The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Yeah well he's not going to pay for it.

Not sure why the NHS wouldn't be doing mass testing, maybe they have a strategy, I doubt it.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
What about crooked Hillary's illegal email server - why is no-one talking about this.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

Yeah well he's not going to pay for it.

Not sure why the NHS wouldn't be doing mass testing, maybe they have a strategy, I doubt it.

/shrug. don't know what to say to you. we are doing 'mass testing'.

there's 150k spare tests per day. public and private options.

can't expect a nation to be responsible for troubleshooting your uncle on his fucking tablet.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Can't you set it up? Through Google I can probably schedule an appointment to see a doctor in London.
Go Cougs!
+695|6604|Washington St.
Looks like the Olympics just got officially canceled, after getting pushed back a year.
Unfortunate, but probably necessary.
Hits a little close to home because my cousin (my Moms-brothers-son, not any of that twice-removed, second-neighbor, 'cousin' bs) was going to compete. He's likely too old to train seriously for the next one so this was his last chance.
that sucks pirana. a genuine bummer for any top-level athlete.

incidentally you seem to be ahead of most news sources in the UK. quite a scoop!

https://jacobinmag.com/2020/03/david-ha … isruptions
Go Cougs!
+695|6604|Washington St.
Maybe I'm spitting rumors as truth. I hope it continues of course, but safely. And if it can't be done safely, don't do it at all. Not worth the risk.

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Maybe it'll be the end of contact sports.
Fuck Israel

No way, football is in our genetics.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

that sucks pirana. a genuine bummer for any top-level athlete.

incidentally you seem to be ahead of most news sources in the UK. quite a scoop!

https://jacobinmag.com/2020/03/david-ha … isruptions
The funny thing about this (not haha funny but you know) is that there will be zero reforms in the U.S. once the pandemic is over. I said this back in March but the pandemic was the worst thing to ever happen to the idea of universal healthcare. This public health crisis will not convince Americans to invest more in general public health. It will just make those people already disinclined to support universal healthcare feel even stronger in support of their healthcare insurance and setup they have already. Any government expansion of healthcare access to those people will be perceived as "the government is taking away healthcare resources that should be mine".

The American meme right now is that if you get some life-threatening disease or injury, "I guess I'll die then." I was already in support of more guaranteed health coverage before the pandemic, and my support for it has only increased.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
I think everyone should sit back and wait for the free-market to deliver a solution.
If all of Amazon's customers are dead that will disrupt their business model - they're bound to react.
Fuck Israel

Report: Biden Admin Discovers Trump Had Zero Plans For COVID Vaccine Distribution
https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/repo … stribution

Fun stuff, I guess. Depending on how much it blows up, I wonder how Pence will address it if he runs in 2024.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Why would a fake virus need a vaccine?
Vaccine coordinator Bechara Choucair told reporters on Wednesday evening that the administration would create “community vaccination centers” run by federal officials as part of its goal to get Americans injected as quickly as possible.
Pretty obvious the Feds are going to be injecting people with invisible microchips.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Yeah well he's not going to pay for it.

Not sure why the NHS wouldn't be doing mass testing, maybe they have a strategy, I doubt it.

/shrug. don't know what to say to you. we are doing 'mass testing'.

there's 150k spare tests per day. public and private options.
The UK has not been doing 'mass testing', its still doing testing only of people with bat-flu symptoms, with some exceptions eg teachers.

From November
Liverpool is the first English city to have regular coronavirus testing for all residents, whether they have symptoms or not, as part of a pilot.

Testing is considered a key way to control the epidemic, but government's system has experienced setbacks.

Still not launched apparently

Currently, most people can only have a test if they already have symptoms.

But the government would like to roll out mass testing in areas with high infection rates.
Fuck Israel
as i already told you, you can request a test from the NHS online and it is posted to you in 1-2 days.

WE HAVE SURPLUS TESTING CAPACITY. 150,000 A DAY. i’ve just told you several times.


the guidance is to only go to a testing centre if you have symptoms to ease stress on the system and to help the lockdown, which emphasises ESSENTIAL travel only. but you can request one ONLINE or via the official NHS app. there’s no way for them to check if you have symptoms, durrrrr. the guidance for NHS testing, since early 2020 at least, has been to only request one if you're feeling ill. it's to stop a huge panic or from hypochondriacs from bloodletting the system. PCR tests involve laboratory analysis and they are costly to the NHS. simple as that.

for people with a conscience about that sort of thing, there are at this point hundreds of private companies linked to local pharmacies and so on, that offer every test.


you can get same-day PCR tests from BOOTS, a national pharmacy chain that is found on EVERY HIGH STREET.
https://www.boots.com/covid-19-testing/ … ng-service

this was set-up and publicized in LATE OCTOBER.
https://www.independent.co.uk/life-styl … 47351.html

your uncle is a fucking retard, i’m sorry. this pandemic was designed as a society-wide hoover for these people. it’s not hard to get a test.

‘mass testing’, of the sort you’re stressing that we need, is irrelevant to your uncle. that’s for casual, everyday testing so that people can RETURN TO LIFE AS NORMAL. lateral flow testing is an important technology for this, which indeed has not been on-boarded yet or sufficiently developed. ‘mass testing’ in this regard means, for example, routinely taking a test in the morning before you’re allowed into your gym 20 minutes or 2 hours later. it’s NOT relevant to people sat shivering at home and wondering if they’ve been exposed and have covid. jesus fucking christ.

and yes, well done, link news articles from november in support of your POINTLESS argument. do you have any idea how much changes in 2-3 months? next you’ll be telling me the U.K. haven’t started vaccinating anyone yet as well: look at this article from november ...

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-22 01:57:48)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
My uncle is a retard however as a close contact of someone who died of bat-flu the uk govt isn't interested in testing or tracking him.
If he paid for a test himself I doubt they'd want to know.
Here he'd have been asked to take a test and instructed to isolate for fourteen days, symptoms or not.

Mass testing is to keep track of whats going on in the community and nip small outbreaks in the bud, not so that people can get back to the gym etc.

The second article was from yesterday, in the meantime there's been no progress on mass testing, unglaublich.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2021-01-22 01:53:52)

Fuck Israel
if your uncle can't download the NHS app and click the button that says 'request test', or do the same on their website, i don't know what to say to you. yes, the track and trace is a shambles. but can't he take the initiative on something and just, er, request a test? 20 seconds work for his own peace of mind? instead you both want to sit there and blame the government endlessly. how amazingly productive. to think i'm paying tax to house slugs like that.

mass testing is not fucking relevant to your uncle's situation. no country has started using lateral flow testing in a widespread fashion. it is being discussed as one of many 'exit routes' from pandemic lockdown and social distancing measures. 'mass testing' of the sort being trialled in cities around the world now means everyday, casual, rapid and reliable testing so that people can RETURN TO A SEMBLANCE OF NORMAL.

there is literally no sense in doing 'mass' PCR testing of the entire (fit and healthy) population to 'check' for covid. what an enormous waste of resources at a time when the entire public health system of the UK (and world) are close to collapse. not a priority, OBVIOUSLY.

the UK is currently testing more people daily and vaccinating more people daily than almost anywhere else. i've already posted a graph above. certainly we're up there and not doing a shabby job of that part. that is one small mercy, at least.

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-22 01:59:03)

it must be incredibly exasperating to have an old relative who has possibly been exposed to a life-threatening disease, and instead of actually doing something about it, they're complaining about their tablet and the NHS.


i'm pretty sure if your uncle even called his local GP surgery and explained to his doctor that someone in his household just died of covid, that they'd be able to send him a test pronto. why hasn't he called his doctor?

i know the welsh have been infantilized by centuries of relying on their english parents for everything, but jesus christ, this is shockingly dependent behaviour.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

if your uncle can't download the NHS app and click the button that says 'request test', or do the same on their website, i don't know what to say to you.
I know what to say to you - he doesn't have symptoms so according to the guidelines he's not supposed to.
Probably doesn't matter, if he's positive he'll just be told to stay at home until he's sick enough to call an ambulance.
Here he'd be put into medical isolation, I guess he's still going out shopping.

mass testing is not fucking relevant to your uncle's situation. no country has started using lateral flow testing in a widespread fashion. it is being discussed as one of many 'exit routes' from pandemic lockdown and social distancing measures. 'mass testing' of the sort being trialled in cities around the world now means everyday, casual, rapid and reliable testing so that people can RETURN TO A SEMBLANCE OF NORMAL.

there is literally no sense in doing 'mass' PCR testing of the entire (fit and healthy) population to 'check' for covid. what an enormous waste of resources at a time when the entire public health system of the UK (and world) are close to collapse. not a priority, OBVIOUSLY.
Once again you're completely wrong, amazing.

The Chinese city of Qingdao is testing its entire population of nine million people for Covid-19 over a period of five days.

The mass testing comes after the discovery of a dozen cases linked to a hospital treating coronavirus patients arriving from abroad.

In May, China tested the entire city of Wuhan - home to 11 million people and the epicentre of the global pandemic.

The country has largely brought the virus under control.


In a statement posted to Chinese social media site Weibo, Qingdao's Municipal Health Commission said six new cases and six asymptomatic cases had been discovered.

All the cases were linked to the same hospital, said the state-run Global Times.

The Chinese authorities now have a strategy of mass testing even when a new coronavirus cluster appears to be relatively minor, correspondents say.

The National Health Commission said on Monday that "the whole city will be tested within five days".

Thats more or less how it works here, everyone who could be a contact gets a test,, except the scale is smaller. So far we've squashed 5+ outbreaks.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2021-01-22 03:38:42)

Fuck Israel
oh right, yes, china and qingdao. really relevant to your uncle and the NHS.

i have never claimed the UK has a working test+trace follow-up system. it does not. i've complained about it being a management consultancy-chumocracy sham repeatedly throughout the year. however, that's not the same thing as being unable to get a test under your own initiative in order to check your own covid status.

how many times do i have to refer you to the same fucking graphs? look at the total testing numbers. compare all european countries. where's the UK? we are doing an order of magnitude more tests per day than france, germany, spain, italy, etc. so what is your uncle fucking complaining about?

has it ever occurred to you that maybe your uncle just doesn't want to help himself? can't call a doctor? can't go to his local boots pharmacy? can't order something online? maybe the old boy has given up now he has no one left to sponge off? sounds like a case of learned helplessness to me.

'mass testing' in the fashion you are advocating is not going to be feasible until rapid-turnaround antigen or lateral flow tests are reliable. right now they are not. PCR tests, done in a laboratory, have a 99% hitrate. but they take TIME and MONEY and SPECIALIST humans to check the samples. in order for there to be mass testing available, nationwide, to tens of millions of people on a regular basis, we need to on-board new technologies in such a way that we can take a quick and hassle-free test whenever we want to enter a cinema, a gym, a sports stadium, etc. that's the context of most 'mass testing' discussions, not qingdao and cities under emergency lockdown measures. how is that relevant to your uncle?

there's two scenarios here where 'mass testing' is applicable: everyday life, returning to normality, casual screening of the general public to catch asymptomatic or minor cases and prevent them from entering public areas. the other is when a cluster is identified in a city or delimited area, and everyone is tested en masse to clampdown on the situation. the first kind will rely on as-yet-not-ready technology; the second likely just mobilises huge amounts of state and medical system resources using resource-intensive PCR lab measures.

your uncle needs a PCR test. he can get one in about umpteen different ways. we have the daily capacity. he just isn't trying to find out. his area doesn't need 'mass testing' like qingdao because his fucking partner died or whatever. he can call his doctor or call the local pharmacy and SORT A TEST FOR HIMSELF.

Last edited by uziq (2021-01-22 04:25:08)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Well, China seems to have been doing mass testing for a while.

Hundreds of testing centres were opened, with thousands of staff involved.

They also mobilised teams to test disabled people, the elderly and those vulnerable in their own homes.

One of the ways they sped up the process was to use batch- or pool-testing.

In this process, a batch of between five and 10 samples was tested. Only if a sample tested positive would the team go back to carry out individual tests to see who was positive within the batch.
Various countries also do sewage testing.

But yeah, if the country has more or less given up and decided to ride the wave then carry on.
Fuck Israel
Go Cougs!
+695|6604|Washington St.
Yep I was wrong about the Olympics. I was reading some rumor garbage. Thats my bad.
Still on as of now

https://www.reuters.com/article/olympic … SL1N2JW34O
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
You probably can host it fine by putting them all on a social distance quarantine island, require vaccination, require prior 2 week quarantine, require proof of negative test, and keep the events closed to the public.
Go Cougs!
+695|6604|Washington St.
I think by then hopefully things should be getting better, but yeah have a bubble of people that have gone through all that ^ testing/verification then dont allow anybody else in. If you leave you can't come back.
All athletes/coaches/doctors/support/press need to quarantine and get vaccinated before showing up at the site.

A lot of work but still plausible

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