Kmarion wrote:
Kuwait votes against the United States 67% of the time.
..blah blah blah...
India votes 81% against the United States receives $143,699,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.
Perhaps it is time to get out of the UN and give the tax savings back to the American workers who are having to skimp and sacrifice to pay the taxes.
And what's the bottom line on that page you posted:
So it isn't just the Arab/Islamic states who consistently vote against the U.S. in the United Nations — pretty much the rest of the world does, too.
You lot are quick to talk about how great the democratic system is when it works in your favour, but when you are on the arse end of it globally (and not by a Bush/Gore margin, by a fucking huge margin) then you start screaming foul. Just imagine how much worse it would be if you didn't have veto *gasp*. In fact, I say America
should get out, one less veto vote to worry about. Maybe the rest of the world can get on and deal with problems like the Israel/Lebanon crisis without America vetoing every possible reprimand against Israel. Do everyone a favour and join the
Get US out! campaign, please. You'll be wasting your time, but join anyway. The way I see it, the more hated the USA gets, the more determined they are to deserve it. That's why they ignore the UN whenever they lose anyway.