win. No sides for you. Maybe you can work for the Red Cross or United Nations Relief Org. Anything that will act as salve for your soul if you believe in an after life.
I don't.
So the non-religious folks aren't allowed to fight? That ain't fair. Red Cross and the likes are neutral, and I'm not neutral in the matter.
+5,233|6842|Global Command
So, lemme understand you Cam;
People in Hungary riot over a corrupt government and that somehow justifies riot and murder over the popes words or a Danish cartoonists pictures???
There is no comparision.
I wish I was a better artist. I'd draw a Muslim father and son walking by a Muslim protest. The son asks dad, "papa, why are we rioting today?"
Papy Haji says " I dunno."
And they join the frothing at the mouth throngs.

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