Oh, but for the sake of balance

" I cannot think of a single islamic state that is full of great people who love human rights and peace."

Nor can I. I straight can't think of any country in the world which is full of entirely good people who love human rights and peace.

CameronPoe wrote:

If this so-called islamic 'fascism' was as widespread as you suggest the west would be suffering attacks daily. We aren't.
Once enough muslims migrate to the west there will be daily attacks. We are defending ourselves and fighting them in the middle east. Most of them are still in the middle east and there are hourly attacks there.

zonk obviously there are no countries on earth that are 100% full of people who love peace and human rights. But there is a huge difference between middle eastern islamic states and the west.

JaMDuDe wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

If this so-called islamic 'fascism' was as widespread as you suggest the west would be suffering attacks daily. We aren't.
Once enough muslims migrate to the west there will be daily attacks. We are defending ourselves and fighting them in the middle east. Most of them are still in the middle east and there are hourly attacks there.

zonk obviously there are no countries on earth that are 100% full of people who love peace and human rights. But there is a huge difference between middle eastern islamic states and the west.
A reason daily attacks happen over in the middle east is because military western types have been 'migrating' there for some time and aren't welcome where they don't belong. I don't see daily attacks in Morocco, Tunisia, Iran, Egypt, Yemen, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain. The only countries where you witness regular terror attacks are those the west have excessively dabbled in or have actually invaded.
=MCHD= arush5268d
+46|6815|Houston, TX
I'm glad you don't feel safe.  And personally, I could care less which sect of your religeion is more religeous.  Doesn't the Koran say that all the infidels have to either be converted or killed?  Yeah, piss off.  I hope your people don't feel safe.  Welcome to America.
So your saying we arent welcome to destroy the taliban/al qaeda so we should just leave? We go over to take out genocidal dictators and terrorist groups that have attacked us. If we just left they would be more than happy to attack us in our own country.

Last edited by JaMDuDe (2006-09-17 14:06:47)


JaMDuDe wrote:

So your saying we arent welcome to destroy the taliban/al qaeda so we should just leave? We go over to take out genocidal dictators and terrorist groups that have attacked us. If we just left they would be more than happy to attack us in our own country.
How about making sure they don't get in!? That way you don't needlessly lose valuable soldiers (they're citizens too you know) and you don't actively produce more terrorists than there were previously.

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

I'm glad you don't feel safe.  And personally, I could care less which sect of your religeion is more religeous.  Doesn't the Koran say that all the infidels have to either be converted or killed?  Yeah, piss off.  I hope your people don't feel safe.  Welcome to America.
What an asshole!

CameronPoe wrote:

JaMDuDe wrote:

So your saying we arent welcome to destroy the taliban/al qaeda so we should just leave? We go over to take out genocidal dictators and terrorist groups that have attacked us. If we just left they would be more than happy to attack us in our own country.
How about making sure they don't get in!? That way you don't needlessly lose valuable soldiers (they're citizens too you know) and you don't actively produce more terrorists than there were previously.
Would not that include checking muslims? Noob retards here in america wont let us do such a horrible thing. Its impossible to make sure every single person that enters the U.S doesnt want to attack us. Millions of people come in every year and they could come across our open borders with canada and mexico.

Last edited by JaMDuDe (2006-09-17 14:54:49)


BlackPlague wrote:

Being a Muslim in the U.S. at the age of 20, I don't think I feel safe as much as I did before 9/11. What do you guys think of Muslims in America? If you say anything, please give support to your idea so we can follow you as you describe it. If you like Muslims, please say so. If you don't please say no comment.


I would also like to know which group do you think is more religious?

This one paragraph makes the durka durka's that blow themselves up in cars look intelligent.

Personally, I have no problem, and actually respect, moderate, law abiding, patriotic Muslims.  However, your brethren in the Middle East make you ALL look bad, and thats just something you have to live with or do something about.

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

lowing wrote:

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

NEWS FLASH - There is.. Whats that you say - you have not seen it on TV? I woonder why? is it because your too busy with watching right winged media such as Sky/fox etc?

Oh and  Pope Benedict should have self-criticised Christianity's violent past before making comments about other faiths and or religions.
Well gee whiz, you TELL me there is , yet you show no links. Hmmmmmmmm
you could have got off your lazy ass and looked for the evidence your slef, but i guess your a lazy ****.
Here you go
LOL, you do realize that there wasn't a single article with anything more than words spoken, don't you? Where are the riots, where are the Muslims attacking and killing the terrorists for hi-jacking their religion? You see them without fail in anti-American protests, or for cartoons, where are they in world wide bottle throwing, car burning, extremist killing, rampages in DEFENSE of their religion from extremists who perverted it??

Last edited by lowing (2006-09-17 18:25:54)

She looked 18 to me officer
No problem with muslims.

Terrorist piss me off.

There is a differance for those who didn't know.
+5,233|6842|Global Command

Cougar wrote:

BlackPlague wrote:

Being a Muslim in the U.S. at the age of 20, I don't think I feel safe as much as I did before 9/11. What do you guys think of Muslims in America? If you say anything, please give support to your idea so we can follow you as you describe it. If you like Muslims, please say so. If you don't please say no comment.


I would also like to know which group do you think is more religious?

This one paragraph makes the durka durka's that blow themselves up in cars look intelligent.

Personally, I have no problem, and actually respect, moderate, law abiding, patriotic Muslims.  However, your brethren in the Middle East make you ALL look bad, and thats just something you have to live with or do something about.
Pimpin aint Easy

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

I'm glad you don't feel safe.  And personally, I could care less which sect of your religeion is more religeous.  Doesn't the Koran say that all the infidels have to either be converted or killed?  Yeah, piss off.  I hope your people don't feel safe.  Welcome to America.
LOL..........No the Quran does not state that.  Maybe you should do some research before you post to save face.

+35|7070|UK - England

lowing wrote:

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

lowing wrote:

Well gee whiz, you TELL me there is , yet you show no links. Hmmmmmmmm
you could have got off your lazy ass and looked for the evidence your slef, but i guess your a lazy ****.
Here you go
LOL, you do realize that there wasn't a single article with anything more than words spoken, don't you? Where are the riots, where are the Muslims attacking and killing the terrorists for hi-jacking their religion? You see them without fail in anti-American protests, or for cartoons, where are they in world wide bottle throwing, car burning, extremist killing, rampages in DEFENSE of their religion from extremists who perverted it??
I think your retard. How can muslims hunt out terrorists if they don't know who they are and where they are?

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

I'm glad you don't feel safe.  And personally, I could care less which sect of your religeion is more religeous.  Doesn't the Koran say that all the infidels have to either be converted or killed?  Yeah, piss off.  I hope your people don't feel safe.  Welcome to America.
u fukin wat?welcum to america???u son of a bitch the only place ur welcum to is ur mumz fukin TITTY u gay fukin homo...go fuk urself u silly bstrd wer in the quran does it say that all infidels have to be converted or killed?u silly son of a bitch we translated the quran for u illiterate thick fukin retards AND U STILL CNT FUKIN READ!!! LMAO...wat it says is u are only allowed to kill if u or ur home is under danger yh???that is the reason we go to jihad and fuk u silly bstrds up....loooooooooool hw long has it been since u fukaz been lookin for bin laden eh???! hez gna get married and have a million kids and u still wont find him u fukd up assholes, america...is a wank shaft...u have control over media so u think you cn show the world ur all this n that wen in reality teri maa di bund vach di paiy pen yada lmao (only the punjabiz wud no wot i sed there) and well...in mopre simple words...ur gettin screwed over left right n centr...HU HU HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAA!!!!

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

lowing wrote:

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

you could have got off your lazy ass and looked for the evidence your slef, but i guess your a lazy ****.
Here you go
LOL, you do realize that there wasn't a single article with anything more than words spoken, don't you? Where are the riots, where are the Muslims attacking and killing the terrorists for hi-jacking their religion? You see them without fail in anti-American protests, or for cartoons, where are they in world wide bottle throwing, car burning, extremist killing, rampages in DEFENSE of their religion from extremists who perverted it??
I think your retard. How can muslims hunt out terrorists if they don't know who they are and where they are?
Yeah, yer right, better to stick with killing nuns, and holding riots and anti-American protests and cartoon protests. That does more for their image than protesting the hi-jacking of such a peaceful religion.

Last edited by lowing (2006-09-18 03:24:24)

+35|7070|UK - England

lowing wrote:

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

lowing wrote:

LOL, you do realize that there wasn't a single article with anything more than words spoken, don't you? Where are the riots, where are the Muslims attacking and killing the terrorists for hi-jacking their religion? You see them without fail in anti-American protests, or for cartoons, where are they in world wide bottle throwing, car burning, extremist killing, rampages in DEFENSE of their religion from extremists who perverted it??
I think your retard. How can muslims hunt out terrorists if they don't know who they are and where they are?
Yeah, yer right, better to stick with killing nuns, and holding riots and anti-American protests and cartoon protests. That does more for their image than protesting the hi-jacking of such a peaceful religion.
What the hell are you on about?
Are you in dream land or something?

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

lowing wrote:

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

I think your retard. How can muslims hunt out terrorists if they don't know who they are and where they are?
Yeah, yer right, better to stick with killing nuns, and holding riots and anti-American protests and cartoon protests. That does more for their image than protesting the hi-jacking of such a peaceful religion.
What the hell are you on about?
Are you in dream land or something?
Which part??
+102|7015|New York

lowing wrote:

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

lowing wrote:

Yeah, yer right, better to stick with killing nuns, and holding riots and anti-American protests and cartoon protests. That does more for their image than protesting the hi-jacking of such a peaceful religion.
What the hell are you on about?
Are you in dream land or something?
Which part??
I think hes talking about The socalled peacefull Muslims rooting out the Extremeists in there Own communities and in there own countries. Turning them in to There anti terrorist forces so that they can take back there religion that they SAY the extremist have taken. If this is a true statement, Then they should be doing this instead of Protesting Treatment of Muslims, because frankly, the US hasnt been getting much in the way of cooperation from our own Muslim citizens in rooting these cells out of the muslim communities in our own country. IF the peacefull muslime actually cared about there image or religion, then why ar they not more Proactive?

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

lowing wrote:

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

What the hell are you on about?
Are you in dream land or something?
Which part??
I think hes talking about The socalled peacefull Muslims rooting out the Extremeists in there Own communities and in there own countries. Turning them in to There anti terrorist forces so that they can take back there religion that they SAY the extremist have taken. If this is a true statement, Then they should be doing this instead of Protesting Treatment of Muslims, because frankly, the US hasnt been getting much in the way of cooperation from our own Muslim citizens in rooting these cells out of the muslim communities in our own country. IF the peacefull muslime actually cared about there image or religion, then why ar they not more Proactive?
wen we are beating u up n fukin u aaaaaaall up u say y aint u peaceful...wen wer protestin then u say y aint u more proactive?! wtf...u people n blonde women are jst about the same...fuked up...confused....and never satisfied

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

I think your retard. How can muslims hunt out terrorists if they don't know who they are and where they are?
I think hes trying to ask why do muslims riot, kill people, try to burn down churches, and scream death chants over cartoons but when people attack the west killing thousands of innocent people in the name of allah the best you can do is have a guy do an interview on fox news saying they arent really muslims.

JaMDuDe wrote:

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

I think your retard. How can muslims hunt out terrorists if they don't know who they are and where they are?
I think hes trying to ask why do muslims riot, kill people, try to burn down churches, and scream death chants over cartoons but when people attack the west killing thousands of innocent people in the name of allah the best you can do is have a guy do an interview on fox news saying they arent really muslims.
Yes, that is what I meant, although I THOUGHT I was pretty clear about it.

+1 for rephrasing....we will see if it does any good.
http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/europe/09 … index.html

It really does speak for itself........To protest being called violent, the "PEACE LOVING" Muslims, of course, are going to commit..........violence. LOL
I have a friend who happens to be in the army and is married to a muslim women. She enlightend me on alot of things about Islam that I didnt know before. One of the best things I heard her say was "To be a good Muslim you have to be a good Christian." She talked about alot things the Quran teaches and the similar things that are taught in the Bible. Alot of them go hand and hand due to the timing of events druing that period in history. I have a new found respect for Islam I didnt have before. So I have no problem with Muslims. I find that they are just as captive to the extremist as are the Christians or any other faith that becomes distorted by a groups wishes to force there brand of faith on them.

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