Hitler did want a welfare state but only for white people. German white people. It's almost as if people want to confuse that fact since it dovetails too well with what the modern American right want. Maybe not a welfare state but to maintain traditional Christian culture and prosperity.uziq wrote:
& yes, well, central economic planning came about out of necessity along with several other unignorable political realities, like mass suffrage and workers' trade unions. what we are discussing is the origins of mainstream/major party politics itself. the most important thing is that the right and left seized these new forms of mass organisation/mobilisation (not to mention new communications technology, bureaucratic apparatuses, and national identities) towards VASTLY different ends. if you don't carry the analysis that far, you end up accusing everyone of being a Nazi, or hitler a left-wing revolutionary. it's meaningless drivel.SuperJail Warden wrote:
If you really want to get a win over the Democrats and American left, claiming Hitler was left wing is the dummy way of going about it.
The Nazis did get their idea of central economic planning from the Soviet Union. Roosevelt followed the Germans and Italians when he advocated for the New Deal. It's not his fault the communist and fascist both came to the conclusion that free market capitalism won't solve economic crisis.
A better argument is: Roosevelt and the Democrats took the worst ideas of Fascism and Communism.
Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2020-02-25 15:57:16)