UnOriginalNuttah wrote:
Major_Spittle wrote:
Hmmmm, lets look at the Muslim countries on Earth and see what Islam is about. Human rights, peace, equality, and love. I see it all the time, why would anyone get the impression that Islam is about anything less.
Your sarcastic trolling still amuses me.... to that I say:
Hmmmm, lets look at the Christian countries on Earth and see what Christianity is about. Human rights, peace, equality, and love. I see it all the time, why would anyone get the impression that Christianity is about anything less.
But don't forget to look at lynchings (race and sexuality motivated), the KKK, repression of women, use of nukes, racial segregation, genocide, the holocaust, the inquisitions, interference in the politics of other nations, terrorism, exploitation of the third world, deforestation and jamdude.
WTF do Christians have to do with Islamic nations being violent???? There are Hindu and Budist parts of the world that are peaceful, and last I knew the Crusades and Spanish Inquisition happened Centuries ago. What about the Sunnis killing Shites killing Kurds all in the SAME COUNTRY, happening today???? Last I knew Islamic countries gave less rights to women and nonMuslims than any other countries in the world.
You guys are retarded and live in a fantasy world. I point out that most Islamic countries are violent and hateful, you become upset at the notion (but know I'm right because you can't argue with my statement) so you decide to TRY to equate Christianity with Islam and attack Christianity, Probably while enjoy freedoms and prosperity of the Christian country you live in. And BTW, I am not Christian soooooo does saying Christianity is evil make what I am say wrong or did you ASSUME I am Christian and think that that would discredit my statement somehow?????
From this guys statement one might get the impression that Liberals have no logic or common sense.
Lynchings- this still happens a lot in Christian countries huh???? I thought is was outlawed by most Christian societies.
KKK- Not a Religious Group or Backed by any Religious Group, they killed NonWhite Christians all the the time because they are a Racially Motivated Hate Group. Doh
Repression of Women- How, which Christian Countries are the great offender of this??? What are the Christian created government's laws?? Surely caused by those darned Christians I'm sure. WTF, is he going back in time again???
Use of Nukes- Ordered by the Pope himself. More time travel. Damn Christians, this makes Islam a great religion.
Racial segregation- Which Christian run government is doing this. I'm offended, but strangely not riding at the back of a bus for some reason. Is he time traveling in America Again???
Genocide/holocaust- I guess this is a reference to the Nazi Denomination of Christianity???? Clearly Hitler was a deeply devoted Christian Zelot who's religion drove him to kill anyone that wasn't part of his made up Arian race. Hmmm, I don't recall him quoting scriptures, just spouting RACIAL fantasys. doh.
inquisitions- Very strong argument, still going on in fact. All Christians operate secret dungeons in their basements and have ever since the 1400s. Got me there, I only hope that Christianity will one day denounce the inquisitions and cease this dreadful activity.
interference in the politics of other nations- Yes France is a Christian country and I hope they have learned their lesson. Point well taken Christianity is Evil and therefore Islam is peaceful. FTW
terrorism- Christian terrorist of the dreaded Jahova(sp) witnesses sect. just bombed my house again. You disagree with Christians and insult their religion they will Cap you Arse.
exploitation of the third world- Islamic countries are too weak to exploit them, someone has to do it. Another thing legistlated by Christian governments.
deforestation- I reject the Idea that Christians were responsible for the Deforestation, sure they like their wooden crosses and all, but Muslims use toilet paper too (or do they)
jamdude- good argument, he does make Islam peaceful and tolerant.