SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Just discovered their two albums. Really great stuff.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
They were huge with their song Frontier Psychiatrist. They broke up over not agreeing on 5% of royalties for that one song (was told this by an APRA rep at a seminar he hosted). I believe they recently reformed.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Frontier Psychiatrist has a good video but they definitely have better songs.

Yeah, they released an album in 2000 and a new one in 2016. The new one is just as good as the old one.
Yeah, they are great, especially the Frontier Psychiatrist is a superb song. Their newest album (from 2016) is also very good, although not as good as the one from 2000.

Does anyone know when they will release something new?

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