When the fuck is EA going to fix this wall glitching shit on Warlord. Yeah I know, FUCKING NEVER. New patch. Same glitch.
On top of that I'm getting sick and fucking tired of having to take the time to screen shot them and send there shit to EA.
And on top of THAT, EA is fucking slower than the fucking government to do anything. Yeah they're real quick to send an AUTO RESPONSE. Fuck you.
Somebody with some goddam power at EA needs to take a day off from bullshitting and sift through these servers and start ERASING and BANNING these fucks.
Wait, I know. It's EA's fault for allowing this glitch in the first place.
Yeah what the fuck ever.
It's time for a change goddamit.
Rant over.
Have a nice day.
On top of that I'm getting sick and fucking tired of having to take the time to screen shot them and send there shit to EA.
And on top of THAT, EA is fucking slower than the fucking government to do anything. Yeah they're real quick to send an AUTO RESPONSE. Fuck you.
Somebody with some goddam power at EA needs to take a day off from bullshitting and sift through these servers and start ERASING and BANNING these fucks.
Wait, I know. It's EA's fault for allowing this glitch in the first place.
Yeah what the fuck ever.
It's time for a change goddamit.
Rant over.
Have a nice day.