Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7035|Sydney, Australia
ATG PM me a copy of that PM and the user who sent it. Ok?
© 2009 Jeff Minard

illegalentry wrote:

mafia996630 wrote:

illegalentry wrote:

How are Hezbolla freedom fighters exactly? Since 2000 when the Israelis withdrew from occupied Lebanese land they haven't (as far as I know) had any military incursions into Lebanon, besides border patrols and such. Hezbolla attacked one of those and kidnapped/captured Israeli soldiers without provocation (again, as far as I know). Israel acted and entered Lebanon with the goal of retrieving their captured soldiers and prevent Hezbolla missile attacks which also started around the same time. They also withdrew when pressured by the UN and other countries. So could you please explain how Hezbolla are freedom fighters today? Seeing as Lebanon is free. To me they are just an armed force which doesn't mind using civilian houses as launching bases for their rocket attacks. I don't know if there has been any suicide attacks against civilians by Hezbolla but regardless of what country you're from, what religion you have, strapping a bomb to yourself and running into a group of innocent people because you can't actually attack the other country's army with any real effect, is a terrorist act. Regardless of who the hell you are. Which is exactly what the Palestinians are doing.

Attacking an occupying army/military force with any means is one thing, but making civilians your main target isn't being a freedom fighter, it's being a terrorist, and all that comes with it. The fact that in nearly all of these cases the bomber is a Muslim (or one of those micks, hello Cameron ) doesn't really help now does it?
I don't think there is any denying the fact that Hezbollah were formed to stop isreal from invading Lebanon. However recent actions have caused the position of Hezbollah as freedom fighter to become debatable.

Hizbullah did cross the border when the attack was carried out, but it was predicable. If you see into the peace treaty between isreal and Lebanon, you will see how isreal made a "security zone", and why they eventually had to remove this.

Long story short, they removed it because the isreal's  public were pissed with the small amount of deaths that orrurced in the buffer zone, as a result of increased Hezzbullah activity, and a significant increase in moral on the Hizbullah side.  SO a attack in Isreal was imminent. Maybe hezbullah was pissed about the 15 years for which the "buffer zone" was there. Maybe they were pissed with the fact that isreal had:

"Israel cooperated with right-wing American Christian personality Pat Robertson in setting up a television network inside the security zone called Middle East Television that broadcast Christian religious programming to both Lebanon and northern Israel. The security zone also played host to the so-called Government of Free Lebanon which claimed to be the true government of Lebanon. Also in the security zone, Lebanese militias ran prisons with very bad reputations and conscripted the local population. While Israel ran the zone, it said it had no control over the actions of Lebanese militias within the zone."

Personally i like to think they did this to raise attention on the whole isreal and Palestine situation.

From what you said, it sounds like you don't mind suicide bombers who attack military targets however when it comes to civilian targets, its different.
1. Firstly how do you know the people that died  were not somehow part the military considering :

"Most Israelis (males and females) are drafted into the military at age 18"
"Compulsory service is three years for men, and two years for women."
"Following compulsory service, Israeli men become part of the IDF reserve forces, and are usually required to serve several weeks every year as reservists until their 40s"


2.Does isreal not cry when a suicide bomber attacks? does isreal not bleed? my point is, they achieve their goals so why should they stop.

3. What else do you expect them to do ? throw rocks? o shit, they already do that.
                       " Desperate times call for desperate measures."

"the fact that they are all muslims?" wots that ment to mean, wait before you answer, have a quick read :

1. A soldier on any side of a conflict knows they could be killed at any time. That's something they accept. It's a part of their job, of war, people die, simple as that. IF military personell died in any suicide bombings, too bad, however, those suicide bombings, or lets say rocket attacks, weren't actually aiming for military assets/personell, the intention of the attacker was to kill the maximum amount of civilians. People who have no part of the war as such.

2. Does lebanon not cry when they get carpet bombed? Does lebanon not bleed? Your point is flawed, because israel achive their goals by bombing the crap out of every lebanese city, so why should they stop? Somewhy the West though it was wrong, and made them withdraw, the west also considers suicide bombings or rocket attacks against civilians wrong, but does that stop the lebanese?

3. I expect them to attack military targets, they blew up a few Merkava tanks now didn't they? And those are huge.

4. "The fact that they are muslims". What I meant was, the fact that alot, if not most, of suicide bombers today (in any form) are muslim, it's not a put down or anything of the sort, just a fact that doesn't help with the international lable that muslims have gotten, especially in the USA and parts of europe.
1. You did not counter argue my point, all you did was reiterate your own point again.

2. Let put aside the fact that Isreal LOST, why are you comparing Hamas to isreal ? is hamas part of the u.n ? is hamas sitting a more nukes then the uk? does hamas get a shitload of money from the u.s ?. You are flawed in thinking that if hamas does wrong things so can isreal. Second why are you comparing Lebanon to isreal and Palestine when Hezbollah have never launched a suicide attack against isreal.

3. They would get killed in an instant, great leader/commander you would make. Have you seen the facts on isreal and its capabilities? 

4. kk.i agree.

Last edited by mafia996630 (2006-09-21 17:45:26)

The Lizzard

ATG wrote:

When and if the Israelies rape American soldiers you go right ahead.
If your saying the insaneislamofacist dont shelter behind civilians when they fight you are blatantly uninformed.
I am saying that there is no such thing as a "soldier of Palestine", as Palestine does not have an army.  I object to the fallacy of the signature.

mafia996630 wrote:

1. You did not counter argue my point, all you did was reiterate your own point again.

2. Let put aside the fact that Isreal LOST, why are you comparing Hamas to isreal ? is hamas part of the u.n ? is hamas sitting a more nukes then the uk? does hamas get a shitload of money from the u.s ?. You are flawed in thinking that if hamas does wrong things so can isreal. Second why are you comparing Lebanon to isreal and Palestine when Hezbollah have never launched a suicide attack against isreal.

3. They would get killed in an instant, great leader/commander you would make. Have you seen the facts on isreal and its capabilities? 

4. kk.i agree.
Skipping the quote tunnels for now.

1. I think we can both agree on that using civilians as a direct target just to spread despair is, in essence, wrong.

ok.. actually, never mind all this, its 04:30 here and I cant sleep.. Anyway, what it comes down to, for me, is the fact that like I said in 1. making civilians, regardless of your religion, country, military capabilities, is on a very basic level, wrong in every way. If you don't have the capability to even slightly attack/dent/withstand an opposing country's military force, you shouldn't have attacked in the first place, since in this case, Hizbollah/Lebanon was the agressor.

If you target a military asset/personel, and some civilians die because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Then there's of course the extrem cases like Israel now carpetbombing whole cities. Which I rank about the same level of "wrong" as blowing yourself up in a group of civilians.

A military conflict should, in an utopian world, be restricted to do as little collateral damage as possible.
© 2009 Jeff Minard

illegalentry wrote:

mafia996630 wrote:

1. You did not counter argue my point, all you did was reiterate your own point again.

2. Let put aside the fact that Isreal LOST, why are you comparing Hamas to isreal ? is hamas part of the u.n ? is hamas sitting a more nukes then the uk? does hamas get a shitload of money from the u.s ?. You are flawed in thinking that if hamas does wrong things so can isreal. Second why are you comparing Lebanon to isreal and Palestine when Hezbollah have never launched a suicide attack against isreal.

3. They would get killed in an instant, great leader/commander you would make. Have you seen the facts on isreal and its capabilities? 

4. kk.i agree.
Skipping the quote tunnels for now.

1. I think we can both agree on that using civilians as a direct target just to spread despair is, in essence, wrong.

ok.. actually, never mind all this, its 04:30 here and I cant sleep.. Anyway, what it comes down to, for me, is the fact that like I said in 1. making civilians, regardless of your religion, country, military capabilities, is on a very basic level, wrong in every way. If you don't have the capability to even slightly attack/dent/withstand an opposing country's military force, you shouldn't have attacked in the first place, since in this case, Hizbollah/Lebanon was the agressor.

If you target a military asset/personel, and some civilians die because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Then there's of course the extrem cases like Israel now carpetbombing whole cities. Which I rank about the same level of "wrong" as blowing yourself up in a group of civilians.

A military conflict should, in an utopian world, be restricted to do as little collateral damage as possible.
Your confusing Hamas with Hezbollah, but anyway i agree killing civilians is not good, but i also think sometimes its justified. Nice debating with you .
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|7044|Uhh... erm...
But exactly which circumstances is killing civilians justified? Al-Qaeda could argue that in their context, 9/11 was justified. The Aum cult could argue the Tokyo gas attacks were justified. The point is, civilians should never be caught in the crossfire. Justified or not.
-learn about islam b4 u speak. "Knowledge Is Power." dont blame the religion. no religion is perfectly applied.

-jihad = make an effort. no its not holy war

u people classify all radicals as Muslim, terrorists-> Muslims, rapist ->muslims, murderers hmmm oh wait i no that one -> muslims. There are people like that all over the place and their religion is not what is driving them. Not all muslims are like that. U guys no nothing about islam except the media wants u to know(have u seen OutFoxed?), the west knows nothing about true justice.

-Lisik change ur signature to ->>>>>>>  no mspaint used, now that looks real.

-James-m: Ok so it started when we started bombing u. No, WW I&II West occupies middleeaset and  africa... they form the israeli state and take arab's lands, OIL and resources. U leave US alone! U started it.

-For a change a Western man speaks freely the truth … 06,00.html

-ATG : "The whole religion is insane, intolerant and a threat to world peace."  shows how much u no about the religion, do urself a favor and read (not on cnn and fox)

-"Bomb them back to the stone age until they whisper to each other around their dung fueled fires; " We made a mistake with this whole Islam thing. Look, we are all dying."

Win."  Seriously? what cartoon was that?

-Tetrino: "Christians have massacred hundreds upon thousands of Muslims, Jews, 'heretics' and 'witches' over the years. We didn't condemn your entire religion back then, even when the Crusades was sponsored by the government!" +1

-Vilham: "I would also like to point out that America doesnt GIVE anything to Israel everything comes at a price." now that was funny. Billions are dedicated. So starbucks gets something back from isreal?

-Michael82  :"I can't understand how you can call Hisbollah freedom fighters."  They were formed to repel occupation, Isreal occupied southern Lebanon since 82 when hezballah were born. All Isreali slaughter is forgotten when 8 soldiers are killed and 2 kidnapped. they have thousands of lebanese prisoners, lebanese have 2, yes they r defending themselves to free their land. They fight for the freedom of their country, they are freedom fighters.

"Another thing, you didn't comment on the part about Hisbollah targeting civilians and fighting in civilian clothing." They use military cloths!

Let's see.....Muslims get pissed and cause violence when you make a bad cartoon about their God or say something that offends them.  Yet they burn flags which people have died for, or burn figures of Presidents and leaders and there is nothing wrong with that.  They threw fire-bombs at a church because they were pissed the pope called their religion violent.......Hello?
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|7079|Cambridge (UK)

CameronPoe wrote:

(1) When has anybody said 'most muslims' are 'human rights activist peace lovers'. That is patently ridiculous. By western values, their religion firmly places women beneath men for a start and I can't imagine they're queuing up outside the Amnesty International offices to sign up. READ. READ. READ. Don't make things up - it makes your arguments sound STUPID.
Whilst it's correct to point out that using phrases like 'most muslims' is wrong because it is a generalisation, so is what you then go on to say.
+276|6968|United States of America

usmarine2005 wrote:

Let's see.....Muslims get pissed and cause violence when you make a bad cartoon about their God or say something that offends them.  Yet they burn flags which people have died for, or burn figures of Presidents and leaders and there is nothing wrong with that.  They threw fire-bombs at a church because they were pissed the pope called their religion violent.......Hello?
They sometimes do much worst things like drag corpses around and hang them from bridges.  But who's to Judge, theirs is a peaceful religion.

Those Evil Christian's are to blame with their 10 commandments, turn the other cheek, and love thy neighbor.  Yeah, I know what their really up too.  Jesus Christ was such a violent person, but Muhammad was so peaceful and tolerant.  hhmmmm, one can only see why Christ's followers are so violent and the followers of Muhammad are so peaceful.

Wake up Sheeples, the violence from this part of the world is not a new phenomenon!!!!!  They just have bigger weapons and are allowed to travel more!!!!

Major_Spittle wrote:

Wake up
excatly what you need to do, im not gonna list the whole internet for u, go read
+304|6909|New York City baby.

Lisik wrote:

Your right if u did, i would still bash isreal
just a proof that u are anti-Semite! how sad to bee u! bhahaha
yeah well zion jews are the disease of this planet sad to be a jew actually. Plus your sig is fucking stupid.

Last edited by alpinestar (2006-09-22 19:53:22)

International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|7044|Uhh... erm...

Major_Spittle wrote:

Those Evil Christian's are to blame with their 10 commandments, turn the other cheek, and love thy neighbor.  Yeah, I know what their really up too.  Jesus Christ was such a violent person, but Muhammad was so peaceful and tolerant.  hhmmmm, one can only see why Christ's followers are so violent and the followers of Muhammad are so peaceful.
This is obviously sarcasm, for those who might not know, but in any case...

READ UP ON ISLAMIC HISTORY. Not Wikipedia, not a translated Quran, but for Gods' sake, if you're going to debate, know what you're debating about. Find a published scientific journal on Islam, watch documentaries.

Here you go. Read up. We do believe in free speech, the Pope has the freedom to quote Byzantine emperors, we have the freedom to gripe about it. Verbally, of course. The Danish cartoonist has the freedom to draw Muhammad SAW with a bombturban, we have the freedom to gripe about it. Bunches of other cartoonists have the freedom to depict Christ and God in odd contexts, you have the freedom to gripe about it. But you don't.

Think about it.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS

usmarine2005 wrote:

Let's see.....Muslims get pissed and cause violence when you make a bad cartoon about their God or say something that offends them.  Yet they burn flags which people have died for, or burn figures of Presidents and leaders and there is nothing wrong with that.  They threw fire-bombs at a church because they were pissed the pope called their religion violent.......Hello?
They have temper issues. [/understatement]
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+5,233|6842|Global Command
Why are you sad to be a Jew if Being a Jew and being a Zionist are different.?

Tetrino wrote:

Major_Spittle wrote:

Those Evil Christian's are to blame with their 10 commandments, turn the other cheek, and love thy neighbor.  Yeah, I know what their really up too.  Jesus Christ was such a violent person, but Muhammad was so peaceful and tolerant.  hhmmmm, one can only see why Christ's followers are so violent and the followers of Muhammad are so peaceful.
This is obviously sarcasm, for those who might not know, but in any case...

READ UP ON ISLAMIC HISTORY. Not Wikipedia, not a translated Quran, but for Gods' sake, if you're going to debate, know what you're debating about. Find a published scientific journal on Islam, watch documentaries.

Here you go. Read up. We do believe in free speech, the Pope has the freedom to quote Byzantine emperors, we have the freedom to gripe about it. Verbally, of course. The Danish cartoonist has the freedom to draw Muhammad SAW with a bombturban, we have the freedom to gripe about it. Bunches of other cartoonists have the freedom to depict Christ and God in odd contexts, you have the freedom to gripe about it. But you don't.

Think about it.
I think burning down embassies, killing nuns, and general violence in the streets, is a little more than "gripping". Whatcha think??!!

Like it or not, your "PEACE LOVING" religion is as violent as it gets. I don't need to read shit in the Quran or some professor in a university who writes an article about Islam for the sole purpose of damage control to try and understand why. I don't give a shit why. Any attempt to understand why you act like a bunch of wild animals is an attempt to justify and rationalize your actions...There simply is no excuse for this behavior and no reason on Earth that can justify it.

If the Muslims are so against violence, why don't they protest in the streets over the perverted hi-jacking of their religion?? Their voices have been heard world wide over some cartoons, why can they not be heard in protest against terrorism??
© 2009 Jeff Minard

lowing wrote:

Tetrino wrote:

Major_Spittle wrote:

Those Evil Christian's are to blame with their 10 commandments, turn the other cheek, and love thy neighbor.  Yeah, I know what their really up too.  Jesus Christ was such a violent person, but Muhammad was so peaceful and tolerant.  hhmmmm, one can only see why Christ's followers are so violent and the followers of Muhammad are so peaceful.
This is obviously sarcasm, for those who might not know, but in any case...

READ UP ON ISLAMIC HISTORY. Not Wikipedia, not a translated Quran, but for Gods' sake, if you're going to debate, know what you're debating about. Find a published scientific journal on Islam, watch documentaries.

Here you go. Read up. We do believe in free speech, the Pope has the freedom to quote Byzantine emperors, we have the freedom to gripe about it. Verbally, of course. The Danish cartoonist has the freedom to draw Muhammad SAW with a bombturban, we have the freedom to gripe about it. Bunches of other cartoonists have the freedom to depict Christ and God in odd contexts, you have the freedom to gripe about it. But you don't.

Think about it.
I think burning down embassies, killing nuns, and general violence in the streets, is a little more than "gripping". Whatcha think??!!

Like it or not, your "PEACE LOVING" religion is as violent as it gets. I don't need to read shit in the Quran or some professor in a university who writes an article about Islam for the sole purpose of damage control to try and understand why. I don't give a shit why. Any attempt to understand why you act like a bunch of wild animals is an attempt to justify and rationalize your actions...There simply is no excuse for this behavior and no reason on Earth that can justify it.

If the Muslims are so against violence, why don't they protest in the streets over the perverted hi-jacking of their religion?? Their voices have been heard world wide over some cartoons, why can they not be heard in protest against terrorism??
Knew it would have been better if this thread died, o well.

THIS IS called a crime, and should be dealt with to how local police see best. When you have so many Muslims around the world, some of them doing dumb things is bound to happen.

Knowledge is power, if you don't think that, so be it.

SO many Muslims condemned 9/11, so many Muslims condemned Iran doing that cartoon, so many Muslims are helping to get rid of radical Islam for example Pakistan etc.

Your ears are deafened by your hate.

mafia996630 wrote:

lowing wrote:

Tetrino wrote:

This is obviously sarcasm, for those who might not know, but in any case...

READ UP ON ISLAMIC HISTORY. Not Wikipedia, not a translated Quran, but for Gods' sake, if you're going to debate, know what you're debating about. Find a published scientific journal on Islam, watch documentaries.

Here you go. Read up. We do believe in free speech, the Pope has the freedom to quote Byzantine emperors, we have the freedom to gripe about it. Verbally, of course. The Danish cartoonist has the freedom to draw Muhammad SAW with a bombturban, we have the freedom to gripe about it. Bunches of other cartoonists have the freedom to depict Christ and God in odd contexts, you have the freedom to gripe about it. But you don't.

Think about it.
I think burning down embassies, killing nuns, and general violence in the streets, is a little more than "gripping". Whatcha think??!!

Like it or not, your "PEACE LOVING" religion is as violent as it gets. I don't need to read shit in the Quran or some professor in a university who writes an article about Islam for the sole purpose of damage control to try and understand why. I don't give a shit why. Any attempt to understand why you act like a bunch of wild animals is an attempt to justify and rationalize your actions...There simply is no excuse for this behavior and no reason on Earth that can justify it.

If the Muslims are so against violence, why don't they protest in the streets over the perverted hi-jacking of their religion?? Their voices have been heard world wide over some cartoons, why can they not be heard in protest against terrorism??
Knew it would have been better if this thread died, o well.

THIS IS called a crime, and should be dealt with to how local police see best. When you have so many Muslims around the world, some of them doing dumb things is bound to happen.

Knowledge is power, if you don't think that, so be it.

SO many Muslims condemned 9/11, so many Muslims condemned Iran doing that cartoon, so many Muslims are helping to get rid of radical Islam for example Pakistan etc.

Your ears are deafened by your hate.
A crime??!! really have the power for understatement.

Your cute little cliche' didn't address my paragraph. I have the knowledge of internet, newspapers, cable news, talk radio...history...etc.....ALL point to the fact that the followers of Islam are violent, also, stink to high heaven ( or Mecca as the case may be)

you need to check your thesaurus.......VIOLENCE, MURDER, are not synonyms for CONDEMNED or GRIPPING.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US
I'm fairly sure more people who identify themselves as Christians or had a Christian upbringing commit more violent crime. Just look at the US. Which is worse, a failed attempt attacking an embassy or
+4|7095|Copenhagen, Denmark

Abstinuous wrote:

Michael82  :"I can't understand how you can call Hisbollah freedom fighters."  They were formed to repel occupation, Isreal occupied southern Lebanon since 82 when hezballah were born. All Isreali slaughter is forgotten when 8 soldiers are killed and 2 kidnapped. they have thousands of lebanese prisoners, lebanese have 2, yes they r defending themselves to free their land. They fight for the freedom of their country, they are freedom fighters.
I know that they were freedom fighters before. But after Israel left, they should dispers or help build up the country. They helped building up Lebanon which is good, but why continue the war. The cease fire was good for both parties. Use diplomatic measures to get the prisonars back instead of going to war.
The reason that people are talking about the 8 killed and 2 kidnapped is because it sparked a new war. Hisbollah is in the parlement. Hisbollah declared war on Israel. Israel fight back and Lebanon whine... Dude, if soldiers in ANY country got killed on their own SOIL... it's a declaration of war.

Abstinuous wrote:

"Another thing, you didn't comment on the part about Hisbollah targeting civilians and fighting in civilian clothing." They use military cloths!
Some Hisbollah fighters do. I have fotoes of soldiers in uniforms and "soldiers" in civilain clothing. Either you count that civilian as a freaking soldier kill or you get them out of the freaking way of the military. Not count him as a civilian, when he's helping the military

Bubbalo wrote:

Michael82 wrote:

Guerrila fighters will mostly target military. If you target civilians, you attack people on their land and innocents. Thereby your considered a terrorist. The only reason you should target civilian buildings is to destroy weapon layers, ammonition etc. Military has their own buildings for storing these things.
Guerilla warfare refers to a hit and fade style of warfare, rather than a more traditional pitched battle style.  You can be a terrorist whilst using either of these techniques: traditionally, state terrorism is further by those who use a pitched battle style, whilst terrorism coming from NGOs uses the guerilla style.
I know how Guerrila fighters work. Hit n' run tactics. Same tac. as vietnam soldiers used vs. US in the 70s.
It's a good tactic vs. an overwhelming force. But there's a difference in fighting in your own lands and targeting military and fighting in the enemies land and targeting civilians.

BTW, you haven't answered the rest of the thread
+16|6763|San Diego, CA

Ikarti wrote:

I'm fairly sure more people who identify themselves as Christians or had a Christian upbringing commit more violent crime. Just look at the US. Which is worse, a failed attempt attacking an embassy or
You have nothing prodcutive to add to the conversation...just stay out.  Your clearly biased and un-informed opionion is worthless.  Richard Chase was a psycho with serious mental problems and in no way relates to Christianity.

Michael82 wrote:

Abstinuous wrote:

Michael82  :"I can't understand how you can call Hisbollah freedom fighters."  They were formed to repel occupation, Isreal occupied southern Lebanon since 82 when hezballah were born. All Isreali slaughter is forgotten when 8 soldiers are killed and 2 kidnapped. they have thousands of lebanese prisoners, lebanese have 2, yes they r defending themselves to free their land. They fight for the freedom of their country, they are freedom fighters.
I know that they were freedom fighters before. But after Israel left, they should dispers or help build up the country. They helped building up Lebanon which is good, but why continue the war. The cease fire was good for both parties. Use diplomatic measures to get the prisonars back instead of going to war.
The reason that people are talking about the 8 killed and 2 kidnapped is because it sparked a new war. Hisbollah is in the parlement. Hisbollah declared war on Israel. Israel fight back and Lebanon whine... Dude, if soldiers in ANY country got killed on their own SOIL... it's a declaration of war.
That's where u go wrong, they still occupy a small part of southern lebanon. If u think when they completely withdraw from there, hezballah will attack them in Isreal, u r wrong, coz every Lebanese citizen including me will fight to hold them back from doing that. They still resist occupation. When we are free, they wont go further.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

=CA=lamcrmbem wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

I'm fairly sure more people who identify themselves as Christians or had a Christian upbringing commit more violent crime. Just look at the US. Which is worse, a failed attempt attacking an embassy or
You have nothing prodcutive to add to the conversation...just stay out.  Your clearly biased and un-informed opionion is worthless.  Richard Chase was a psycho with serious mental problems and in no way relates to Christianity.
It was very productive! Look at the anger it produced from you! As for bias, who doesn't suffer from it. I know for sure that you do, and seeing some of the tripe you've written I believe my "biased" opinion is a little less worthless than yours. Instead of discounting what I have to say, answer me. Why does the United States, which some would argue is founded on European Christian values, suffer from more violent crime than the Middle East?
Christians did more horrible things in the past than muslims.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Christians did more horrible things in the past than muslims.
Exactly. Everyone has their time to shine doing horrible things. But you know what they say, let he who is without sin...

EDIT: Imagine Mass Media during the Crusades and Inquistions.

Last edited by Ikarti (2006-09-23 08:33:53)

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