+39|6950|OREEGONE, USA
I don't think Jalalabad was meant to be I/O.

I have no problems getting into the city of jalalabad on a large ticket/player map.  Just pick medic and run up the right side using rocks as cover to regenerate your stamina.  Also keeping the medic bag out really helps incase your hit by an SVD.  It does suck for less experienced players since they have no idea what to do.
Git 'Er Dun

FourthHorseman wrote:

The entire match was spent between the Checkpoint and the USMC base. Nothing but a war of attrition. Occasionally a Spec Ops guy would get through, and get mowed down. This happened rather frequently. Needless to say, no one's assets got blown up.
I'm pretty sure i was on your team for that round!!!

pissed the hell out of me that I couldn't get out of the base, but it was entertaining none the less
Black Panzer Party
+184|7035|Eastern PA
IO is good for point/medic whoring...I plan to make good use of it in my quest for expert medic combat and first aid.
+76|7089|Antwerp, Flanders
Well all the IO maps I've played so far didn't have the massive sniper and medic fanatics in it. I'd have to say all in all they're pretty good, except for one major drawback. Claymores. There weren't all that many snipers around but they were constantly putting down claymores on flags it made me SICK. The sad thing is, none of these claymore whores were actually getting kills with their rifles, they just hid somewhere until they got a kill. I don't like the way many players use the claymore, but using them on flags on an IO server is just too much.

I don't spend all that much time as a sniper but I've never used claymores for anything but what they were intended for: Covering my ass so anyone trying to get to me when I'm sniping ends up dead, giving me the sign that it's time to get the hell out of there and find myself a new sniping spot.
for those saying engineer isnt used in IO, it actualy is, i amk constantly using it once usmc captures fountain in Jalalabad as there is alot of cqc and the shotgun is great for it.
On the Jalalabad map I saw a Enginer lay out mines.....IO mode to....Seriously XD

The only class you don't see that much on IO is anti tank. Not really that good weapons unless you start to kill them with the rockets.

But it's like always Medic is still quite used on the normal mode to along with Support to. There is no denying that.
The New Evolution in gaming...
+14|7070|Cardiff, Wales
IO as USMC on Jallalabad..just run accross the river to Market and up to Mosque in a decent squad, you can easily get the city flags while the rest of the team go point whoring with MEC

If you have a decent opposing Commander then he'll send a squad to defend the City flags after seeing you run accross....but he needs the luck of finding a MEC squad who will do that


-=256=-Evo_Wales wrote:

IO as USMC on Jallalabad..just run accross the river to Market and up to Mosque in a decent squad, you can easily get the city flags while the rest of the team go point whoring with MEC

If you have a decent opposing Commander then he'll send a squad to defend the City flags after seeing you run accross....but he needs the luck of finding a MEC squad who will do that

I love crossing the river. The MECs always defend the East or South (i forget, the one with the rocks) leaving the river open for a quick swim. Also, I like using Spec Ops on IO because the G36-C on single-shot is still the best sniper in the game.

My US strat: 6 man squad- 1 Spec Ops, 1 Medic and either a support or assualt swim across (as far out on the map as possible) and go straight for Mosque, going around the back of the wall. Take the flag, have the rest of your squad spawn on you, and proceed right through the rest of the map until you get up behind the MECs and they wonder how you got there. I have yet to see a competent MEC commander who watches for people trying to play the map this way. Usually the commander is just another sniper who likes the UAV/easy points. Once you take Mosque, AT becomes a playable kit just for the DAO-12, assuming you have it, plus who doesn't love rocket-sniping the snipers in the back?

All this said, I really like Jalalabad as a map, and it's really nice to have your own personal medic when you're sniping.
Phorum Phantom
IO Jalalabad isnt that bad for me, but maybe thats because i enjoy sniping, but i really dont like karkand, that is the ultimate nade fest. If i can charge threw the wave of both teams nades, and get to the hotel, people dont even keep guns out, they all just try to kill you with nades at 2 feet. Its retarded. thats the new mode in 1.5, NW. no weapons.
Zulu son, what!?!
+79|7098|Anaheim, CA

IO Jalalabad is pretty fun . . . I don't play medic or support anymore because I need time in other kits.  Being Anti Tank or Engineer is fine on that map, or any map for that matter.  You just have to play smart.  You can't engage someone from far away obviously.  You have to pick your spots, use cover, sneak up close and blast them in the face!
Mad Ad
+178|6824|England, UK
it just seems so empty without anything else- plus using limited classes makes it just a plain old team deathmatch.

At least if there were transports like jeeps (with or without guns) it might make it worthwhile playing antitank, we wouldnt have to see empty sandbag nests (put the at guns back) and if we had transport helis they wouldnt have to blank the aa nests.
Fact is that I was getting tired of playing AT almost everytime when when a APC or TANK was taking the flag, felt like there where always a tank close and no AT fellas nearby. Sure I could have spawned somewhere else but then we would have lost that flag because the team rarely try to take it down. Most don't play it because their weapons don't do much damage unless you can suprise the person. Otherwise you don't have mĂșch luck living when their guns do 19dmg while AK101 do 37 and other bit lower.
Battlefield has always been great for its dynamic gameplay... IO mode shows that even without vehicles the game kicks ass.
I think its pretty good. If you want to break down the MEC line you need everyone in your team to run head on firing.

Play IO on KArkand, it works really well on that map.
aka Nekrodamus
+52|7045|Germany, near Koblenz
IO is a very interesting diversification (allways remember that it is no replacement at all and you don't have to play BF2 this way) but it doesn't work / makes sense on most of the (vanilla-)maps. All those "one team starts with just one flag and is forced to get some more"-maps may be interesting for a while / a specific badge (unless you play MECSF on TIG), but won't bring you long time fun.

Even the balanced maps like Oilfields aren't perfect for IO mode since all the ways are much to long while on foot. I really miss (unarmed) transporters of any kind!

IO works much better (my mind) on SF since hook & zip give the teams more options to reach a flag and therefore nearly all kits are played.
I like pie
+29|6791|San Diego, CA
64 players on a 16 size Jalalabad map = nade fest

I generally like the 16 players on the 16 player jalalabad map, less fustration at least, though I only like IO on Karkand, not to big of a fan of IO on 32 player size Jalalabad.
The only reason why there are more nades on these modes is because there are no tanks/Apcs that whore the spawn point. So now when all those people are alive they will be throwing grenades but at the start of the round on Karkand have always been nade spam. What I know.
I like pie
+29|6791|San Diego, CA

Zefar wrote:

The only reason why there are more nades on these modes is because there are no tanks/Apcs that whore the spawn point. So now when all those people are alive they will be throwing grenades but at the start of the round on Karkand have always been nade spam. What I know.
Yeah, though if most people were smart, they wouldnt head for the hotel first.
Zulu son, what!?!
+79|7098|Anaheim, CA

GhostStalker0 wrote:

Zefar wrote:

The only reason why there are more nades on these modes is because there are no tanks/Apcs that whore the spawn point. So now when all those people are alive they will be throwing grenades but at the start of the round on Karkand have always been nade spam. What I know.
Yeah, though if most people were smart, they wouldnt head for the hotel first.
Say word son.

GhostStalker0 wrote:

Zefar wrote:

The only reason why there are more nades on these modes is because there are no tanks/Apcs that whore the spawn point. So now when all those people are alive they will be throwing grenades but at the start of the round on Karkand have always been nade spam. What I know.
Yeah, though if most people were smart, they wouldnt head for the hotel first.
Meh some people in BF2 are natrual idiots, like yesterday when I was on Mec on a IO Karkand 24/7 server, I and 3-4 Squads with several members in them all the time spawn raped USMC uncap base at the beginning till the end of the round. They kept spawning at the place we raped and not spawn at the bridge that their friends had taken over, or they didn't spawn at hotel that they also owned. XD

For crying out loud they didn't even spawn on the right side of the USMC base >.> It's like they asked to be baseraped. No one complained and we kept killing them. We won to, somehow.

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