cpt.fass1 wrote:
illegal immigration would not get mimimume wage, there would be no reason to hire them, they would be forced to make less then mimimum wage and not be able to survive hense cutting it off at the head(do you understand what I'm saying??). The only real reason hiring illegals make's sense is you can phyiscally pay them more per hour and it's cheaper then a citizen. If we took away the Income tax the use for cheap labor would go away..
.. Hmmmm good point, still don't understand the "Unless someone has a magic bullet I don't think its resolvable - politicians will never "prevent" illegal immigration - the border state business lobby is too strong." that part of it.
Thanks for taking the time by the way - this has been interesting...
Increasing the minimum wage would mean illegals could earn MORE money than they are now. I did not say they would be getting paid the minimum wage - they are operating outside the law and will get paid whatever they get paid.
Companies will pay illegals below minimum wage whenever possible. If they pay more, and are unable to find someone to do some terrible job for a slightly higher pay, then they hire an illegal. If you were to push up the minimum wage, it increases the wage base for the US. If illegals are feeding on the bottom of the income scale, they can now earn more because the minimum wage has now increased = more immigration
Why take my word for it?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_wageSee "Cost and benefits - Supporters of minimum wage" the last bullet point
"Discourages illegal immigration. A minimum wage increases the desirability of low-wage jobs, which allows those positions to be filled by legal citizens instead of illegal immigrants, thus discouraging illegal immigration. Note that it is also argued that a minimum wage encourages illegal immigration (see below)."
This in relation to setting a low minimum wage.
See "Cost and benefits - Opponents of minimum wage" in the middle:
"Encourages more illegal immigrants from poorer places to enter the country because the pay differential between low-skill jobs in the two countries rises. This problem is particularly pronounced in the US, because the US-Mexico border is the longest developed/developing border in the world and is not well guarded."
This in relation to setting a higher minimum wage.
Magic bullet comment:
The pro-business lobby will not permit the government to take away their low wage workers.
The public will not stand for increasing taxes to support non-US citizens.
No politician in their right mind would ever get reelected without compromise.
Increase sales tax = pro-business
Enforce border/laws = pro-individual