Miller wrote:
FlamingDeath wrote:
There will never be any closure on this problem untill both side are willing to negotiate, and I dont mean the type of negoatiating where the powerfull country bullies the weaker one, which is typical of todays world. A negotiation that is truly fair...
I remember reading on BBC news that a Hamas leader was killed while out in his wheelchair, the method of his killing was with a laser guided missile from an attack helicopter, this was done in broad daylight while people were going about their business in the street.... what do the palastinians have to retaliate to that magnitude? sadly and shockingly, suicide bombing seems the only answer...
they have no money, no independence, no future
No middle eastern country suicide bombing has any future. They are all drones. All the citizens would like to think against their government and retaliate to be free. The reason they don't is because they would be shot. Both sides need to want to negotiate as you said, but Hamas and hezbollah dont care. They just ignore it anyway. The Isreali's was assassinated perfectly. They got him. Civilians, sorry, you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. We needed him dead, he is now. Suicide seems to be how they want to die there. Ok, lets give them what they want, death. On our terms, where we want it.
That's the spirit, just keep assassinating everyone, including civilians so you can keep stealing their land and resources.
Israel created all the so called terrorists by their own terrorist actions. Murder for greed. Murder for annexation (greed). Murder for the sake of murder.
I think it's time people start clamoring for U.N. inspections against Israel, let the world know about their nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. Make Israel comply with international law.
Just a pipe dream, Israel will kill the U.N. inspectors when they land in Tel Aviv and say it was an accident, they thought Hamas was on the plane or something...