most of my family have been vaccinated.

the U.K. is now at 25% vaccination and well on target.

seeing the europeans weaponise the brexit bill and ireland border question, after accusing the tories of low politics and dishonesty for years of negotiations, was pretty fucking funny. von der leyen and her fake PhD looking very flustered. you know you’ve fucked it when even senior german ministers are calling your performance ‘shit’.

now on the back of it there’s widespread skepticism about the oxford vaccine, and very low take-up, in places like france and germany. you know, the oxford vaccine that received approval from europe’s own august medical regulator. so politicians have stirred up vaccine nationalism due to their own failures, and now europeans are turning down the best available vaccine to continue dying through spring. there’s huge amounts of stock just sitting around in germany.

the top french institute couldn’t make an effective vaccine. spent months on it and failed. seems to have cued endless and prolix remonstrance in the french press about ‘the fall of france’ and ‘france’s intellectual decline’, a favourite theme of theirs; but no actual remedies forthcoming, of course.

lmao europe, beacon of the sane, rational liberal order. the highest expression of human governance!
the oxford vaccine isn't being shot down because of vaccine nationalism but because of the low protective succes in elderly populations and limited to little effect against the now rapidly spreading mutations. I imagine Astrazeneca's succession of fuckups, panicked reactions and more fuckups also have something to do with the lessened preference. It having been developed by Oxford is of no relevance. I'm not sure but vaguely recall that a minority of the research team members are british too. So shooting down the 'oxford vaccine' out of nationalist spite would purely be related to the name and location of oxford, which is a low I don't imagine anyone is stooping to.

Admittedly someone somewhere fucked up, but you fail to consider that buying the vaccines as a block was logically the best choice and realistically the only option to stave off the virus in the long term. Even if vaccination is slower. While vaccination is ramping up now we may at worst be 1 or 2 months behind schedule. In the grand scheme of things it's not a terrible issue.

The fact that some vaccines failed was already an expected outcome from the start. You do remember BioNTech is located in Germany right?
of course every vaccine is in an almost annual or seasonal race against its own redundancy. that's how vaccines work and it was never expected to be otherwise. covid-19 is a blessedly stable coronavirus compared to its relations, and even then we're in a constant arms race against them.

'low protective success' in elderly populations: show me the data. it was approved by the EU regulator and encouraged by the WHO.

the oxford vaccine might not stop you getting ill but it does prevent the vast majority from ever ending up in a hospital bed or a casket. people should be taking it now because it is cheap, widely available, and because it's fucking there. um'ing and ah'ing over the efficacy of a vaccine w/r/t future mutations is dumb as fuck.
EU regulators and WHO do not themselves collect field data, so their judgment is based on prior available information, mainly what national authorities & vaccine developers share. National authorities may come to different conclusions based on their own sets or may have a different interpretation of the same set. The latter of which was the case in Germany I believe. I'm not about to devolve into some reddit-esque reference battle where you and I who are both not virologists or vaccine experts quote datasets against one another and will say that I trust the german regulatory authority in its judgment.
lol too bad. i publish covid research as part of my day job. 'reddit-esque reference battle' .

but okay, trust away. … a-56623074

german infection level stagnates at high level.

1.5 million germans vaccinated.

16.5 million brits vaccinated.

let's hope the german regulatory authority actually have their PhDs and not a bunch of plagiarized theses like most of the german-derived EU senior cronies, eh? i thought the rationale was to reserve the moderna/biontech vaccine for older people: well why haven't they all been vaccinated with it yet? why are so many EU states dragging their feet with vaccine rollouts? are you trying to wait for all the current vaccines to become ineffective, or what?

'we need more data'.
'new mutations are highly alarming'.
'let's wait, we definitely need more data'.

Last edited by uziq (2021-02-19 16:26:51)


Larssen wrote:

Admittedly someone somewhere fucked up, but you fail to consider that buying the vaccines as a block was logically the best choice and realistically the only option to stave off the virus in the long term. Even if vaccination is slower. While vaccination is ramping up now we may at worst be 1 or 2 months behind schedule. In the grand scheme of things it's not a terrible issue.
sure, tell me so if one of your relatives dies in the next 2-3 months.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

seeing the europeans weaponise the brexit bill and ireland border question, after accusing the tories of low politics and dishonesty for years of negotiations, was pretty fucking funny.
The creepy euros weaponised the EU against Britain decades ago, this isn't new, I guess you just woke up.
Fuck Israel
i know it's not the first time, duh, and never implied that in my post, either. just it's rare to see such a move backfire so tremendously. widespread declamation from the WHO, the EUs allies, and even dissent from senior german ministers. mega fail. von der leyen is hopeless.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
But I thought the British were the bad guys?

The euros have been hopeless, corrupt, self-serving and united in hating Britain since about forever.
Fuck Israel
Europeans weaponising the brexit bill give me a break. Literally EVERY possible configuration of a relationship with the EU encountered red lines from the UK. The 'switzerland type arrangement' touted by the leave proponents wasn't even possible because of the legal jurisdiction of the ECJ in the switzerland arrangement, which was apparently unacceptable by the 'sovereignty' standards of the UK leave idiots. The only possible outcome was either a canada style deal or the deal you have now, which resulted from the UK accepting whatever was possible just to make good on Boris' self imposed deadline. You all fucked up massively and were in denial every step of the way.

The fact that von der leyen is useless is besides the point here. She's not the entirety of the EU, and at the end of the day the commissioners report to the countries. It's also why the vaccine deals took so long, because every country still holds the right to agree or veto. Ultimately the EU acts as chair in meetings and is responsible for proposals, but the power of the commissioners to roll out policy independently is limited. So it's always amusing to see the shit slinging fest unfold after fuckups are made at the EU level. Invariably national governments will either ignore, downplay or deny their involvement in the decision making and on the other hand the EU will always blame the member states. Yet the next week they'll all be at the table again as though the bitching never happened because they know they can't go it alone.

One country with misplaced nostalgia for colonial greatness that did think it could go it alone was the UK. Inundated by misinformation and russian intelligence manipulation, your people voted to shoot themselves in the foot and 5 years later everyone's still sorrily confused about the whole affair. No matter to me anymore though, the Brexit fiasco has been the single greatest political advert against -exit movements.

Last edited by Larssen (2021-02-20 02:26:49)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Von der Leyen seems to be reporting to herself, how does she think she has the authority to set aside the Brexit deal and start dictating on the spot?

Thats been the attitudeof the French and Germans for decades, they maintain a facade of european unity and democracy but everyone knows its a lie.
And the vassal states - which is everyone except france and germany, have said nothing no?
Fuck Israel
The Ireland border fiasco was horrendously stupid and immediately reversed including an apology from the EU. The 'authority' of von der leyen did certainly not reach that far and failing to consult with one of your member states about their border access is ... not smart.

There are no vassal states and France and Germany do not hold some joint sway over the Union. When they do agree on something they have a lot of political pull, but it's a popular myth to believe that they're the ones making the 'actual decisions'. Their sway and means to pressure others are also limited.
No matter to me anymore though, the Brexit fiasco has been the single greatest political advert against -exit movements.
yes the basque, catalans, half of france, euroskeptics in italy and greece, etc. are all hugely dissuaded by brexit.

has it ever occurred to you that part of the intransigence of poland and hungary is precisely because they saw what the EU could do, and did, over brexit?

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
The EU is the single greatest advert against its own existence, von der Leyen playing Hitler has helped it along.
Fuck Israel
UK universities have 40% less international applicants, businesses are suffering greatly because of the paperwork and import taxes, there's a financial services flight to frankfurt and amsterdam, quite a few EU products are already no longer available in the UK, several UK expats in the EU have lost their jobs in preference of other EU citizens .. it's an astounding success!!

Yeah poland and hungary are anti EU because they 'know what the EU can do', not because little fascist strongmen run these countries. Orban isn't a dictatorial PoS who pushes conspiracies in the media at all. The breakdown of independent judiciary in Poland isn't a problem at all. Nono, it's the EU's fault.

Von der Leyen is like hitler lmao. What do you make of Orban dilbert? He pushed an emergency powers act at the start of the pandemic and abused it to outlaw transgenderism among other stuff.

Last edited by Larssen (2021-02-20 05:36:01)

UK universities have 40% less applicants because of a thing called covid annihilating the asian and middle eastern market. there aren't hordes of europeans queuing up for a place at manchester and bristol.

how do fascist strongmen get elected in those countries? do they stage coups or do they ride popular sentiment? work it out poindexter.
Yes I'm sure the EU, which is almost singularly responsible for helping their economies recover post soviet union, is to blame. Maybe you didn't know but generally eastern european populations are very pro EU.
great generalization and very light on detail.

major political parties in both countries are euroskeptic.

is the fall of the USSR as relevant to voters today as the financial crisis of 2008? figure it out clever boy!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The Fall of the USSR is as relevant as Reagan.

There was an article on National Review lamenting that Republican are into Zombie Reaganism economic policy. Cutting taxes in the 80's made a lot of sense because, to NR, the tax system of the 80's was a mess that needed reform. The author argued that cutting taxes today isn't the solution to all of our economic problems like Republicans think. Focusing on tax cuts first and only is Zombie Reaganism and no one wants that. To drive home the idea how out of date this thinking is he mentioned that Democrats in the 1980 were still running on the New Deal and look how that worked out. Reaganis is as old as the New Deal then.

Just a tangent post.
Actually I would say the soviet union and its dissolution was infinitely more relevant to the people who lived in its constituent countries than a two term president in the united states. 1989 wasn't ages ago. People who consciously experienced the soviet union, worked and lived in it are now the people running these countries - they're the top of the bureaucracy and political class. Besides it being living memory for a large part of the population, the long-term generational effects caused by the transition of soviet society & norms to the current situation cannot be overstated. Do you think it's a mere coincidence that these countries went off the deep end into religiosity and ultra-nationalism? But if Uziq is to be believed, it's all the EU's fault alright. I suppose that for you dimwits that's a passable explanation.

Last edited by Larssen (2021-02-20 10:03:23)


If there's one thing I learned recently on BF2S is that the experiences of old people don't matter.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

Larssen wrote:

Actually I would say the soviet union and its dissolution was infinitely more relevant to the people who lived in its constituent countries than a two term president in the united states. 1989 wasn't ages ago. People who consciously experienced the soviet union, worked and lived in it are now the people running these countries - they're the top of the bureaucracy and political class. Besides it being living memory for a large part of the population, the long-term generational effects caused by the transition of soviet society & norms to the current situation cannot be overstated. Do you think it's a mere coincidence that these countries went off the deep end into religiosity and ultra-nationalism? But if Uziq is to be believed, it's all the EU's fault alright. I suppose that for you dimwits that's a passable explanation.
The issue isn't Hungary and other peripheral states collapsing into fascism, its that the President of the EU decided to behave like a dictator.
Thats the big deal in recent times.

Us dimwits need an explanation for this, is it that she's stupid or a Hitler in waiting?
Fuck Israel
Takes a brit to immediately call a german in a leadership position hitler when that person isn't to their liking. I suppose she's just inches away from creating 'working camps' for people of lesser ethnicities. Oh wait, that is what you would do.

Von der leyen sucks but she has nothing to do with the state of hungary or poland and her idiot maneouver with the border checks was instantly shot down and became an international news debacle. So much for dictatorship. We barely escaped a new world war there!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

If there's one thing I learned recently on BF2S is that the experiences of old people don't matter.
Old people are selfish cowards who enjoy COVID because it lets them live out their OCD with shoe boxes on their feet trying to get one more Christmas with their parents. I think that was what Jay was getting at.

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