+447|6891|Seattle, Washington, USA

arabeater wrote:

Homeschtar wrote:

arabeater wrote:

They had cerin gas, mustard gas oh and the capability to launch chemical weapons on a mass scale. Hmm... sounds like a good reason to take out that regime to me. I dunno about you but I sure as hell feel safer knowing Saddam is outta power.
I said nothing about anything you just posted, I merely said Iraq had no ties to 9/11.
You were bitching about Iraq not having ties to 9/11. How do you know that. The 9/11 comission is a joke. They dont know jack shit. If you believe anything they say or our govenment for that matter then you need some help.
And why would you believe that Iraq had any ties to 9/11? That theory has so many holes in it, I can't understand why you would believe it. The word 'Iraq' shouldn't even be in this thread, because it is in no way connected to the subject.
+271|6799|United States of America

P581 wrote:

As an American I can only say that it is sad, and telling of our society to spend so much time focused on one event. Even well after the event has lost most of it's shock.  People still call out "September 11th, never forget!"

One might look on other tragic things in American history and feel just as much grief.  The civil war killed up to 700000 Americans, yet on the anniversary of that holocaust we don't shout with pride; remember Gettysburg! It's much easier when politicians and entertainment is shoving the topic down your throat eh? Can I accuse anyone who doesn't voice their compassion for the soldiers of the the Confederacy or Union as anti-American?

You need to know why you remember 9-11. Is it because you lost someone there? If so, I grieve with you. If not, you are just another pleb swallowing whatever nonsense is fed to you by pundits and movie-makers looking to make a career and a quick buck.
Remember Pearl Harbor? Remember how they kept remembering it like we do now? The only difference is that they didn't have enough Cameras there to film it.
+26|6512|New York!
One block away......heard the first plane hit and watched as the second one hit the other tower.  Everyone was screaming and running.  It was terrible watching the towers fall as people jumped out of the tower in hopes of living.  I'll never forget it.......
+14|6707|Garden City, KS. USA

eagles1106 wrote:

Jim_Bred wrote:

Americans asked for it
I love how any fucking idiot that isn't from America will bash us and make US look like the ones at fault.  Yeah, we asked for it buddy.  I dint give a shit about my mouth.  We were the big bad guy and we needed to be shown a lesson, yeah, sure.  Fuck off.  Stop bashing our country.
I quit trying to argue with comments like this long ago.  People like him are so blind in there hated that nothing you say will ever change their minds.  The 9/11 attacks were all a conspiracy to them but if they would take the time to talk to real structural engineers.  Find out how the WTC was different from other skyscrapers they would find out that we were lucky the towers stood as long as they did and that they did not collapse immediately after impact.  In their eyes the USA is the cause of everything from world hunger to the pimples on Oshama's ass.  Anything the USA does is automatically wrong.  So don't waste your breath on comments like his.

Last edited by Souls (2006-09-11 16:04:24)


Miller wrote:

Remember Pearl Harbor? Remember how they kept remembering it like we do now? The only difference is that they didn't have enough Cameras there to film it.
I think you have just proven my point without realizing it.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6724|Colorado Springs, CO

Homeschtar wrote:

arabeater wrote:

Homeschtar wrote:

I said nothing about anything you just posted, I merely said Iraq had no ties to 9/11.
You were bitching about Iraq not having ties to 9/11. How do you know that. The 9/11 comission is a joke. They dont know jack shit. If you believe anything they say or our govenment for that matter then you need some help.
And why would you believe that Iraq had any ties to 9/11? That theory has so many holes in it, I can't understand why you would believe it. The word 'Iraq' shouldn't even be in this thread, because it is in no way connected to the subject.
Hey you brought it up, not me.
+271|6799|United States of America

P581 wrote:

Miller wrote:

Remember Pearl Harbor? Remember how they kept remembering it like we do now? The only difference is that they didn't have enough Cameras there to film it.
I think you have just proven my point without realizing it.
O Rly?  We are in a more modern age now, we have cameras, we will remember September 11th for a long time to come.  The only thing that overtook Pearl Harbor was Victory in the Pacific.  Their loss there came at a price, but we came back and won. Now all we need to remember is Victory in the Pacific and Pearl Harbor seems to have had a purpose.  9/11 has its purpose too: To kill these facist terrorists and make the world a better place like we did with Germany and Japan.

Last edited by Miller (2006-09-11 16:05:53)

+269|6627|Marlton, New Jersey.

Souls wrote:

eagles1106 wrote:

Jim_Bred wrote:

Americans asked for it
I love how any fucking idiot that isn't from America will bash us and make US look like the ones at fault.  Yeah, we asked for it buddy.  I dint give a shit about my mouth.  We were the big bad guy and we needed to be shown a lesson, yeah, sure.  Fuck off.  Stop bashing our country.
I quit trying to argue with comments like this long ago.  People like him are so blind in there hated that nothing you say will ever change their minds.  The 9/11 attacks were all a conspiracy to them but if they would take the time to talk to real structural engineers.  Find out how the WTC was different from other skyscrapers they would find out that we were lucky the towers stood as long as they did and that they did not collapse immediately after impact.  In their eyes the USA is the cause of everything from world hunger to the pimples on Oshama's ass.  Anything the USA does is automatically wrong.  So don't waste your breath on comments like his.
I myself believe that some may have been a conspiracy, or may not have.  But regaurless,  it was a tragic day for our country, and he needs to understand that.  And yes, I agree with you that I probably wont change his mind...but meh...
+447|6891|Seattle, Washington, USA

DaZeD863 wrote:

its funny the world has thier panties in a whad about afgan/iraq... BOTH had ties.. if anything we should be in sierra and iran too
Actually, Dazed brought it up. But whatever, the more we debate it the more it subtracts from the subject.

While I don't think 9/11 should be as big a deal 5 years after it happened, it is a tragedy nontheless.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6724|Colorado Springs, CO

Homeschtar wrote:

DaZeD863 wrote:

its funny the world has thier panties in a whad about afgan/iraq... BOTH had ties.. if anything we should be in sierra and iran too
Actually, Dazed brought it up. But whatever, the more we debate it the more it subtracts from the subject.

While I don't think 9/11 should be as big a deal 5 years after it happened, it is a tragedy nontheless.
Well I am in the military and 9/11 does still play a big factor. I have deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq 3 times and we probably wouldnt be there if not for 9/11. I do think 9/11 should still be a large deal today.
Psychotic Sniper Inc.
+76|6595|The Land of Claywhore

CruZ4dR wrote:

omg I am one of those penilistic penises bastards that I have grown to taste.
"The day that shook my penis"???? WOOT?? The geh porno has filled my head with stupid sayings and messed up focus on things that does not matter. I wasn't shook at all the geh porno. Have you ever considered that there might be better geh porno happening somewhere else in the world as we speak? Yes, many people are gay at the same time and I love geh porno with their muscular bulges running around making small and big deals about how they stuck their penis sandwiches in my fat throuts when they saw a geh porno lover going into a building. I hate you all if you don't watch geh porno

Miller wrote:

O Rly?  We are in a more modern age now, we have cameras, we will remember September 11th for a long time to come.  The only thing that overtook Pearl Harbor was Victory in the Pacific.  Their loss there came at a price, but we came back and won. Now all we need to remember is Victory in the Pacific and Pearl Harbor seems to have had a purpose.  9/11 has its purpose too: To kill these fascist terrorists and make the world a better place like we did with Germany and Japan.
I am confused, you just changed topics completely. First you were all like "there weren't enough cameras to film pearl harbor, that's why 9-11 is different"

To which I was like "you are proving my point. People remember 9-11 because it is force fed to them by the media and pundits" I imagine you got scared by agreeing to something without realizing you were supporting the opposite opinion.

Now you've backtracked and you're all like "Here's my abridged history of Pearl harbor and 9-11. See how they are the same?" Obviously a crappy attempt to mend your mistake of "agreeing" with the "enemy".

Honestly I doubt your intelligence at this point, and will shortly cease to continue a dialog with you, unless you can A). Say something educated on the topic that isn't just recycled incoherent babble about why you think you are right, and B). Make some sense.
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6675|New Hampshire, USA
Wow, I love how everyone alwas finds a way to bash america in every possible way.  Ok, other worse things are happening in the world.  So what.  Can't you guys just pretend to be sympathetic with us, instead of causing arguments?

Last edited by -=]NS[=-Eagle (2006-09-11 16:25:06)

+271|6799|United States of America

P581 wrote:

Miller wrote:

O Rly?  We are in a more modern age now, we have cameras, we will remember September 11th for a long time to come.  The only thing that overtook Pearl Harbor was Victory in the Pacific.  Their loss there came at a price, but we came back and won. Now all we need to remember is Victory in the Pacific and Pearl Harbor seems to have had a purpose.  9/11 has its purpose too: To kill these fascist terrorists and make the world a better place like we did with Germany and Japan.
I am confused, you just changed topics completely. First you were all like "there weren't enough cameras to film pearl harbor, that's why 9-11 is different"

To which I was like "you are proving my point. People remember 9-11 because it is force fed to them by the media and pundits" I imagine you got scared by agreeing to something without realizing you were supporting the opposite opinion.

Now you've backtracked and you're all like "Here's my abridged history of Pearl harbor and 9-11. See how they are the same?" Obviously a crappy attempt to mend your mistake of "agreeing" with the "enemy".

Honestly I doubt your intelligence at this point, and will shortly cease to continue a dialog with you, unless you can A). Say something educated on the topic that isn't just recycled incoherent babble about why you think you are right, and B). Make some sense.
Ok listen to this, I'll make it simple for your feeble mind. 

Pearl Harbor, if it had happened in 2001, would have been "force fed" just like 9/11 is now, the only difference is that they didn't have footage of it unfolding almost the whole period it did.  Now, put 9/11 back in the times of Pearl Harbor, it would have died after the Taliban was crushed, just like the Japanese.  It's all about the times.  It's not being "force fed" but it is being given to us, because we have the priviledge to remember 9/11 and mourn for those who died. It will die off just like Pearl Harbor, it will just take more time.

Miller wrote:

Remember Pearl Harbor? Remember how they kept remembering it like we do now? The only difference is that they didn't have enough Cameras there to film it.
Pearl harbor's memory doesn't last because there were weren't enough cameras to film. Thats what you said first.

Miller wrote:

O Rly?  We are in a more modern age now, we have cameras, we will remember September 11th for a long time to come.  The only thing that overtook Pearl Harbor was Victory in the Pacific.  Their loss there came at a price, but we came back and won. Now all we need to remember is Victory in the Pacific and Pearl Harbor seems to have had a purpose.  9/11 has its purpose too: To kill these facist terrorists and make the world a better place like we did with Germany and Japan.
Now that we have cameras pearl harbor and 9-11 are the same.

Miller wrote:

Ok listen to this, I'll make it simple for your feeble mind. 

Pearl Harbor, if it had happened in 2001, would have been "force fed" just like 9/11 is now, the only difference is that they didn't have footage of it unfolding almost the whole period it did.  Now, put 9/11 back in the times of Pearl Harbor, it would have died after the Taliban was crushed, just like the Japanese.  It's all about the times.  It's not being "force fed" but it is being given to us, because we have the privilege to remember 9/11 and mourn for those who died. It will die off just like Pearl Harbor, it will just take more time.
Finally you said something intelligent, now here comes my disagreement. First of all, i never compared pearl harbor and the WTC attacks. I wanted something that was MORE extreme in the amount of American lives lost. So I used the civil war as an example 700000+ compared to not even 2000 in WTC. Why is it that you can feel pity for the people who died in WTC, but not the Civil war? You are right, part of it has to do with the time it occurred in people forget pain so they can go on with living, it is a human characteristic.

Another part of that has to do with the insidiousness of American culture. My guess is that 90% of the nation really felt bad for a year or two, then started not to care again. However because of the nature of the social programming that is occurring in our country, we are required to respond with deep sympathy for the victims that we didn't know, lived far from us, and had little to no effect on our lives. If someone seriously mourns the death of their loved ones for five years with the fervor we have mourned people in the twin towers, we would say they needed Xanax.

The danger of a society that mourns too much is that they turn that into hate, and give that power to the people who deserve it least, the government.
+14|6707|Garden City, KS. USA

eagles1106 wrote:

Souls wrote:

eagles1106 wrote:

I love how any fucking idiot that isn't from America will bash us and make US look like the ones at fault.  Yeah, we asked for it buddy.  I dint give a shit about my mouth.  We were the big bad guy and we needed to be shown a lesson, yeah, sure.  Fuck off.  Stop bashing our country.
I quit trying to argue with comments like this long ago.  People like him are so blind in there hated that nothing you say will ever change their minds.  The 9/11 attacks were all a conspiracy to them but if they would take the time to talk to real structural engineers.  Find out how the WTC was different from other skyscrapers they would find out that we were lucky the towers stood as long as they did and that they did not collapse immediately after impact.  In their eyes the USA is the cause of everything from world hunger to the pimples on Oshama's ass.  Anything the USA does is automatically wrong.  So don't waste your breath on comments like his.
I myself believe that some may have been a conspiracy, or may not have.  But regaurless,  it was a tragic day for our country, and he needs to understand that.  And yes, I agree with you that I probably wont change his mind...but meh...
My quick two cents on 9/11 conspiracy's

The main conspiracy theory I hear is jet fuel can't melt steel.  This is a correct statement it takes around 2200 F. to melt steel.  There was only around 1800 F. fire in the WTC before the collapse, but at 1800 F. steel loses about 85-90% of its strength.  Unlike most skysrapers the WTC was a tubular construction so the majority of its load bearing was done by its steel skin.  After the jets tore huge holes in the skin and the 1800F. fire it was going to collapse no matter what.  If you watch footage of the north tower right before its collapse you can actually see it leaning suggesting collapse is imminent   There are lots of other things I could list that contributed to the collapse but you should really read the 9/11 report, the Popular Mechanics article, or watch a History Channel show called the Anatomy of the Collapse.

Last edited by Souls (2006-09-11 17:30:24)


Miller wrote:

137twozerosniper wrote:

eagles1106 wrote:

I love how any fucking idiot that isnt from America will bash us and make US look like the ones at fault.  Yeah, we asked for it buddy.  I dont give a shit about my mouth.  We were the big bad guy and we needed to be shown a lesson, yeah, sure.  Fuck off.  Stop bashing our country.
i'm not american and i made this post without americans where would my country be
Overun by nazis.
That goes two ways you know, its not like USA took on the Axis alone....Get real, every country that participated in the war probably contributed to the end of WW2.

And no, Iraq didn't have any ties with 9/11 and it wasn't justified to wage war on Iraq either.
*sips juice and dance erotic*
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6724|Colorado Springs, CO

Sacula wrote:

Miller wrote:

137twozerosniper wrote:

i'm not american and i made this post without americans where would my country be
Overun by nazis.
That goes two ways you know, its not like USA took on the Axis alone....Get real, every country that participated in the war probably contributed to the end of WW2.

And no, Iraq didn't have any ties with 9/11 and it wasn't justified to wage war on Iraq either.
*sips juice and dance erotic*
Yea cause you know everything! Oh can you tell me if theres a god and are we the only planet with life on it? I do agree however that we werent the only country fighting but until we came in the war in Europe was definately hard to win.
You know what, I'm really sick of hearing people constantly bashing America.  Let me put it bluntly and tell all you foreigners how it really is.

We are America.  To American's everyone else is second rate.  If you have a problem with that, why don't you come here and give us a reason to think otherwise.

Our President is a retard and a warmonger.  But you know what?  You can't do shit about it and he knows it.  If you all don't like our foreign policy, try and stand in our way.  See what happens.

You say all Americans are fat and stupid?  Well, when you live in the most laid back and all around profitable country of any other it's size, we can afford to do that and not give a shit what someone in Sydney, Nottingham or Hamburg thinks about it.  Besides, we have and can still kick your country's ass.

And finally, to be completely honest, most of you sound jealous of America.  Why else would the thought of a country you do not reside in rule your thoughts.  If you hate us that much JOIN AL QAEDA!  I'll see you in Guantanamo Bay you immigrant wanna-be motherfuckers.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6724|Colorado Springs, CO

Cougar wrote:

You know what, I'm really sick of hearing people constantly bashing America.  Let me put it bluntly and tell all you foreigners how it really is.

We are America.  To American's everyone else is second rate.  If you have a problem with that, why don't you come here and give us a reason to think otherwise.

Our President is a retard and a warmonger.  But you know what?  You can't do shit about it and he knows it.  If you all don't like our foreign policy, try and stand in our way.  See what happens.

You say all Americans are fat and stupid?  Well, when you live in the most laid back and all around profitable country of any other it's size, we can afford to do that and not give a shit what someone in Sydney, Nottingham or Hamburg thinks about it.  Besides, we have and can still kick your country's ass.

And finally, to be completely honest, most of you sound jealous of America.  Why else would the thought of a country you do not reside in rule your thoughts.  If you hate us that much JOIN AL QAEDA!  I'll see you in Guantanamo Bay you immigrant wanna-be motherfuckers.
Well said my fellow American! All bow down to the USA! +1 for you!
+14|6707|Garden City, KS. USA

Cougar wrote:

You know what, I'm really sick of hearing people constantly bashing America.  Let me put it bluntly and tell all you foreigners how it really is.

We are America.  To American's everyone else is second rate.  If you have a problem with that, why don't you come here and give us a reason to think otherwise.

Our President is a retard and a warmonger.  But you know what?  You can't do shit about it and he knows it.  If you all don't like our foreign policy, try and stand in our way.  See what happens.

You say all Americans are fat and stupid?  Well, when you live in the most laid back and all around profitable country of any other it's size, we can afford to do that and not give a shit what someone in Sydney, Nottingham or Hamburg thinks about it.  Besides, we have and can still kick your country's ass.

And finally, to be completely honest, most of you sound jealous of America.  Why else would the thought of a country you do not reside in rule your thoughts.  If you hate us that much JOIN AL QAEDA!  I'll see you in Guantanamo Bay you immigrant wanna-be motherfuckers.
No offense....But comments like that is a perfect example of why they hate us.  Don't get me wrong I think most Euro's have issues but those comments play right into their "Arogant American" type
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6724|Colorado Springs, CO

Souls wrote:

Cougar wrote:

You know what, I'm really sick of hearing people constantly bashing America.  Let me put it bluntly and tell all you foreigners how it really is.

We are America.  To American's everyone else is second rate.  If you have a problem with that, why don't you come here and give us a reason to think otherwise.

Our President is a retard and a warmonger.  But you know what?  You can't do shit about it and he knows it.  If you all don't like our foreign policy, try and stand in our way.  See what happens.

You say all Americans are fat and stupid?  Well, when you live in the most laid back and all around profitable country of any other it's size, we can afford to do that and not give a shit what someone in Sydney, Nottingham or Hamburg thinks about it.  Besides, we have and can still kick your country's ass.

And finally, to be completely honest, most of you sound jealous of America.  Why else would the thought of a country you do not reside in rule your thoughts.  If you hate us that much JOIN AL QAEDA!  I'll see you in Guantanamo Bay you immigrant wanna-be motherfuckers.
No offense....But comments like that is a perfect example of why they hate us.  Don't get me wrong I think most Euro's have issues but those comments play right into their "Arogant American" type
Fuck them! Why do you care what a bunch of Euros think about our country. I dont! They dont pay me. Tehy are just wasting their time hating us because the majority of the US could give 2 shits what they think.

Souls wrote:

Cougar wrote:

You know what, I'm really sick of hearing people constantly bashing America.  Let me put it bluntly and tell all you foreigners how it really is.

We are America.  To American's everyone else is second rate.  If you have a problem with that, why don't you come here and give us a reason to think otherwise.

Our President is a retard and a warmonger.  But you know what?  You can't do shit about it and he knows it.  If you all don't like our foreign policy, try and stand in our way.  See what happens.

You say all Americans are fat and stupid?  Well, when you live in the most laid back and all around profitable country of any other it's size, we can afford to do that and not give a shit what someone in Sydney, Nottingham or Hamburg thinks about it.  Besides, we have and can still kick your country's ass.

And finally, to be completely honest, most of you sound jealous of America.  Why else would the thought of a country you do not reside in rule your thoughts.  If you hate us that much JOIN AL QAEDA!  I'll see you in Guantanamo Bay you immigrant wanna-be motherfuckers.
No offense....But comments like that is a perfect example of why they hate us.  Don't get me wrong I think most Euro's have issues but those comments play right into their "Arogant American" type
Ever stop to think that "America Basher" comments are what bring on "Arrogant American" comments.

Above post, prime example.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6724|Colorado Springs, CO
Why should I have any respect for Euros when after we got attacked on 9/11 and went into Afghanistan most of our so-called allies with the exceptions of Spain and England didnt even offer military support to help. I was there in Afghanistan in 2002 and I never saw a single German, Italian, Dutch or French soldier. Its called they arent really your ally until they need you and not the other way around. Thats not the actions of an ally. Thats why I have no respect for Europe with the exception of England and Spain.
+4|6676|Vancouver, BC
i was on my comp and is was at......8am in the morning? then i was playing a game and ppl were like omg did you hear? i said no and they said go watch cnn and i was like omg. then i went to school (6th grade)

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