The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Many people here and elsewhere in the Southeast are turning down Covid-19 vaccines because they are angry that President Donald Trump lost the election and sick of Democrats in Washington thinking they know what’s best.
But the virologists have published peer reviewed papers in journals.

Does the average american really not read medical journals?
How on earth do they make rational informed decisions?

Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Dilbert_X wrote:

This hurts my heart. From what I have read in textbooks, female children who take a big role in raising younger siblings are at a higher risk of becoming parents early themselves. There can be a few reasons for this but whatever. I really hate seeing children taking care of their siblings.

Unfun story this reminds me of: Back when Trump was president and putting children in concentration camps, a whistleblower told a reporter about something sad they saw happen in the camps. A small child (2ish IIRC) was brought into the group holding area of a child concentration camp. The guards asked the young children (7-10) to watch over the younger one. A little girl (9ish) took responsibility for the child. She got bored of it after a few days and the kid was mostly on its own. I wonder what lesson all of the children involved in this story took away from this experience.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Don't try to illegally migrant into Obama's America?
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
They probably thought we are a land of good Christians, prosperity, safety, and justice. Suckers!
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
The sensible thing would have been to keep Mexico as a cheap farming/manufacturing buffer and share the wealth with people who at least have a bit in common with America, and act as a buffer zone where migrants from south america can do some work to survive.

Instead you have the Ferengi in charge and they've moved it all to china, who are using your money to build weapons to destroy you, leaving Mexico as a 'cursed earth' parallel and requiring a wall to be built.


Well done America.
Fuck Israel

The people playing Ferengi often looked like they were having a lot of fun with it. It would probably get old putting all that stuff on as regular makeup like Shimerman and Dorn. Nimoy just had to deal with the ears.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I agree with your thoughts, Dilbert. That said, the Ferengi do remind me of stereotypes of greedy Jews. They couldn't make the hyper capitalist creatures into big birds or lizards?

Star Trek is a very much slap-some-bumps on your head kind of alien makeup universe. I think it was explained in canon or one of the books as there being an origin species somewhere in the galaxy's past.

I don't know about the cat people though, they might've evolved on their own.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
It was a TNG episode.

Thanks, "there's always a better Trekkie" is my philosophy for that stuff.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
I'm not a good trekkie I only got like 2 questions right on the RLM trivia show.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Do you prefer Star Wars or Star Trek?
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Star Wars

Only reason Ive seen Trek is cause it's on Prime and not much else is/was
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Have you watched any of the 4 dozen Disney spin off shows?

re: political division in the country, politicized covid, politics sundering family, marriage

imgur anecdote wrote:

Just need to vent to someone. I got the Pfizer vaccine. Husband got angry and stopped speaking to me. Breaking my heart but I made the right personal choice to get vaccinated… don’t know what’s going to happen now but trying to stay positive!

EDIT: don’t know how to stop crying all day…thanks for the reassurance that I made the right move. He called my choice compliant and pathetic prior to not speaking.
Drop in the bucket.

The irony is entirely lost on some people that they're being "compliant" and "sheeple" irt covid denialism, antivax/etc. propaganda. I find that both funny and thoroughly horrifying.

Nobody has disowned or unfriended me for getting the Pfizer at least, but a lot of them are on the fence leaning away from ever getting vaccinated. If they ever need me to help move, I'll be sure to bring my metal powers into play.

… but like for moving couches, not destroying their new neighborhood.
mmmf mmmf mmmf

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Have you watched any of the 4 dozen Disney spin off shows?
I saw some of the clone wars 10 years ago. Other than that no

A lot of the side material for stuff like Star Wars, Star Trek, 40K (back when I read that stuff) were a little better than the main content. For Star Wars these days, the difference is probably vast.

I may watch Mandalorian if it comes out on blu-ray, but I'm not getting Disney+ for it.

It's also disheartening to see that my browser knows how to spell Mandalorian but occasionally trips up on words from an actual English dictionary.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Technically that word is English

The word "Jedi" is in dictionary.com I guess, but I don't think we need the entire Star Wars index codified into the language.


Pro-Trump mob hurled racial slurs at Black officers on Jan. 6, Capitol Police Officer Dunn says
https://news.yahoo.com/pro-trump-mob-hu … 19789.html

On Jan. 6, after the violent pro-Trump mob that stormed the Capitol had finally been cleared from the building, U.S. Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn sobbed on a bench in the rotunda as he told another Black officer about the racial slurs he’d been subjected to during the riot.

“How the ‘blank’ could something like this happen?” Dunn asked his fellow officer. “Is this America?”

Dunn relayed this exchange during emotional testimony Tuesday before the House select committee investigating the Capitol attack. He testified that on Jan. 6, a group of rioters who’d breached the Capitol, some of whom carried Confederate flags, hurled racial epithets at him when he tried to get them to leave the building.

After the rioters were told to leave, Dunn said the group responded, “No, man, this is our house. President Trump invited us here.”

While Dunn said that as a law enforcement officer, “I do my best to keep politics out of my job,” he felt compelled to engage when members of the mob, who’d sought to stop Congress from certifying the results of the 2020 presidential election, falsely claimed that “nobody voted for Joe Biden.”

Dunn said he told the group, many of whom were wearing T-shirts and hats emblazoned with Trump’s 2016 campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again,” or MAGA, that he voted for Biden and asked, “Does my vote not count? Am I nobody?”

This, he said, “prompted a torrent of racial epithets.”

“One woman in a pink MAGA shirt yelled, ‘You hear that, guys? This n***** voted for Joe Biden,’” Dunn recalled. “Then the crowd, perhaps around 20 people, joined in screaming ‘Boooo, f***ing n*****!’”

Choking back tears, he told the panel, “No one had ever, ever called me a n***** while wearing the uniform of a Capitol Police officer.”

But he wasn’t the only one subjected to racist attacks that day. Dunn said that “in the days following the attempted insurrection, other Black officers shared with me their own stories of racial abuse on Jan. 6.”

He said that one officer had been confronted by a group of insurrectionists inside the Capitol who told him, “Put your gun down and we’ll show you what kind of n***** you really are.”

Another told him he’d never in his life been called the N-word to his face.

“That streak ended on Jan. 6,” Dunn said.
Although this stuff still comes as a surprise to a lot of people who can scarcely process - let alone internalize - the video footage when it's directly presented.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Crisis actors.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The Delta variant is much more contagious, more likely to break through protections afforded by the vaccines and may cause more severe disease than all other known versions of the virus, according to an internal presentation circulated within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, the director of the agency, acknowledged on Tuesday that vaccinated people with so-called breakthrough infections of the Delta variant carry just as much virus in the nose and throat as unvaccinated people, and may spread it just as readily, if less often.

But the internal document lays out a broader and even grimmer view of the variant.

The Delta variant is more transmissible than the viruses that cause MERS, SARS, Ebola, the common cold, the seasonal flu and smallpox, and it is as contagious as chickenpox, according to the document, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times.
Oh no. We need to shut down the schools again.
it sounds scary to say that something is 'more transmissible than MERS, SARS, and ebola ...' but, erm, that's not at all that noteworthy. ebola is so poor at transmissibility (so effective at killing, rather) that it can seldom hop on a train or plane with its host and cross an international border.

vaccines still seem to offer good protection against serious illness and death, including with the delta variant. that's the best we can ever hope for now: to keep the weak and vulnerable vaccinated every year and to carry on. shutting down everything made sense when there were no vaccines or way to mitigate the disease.

long covid is the thing i'm worried about more tbh. young and healthy people catch common colds, flus and other seasonal illnesses almost every year without a second thought. we don't worry about those, either, because the risk of hospitalization or death is very low. but long-term effects on health and cognition ... that's a bummer.


‘Fully Moderna vaccinated’: Miami businesswoman diagnosed with breakthrough COVID

small print:

You may say why should I get vaccinated if you got covid anyway ? Because if I wasn’t vaccinated I could be so much more sick. Today I am grateful for the vaccine. My symptoms are much easier than others. I can manage them so much better because I am vaccinated. Please please do your body and those you love a favor and get vaccinated as it really does make the process easier.
Supposed article intent: increase confidence in the vaccine
Article actually leads with: VACCINE DID NOT WORK!

Very common issue in covid, vaccine reporting. Enough with the clickbait titles, man.

miami herald, https://news.yahoo.com/fully-moderna-va … 03545.html
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Hot girl bartender tonight. She was no prettier than the previous bar girls I hooked up with. So I mean I think I would have a chance in any other circumstance. That is when I remembered that it has been like 2 years since I have done heavy summer barhopping. And that makes me sad.

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