+5,233|6842|Global Command
We should announce the global banning of religion and bomb the fuck out of every mosque, church and temple.
And legalize da reefer.

Seriously. We should apply our force to all dictatorships, not just those with oil.

Miller wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

deathlyzer wrote:

How should the US deal with the problems we face today?

Everybody here seems to have the answer in their backpocket.
Impeach Bush.
We should've Impeached Clinton .
You tried and failed remember.

rawls wrote:

dead_rac00n wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

damn you type fast


I think my favorite part was
"They are thrown into panic at the sight of an old man pulling the election lever ... girls enrolling in school ... or families worshiping God in their own traditions."

Big bad jihaadists scared of literate girls.........

Coming from an illeterate president, former alcoholic, and who won elections by strange means,  that's quite funny
Whats funnier is we can talk shit about our president without worrying about our sisters getting raped for it. How you like that!
Maybe not your sister but watch your bank account.
Cowboy from Hell

ATG wrote:

We should announce the global banning of religion and bomb the fuck out of every mosque, church and temple.
And legalize da reefer.

Seriously. We should apply our force to all dictatorships, not just those with oil.
Religion sucks, but that's not the problem, the problem is there are a lot of shitty politicians around the world. 
Hey, you seem liberal with that thought.
CameronPoe is an atheist! lol

your Godlessness makes you stupid.
nuke every major city....

Miller wrote:

I'll answer for the liberals and democrats here:

Sit around a fire with those who mean us harm, and sing Kumbiya.  Then ask, "Why did you attack us? And what should we do now?"
I'll answer for the republians:


sergeriver wrote:

ATG wrote:

We should announce the global banning of religion and bomb the fuck out of every mosque, church and temple.
And legalize da reefer.

Seriously. We should apply our force to all dictatorships, not just those with oil.
Religion sucks, but that's not the problem, the problem is there are a lot of shitty politicians around the world. 
Hey, you seem liberal with that thought.
Religion is the fucking problem. ISLAM FOR FUCKING EXAMPLE.

deathlyzer wrote:

CameronPoe is an atheist! lol

your Godlessness makes you stupid.
Your ignorance for believeing in religion makes you look stupid. THERE IS NO FUCKING GOD. WE EVOLVED. NO INVISIBLE PASSIVE MAN GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOU.


I'm neither republican or liberal though. THE COMMUNISTS WILL DOMINATE THE POPULATION.

Last edited by TheCanadianTerrorist (2006-09-12 19:30:59)

+11|7128|California, USA
Religion is the answer. Everyone walks around pondering there very existence. Why stress over the answer when it can be found in religion. Look at the Bible for what it is. It is a handbook on how to live. People need to follow the life lessons in the Bible to realize the purpose of existence.

"Your ignorance for believeing in religion makes you look stupid. THERE IS NO FUCKING GOD. WE EVOLVED. NO INVISIBLE PASSIVE MAN GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOU."-quoted for retardedness and ignorance.

Last edited by rawls (2006-09-12 23:51:13)

+15|6961|Apeldoorn, Holland

motherdear wrote:

why do people think that the whole war is based on a fantasy that is about weapons in iraq, the second day after the marines entered bagdad they found 4 squd missiles in a truck in the backyard of one of the major hospitals +  chemical combat suits and a heckload of weapons.
so you see they say that they have gotten rid of the weapons, but they actually just hid them in civilian places that people would get mad over if the us bombed them or checked them. a terrorist don't care if he is saying a big fat lie to a non muslim after their believes we are not human, just check the handbooks that they found in al quida lairs and insurgent nest in iraq and afghanistan.
if they are not muslim they are an infidel and therefore you don't have to say the truth because they are not real people they are lower than animals after their faith.
You seem to understand the war the First World is facing. This is the way the Hezbollah also works...
The more Lebanese civilians killed the more civilians get mad and help the Hezbolllah.
Each lost civilian life can create a whole new family of terrorists.

"if they are not muslim they are an infidel and therefore you don't have to say the truth because they are not real people they are lower than animals after their faith"

This is just how you WANT to read the bible or Koran. The Koran also says to respect other people. Help poor people when yourself have money enough. It's just an interpretation after all...
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6843|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia

rawls wrote:

"Your ignorance for believeing in religion makes you look stupid. THERE IS NO FUCKING GOD. WE EVOLVED. NO INVISIBLE PASSIVE MAN GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOU."-quoted for retardedness and ignorance.
I think you are the ignorant one for believing what you read in a book rather than believe what has been proven over and over again. That we evolved, we didn't just spring out of the ground and women weren't created from ribs.
+15|6961|Apeldoorn, Holland

TeamZephyr wrote:

rawls wrote:

"Your ignorance for believeing in religion makes you look stupid. THERE IS NO FUCKING GOD. WE EVOLVED. NO INVISIBLE PASSIVE MAN GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOU."-quoted for retardedness and ignorance.
I think you are the ignorant one for believing what you read in a book rather than believe what has been proven over and over again. That we evolved, we didn't just spring out of the ground and women weren't created from ribs.
What a stupid discussion.
Chimpansees are 99% equal to human beings. That explains enough i think.
Case closed.

deathlyzer wrote:

CameronPoe is an atheist! lol

your Godlessness makes you stupid.
You can't argue with a cast-iron point like that...
+11|7128|California, USA

TeamZephyr wrote:

rawls wrote:

"Your ignorance for believeing in religion makes you look stupid. THERE IS NO FUCKING GOD. WE EVOLVED. NO INVISIBLE PASSIVE MAN GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOU."-quoted for retardedness and ignorance.
I think you are the ignorant one for believing what you read in a book rather than believe what has been proven over and over again. That we evolved, we didn't just spring out of the ground and women weren't created from ribs.
Who do think lit the fuse that created the big bang?

rawls wrote:

TeamZephyr wrote:

rawls wrote:

"Your ignorance for believeing in religion makes you look stupid. THERE IS NO FUCKING GOD. WE EVOLVED. NO INVISIBLE PASSIVE MAN GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOU."-quoted for retardedness and ignorance.
I think you are the ignorant one for believing what you read in a book rather than believe what has been proven over and over again. That we evolved, we didn't just spring out of the ground and women weren't created from ribs.
Who do think lit the fuse that created the big bang?
Who do you think created god?

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

rawls wrote:

TeamZephyr wrote:

I think you are the ignorant one for believing what you read in a book rather than believe what has been proven over and over again. That we evolved, we didn't just spring out of the ground and women weren't created from ribs.
Who do think lit the fuse that created the big bang?
Who do you think created god?

CameronPoe wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

rawls wrote:

Who do think lit the fuse that created the big bang?
Who do you think created god?
I am god. I was spawned from your mother

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Who do you think created god?
I am god. I was spawned from your mother
God spawned at 'Suburb' on 'Strike at Karkand'. It's in Genesis somewhere. For the record he spawned as medic and team-killed for a Vodnik.

CameronPoe wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

I am god. I was spawned from your mother
God spawned at 'Suburb' on 'Strike at Karkand'. It's in Genesis somewhere. For the record he spawned as medic and team-killed for a Vodnik.
you will fear my wrath!
Certified Twat
+296|6821|Bournemouth, South England
I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious wrath.

Or, Claywhore you all in the Palace at whorelord
Jesus spawnraped the 'Temple' on 'Dragon Valley'. The money collectors and the PLA weren't happy.
Cold Fussion
72% alcohol
+63|6981|Sydney, Australia

deathlyzer wrote:

Regardless of who is in office, everybody would still hate the US.  So lets put away the Bush card, it's a useless arguement. 

Say 9/11 took place 5 years earlier, during the clinton years.  Everybody would hate clinton, and he would be the reason my milk goes bad and everything else thats wrong. 

Let me rephrase my entire question:

What has the United States done to Islam that would call for this kind of hatred?

Can a real muslim come onto these forums and answer that question for me?
America is the cause of all problems in the middle east.

Cold Fussion wrote:

deathlyzer wrote:

Regardless of who is in office, everybody would still hate the US.  So lets put away the Bush card, it's a useless arguement. 

Say 9/11 took place 5 years earlier, during the clinton years.  Everybody would hate clinton, and he would be the reason my milk goes bad and everything else thats wrong. 

Let me rephrase my entire question:

What has the United States done to Islam that would call for this kind of hatred?

Can a real muslim come onto these forums and answer that question for me?
America is the cause of all problems in the middle east.
Israel is.

Cold Fussion wrote:

America is the cause of all problems in the middle east.
People in general are the cause of all problems in the Middle East
I need around tree fiddy.
Great success!
+216|6890|Chandler, AZ

CameronPoe wrote:

Turn 'the west' into an impenetrable fortress, take Israel to task over its atrocities and state terrorism, withdraw from Iraq and let them have their civil war and hand the Republican party back to traditional isolationists (not neo-conservative imperialists), stop supporting unpopular puppet regimes, stop interfering in the politics of sovereign nations. Bit simplistic but in general I think that would improve things.
Great success!
+216|6890|Chandler, AZ

rawls wrote:

Religion is the answer. Everyone walks around pondering there very existence. Why stress over the answer when it can be found in religion. Look at the Bible for what it is. It is a handbook on how to live. People need to follow the life lessons in the Bible to realize the purpose of existence.

"Your ignorance for believeing in religion makes you look stupid. THERE IS NO FUCKING GOD. WE EVOLVED. NO INVISIBLE PASSIVE MAN GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOU."-quoted for retardedness and ignorance.
Yeah....Because believing in "God" isn't ignorant? And retardedness is a word?

Answer this please. We know God is real because the Bible said so. The Bible has to be true because it's God's word. So wouldn't it be true, by your logic, that if I declared myself God right now, and wrote that I was God in some text I produce from my ass, you'd have to believe me?

The Bible is the holy book of one religion, that I'll remind you for a very long time was considered a cult and is still the smallest mainstream religion in terms of believers. That's right. Think about it for five seconds. Christians worship Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is mentioned in older religions as well, but he was a man. A miracle worker, but a man. So to religions like Islam, Christianity clearly worships a false idol, as Jesus was simply a man.

Now let's move on forget it, I'm not typing up a 15 page thesis on how throughout history religion has been used to gain political influence and wealth. You can do your own research on that, believe me there are plenty of facts to back it up.

General religion claims:

God is all knowing

God is all powerful

God is all good

Sadly, the parameters of this imaginary thing conflict each other in a very basic way. One cannot be all powerful and all good. Nor can it be all knowing and all good. Because in order to be "Good" in the sense that God can do no evil, you limit its power. The same applies to knowledge of evil.

You see, if you look back on history up to this point, you'll notice a trend of religion slipping away as science develops. Take medical practice for example. Headaches were once believed to be caused by demons, and holes were drilled into the patients' skulls to release them. Nowadays we have Tylenol, and skull demons have somehow been vanquished.

The gradual shift away from religion isn't because people are becoming more morally corrupt, it's because we're learning more about ourselves. Religion was the answer to many questions that we had no scientific answers for. Now we no longer require it for many things, but a few issues still rely on religion. For example, what happens after we die. This is a question that we may never know, but anything is possible with the advancement of science. You may be skeptical now, but 2000 years ago, do you think anyone thought it realistically possible for human beings to walk on the surface of the moon?

Now before the religious zealots tear this apart and tell me I'm going to Hell (If there is one, I'd hope that's where I'll be. Much more interesting people there I'm sure.) please understand that I'm not against religion. I think it's a wonderful motivator, and there are many things in each religion that I think people should pay attention to in terms of how to treat one another. But when your modern life is dictated by a 2000 year old fairy tale, it's time to wake up.

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