There's a Japanese restaurant in London which explicitly tells you not to tip and any money left on tables will go to a charity, that's nice of them innit?Cybargs wrote:
We never tip overseas.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Anyway, under what circumstances would you not tip a waitress?
If you didn't like her political beliefs, would you not tip her? Even if she didn't bring them up but you know her views from elsewhere and think they are so terrible that she is making the world a worse place to live?
You'd love Asia, they don't tip at all especially Japan. It's considered an insult to tip because you're essentially saying 'your job is shit and you don't earn enough here's some sympathy money'.
Most other Japanese restaurants over here do take tips though and some even include it.
Anyway I usually tip more if the waitress is attractive, does that make me a bad person?