someone has to protect the powerless from the powerful. Government is supposed to be a tool of the people, not a tool of the economically powerful. Remove the ability for money to influence politics. Simple solution.
Cartels are a natural progression of capitalism. It's not a matter of 'if', but a matter of 'when'. I'd rather us not just throw up our hands and say, "LOL capitalism, you silly goose" as we get fucked by money-hungry fuckers as we ride out the free-market boom/bust roller coaster.
True, my idealism is that government starts working for the people as originally intended.
Your idealism is that the free-market behaves in a way that is flies in the face of recorded history.
I don't expect companies in a free market to behave morally or ethically, I expect them to do what they always do: seek profit.
I also don't expect people in government to behave morally and ethically, and that's where our difference lies. Sure, there are some idealists that make it in a la Mr. Smith, but they're few and far between, and they get scoffed at by their peers and the media.
Let's use the last big public-private partnership to be implemented as our example here. Who really benefits from Obamacare? Is it the people? Less than half of the uninsured are going to be covered by the program, and our premiums will go up rather substantially. The people who are really benefitting are the government bureaucracy and the insurance companies themselves. Sure, their profits will be supposedly capped (as they already are), but they're going to make up for that with increased volume and a populace that is forced to use their service. The government created an entire new department to oversee it, and they're spending hundreds of billions of dollars setting up these retarded exchanges to do what is already freely available on dozens of websites. Like I said, only the government has the ability to compel, and now we're all compelled to buy health insurance whether we want to or not. We've been shown what a mixture of government and private power over us can accomplish.
You and I both want a government that isn't full of people trying to line their own pockets. We want a government that behaves idealistically and rationally, and genuinely wants to help the people that it governs. We may differ greatly on what we want that government to do, but we're aligned in how we want it to function. The primary difference between us is that the only way I see the government to ever get there is to remove its ties to the business world. Let the businesses seek profit. Let them kill each other. I don't care. I don't expect them to behave in a way that serves any but their own interests. When you try to force a set of ethics upon them in the form of regulation you end up with crony capitalism and corruption. Why do you think the population of Washington explodes every time someone like Obama is elected? He came in touting regulations, and the lobbyists got rich writing those regulations. No, the only way to achieve that government By the People, for the People is to remove the ability of politicians to line their pockets at the publics expense, and that means doing away with excessive mingling between business and the public.