Horseman 77
I realize this might not be debate but I intended it to be serious and thought it would allow us to glimpse deeper into each others make up and perhaps even gain new insight and understanding of each other friend and foe. Some people I butt heads with in many topics I see exactly eye to eye with in others.

One thing that I always enjoyed was scanning the books shelves and libraries of other people.
I found myself doing this at parties ( even as a young man ) when shopping for a home, at job interviews etc.
One hotel I frequent alot has a "Take them or drop them of library" its always fun. I love my doctors library.
Sort of an intellectual voyeur ?

so I thought we could all do a list long or short of favorites and why.. Examples

Books that changed your life.

Books that you wish others would read.

Books that you think should be mandatory reading at ( list age level and perhaps why ).

Books that were just fun to read.

Books that you feel define you.

Books that enraged you.

add others as you see fit.

People could feel free to add books contact others with Questions critiques, comments, opinions or thoughts on reading matter.

Maybe would could do Films, Plays and TV shows .... Stop here if you are thin skinned !

( music videos and cartoons for the Liberals lol )
Cowboy from Hell
What is a book?
- everything from franz kafka
- greek mythology
- scientific works about history (as i study history and politics)
- lord of the rings
I am British!
+124|7000|England and damn proud
I don't read, i know i should but i dont, i only ever read the newspaper.
Heia den som vinner!
+115|6875|Oslo, Norway
Da Vinci Code!

And of course, the parody by Knut Nærum; "The Madonna Conundrum"(?), "Madonna Gåten" in Norwegian.
EBC Member
+56|6972|Cambridge, England
oh, The Historian, by Elizebeth Kostova

great book just finished it, a must read IMO

its a fictional book set in 2008 although a lot of the story is about the past, it is about vampires and more specifically about Vlad Tepes, who many vamire stories originated.

Other good books.

Most of the Terry Prachett books.

Tom Holt books

Lord of the rings

Philip Pulman books (Dark Materials)

Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell

Sabriel, Lireal and abhorsen trilogy

Eragon and Eldest (ongoing trilogy)

Sword of Shanara

Last edited by jimmanycricket (2006-09-10 07:32:50)

Mr Nice is my favourite book of all time. It's the autobiography of the nicest weed dealer in the world, Howard Marks.

I think 1984 is my second favourite, because it makes you think.

Oh yeah, and those Far Side cartoon books by Gary Larson, good on-the-toilet reading!
What is this book you speak of?
+24|6817|atlanta GA
Heia den som vinner!
+115|6875|Oslo, Norway
Bet you feel really cool now..?
Me being a gamer, zombie fanatic, and fan of aliens and predator I have read.

1) Aliens paperbacks
2) Predator paperbacks
3) AvP paperbacks
4) Halo Paperbacks (eventhough im not a huge fan of the game)
5) Resident Evil Paperbacks

This goes for comics as well.

I just recently picked up the Zombie Survival Guide Hand Book....LOL

is anyone else out there a fanatic of these genras i mentioned?
Real Хорошо
+826|6837|Adelaide, South Australia

I've been looking for some good werewolf/vampire novels. any good suggestions?

jimmanycricket wrote:

oh, The Historian, by Elizebeth Kostova

great book just finished it, a must read IMO

its a fictional book set in 2008 although a lot of the story is about the past, it is about vampires and more specifically about Vlad Tepes, who many vamire stories originated.
Might hafta look at that one

Here's some awesome writers and some of their books. The ones listed are not by any means the only good ones I think these people have written, but they are ones that popped out in my mind when I skimmed my nearby bookshelf.

Douglas Adams ...even if you've read 2001-3001, you can't call yourself a sci-fi fan unless you've read some of these.

'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'
'The Restaurant at the End of the Universe'
'Life, The Universe and Everything'
'So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish'
'Mostly Harmless'
'Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul'
'The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time'

Robert Aspirin

'M.Y.T.H.' series
'Phule' series

Piers Anthony ...only this author seems to range from near-childrens titles to books called 'The Magic Fart' and 'Pornucopia.'

'Bio of a Space Tyrant' series usually centered around events taking place on the United States of Jupiter and nearby moons, and moves now and then to other planets.
'Hard Sell'
'Incarnations of Immortality' series
'Killobyte' ...another take on killer video games (for real)
'Prothso Plus' ...a xenoperiodontist's adventures...
'Rings of Ice'
'Xanth' series filled with enough puns for two years vomit supply.

Peter S. Beagle

'The Last Unicorn' ...might seem a bit sappy to some people, but it's classic fantasy.

Ray Bradbury

'Fahrenheit 451' ...don't settle for Moore's 911 rip-off.

Ben Bova

'The Grand Tour' series, starting with 'Mars', occasionally branches off into miniseries here and there.
'The Winds of Altair'

Diane Carey

'Best Destiny' yet another Star Trek novel, but it goes into Kirk's past as a juvenile delinquent.

Lewis Carrol


Jack L. Chalker

'Well of Souls' series ...almost as strange as you can get, except for a few Heinleins. This series packs its share of WTF's.

Deborah Chester

'LucasFilm's Alien Chronicles' trilogy one I hope will never be made into a movie while Lucas is alive to potentially mess it up.

Arthur C. Clarke

'2001', '2010', '2061', '3001' ...are four awesome books. Not much else to say, really.

Gordon R. Dickson an awesome writer and, being dead, thusly fulfills one of the high school reading prerequisites.

'The Dragon and the...' series

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

'A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court' ...probably inspired Bruce Campbell's 'Army of Darkness: Evil Dead 3'.

T.S. Eliot

'Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats' ...which Disney was thankfully unable to license, inspired the stage musical 'Cats'.

Alan Dean Foster

'The Damned' trilogy, starts out in which humans, as the galaxy's most ill-tempered sentient species, are discovered by both sides of the galaxy's civil war, who both use various methods to try and recruit us.
'Spellsinger' series this series, a flunky singer gets teleported to a dimension where songs influence magic. In no other series will the phrase 'time keeps on slippin'...into the future' will summon up an angry deity.

Christie Golden

Warcraft: Lord of the Clans ...attempts to revive the storyline that Blizzard threw away when they ditched the animated adventure Warcraft title and went with World of Warcraft. I think Myst killed the adventure genre...let's hope Alan Wake can bring it back.

Winston Groom

'Forrest Gump' a random collection of even more extreme and unfortunate events than was present in the film adaptation. Includes profanity.

Robert A. Heinlein

'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress' the quintessential moon nation rebels against the earth story. Copied many times since.
'The Sixth Column' almost universally derided by critics as being early, unpolished work and racist towards Asians. It isn't racist, and it's an awesome book.
'Starship Troopers' ...yes. Before you go professing love for the dumbed-down and ill-equipped and ill-funded movie, go read the real thing.
'Stranger in a Strange Land' ...available in an extended edition, is probably the only book I have ever heard of that features a human Martian messiah.

Brian Herbert

'Legends of Dune' and the 'Dune: House Trilogy' series ...are prequels to Frank Herbert's Dune.

Frank Herbert

'Dune' series ...up to #6, Chapterhouse Dune
'The Green Brain'

Robert E. Howard

'Conan' series ...continued by numerous other authors

C.S. Lewis

'The Chronicles of Narnia' ...consists of seven of his most popular books.

Anne McCaffrey

'Dragonriders of Pern' quite a long and awesome series that began with the futuristic settlement of a world populated by small creatures resembling dragons. Recently taken over by Todd J. McCaffrey.

Larry Niven

'Gas Ring' series ...beginning with 'The Integral Trees'
'Ringworld' series ...alot of Halo fans think that Halo is so unique because it has a ring-shaped planet. I think not...sorry Jeff.

Chuck Palahniuk

'Fight Club: A Novel' saw the movie? Fine, now read the book.

James Patterson

'Maximum Ride' series ...about escaped mutant bird things that run around, steal food, and run from/kill other mutant goons the lab sends after them. Sorry, they're not furries. Indistinguishable from humans, in fact, if you discount the wings, x-ray images, organ structure and DNA samples.

Ayn Rand

'Atlas Shrugged'
'The Fountainhead'

J.K. Rowling

'Harry Potter' series almost done being written. Despite its detractors, it is a viable work of fiction. And no, you won't learn Satanic rituals from it.

R.A. Salvatore

'The Dark Elf Trilogy', 'The Icewind Dale Trilogy', 'The Legacy of the Drow' series ...are nine books compressed into three books, set in the Neverwinter Nights universe. Hardcore fantasy.
'Echoes of the Fourth Magic' ...An interesting book about a submarine transported to an alternate dimension through a rift. Part of the 'Chronicles of Ynis Aielle' series.

William Shatner ...yes, I know...

'The Return' this, Kirk is brought into the future yet again, but Shatner does a good job of it.

Robert Louis Stevenson

'Treasure Island' ...yes, the pirate book.

J.R.R. Tolkien can't call yourself a fantasy fan unless you've at least read at least the basics

'The Silmarillion'
'The Hobbit; Or, There and Back Again' ...the Illustrated Edition is the second best.
'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring'
'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers'
'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King'

Want More Tolkien?

'Annotated Hobbit' ...addresses a few apparent inconsistancies
'Road Goes Ever On'
'The Tolkien Reader' ...also includes all contents from the out-of-print 'The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, and Other Verses from the Red Book'
'The Book of Lost Tales 1 (The History of Middle Earth, Vol. 1)'
'The Book of Lost Tales 2 (The History of Middle Earth, Vol. 2)'
'The Lays of Beleriand (The History of Middle Earth, Vol. 3)'
'The Shaping of Middle-Earth (The History of Middle Earth, Vol. 4)'
'The Lost Road and Other Writings (The History of Middle Earth, Vol. 5)'
'The Return of the Shadow: The History of the Lord of the Rings, Part One (The History of Middle Earth, Vol. 6)'
'Treason of Isengard: The History of the Lord of the Rings, Part Two (The History of Middle Earth, Vol. 7)'
'The War of the Ring: The History of the Lord of the Rings, Part Three (The History of Middle Earth, Vol. 8)'
'Sauron Defeated: The History of the Lord of the Rings, Part Four (The History of Middle Earth, Vol. 9)'
'Morgoth's Ring: The Later Silmarillion, Part One (The History of Middle Earth, Vol. 10)'
'The War of the Jewels: The Later Silmarillion, Part Two (The History of Middle Earth, Vol. 11)'
'The Peoples of Middle Earth (The History of Middle Earth, Vol. 12)'

Jules Verne

'Around the World in 80 Days'
'20,000 Leagues Under the Sea'
'Journey to the Centre of the Earth'

H.G. Wells

'The First Men in the Moon'
'The Food of the Gods'
'In the Days of the Comet'
'The Invisible Man'
'The Island of Dr. Moreau'
'The Time Machine'
'The War of the Worlds'


'Aliens vs. Predator: Prey' (Steve & Stephani Perry)
'Aliens vs. Predator: Hunter's Planet' (David Bischoff)

...these two books illustrate how the movie AvP should have been (Prey), and how its sequel should be (Hunter's Planet), had the movie been like Prey.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-09-10 08:17:44)

Resident Dragon Fanatic
If it has dragons, and DOESN'T have Anne McCaffery's or Christopher's Paolini's names attached, I probably like it.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Ayn Rand

'Atlas Shrugged'
haha, I've never read it but i remember they took the piss of how boring it was on South Park!
Some good books in there too, though.

Last edited by SenatorMendoza (2006-09-10 07:58:41)

+35|7074|UK - England
Educational books

Learning Maya 7: Modeling and Animation Handbook
C++ Coding Standards : Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices
Mastering 3D studio Max
Intro to 3d Game programming with DirectX 9.0
Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0
Advacned PHP programming
Build your own website using and C#
PS2 library refrences (software dev tool) - Not available in shops or online...

I dont really read other books, hmmm i think The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11 is not bad and Gradisil (Gollancz SF S.).
I don't read much, though i do like Stephen King's books.

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

I've been looking for some good werewolf/vampire novels. any good suggestions?
Try some from a White Wolf universe, like 'Vampire: The Masquerade' and 'Werewolf: The Apocalypse.' They're not all RPG supplements.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-09-10 07:59:54)

Real Хорошо
+826|6837|Adelaide, South Australia

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

a hell of a lot of books and authors
off topic, but how long did that take to write?!?!

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

a hell of a lot of books and authors
off topic, but how long did that take to write?!?!
About as long as it took me to cut & paste it from another forum I frequent, and make a couple of edits and additions.

SenatorMendoza wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Ayn Rand

'Atlas Shrugged'
haha, I've never read it but i remember they took the piss of how boring it was on South Park!
Some good books in there too, though.
Wasn't really boring to me like Great Expectations, when I was forced to read it. lol

Maybe I should give it another chance, though. If read free of a compulsory status, I might enjoy it.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-09-10 08:22:05)

how about this thread for whiners
+15|6892|federal way washington
if there is a picture of a dragon i skip it, give me hard core scifi anytime and just to make things strange i like russian novels, tostoy and deveyaski, dickens and if i want to walk the dark side of the road kafka
"Candid" - Voltaire

"In The Country of Last Things" - Paul Auster

"Mr. Nice"  - Howard Marks

"1984" -  George Orwell

"Killing Pablo" - Mark Bowden

"Bitter Fruit - The Untold Story of the American Coup in Guatemala" Stephen Schlesinger/ Stephen Kinzer

"Che" Jon Lee Anderson

"All quiet on the Western Front" Erich Maria Remarque

"The Beach" Alex Garland

"The Castle" Franz Kafka

"After the Empire" Emmanuel Todd

Last edited by Zodiaccup (2006-09-10 08:06:23)

Piers Anthony
1. On a Pale Horse
2. Rest of the Incarnations series
Junglist Massive

SenatorMendoza wrote:

Mr Nice is my favourite book of all time. It's the autobiography of the nicest weed dealer in the world, Howard Marks.

I think 1984 is my second favourite, because it makes you think.

Oh yeah, and those Far Side cartoon books by Gary Larson, good on-the-toilet reading!
Those are fairly high on my list of good books, along with the other great Orwell book Animal Farm.  Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is also one of my favourites and shows an interesting constrast to the control methods of 1984.

I love all Iain (+M.) Banks books, particularly enjoyed the latest the Algebraist, and enjoyed meeting him to get it signed.  Other favourite are Feersum Endjinn, Complicity and Wasp Factory.

Anything by Rob Grant, wish he'd write some more.  Incompetn(^e)ce was a classic.

I don't care what people say about the man or his biases, Michael Moore writes interesting books covering difficult topics in a way which doesn't make the subject heavy and boring.  That is rare for the type of issues he tackles, which in one way or another has good.  Downsize This! I remember reading while I was about 17, which shaped my view that industry should not control government, people should.

Everything Douglas Adams ever wrote is on my list of compulsory reading for sheer brilliance.  In terms of world view, Last Chance to See definitely raised my awareness of the consequences of industrialisation and the need of preservation of wildlife.  Poor Dodos.

Phillip K. Dick and William Gibson both present a good mixture of drug culture and science fiction.  I recently went to see A Scanner Darkly.  I'd like to see Neuromancer made into a film too.

Recently read Hidden Agendas by John Pilger, that book also shows the human cost of government and corporate corruption.

As it is now I spend more time reading textbooks on programming than anything else.  They don't really count.

I've got a long list of books I'd like to read, and I usually get most reading done on holiday abroad, but I'm not going to get a decent break this year.  Last year I read a few Terry Pratchets, and also The Butlerian Jihad by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson in the Dune prequel series, but I didn't enjoy it as much as the original Dune series.
Extra Tender Juicy SPINY
+58|7068|The 70's
Dispatches - Michael Herr

The Tin Drum - Gunter Grass

Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee - Dee Brown

The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald

Great Expectations - Charles Dickens

I've spent half my life browsing second-hand bookshops, sometimes I think I like books more than people.

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