Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

The point system: From left to right on the scoreboard these four numbers are; Total Score, Teamwork Score, Kills, Deaths.

Total Score
This is your total score that's added to your global score. It's the final outcome of the round, determines how high you're placed on the scoreboard, and defines if you get any stars or not. Deaths have absolutely no effect on your Total Score. But they do make you look like crap, so avoid dying. Total Score is simply the sum of your Teamwork Score and your Kill Score, which is not displayed.

Teamwork Score
This is your teamwork score. The points you earned from helping friendlies out. There are several ways of earning Teamwork points:
• Kill Assist: 1 Point. If you took away 50% of an enemy's maximum health, and he dies, you get the point. You even get it if he suicides, is teamkilled, as long as you hurt him enough. You don't, however get any points for hurtnig 50% of your teammate. Well, you do, but you get a different score. Scroll down a bit for more.
• Flag Defend: 1 Point. If you kill your enemy who's taking your flag, you get one brownie point. He has to be within the capturing vicinity in order for you to get the point. Also, your flag must still be visible, and it still must be under your control. If it is neutral you don't get any bonus, fire faster next time.
• Capture Point: 2 Points. When you capture a flag, you get two points. You have to be the first person to enter the capture vicinity when this happens, otherwise you end up with a lousy assist point. Note, that if a teammate is the first there, and he leaves the area and comes back, but you've been there the whole time, you get the points. As long as you were alone at some point, and have never left the flag area, you get the two points. Keep in mind that the driver has automatic precedence over others in the vehicle, so if someone is in the gunner port, and you jump in the driver seat, you just stole his point. Yay. Be an asshole, get in there.
• Capture Assist: 1 Point. If someone else gets to an enemy flag before you do, or basically by the rules just above, get the privelige of the Capture Points, you get a measly one point for making it go faster.
• Neutralize Point: 2 Points. Same as a Capture Point, same system, but this is when you neutralize an enemy flag.
• Neutralize Assist: 1 Point. Once again, assist system in effect here. Pea soup.
• Healing Point: 1 Point. When you're a medic and your little magic bags are thrown all over the place, you get a point for each 100 damage points you heal. So you'll have to heal a minimum of two people to get one point. These work on enemies too, so don't be throwing them all around becuase your ass reproduces them every few moments. However, you don't get points for helping the enemy. Why not? Dunno. You can't get a healing point for healing the same person within 15 seconds. (i think it's 15, please correct me on this if i'm wrong.)
• Revive Point: 2 Points. You're a medic, you have a friend nearby who's getting shot at. He's down to 5 life. You could save his life and chuck a magic bag of health at him, or you could wait a bit for him to die. Whip out your defribillators and zap 'im! Revive points! What's better, you get two points, the enemy gets two points, someone might've gotten a kill assist point, and the guy is greatful and back up to full health! It's a win-win situation! Of course, this is just being whorish becuase you really don't care what the enemy gets.  The 15 second rule doesn't apply here, so pad away padawan. Har har.
• Ammo Giving Point: 1 Point. For some reason EA and DICE were unable to type, or spell the word 'resupply' into their code, or they just didn't know the word existed, so they resorted to terrible grammar. An Ammo Giving Point. Anyway, you get this as a support when you chuck lots of magazines, belts, rockets, grenades, tank shells, bombs, mines, and other explosive devices, in an explosionproof, lightweight bag. These little magic bags of ammo get you one point for any sort of ammo it can replace. You don't get points for resupplying enemies, but it's amazing that they fit Eryx missiles into that bag as well. You get the point as long as someone has used up either; one grenade, one magazine of ammunition (after pressing reload), one shotgun shell, one explosive device, one rocket, etc. Due to 1.03, you can only get one point for each person every 15 seconds.
• Repair Point: 1 Point. I've done some research on the repairing required to get a point, and I've concluded that it's just around that of a tank. You need to repair as much damage a tank can take in order to get a single point. This is possibly the slowest, slowest way of getting repair points, so if you're going to earn some teamwork medallion... You have to repair a total of that to get a point. You can repair a full car but that's not full tank armor. Repair another car and a half or so, then you get the point. I'll have to do more research on armor ratios.
Those are your teamwork points. Phew. But wait, there's more!
How to lose teamwork points.
• Suicide: -2 Points. You're not contributing much to your army when you kill yourself with hand-dandy DieQuick® cyanide. You get these negative points when you kill yourself with something that can hurt enemies. For example, frag grenades, explosives, the cyanide button on your spawn screen, and vehicles. If you die involuntarily (like you could voluntarily die ) you don't get -2. Examples include falling off cliffs, falling out of aircraft, falling down a cliff, falling off a bridge, falling down onto spikey rocks, falling off the top of that cooling tower, etc.
• Team (Vehicle) Damage: -1 Points. I don't know about the military, but when my buddy starts pelting several lumps of lead into my leg, I don't quite like it. In fact, I'd much rather he shoot something else, like that conveniently placed explosive barrel next to him. Same goes for vehicles. 50% damage on people and the equivalent of that on a friendly vehicle gets you a negative point. Since 50% of life is quite little when compare to that of an APC, you get a lot more team vehicle damage points when you shoot your chopper guns at him.
• Teamkill: -4 Points. I definately won't like my friend when he blasts a few 5.56's into my skull. It hurts. More importantly, it's fatal. I die. Not t3h kewl. Note: Punishment does not affect the player's score whatsoever. It just adds to their 'bad tk' number, and when that reaches four they're kicked. You get -4 for teamkilling, even if they forgive you. You should still say sorry though. Amazingly, your dead brain can still recieve sounds through your ears. Amazing.

Why should you kill? I dunno, it's criminal, you get a total of around 30 years in prison for possession of a variety of heavy arms and explosives and equipment, and the use of them in an unfriendly manner against another human being in a populated area. And another 25 years for each other person you shoot at. Except, you're in the army and so that ignores all that crazy bullshit and you can go psycho with your weapons. Each kill gets you two points, thats it. Nothing more to add, really. Platypus cheese.

I've been using the word die improperly for the sake of simplicity. When an enemy sniper fires a .50 caliber bullet slicing through your nose, splattering your cortex, and leaving through the hole it makes in the back of your skull, you don't die. You're simply "critically wounded". Sure, you're wounded. Critically? Very critical. So critical, in fact, that you'll die in fifteen seconds if you don't get electrotherapy to mend your head. Technology in the near future, I can't wait! When you're critically wounded you still have a chance to come back to life via defribs. During those 15 seconds of waiting, your recent injury does not count as death. After all, you've only lost the capacity to think and live. Only when your timelimit is up will your body disappear into oblivion, you are rendered unsavable and your death count goes up by one. If you're revived, no kills are added. However, if your foot is shot with a pistol when you're climbing up a ladder, you do die. Which includes a +1 to death score.

That concludes this extensive gu- scrap that.

The end.
Very good, although I think team damage is -2 points, while team vehicle damage is -1 point.
Damn Command and Conquer Generals...
+62|7043|Rochester, NY
If you get negative points like -2 from the end of the round taken off of your total global points?

BlackLegion42 wrote:

If you get negative points like -2 from the end of the round taken off of your total global points?
No, negative score has no effect on your global score.

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