
Have you ever been responsible for another's death?

Yes16%16% - 17
No83%83% - 84
Total: 101
EDIT: I missed the topic discussions. (also edited for spelling)

If you answered yes, then please talk about how you feel about violence in general, and how killing has changed you as a person.

If no, discuss on which situations you would or wouldn't kill someone. And if possible your religious/philosophical reasons for doing so.

I will get this started by stating that I have never killed anyone, nor would I under any circumstances do so, for religious and ethical/philosophical reasons. However I cannot help feeling that as a former member of the US military I might have had some hand in ending someone's life indirectly. I am not sure that I can feel guilty about things that might have happened because I did my job.

First I believe religiously that it is not my right to kill. God did not put me here to "destroy" the things he created. Some might argue that if I eat meat, or kill a spider that I am going against gods will. I don't kill insects, and the things I eat eat other things too, if something was to eat me I would not compare it to murder. I don't believe that animals murder each other. I believe that is only something that can be done when you are killing without necessity.

Secondly I believe that violence only begets more violence, and that nothing permanent is ever accomplished by it. I would rather be struck than strike, not because I do not stand up for myself, but because I think violence is the weakest form of combat. Some of the greatest military minds agree with me, read Sun Tzu, or Machiavelli for examples of non-violent warfare.

If you want a basic overview of my religious beliefs please click this link;

You should also know that I am an aberration of Christian belief, I follow the word of Jesus, but do not believe in Hell, or Resurrection. I also do not believe that Jesus died for the sins of others. But instead because of the sins of others.

If you are interested in pacifist philosophical belief:


I apologize if the poll is messed up, it is my first time making a poll on this site.

Last edited by P581 (2006-09-10 04:25:49)

Nope, never have. Dont think I ever will.
+2|6520|Warner Robins GA
Indirectly, I know I have. With my job I know I'm indrectly responsible for quite a few deaths.

Directly, I don't know, Kinda hope not, but I'll never be sure.

As for if I would, I keep a loaded shotgun in my home, and am prepared to use it. I don't care who you are, to m e if you threaten my life or the lives of my family, you forfet yours. I don't want to kill someone, but if the need arises I'd rather know my children are alive and well then the guy who kiled them.
The People’s Champion
+59|6487|A drop house
Who knows i could have taken to long to go at a green light resulting in the person behind me to arriver late to work thus he had to work overtime that night resulting in his death in car accident on his way home.
+156|6675|space command ur anus
not recently
Horseman 77
I had a friend commit suicide, I lost track of him over a petty difference with a third party. I wonder if I could have made a difference had i been part of his life but I wont know.

He was the smartest man I knew.

People who approached me armed with intent to harm were responsible for their own fates however.

Still waiting for " the worlds smartest boy" to aproach me with a bic pen in his pocket. lol

See below. (Signature)
Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|6786|Comber, Northern Ireland
i have been involved in many killings, but they all desvered it, they were in afghanistan
Back from the Dead.
I haven't, nor do I plan to.
Not Human Anymore
+144|6691|Seattle, WA

Horseman 77 wrote:

I had a friend commit suicide, I lost track of him over a petty difference with a third party. I wonder if I could have made a difference had i been part of his life but I wont know.

He was the smartest man I knew.

People who approached me armed with intent to harm were responsible for their own fates however.

Still waiting for " the worlds smartest boy" to aproach me with a bic pen in his pocket. lol
You got attacked by some people and you came out on top?
© 2009 Jeff Minard
i havent but i felt like saying "Yes".
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6737|Tampa Bay Florida
Thx for those links, very interesting read.  That's probably the only religion I'd seriously become a part of

And no
Yep. With a carving knife. Not pretty.
+269|6630|Marlton, New Jersey.
MMM, 33,814 little nubs pwned
o, wait
+86|6588|Winterpeg, Canada
Mennonites can be cool people, I go to a Mennonite school even though i'm not Mennonite, so I know a lot of people who are.
+302|6783|Salt Lake City

Not directly or indirectly that I am aware.  However, I would if the situation called for it.
She looked 18 to me officer
Closes I have come.

I was jumped by three dudes, go tthere plate number, cops went to the guys door, he didn't want to goto jail so he shot himself in the head.

I suppose if I didn't get the plate, call the police, he would be alive.

However, I didn't tell him and his boys to kick the hell outa me.

BTW, I was wearinga yankee hat in red sox country, that was the reason for the beat down.  Called the cops because I wanted my hat back.


Last edited by Stealth42o (2006-09-11 11:47:53)

I knife Generals
+278|6584|Search Whore killing fields
I scared a seagul once off the beach and it flew into the streets and got hit by a truck. Thats the closest i got
Howdah Lysozyme
+21|6674|Pittsburgh, PA
Nothing confirmed...Somalia in 1995, several firefights at night, shot a lot of rounds.  I did see several technicals torn to shreds by every MG on the line and then after the cease fire I could see through my night vision goggles the Somalis' dragging off their dead...It was a very surreal moment to say the least.  I also directed fire for several 50Cals and a Mk19 to hit several enemy positions.  It was very shocking to actually be involved in this kind of situation.  And no, I never fealt sorry for them.

Last edited by FoShizzle (2006-09-11 11:59:10)

Phorum Phantom
If i was at the county dance, an' me an him got a little drunk, then we got in an argument, and he stuck his knife in me, i would kill him with a shovel. But they would give me parole after four years for good behavior, and that it was in self defence.
Like I fucking care

On night we were out getting drunk.  My gf at the time was riding with me.  I was in a 85 Mustang gt and a friend of mine was in his IROK.  We thought we would drag down the interstate.  I had NOS on my car so the race was a piece of cake.  At about 165 the right front tire blew.  that was the last thing i heard.  fast forward 11 day and I woke in the ICU to find out that my gf hand been trowen from the car and killed.  From what my friend said the car flipped end over end about 8 times.   This was back in 2000 and I was 16 and didn't have enough to drink to fail a blood test.  Nothing ever happened to me but it is something i live with everyday.
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6574|Portland, OR USA

International Race Of Champions
the electric eel has got me by the brain banana
I once ate a big red candle..

DirtyMexican wrote:

I scared a seagul once off the beach and it flew into the streets and got hit by a truck. Thats the closest i got

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