k30dxedle wrote:
I think 1.4 is really just a matter of luck. A bunch of people here have had a crapload of serious problems. Some, like me, haven't had any.
And I don't know why.
It's because people in general are too quick to dismiss hardware issues and simply blame the software. With so many possible hardware configs possible, there is no way for developers (or hardware providers for that matter) to isolate every possible problem.
How many people do you suppose have come here pissed off and bitching up a storm about crashes when in reality they have a shitty PSU which is causing problems? How about those who have GPU driver issues which are causing crashes? What about faulty RAM? (faulty RAM often performs just fine until certain conditions are present). How about all of the possible problems which can occur due to corrupt files within windows itself?
I could go on and on.....there are thousands of possible combinations which can occur given all of the variables present once we mix and match hardware and software options....the bottom line is that there are easily as many hardware explanations for problems as there are coding explanations.
That being said, I would agree that DICE have done a piss poor job coding this game.....but to blame every single crash/hang/whatever on DICE is just ridiculous. EVERY game out there is subject to these problems.
I think we would be much better off to look at hardware issues when these problems arise than to simply head to the forums to start yet another 'DICE SUCKS" thread.
When was the last time you saw a thread about "I'm having crashes.....My specs are.....anybody else with the same hardware having these issues?" type of thread? Nah, that takes both effort and intelligence to work through......seems to be a major shortage of both around here.
Pick a game. Any game. Google it up next to the word "problem". I think you'll see that BF2 is not alone in that department....buncha fucking whiners....