
Dilbert, once again: furry culture is a recent phenomenon, not a part of some ancient rite.

They're just clothes. Fashions change, like language. Your window of what is "acceptable" represents the merest sliver (of) fashion history. Also: your thoughts, insights, and musings as a xenophobic, homophobic, whoring, oil-investing suburbanite on any matter of "appropriateness" are highly questionable. FFS you are literally a Republican. ThE TrAnSvEstItE gAyS ArE OuT tO GrOoM yOuR KiDs. /facepalm

Speaking of "manly qualifiers," I bet a dude in a plaid skirt who makes a hobby of flipping telephone poles end-over-end could fold you in half.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-09-27 04:04:26)


Dilbert_X wrote:

signifiers of gender norms are just that: signifiers.
Er no.
er, yes, what it means to be identifiably 'masculine' and 'feminine' have changed a great deal over the centuries. it is as mutable as fashion, or at the very least culturally specific.

high heels were invented ... for men. garters and stockings, arguably, too. make-up and cosmetics, including rouge and lipstick and mascara, were frequently used by men. many modern societies, including the korean one i'm witnessing now, still have male make-up as a common thing, without it worrying their idea of what a 'man' is.

the military crew-cut and cargo shorts and a tshirt, favoured by yourself, aren't immutably masculine, set in stone for all time, dilbert. they are very historically specific signifiers.

these things are signifiers and signifiers shift and change with their times and their cultural context. it's as simple as that.

if a reputable gentleman considered the height of fashion and respectability 250 years ago entered a classroom today, you'd be ranting about trannies.



Last edited by uziq (2022-09-27 04:16:09)


Dilbert_X wrote:

inflicting them on kindergarteners.
Ah yes, the famed shop classes of … kindergarten. Little buggers can't tie their own shoelaces, but man do they make a mean cabinet.
toddlers like to play dress-up and have no problem with other genders or races.

children like to dress-up and play at different roles and identities from a very young age. it is literally a fundamental part of what childhood 'play' is about. this is all there in the canonical literature on child psychology, from winnicott onwards.

i have tried to explain this to dilbert before. i don't know why a childless man who promotes anti-natalism and rants about 'too many people being born' is so excessively concerned with the wellbeing of children. clearly he hasn't observed them very often.

Last edited by uziq (2022-09-27 04:19:00)


It's very important that boys from the youngest age memorize internet manliness guides, learn sporting rifle terminology, bully other boys who don't fit the mold, and become good consumers in adulthood who buy fad products explicitly, obnoxiously marketed "for your balls." Won't get the girl, but at least they can retire with a cute lathe.
i find it endlessly funny that the people who prosecute these arguments so tirelessly, like the people here on this forum over the years, against gays and lesbians and transexuals merely trying to live their lives with the same freedoms as we take for granted, are also the most sexually thwarted and least reproductively successful people on earth.

i mean, all this talk about 'what's suitable for children' and what's 'good for society' ... dilbert is not really the best advert, is he? listen to his dicta on what gender 'is' and what's 'normal' and end up every bit as emotionally and socially fulfilled at that guy? do you need any better illustration of the self-defeating and ultimately isolating toxicity of this bullshit? the guy who prefers the company of cats to human beings? yeah, imma go ahead and let the kids figure out their own genders and sexualities, and let the lesbians teach them their ABCs.

In the far flung future where we've mastered the technology of body modification, a transman finally gets to feel like himself in the manly dress he'd always envisioned himself in. Australia, meanwhile, harnesses the power of Dilbert spinning in his grave to power the entire continent.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

the military crew-cut and cargo shorts and a tshirt, favoured by yourself,
An aide got pulled into a meeting with a principal because he was wearing shorts. The principal argued it was unprofessional to wear shorts. I agree.

I know you're in therapy now and I don't want to diminish whatever progress there is, but on "professionalism," you literally make out with subordinates in the supply closet or something? Why do you care about a pair of shorts.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I never did that. And if I would it would certainly be on my lunch break.

The only thing I have done that is unprofessional is come onto the younger lady teacher. Put on an annoying show to the other teachers in our pod. "We are going to go take a walk. Stretch our legs", "we are going to go drop off the Chromebooks and leave together."
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

signifiers of gender norms are just that: signifiers.
Er no.
er, yes, what it means to be identifiably 'masculine' and 'feminine' have changed a great deal over the centuries. it is as mutable as fashion, or at the very least culturally specific.
But there's been a clear divide between masculine and feminine though, and I'm not sure citing the parlour game antics of inbred royalty is really helping your case.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Er no.
er, yes, what it means to be identifiably 'masculine' and 'feminine' have changed a great deal over the centuries. it is as mutable as fashion, or at the very least culturally specific.
But there's been a clear divide between masculine and feminine though, and I'm not sure citing the parlour game antics of inbred royalty is really helping your case.
bumming other men was seen as peak alpha back in the day. you're geh if you only fucked women.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

Dilbert_X wrote:

I'm not sure citing the parlour game antics of inbred royalty is really helping your case.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Er no.
er, yes, what it means to be identifiably 'masculine' and 'feminine' have changed a great deal over the centuries. it is as mutable as fashion, or at the very least culturally specific.
But there's been a clear divide between masculine and feminine though, and I'm not sure citing the parlour game antics of inbred royalty is really helping your case.
it wasn't royalty only who dressed that way. you really don't know much about the history of the 17th–18th centuries (unsurprisingly). urban and cosmopolitan male fashion in london ca. 1500–1780 didn't conform to anything like your idea of 'masculininty'. are you not even familiar with elizabethan era collars and ruffs? because people like willy shakespeare, the country rube from stratford-upon-avon, were upper-class bohemes playing 'parlour games', right?



so manly! all that lace and frills and thigh-high tights!

you simply don't have a clue what you are talking about.

Last edited by uziq (2022-09-28 03:37:14)

But there's been a clear divide between masculine and feminine though
has there? even in Plato's dialogues there are long discourses on Love and Beauty that mention how desirable effeminate men are. the most attractive male in ancient greece was basically thought to be such because he was androgynous, i.e. possessing a feminine quality.


i'm not debating that there are two biological sexes. but your combinations of chromosomes and your genitals/gonads have little to do with what signifies your 'gender', which is culturally and socially determined. it has fluctuated so much throughout time. homosexuality has been variously normalised and made taboo, depending on where you are.

half of shakespeare's plays involve cross-dressing and gender-swapping, ffs. the plot of twelfth night turns entirely on a case of mistaken identity between a male/female twin. this was not considered something 'triggering' or 'woke' to theatre audiences in the 1600s. gender has always been mutable and subject to shifts in fashion and sociocultural context.

the end. why are you so repressed about this sort of thing when you're so enlightened and relaxed about inter-species love?

Last edited by uziq (2022-09-28 03:43:39)


Cybargs wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

er, yes, what it means to be identifiably 'masculine' and 'feminine' have changed a great deal over the centuries. it is as mutable as fashion, or at the very least culturally specific.
But there's been a clear divide between masculine and feminine though, and I'm not sure citing the parlour game antics of inbred royalty is really helping your case.
bumming other men was seen as peak alpha back in the day. you're geh if you only fucked women.
this also applied to salt-of-the-earth, lowest of the low greek soldiers and roman centurions. hardly some effete and decadent hobby of the idle rich. homosexuality and gender bending have been with western civilisation since the very inception.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Some right winger shot two people in front a gay nightclub. He then smoked himself. He posted a manifesto though I didn't read it. There isn't a single good manifesto. Stop calling them manifestos.

The reason I brought this one up is because of how strange these mass shootings are. You hate gay people so much you throw your life
away to kill 2? The 20 something year sum of your life is killing two other men who loved men? Sounds kind of gay.
“ Reading the Bratislava shooter’s manifest, I couldn’t but marvel at how American it all sounds. Gun rights, “lefty libs,” FBI… this was a Slovak youth whose language of hatred was English and entire worldview entrenched in American Nazism and fascism, not even in translation.”

they’re all poisoned online. all use the same rhetoric. then you’ve got old dogwhistlers like dilbert. the veritable Tom Metzgers of the scene.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
American right wingers colonized the guy's mind. Either that or he was a complete closet case. I hope he was a closet case because now his parents have to live with the question of why this guy was obsessed with what was going on at the gay nightclub enough to shoot at it.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7002|United States of America
Take it to the Mass Shooting thread

This is like a beginning of a Stephen King plotline.

article via imgur:

When a 20-year-old man with autism went missing, a Florida woman and her sister told police that he had been kidnapped by a transgender gang who wanted to harvest and sell his organs.

It turned out that he voluntarily got on a bus to Chicago to escape his controlling mother.

On July 4, Odalys Heredia, the mother of Alejandro Suarez, couldn’t find her son. When his car was discovered that morning at a Mormon church, across the street from the Miami Dade College Kendall campus where he took classes, his mother and aunt contacted the police.

Inside the car was a note from Suarez which, he said, was “swiftly written.” The note said that he took his laptop, phone, books, skateboard, camera, clothes, legal documents, and own money to live a life “elsewhere.”

“The rest [of my belongings] can be sold or kept, because I will not return,” his note stated. “I am not open to contact either. I hope to live more person than human. I refuse to be helpless to the future…. Be assured I am safe. This was planned two years ago. Farewell. I love you all.”

When Suarez’s aunt, Yadira Saleh, contacted police, she wrote, “Alejandro’s mother’s greatest fear is he may be in danger of organ trafficking or any other trafficking,” adding that he “was worked and groomed for weeks or months” by “predatory gender non-conformists” who encouraged him to “cut all ties with family members,” The Miami Herald reported.

As proof, Saleh cited a 2015 United Nations report that mentioned organ “recruiters” and “brokers” who “house and groom victims” to sell organs to medical and healthcare companies. In reality, the report referred to organ trafficking in places like South Africa and Kosovo, not the United States.

Heredia also told police that her son “has the mentality of a 10-year-old and is unable to function on his own,” adding that he couldn’t have left town on his own because he “had no friends, and was unable to socialize with anyone other than family.”

“Alejandro doesn’t think like an adult,” she told the Herald. “I was giving him the tools so he could be an independent person. But he wasn’t ready to leave the house…. Maybe he is an adult because of his age, but you cannot call a boy with autism an adult.”

On July 13, a family friend even started a GoFundMe page to “help bring Alejandro home” which said he had “the mental level of a 5th-to-8th-grader.” The fundraiser raised $3,950.

However, evidence strongly suggests that the women and the fundraiser all misrepresented the Suarez’s mental abilities.

He graduated high school and was attending college. A 2018 report from a Miami psychologist said that, at age 16, he “did not exhibit any significant autistic traits,” adding, “He has been able to achieve academically and adapt well to his environment with no major significant complications.”

Suarez said his mother controlled what classes he took and what sports he played in school. She also required him to keep his hair short, and urged him never to sit with his legs crossed because it could cause gay men to hit on him, he said. Suarez also had transgender friends.

On July 11, Heredia and Saleh asked a probate court to sign an order granting full guardianship over him which would have allowed them to control where he lived, his purchases, and his right to marry, vote, or make medical decisions for himself. His aunt had to file the order because his mother had been convicted in 2008 on five counts of conspiracy to defraud Medicare. As such, she couldn’t apply to become his guardian.

Then Chicago police came knocking on the door of his friend’s apartment, where Suarez was staying. The police claimed they had a judge’s order (which they never showed) and asked him to go with them to the station. Suarez called his attorney and, upon the attorney’s advice, closed the door on the police. Suarez could hear his aunt yelling elsewhere in the apartment building.

A legal hearing declined the women their request for full guardianship. “I really do feel like I have room to breathe now,” Suarez told the aforementioned publication.

Brandon Wolf, a spokesman for the group Equality Florida, blamed anti-transgender political rhetoric for the mother and aunt’s actions.

“Unfortunately,” Wolf said, “these are the real-world consequences of an all-out assault on LGBTQ people, and really, marginalized people broadly. Words have consequences, and they have especially dangerous consequences when they are coming from powerful leaders in our country.”
But are Lesbian schoolteachers really the ones to blame here? We turn to our resident expert Dilbert to explain why.
https://twitter.com/ask_aubry/status/15 … 9b5X1-7eDw

incels are genuinely deranged. like for all the hullabaloo made about gender dysmorphic individuals and their choice of bathroom, you have low-key serial killers like this guy who are calling the police when his ex-coworker rejects his stalking behaviour.

Biggest ^

Beyond belief, actually terrifying. If the guy had his own theme song, I'm sure it would be inspired by swamp noises. The unctuous conviction in his recording is deeply unsettling. The only low-key about his serial killer vibes is he lacks that stereotypical charm.

The man needs to be held for some kind of psychiatric observation, but I lack confidence that those preventative measures will be enacted in time. If this woman doesn't have or want a gun, she needs the biggest can of mace she can carry. I feel like I need to have a shower on behalf of everyone involved.

Not even unique to web 2.0 incels. Seen attitudes like that online since the 90s. I was basically a kid. This triggered some stranger danger memories I don't like to think about. My dad reported someone like this (who apparently had a rape location all ready to go and was boasting about it as if it were the most normal thing in the world) when he was a teenager.

Of additional, sobering note is his "shout-out" to all his like-minded homies at the end of the first video. These are the ones people should be worried about being alone with in a public restroom.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-11-08 17:57:07)


oh thank goodness. a temporary relief


He's probably going to come out of this, like so many other rapists, sure that he's done no wrong.
yeah, good for them. that guy is a future sex crime statistic. deep down the rabbithole.

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