I'd like to point out that there are people making the point that since the bible is so old, Israel as a modern entity is also that old by state lineage or something. Some of them are probably in office here in my country.
Whatever, they're running a country based on the ramblings of someone who got lost and dehydrated 3000 years ago.
Fuck Israel
So within a page a discussion about the war in ukraine has entirely been derailed to be about Israel
gg wp
gg wp
Blame uziq, again.
Anyway, I'm glad Europe is sending armoured vehicles to Ukraine, they should send the Polish MiGs next.
Anyway, I'm glad Europe is sending armoured vehicles to Ukraine, they should send the Polish MiGs next.
Fuck Israel
You're the one constantly lining things up against Israel though. #poststats
What would Dilbert be angry about if not Israel?

Outgoing restaurant owners, talkative Indian cab drivers, Korean coal, corporate culture, Africans.
Gun springs held up in the Bermuda Triangle.
Gun springs held up in the Bermuda Triangle.
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-04-07 15:50:37)
We need an update about that gun spring

Springy has been resolved. IIRC, order was canceled after some weeks of leisure cruising, and a replacement was found locally.
The original spring may still be circulating around the country to this day.
The original spring may still be circulating around the country to this day.
One day the spring will show up and the new homeowners will wonder why a spring showed up in Mad Max's Australia.

By then the spring will have evolved sentience.
Ballistic missile attack on a train station is something.

Putin suka!
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-04-14/ … /100992768Moskva, a ship in the Russian Navy's Black Sea Fleet, has been badly damaged and its crew evacuated amid the country's ongoing invasion of Ukraine.
Russian officials claimed the damage was the result of a fire on board, while a Ukrainian official claimed it was a result of a Ukrainian missile strike.
Moskva is one of Russia's most critical warships.
It is a guided-missile cruiser and the flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, which operates in the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov and the Mediterranean Sea.
Russian news agencies said Moskva, which was commissioned in 1983, was armed with 16 anti-ship Vulkan cruise missiles with a range of at least 700 kilometres.
The ship was known as Slava during its Soviet service, before taking the name Moskva (Russian for Moscow) in 2000.
The 12,500-tonne ship usually has a crew of about 500 people.
Ukrainian authorities said Moskva featured in one of the landmark early exchanges of the war in Ukraine, when Ukrainian border guards on Snake Island, a small outcrop in the Black Sea, told the ship to "go **** yourself" after it demanded they surrender.
Fuck Israel
considering how unbalanced the USSR's/russia's military spending has been, relative to their total economic might, i really do wonder what putin's endgame is with all this throwing away of materiel. soo many destroyed tanks, jeeps, downed helis, now a flagship ...
not to mention people: a government/state that has been nervous about plummeting birthrates for the last two decades is now sending all of its prime-age young males off to die. some populations, e.g. france in the napoleonic era/ww1, basically never recover from such hits to their male base.
not to mention people: a government/state that has been nervous about plummeting birthrates for the last two decades is now sending all of its prime-age young males off to die. some populations, e.g. france in the napoleonic era/ww1, basically never recover from such hits to their male base.
The Russian equipment losses are monumental. A lot of good stuff built during the heyday of the Soviet Union destroyed in a short amount of time. And the war shows no signs of stopping anytime soon. This is something people who argue "Sanctions never work" don't understand. Sanctions help limit a nation's capability to terrorize their neighbors. Russia's ability to rearm or pose a conventional threat to their neighbors is going to be severely hampered. The warning to Finland and Sweden not to join NATO is empty since Russia won't be able to occupy Finnish or Swedish territory with what they have available. It would be interesting to Dr. Who into the timeline where Russia tries to open a Finnish front.
Russia seems to be sending a lot of the Asians of their nation off to fight in Ukraine. The losses they are taking in Ukraine isn't going to be enough to cause a demographic collapse like Syria. I do think western nations should be rolling out the red carpet for Russian defectors, opposition, liberals, etc. who want out of Putin's Russia. Russians best and brightest packing up and leaving would have a bigger white genocide demographic effect on Russia.
Russia seems to be sending a lot of the Asians of their nation off to fight in Ukraine. The losses they are taking in Ukraine isn't going to be enough to cause a demographic collapse like Syria. I do think western nations should be rolling out the red carpet for Russian defectors, opposition, liberals, etc. who want out of Putin's Russia. Russians best and brightest packing up and leaving would have a bigger white genocide demographic effect on Russia.

100% with you on the sanctions side of things. its not just making their finances hard, but making it so they can't purchase anything. all of russian induatrial base relies on european machine tools which now they can't buy. they're running out of aircraft spare parts, car parts, equipment for tanks etc.SuperJail Warden wrote:
The Russian equipment losses are monumental. A lot of good stuff built during the heyday of the Soviet Union destroyed in a short amount of time. And the war shows no signs of stopping anytime soon. This is something people who argue "Sanctions never work" don't understand. Sanctions help limit a nation's capability to terrorize their neighbors. Russia's ability to rearm or pose a conventional threat to their neighbors is going to be severely hampered. The warning to Finland and Sweden not to join NATO is empty since Russia won't be able to occupy Finnish or Swedish territory with what they have available. It would be interesting to Dr. Who into the timeline where Russia tries to open a Finnish front.
Russia seems to be sending a lot of the Asians of their nation off to fight in Ukraine. The losses they are taking in Ukraine isn't going to be enough to cause a demographic collapse like Syria. I do think western nations should be rolling out the red carpet for Russian defectors, opposition, liberals, etc. who want out of Putin's Russia. Russians best and brightest packing up and leaving would have a bigger white genocide demographic effect on Russia.
their tank factories are being shut down so top lel.
on the asian side it's not really a race thing buy more about money for people living in rural areas. it's like the US a lot of military peeps come from rural backgrounds. not so different with russia as its a lot of money for those families so there is a big disporportion of people from those areas being deployed and dying. it isn't the sons of st petersberg and moscow that are being clapped.
great tweet on russian military weakness
https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1502 … 54278.html
The ship the Ukrainians hit with a missile sunk while being tugged according to Russia. Bottom of the sea.

The sinking of the flagship is funny, and good news that it was evacuated first.
Seems it was air-launched anti-ship missiles.
On the minus side it might be enough to tip Putin over the edge into all-out war.
How many 'Battelships TM' games have been shoved off the dining table in a tantrum when the flagship has been sunk?

He's lost too much face now to lose more by backing down.
I guess he could wriggle out by liquidating some commanders and blaming the army.
Its a colossal blunder, Sweden and Finland joining NATO, Ukraine likely to get an unwritten deal, Russian military exposed as weak at every level.
Seems it was air-launched anti-ship missiles.
On the minus side it might be enough to tip Putin over the edge into all-out war.
How many 'Battelships TM' games have been shoved off the dining table in a tantrum when the flagship has been sunk?

He's lost too much face now to lose more by backing down.
I guess he could wriggle out by liquidating some commanders and blaming the army.
Its a colossal blunder, Sweden and Finland joining NATO, Ukraine likely to get an unwritten deal, Russian military exposed as weak at every level.
Fuck Israel
seen on social justice imgur:

videos: https://imgur.com/gallery/YLMMRpe
Imagine showing up to your ex's place with a baseball bat proclaiming via loudspeaker that you could bash her teeth in, but you won't because you're a nice guy.

videos: https://imgur.com/gallery/YLMMRpe
Imagine showing up to your ex's place with a baseball bat proclaiming via loudspeaker that you could bash her teeth in, but you won't because you're a nice guy.
Very strange, when it was the Russians who murdered them in the first place.
The bigger point is Russia must be getting rattled, a war between Poland and Russia wouldn't be trivial either.
The bigger point is Russia must be getting rattled, a war between Poland and Russia wouldn't be trivial either.
Fuck Israel
Poland has been a member of NATO for over 20 years.
I still think there could be some curveball, like filling up Poland with weapons for Ukraine then them resigning from NATO.
Poland has been very keen to hand over their Russian aircraft from day one.
Poland has been very keen to hand over their Russian aircraft from day one.
Fuck Israel
Heck of a thing to ask of Poland to exit a defensive alliance to free themselves up for war with Russia.
I imagine the Poles would relish a war with Russia after what Russia has done to them.
There's no actual reason why NATO can't supply weapons of any kind to Ukraine, its not technically an act of war I think.
America is doing all the restraining.
It would be interesting if it were a British Harpoon which actually took out the Moskva, timing is right.
https://min.news/en/military/856b090bc4 … 5bed7.html
There's no actual reason why NATO can't supply weapons of any kind to Ukraine, its not technically an act of war I think.
America is doing all the restraining.
It would be interesting if it were a British Harpoon which actually took out the Moskva, timing is right.
https://min.news/en/military/856b090bc4 … 5bed7.html
Fuck Israel
Not really sure what the fuck is going through Russian's heads right now.

Fuck Israel