Jay wrote:
You probably scoff at people when they say "well, you just never know" when they talk about their irrational belief in god.
No, you can't help people who have completely irrational believes and therefore no evidence to back it up.
Jay wrote:
Every bit of scientific proof says GMOs are safe.
Most certainly no "every bit".
Jay wrote:
I group anti-GMOers in with anti-vaxxers and people who believe wi-fi gives them headaches and screws up their chakras.
Vaccination has been done for centuries and the last few decades have been indeed become very safe.
The risks are so low that there is no reason to no vaccinate and risk getting the much worse disease.
Microwave radio has been in widespread use for some 25 years now and the low energy bears little risks, compared to all the wireless smartphone glory we now can enjoy.
GMOs in agriculture on the other hand are very new and doing open land tests of plants that are pollinated by wind or insects is an inherently flawed idea.
In all other biotech fields GMOs are handled very strict and cautiously.
E.g. laboratory bacteria strains get a modification that they are dependent on a certain, essential nutrient they can't get in nature, in the rare case that they somehow get out. Even then there's the risk of a mutation that compensates the modification.
But in agriculture everything seems to be fine and dandy.
Once more, business and lobbying is huge behind all that.
Things like Monsanto's plans with "terminator seeds" and farmers contractually bound to rebuy seeds every year go completely against what agriculture is supposed to be.
Making people dependent on a corporation on a basic level as food production, is as scary as in the worst dystopian sci-fi stories.
All these considerations are some of the reasons why many Europeans don't like all these trade agreements with all the crazy clauses that give corporations too much power over whole populations of another country.