make it funny plz
i had 167 once on masthuur with a black hawk and i was gunner
I got 102 Teamwork points as a medic on Kankard.  ^^
And I didn't do the constant revive, teammate dies, revive again tactic.
ive gotten 200+ in the hind or apache at any given time with a good pilot thats on ts or lanned up going where i tell them.. im very good with the tv missle too so dalian plant i can take out both b hawks on usmc side & apache then china gets the bases on shore then i hover by myself switch positions & sit there at the shore tving the ship then switching back then line up tv etc.... & i have just enough time to fly back get repairs at mid shore base then get high enough to switch back  & get the apache of b hawk who think i died cuz they actually got off the runway... so yea 100 points in a round is easy most people get this in karkand as a medic i have many times doing so as well...o & btw to get ur expert kills in the helo count towards whatever kit u have..
helo = how i got my exert 35 & 40 kills for medic & sniper.
just a tip for u who are trying to get expert..tanks kills count as kit kills too so 40 kills in a tank or apc on karkand orks too
Finnish commander whore
Armor whore, medic, or commander at winning team on sharqui or karkand.
+9|6724|West Deptford, NJ
The best round I ever did was as a fightin' commander on a 64 Karkand that was fairly empty. I was commander the whole round, and started fighting alongside my squads after I saw that they were getting their asses kicked. We were on the ropes for a while, down to the last spawnpoint, but my arty and aid plus their sheer determination allowed them to move up and take all the cap points back.

After that debacle of almost losing, I started fighting. Didn't do too well, only like a 12-10 KD ratio or something, plus heals and revives (I was medic). I threw down arty, supplies, and whatnot real fast every 30-40 seconds or so, and fought the rest of the time. I sat back and took out anybody that got past my squads, not too hard a job. I had something like 74 before the x2 at the end.
i got 55 points by simply, waiting for people to die by jets on wake on the carrier and then reviving them. (it also helpde that we had a serious tker on our side) the rest of the round was spent killing/reviving on the island to give me a score of 87. not bad considering its wake and not in a jet
Definatly medic or armor on karkand. OR even support i pulled it off once.
Death StatPadder
+228|6922|Human Meat Shield
Jeezus Criminy! This is almost year old!! I guess people do use the search   I started this thread when I was a nub, back in the day I was in diapers and on training wheels, I have finally seen the light; thats when I had about 130 hrs under my belt, I bought the game in Sept and played my first in Oct and posted this thread In Dec. I have found numerous ways

1) play on big maps harldy any people; easy to do now since the mutiple server crashes.
2) Play on small servers.
3) Medic whore it up.. in any map.
4) Tank it up on Harvest.
5) Plane it up on Wake, make sure you are China
6) Karkand whore it up
7) Warlord whore it up, not because its a medic or sniper map but its a great map!!
8) Play SF because its better than vBF2

thanks for everyone helping me in this in the previous life.
is drunk and crazy

LT_W.J.Kamikaza wrote:

go into a 64 map server with 40 people in it, you will have really long rounds, or become very good with planes (got 120 at oman with f35b)
Last night I did just this, spent the whole round as a medic on karkand ended up with 162. Should have been more but I got a few grenade TK's. Some how I teamkilled a guy whilst throwing a medic pack at him, it said I killed him with my AK 101.

But yeah, if you're a good gunner, get in the MEC chopper when you can on Oman, preferably when the USMC have been capped out to one or two flags left on the beach. Infantry heaven. Or On sharqi when USMC have one flag left.

Last edited by E7IX3R (2006-06-15 08:31:03)

Say wat!?
I just infantry kill. only need 45 kills and 10 team points aint hard.
The Cereal Killer
+201|6811| United States of America
MEC T-90 on Sharqi
+32|6779|British Columbia, Canada
The most i have ever had on a round was 250+ points and that was on Karkand but i was Tank whoring
+557|6886|Oslo, Norway
ahoungua + apc + another apc engiee freind + self engineer + capping flags and killing noobs = good....
+2|6680|Omaha NE
when the game first came out blackhawk whoring in city maps was the best then after that squad hopping worked
now best way is to find 64 player servers with 16 to 20 people in it
nice long rounds and high points

happy fraggin'
You have been blessed... with my rifle!
+43|6749|Bellmawr, NJ, US
Last night I was on Sharqi 64 with about 20 people, as assault, and I whored the AA for my AA ribbon (11 kills), then whored the ground defense  for that ribbon (5 kills), then just kill kill kill.  Got my Expert Assault badge with 7 or 8 tickets left in the round and scored in the 120 range.
Wake Island .... find a good blackhawk pilot, and you be the gunner. If you are the MEC team, then just rape any guys who come on shore, or even better if they have a flag, rape their flags. Make sure your pilot doesn't hover TOO much, because you can easily get hit with an anti-tanker.
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6710|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK

imdead wrote:

Okay I see numerous people getting above 100 points IAR, but I have yet to crack this ho. The best I've got was a 93 and I was a Commander. Followed a great SL and got 83, but that's it. I don't know how to fly (that good) and seems everything is being whored up (tanks/helos/craft). Is there a special map or way to get the points up?

Is this the Answer?

1) Kill
2) Cap
3) Repair
4) Revive
I've got 195 on wake just by capping flags and using armour aprropriately, other wise anti-tank ftw!
The first true Sniper.
+95|6796|Cumberland, MD, USA
1. 16-slot server
2. 64-size maps
3. Medic
5. Profit.
Tank or APC on Warlord.  I got rounds of over a 100 multiple times.  The last time I did I got my Vet Anti Tank Specialist with 31 kills and the Gold Medal.  I was capping flags, but got worried that I wouldn't get the Vet badge because we down to 70 tickets and I only had 18 kills at the time.  Got 13 more before we won the round and I got the gold with 93 or 95 points.  A couple of accidental tk's brought me under a hunderd. 

Mostly Empty Servers are your best bet.  Kill, Kill and Kill some more.  Cap Flags when you can, but pay attention to your surroundings.
+16|6747|San Marcos, Texas
16 players, 64 size map,i was commander and got 369!!!!
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
why the fuck did u guys revive a thread from december? I don't think he needs advice anyomore ffs.....
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Try wake. Get a J10. Rape the carrier stupid. 80 kills. 160 points.
Wtf Padders!! Padders!!!
+18|6773|Boston, Massachusetts
my best round

Last edited by Raphael (2006-06-15 13:18:59)

this is the best we can do?

imdead wrote:

Okay I see numerous people getting above 100 points IAR, but I have yet to crack this ho. The best I've got was a 93 and I was a Commander. Followed a great SL and got 83, but that's it. I don't know how to fly (that good) and seems everything is being whored up (tanks/helos/craft). Is there a special map or way to get the points up?

Is this the Answer?

1) Kill
2) Cap
3) Repair
4) Revive
actually all you need to do is watch dodgeball the movie.... dodge dip duck dive and dodge.  the 5 d's of battlefield and you are well on your way to 100+ rounds
The general advice on large-size maps with lower player loads is good, I got my highest score that I know for certain is purely from normal gameplay (no commander x2 boost) in one of these. I normally don't like 'em as it's a lot of work for a long time but it is a way to get higher points for a round for sure. My round was 116, almost all as a sniper (only way I can get a 2.6 KDR!) with 38 kills, 40 team points (mostly from kill assists and flag defends but a little from medic) and I got basic explosives ordinance and the meritorious unit ribbon too.

But the easiest way, outside of a jet, to get over 100 points is playing as commander; almost all of my rounds where I got near to 100 points, or more, are from commanding.

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