very good answer. very understandable. sounds like a nice lil life!
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Superior Mind wrote:

Who is Larssen and the pig-man who just ran away?

Had some good vodka last night, to keep it on topic. Went down pretty smooth. First liquor since New Year’s.
Have you been keeping up with your marijuana minimum daily recommended dosage?
Not really. On and off. Few months off few months on. It’s really too strong for me in that it interferes with my body’s ability to metabolize at a proper rate. Of course I’m so in love with cannabis that it’s a back and forth relationship. Every time I take mushrooms, which is quite rare, I’m met with an unshakable message to abandon this mistress or die an untimely death.

uziq wrote:

very good answer. very understandable. sounds like a nice lil life!
Has it’s pros and cons of course. Hence the reassessment.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2020-07-05 16:18:19)


Do you still keep in touch with 13/f/taiwan? He went to your college right?
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

Dauntless wrote:

Do you still keep in touch with 13/f/taiwan? He went to your college right?
Lol! We went to the same high school! We had gym class together one year. Wow forgot about him damn. So that’s a no. Wish I had some contact info or could remember his name.

Edit: his name is Esa, also likes to be called Jesus.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2020-07-05 16:28:55)

we got your back sup. just don't mention the shrooms around dilbert. he gets a big purple vein in his temple that begins to throb.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Few months ago had 9gs of penis envy, silent darkness, u know the deal. Singing for hours on end.
i seldom ever go above 5. that is a courageous dose. i've got 3 250 mic tabs sat in a little mess tin that i'm wondering when is most opportune to consume.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Most stoned I’ve ever been. Still wasn’t quite enough though...
sounds like you need 5-meo or dmt.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
I have some DMT but been too chicken shit to use it. I tried it once when I was like 23. I did it alone and thru a corn cob pipe. Couldn’t get past the first hit, even when I tried again later.
i've never tried it because i'm not curious about trips where you lose control/lie back and fade out type thing. i like the more playful, self-directing, reality-augmenting kind, as opposed to voyaging on the astral plane to meet the gnome people who built the universe's underlying mechanisms.

mushrooms in very high doses just tend to get very dark and wavy to me. there's something almost like elemental and vaguely menacing about it. truly a pagan drug. it goes from like absolute ineffable wonder, joy, tears, sheer amazement at creation, to the more underground, primal, lurching galloping fear. it's like an experience out of time. could as well be a neolithic human toying with their new human hardware for the first time.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Mushrooms get way dark. Visions and embodiment of the holocaust. The long sullen faces of ancestors hanging from the ceiling, emerged from the energy field.
jaysssssis, now that's a bad trip
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
It was still fun and amazing to play with my voice like an accordion. Also came out with a good mantra for later use.
9gs Jesus Christ lol. I've never done more than 3-4. I got all my hard tripping out with lsd in high school. Prefer to keep it laxxed now that I'm an old man

Hope all is well dude
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
IG? What’s G?

Each time I have a little more.  Going up in 2 gram increments as per the advice of Kilindi Iyi (who died of covid in April). Check out his talks on YouTube. The guy was taking 40 grams regularly.

I also met and had a conversation with Dennis McKenna a couple of years ago. He encouraged me to continue the work.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2020-07-05 21:15:24)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I fondly remember [[Someone Who Isn't Superior Mind]] offered to sell me LSD back in 2013.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
We almost had a meeting didn’t we? Then I suspected you might kill or rape me ahaha.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6878|Riva, MD
I bought a 4-pack of those new pre-mixed Jack & Cokes and it's pretty good.  It tastes like it's a little bit heavier on the Coke side of the mixture than something a bartender might actually make, but that's sort of reflected in the relatively low 7% alcohol content.  There was already a very similar Jack Daniel's and cola product on the market before with a very similar black can but it was some unnamed brand of soda, this is actually Coca-Cola.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Just drink a beer in that case. A Budlight maybe
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6878|Riva, MD
I don't like the taste of beer at all.  The closest I ever usually get to beer is hard cider, usually Bold Rock because I like sweeter drinks.  This was mostly just something to try for me, I haven't been much of a drinker at all the past few years.

Not that I know much about drink mixing (much that I do is peripherally, more previously around when I mentioned preference for not hanging out with drunks), and there are probably exceptions to this, but it is so bizarre to see whisky displayed in what looks to be a cold can.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6878|Riva, MD
It tastes significantly better when cold.  They were sitting on a shelf unrefrigerated when I bought them from Total Wine, and when I got home I drank one right out of the box and almost immediately lost interest.  After letting it sit overnight in the fridge, it was much better the next day.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am in South Carolina. It is nuts that they sell liquor in convenience stores out here. I almost bought a case of Bud Light while searching for instant coffee at a gas station. But the Bud Light wasn't on discount.

Give me a discount on your gay beer or else.

wasn't kid rocked caught chugging a bud not long after his ar freakout video on a case of it?

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