Yes - VAT is gaining popularity because it's uncomplicated. But it's like the A-Team without Mr. T.jonsimon wrote:
Interesting. Never bothered to look up what the GST was up north. Theoretically it could replace an income tax as both are in the end taxing GDP.Pug wrote:
Here's a better source:
Note that this only addresses VAT replacing sales tax - not income tax.
See VAT criticisms
I will read it latter, but we're learning things here and without flaming. Very weird for this forum you jerks...
I guess I have to say it again...
1. Build a wall, invest in technology to detect drilling and, for God's sake, put men on the damn thing and guard our border.
2. While building the wall, institute a guest worker program, providing all illegal immigrants that have no felony records (deporting those who do) with cards, for 5 years.
3. Maintain the newly placed guest worker program.
Easy as shit. How hard is it really, in this day and age, to do something like this? Go ahead and flame me for saying we should build a wall, but that is what its going to take.
They won't have to come here illegally if we have a program in motion that allows them to come here legally. I mean, really, while they're here, they can take the citizenship test and never have to go back, no matter where that is.
1. Build a wall, invest in technology to detect drilling and, for God's sake, put men on the damn thing and guard our border.
2. While building the wall, institute a guest worker program, providing all illegal immigrants that have no felony records (deporting those who do) with cards, for 5 years.
3. Maintain the newly placed guest worker program.
Easy as shit. How hard is it really, in this day and age, to do something like this? Go ahead and flame me for saying we should build a wall, but that is what its going to take.
They won't have to come here illegally if we have a program in motion that allows them to come here legally. I mean, really, while they're here, they can take the citizenship test and never have to go back, no matter where that is.
Wall is equivelet to the star wars program. I can picture the opening pitch on the senate floor with that one. I got an Idea so ingenous "it's retarded"