SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The Taliban seized three more Afghan provincial capitals and a local army headquarters Wednesday to complete a blitz across the country’s northeast, giving them control of two-thirds of the nation as the U.S. and NATO finalize their withdrawal after decades of war. … a309e005e8
Excellent job. 20 years of war undone in less than 20 days. The speed of the collapse is worse than I expected.

The brain trust at NR thinks we should have stayed to hold up the government of Afghanistan. … n-blunder/
Annoying thing about that article is the constant references to a Caliphate. The Taliban never ran a Caliphate. They ran an Emirate.
I suspect the writer has no clue the difference between an Emirate and a Caliphate. Maybe the right wing will call them socialist once the Biden admin arms them to fight ISIS in a year or two.
For the cost of either of those two rifles, you could have paid for a year of school lunch for a few kids. /priorities
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6898|Oxferd Ohire
Same people that call Gundams Transformers. Can't trust the news.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

RTHKI wrote:

Same people that call Gundams Transformers. Can't trust the news.
They would say "you are playing with toys! "

They aren't toys. They are high quality model kits!

I hope they gave the dope in the background an unloaded rifle, or he's going to shoot someone's toes off.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
From the NR article above. This shit right here is what I mean by "the war on terror has cheapened life".
Of course if you make jokes about right wingers children getting killed they will cry and ban you. I rather watch a bomb fall on the home's of these people's grandchildren than see anymore Afghans die because of the U.S.

Lay (including self-identified history buff) hardliners like this existed before the GWB war on terror. And failed western foreign policy can be largely attributed to greed, arrogance, and a disregard for the people and history of non-western civilizations. A lot of this grief could have been avoided.

A military response to the 9-11 attacks was probably inevitable. Expanding the scope, maybe questionable.

This clip and the youtube community's interaction with it perfectly illustrates this sort of thing.

The scene: meant to be heavy, horrific, highly impactful (iirc this character resigned).
The description: "don't mess with America!"

One of the comments:

MifuneBoBune wrote:

3 years ago
Too bad it's not real.
This movie drew out a lot of fist pumping (and some mocking of characters who were shocked/saddened). Hot takes, one and all.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Lay (including self-identified history buff) hardliners like this existed before the GWB war on terror. And failed western foreign policy can be largely attributed to greed, arrogance, and a disregard for the people and history of non-western civilizations. A lot of this grief could have been avoided.

A military response to the 9-11 attacks was probably inevitable. Expanding the scope, maybe questionable.
Some military response was inevitable yes. But it is definitely the "kill them all" types which enabled the government to keep expanding the conflict to other countries. Of course there were others who promoted the non-stop escalation too.

There was a big reddit thread in one of the more serious political subs where some Americans were arguing that the war was a success because we killed a lot of Afghans and people will be afraid to promote terrorism against us again. Christ, these people learned nothing.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

This clip and the youtube community's interaction with it perfectly illustrates this sort of thing.

The scene: meant to be heavy, horrific, highly impactful (iirc this character resigned).
The description: "don't mess with America!"

One of the comments:

MifuneBoBune wrote:

3 years ago
Too bad it's not real.
This movie drew out a lot of fist pumping (and some mocking of characters who were shocked/saddened). Hot takes, one and all.
The military terminology sprinkled into that scene is yikes. You would need to have an alternative timeline starting decades before to make it plausible.

Why would we bomb only one city? I assume the only city in Iraq anyone knew at the time was Baghdad.

There was a big reddit thread in one of the more serious political subs where some Americans were arguing that the war was a success because we killed a lot of Afghans and people will be afraid to promote terrorism against us again. Christ, these people learned nothing.
Same people who watched Fog of War like a football game. McNamara acts sad and remorseful (the emotional authenticity of which is questionable), and your pigman viewers grimly nod and mention Genghis Khan killing off whole cities or something. "The only way we can make these people understand!"
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

There was a big reddit thread in one of the more serious political subs where some Americans were arguing that the war was a success because we killed a lot of Afghans and people will be afraid to promote terrorism against us again. Christ, these people learned nothing.
Same people who watched Fog of War like a football game. MacNamara acts sad and remorseful (the emotional authenticity of which is questionable), and your pigman viewers grimly nod and mention Genghis Khan killing off whole cities or something. "The only way we can make these people understand!"
I never watched Fog of War so I don't know how Genghis Khan is referenced in that. I am aware the the Mongols and their successor states never conquered Vietnam though. Country was too densely forested and hot.

The military terminology sprinkled into that scene is yikes. You would need to have an alternative timeline starting decades before to make it plausible.

Why would we bomb only one city? I assume the only city in Iraq anyone knew at the time was Baghdad.
Movie was problematic for many reasons, and I think there's some rich critique out there that covers most of it. A bit of a Hallmark flavor, if Hallmark made movies largely consumed by hawks.

You can watch this next to stuff like Conspiracy, The Bunker, Secret Honor, and Falling Down alongside copious liquors if you want a resentful, boomer-themed evening filled with movies the type watches as religiously as a toddler consumes Disney cartoons, though often misinterpret.

One of the commenters laughed at the 100MT designation. Even the Tsar wasn't that destructive. I don't remember if that's the figure the movie used, I skimmed the scene when I posted it here.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

There was a big reddit thread in one of the more serious political subs where some Americans were arguing that the war was a success because we killed a lot of Afghans and people will be afraid to promote terrorism against us again. Christ, these people learned nothing.
Same people who watched Fog of War like a football game. McNamara acts sad and remorseful (the emotional authenticity of which is questionable), and your pigman viewers grimly nod and mention Genghis Khan killing off whole cities or something. "The only way we can make these people understand!"
I never watched Fog of War so I don't know how Genghis Khan is referenced in that. I am aware the the Mongols and their successor states never conquered Vietnam though. Country was too densely forested and hot.
Viewer reactilons. Meandering war buffs. McNamara talked about firebombing. "This, alongside razing cities, is a thing to be admired. Not solemnly reflected upon" sort of sentiment.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The scene does reference a 100 MT bomb. The Russians topped off the Tsar at 50 MT because the fallout from it would not be worth the trouble. 100 MT on Baghdad would give a lot of innocent people in other countries cancer. I am sure that would go over well.

Falling Down is another movie people don't get that maybe made the world a worse place. Despite however unfair the economic system is to checks notes white collar defense contractors (???), nothing gives the frustrated guy to right to take the lives of other people. You know there are a lot of people with worse circumstances that suck it up and just keep trying harder.

iirc the only person dfens directly killed in that movie was the Nazi (bit of a clever title reference in the scene, "I'll fall"). Don't get me wrong though, the character needed to be stopped.

I think people viewed the film the wrong way, and he became a bit of a mascot for the put-out. "I'm the bad guy?" Need slapped with a wet fish.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
I'm not sure what America expected to achieve besides revenge.
They could have got in quick, grabbed bin Laden and got out quicker. Its weird that when it came to it they let him slip away into Pakistan.

Getting the taliban to change their ways through force was about as likely to succeed as invading Israel and telling jews to stop being jewish.

Its unfortunate for the average afghan obviously, but what can be done, the situation will be exactly the same in 2,000 years.

Maybe Pakistan is the bigger problem, more modern and nuclear armed but still beholden to islamic extremists and providing ongoing support and refuge to the taliban.
Making them an ally made exactly no sense.

Not really sure what all the genocidal fetishists think either "Lets turn it into a glass parking lot!" Thats some great forward thinking.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

The 2000 years quip is a little smooth-brained. Human civilization 2000 years ago, pretty different than human civilization now. We're talking Boudica's uprising against the Romans vs. Mars robots. What will life be like in just 200 years if technological advancement proceeds apace?
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
Well judaism hasn't moved on in 4000 years, I don't really expect islam to.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
judaism literally has evolved in 4000 years.

zionism, the ideology of nation-state israel, didn’t exist until the late 1800s.

before that, they were comfortable being a diaspora, ‘the wandering jew’. one such wandering jew helped to invent calculus, at the same time as newton.

in addition, many western jews became secularised and integrated in european empires. vienna was a hotbed of jewish thinkers (freud, psychology; wittgenstein, philosophy; kraus, satire; etc.). in addition to einstein and jewish physicists who, working with democratic western nations, changed science forever.  literally an entire epoch of european thought dominated by pre- or anti-zionist thinkers.

but tell me more how they haven’t evolved.

you are an illiterate moron and a cunt.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Before our withdrawal I expected the Taliban to take back power within a decade not within a summer. Stunning collapse from the government of Afghanistan.

The green is all Taliban.
It is 12 AM in Afghanistan right now. The Kandahar and Herat pockets will probably be closed sometime late in their morning in a few hours. The city of Herat is a big prize. 3 million people live there. Twice the population of Mosul, the city we had to level to the Islamic State out of Iraq. Herat is an incredibly important city in Islamic history. The amount of gear the Taliban is going to loot in Herat is going to be extreme.

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2021-08-12 13:33:15)
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
American negotiators are trying to extract assurances from the Taliban that they will not attack the U.S. Embassy in Kabul if the extremist group takes over the country’s government and ever wants to receive foreign aid, three American officials said.

The effort, led by Zalmay Khalilzad, the chief American envoy in talks with the Taliban, seeks to stave off a full evacuation of the embassy as they rapidly seize cities across Afghanistan. On Thursday, the State Department announced it was sending home an unspecified number of the 1,400 Americans stationed at the embassy and drawing down to what the agency’s spokesman, Ned Price, described as a “core diplomatic presence” in Kabul.
Mr. Khalilzad is hoping to convince Taliban leaders that the embassy must remain open, and secure, if the group hopes to receive American financial aid and other assistance as part of a future Afghan government. The Taliban leadership has said it wants to be seen as a legitimate steward of the country, and is seeking relations with other global powers, including Russia and China, in part to receive economic support.
Again, I expected us to support the Taliban in the near future but not this quickly. Frankly we could have started doing this a decade earlier and saved a lot of money.

"There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen"
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

judaism literally has evolved in 4000 years.

zionism, the ideology of nation-state israel, didn’t exist until the late 1800s.

before that, they were comfortable being a diaspora, ‘the wandering jew’. one such wandering jew helped to invent calculus, at the same time as newton.

in addition, many western jews became secularised and integrated in european empires. vienna was a hotbed of jewish thinkers (freud, psychology; wittgenstein, philosophy; kraus, satire; etc.). in addition to einstein and jewish physicists who, working with democratic western nations, changed science forever.  literally an entire epoch of european thought dominated by pre- or anti-zionist thinkers.

but tell me more how they haven’t evolved.

you are an illiterate moron and a cunt.
Erm you've conflated 'judaism' and 'the jews' LMAO - Reading comprehension C- try again.

I'd say you're a vicious creep but I now know its your narcissistic fragile ego syndrome talking and that what you really need is compassion and treatment.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
conflating judaism and ‘the jews’? like conflating christianity and ‘christians’? how is that an error? i’m using the phraseology of ‘the jews’ in your own parlance, idiot. i never talk about ‘the jews’. only squint-eyed nutzoids like yourself talk like this.

judaism isn’t even 4000 years old. i’m clearly quoting your own fucking insane blather. ffs get a grip. you’re a grown man whose grasp of history is about as good as that forefinger and thumb lock you exert on your own micro penis.

you’re a cuck.
back on topic: holy shiet, the scale of the failure in afghanistan is truly epic. this is another vietnam in progress.

two decades and a couppla trillion dollars later and a bunch of goat-herders with 1940s tech just steamrolled the battleground.

turns out you're a nation of cucks.

thank you for your service !

Not in any way dismissing the big part the US had to play in these wars, but other countries also had a role in Vietnam, Afghanistan. If we're cucks, you're cucks too.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Anyhow, Kandahar and Herat fell. Last major city is Kabul. This could be over in a few weeks.

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