The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

Jay wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Whats key here is Jay could lose money.
The situation needs to be changed so Jay couldn't lose money.
Whichever ideology is the one which will deliver for Jay is the one he will latch onto.
How could I possibly lose money? The camp is being defamed.
If your wife is a director then I'm sure she's liable.

Also, you just have no idea what a libertarian is and have made no effort to educate yourself. I'm sorry that you are ignorant and that my opinions confuse you. I understand that they do not align with what you normally encounter in your fixed party structure. It makes it more difficult to argue when you can't anticipate the next argument. This messes with your need for rigid order and rigid categorization. Sorry.
I know exactly what a Libertarian is, however I'm 100% sure you're not one and most people who identify as 'libertarians' are just assholes who want total freedom and zero responsibility.

I'm very sure I've lived the Ayn Rand ideal far better than you have.

Let us know how your move to a log cabin in Alaska works out.
Fuck Israel
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

uziq wrote:

larssen has actual intelligence, i do enjoy his posts. he comes across as someone who has reasoned his way to his positions. just that reasoning seems to reflect a certain sort of orthodoxy relevant to his specific sub-field. he has interesting things to say but they are very much the things that a poli-sci/int.-r graduate would say. being lectured on how 'episteme must have a historical dimension' by someone who clearly has never encountered the term outside of his narrow field, much like, i suspect, his use of 'reification' (lukacs? marx?), gets old pretty quickly. and being told that race should not matter or that all discrimination is economic at root make for very applaudable ticks-in-the-margin on a term paper, but elementary materialist critique 101 does not help people very much. i'm sure any BLM protestor who did a freshman year at morehouse or albany state has read that shit, too.

jay is almost incorrigibly stupid and it makes me rethink the entire idea of sharing information freely. certain people should not be taught to read. in any society with a sense of just proportion and natural harmony, jay would be stacking cordwood or breaking rocks, asked only for his name and identification number at each day's dawning on the job and never bothered for his golem-intelligence opinion on matters.
uzi, I'm sure you were an A student in school. I'm sure you were diligent and checked every box when writing your term papers. The problem is, you have zero creativity. You can regurgitate what you've been taught but you have no grasp for the nuance and you have no ability to deviate or really think for yourself. You are essentially a programmed automaton going through life without any real purpose or direction. It's not that I'm stupid, because I assure you, stupid is not a word anyone has ever used to describe me, it's that you do not actually understand the conversation. You do not live in America and yet you pontificate endlessly about America and American politics.

You accuse larssen of being patronizing. Have you looked in a mirror? You, who have all the answers to every issue imaginable, who will argue until he is blue in the face even when he is clearly wrong the majority of the time? This is why people don't like you uzi. It's not that you're stupid, because you do have a small amount of intelligence, it's that you're an arrogant asshole that doesn't contribute anything to the world. You are a pure consumer. I don't even need to argue with you. You are a generic stand-in for liberal arts college grad circa 2010 and have never evolved. I could literally go down a list of topics and already know what your opinion will be on it. You simply regurgitate what other people have told you are the correct opinions. There's no deviation from popular opinion on any topic. I was meant to break rocks? You were meant to be a cow.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Go easy on Larssen. He has the capability to change unlike Jay who is inching towards declaring race war inevitable.
I don't think a race war is inevitable. I think there's a very real chance of a break in society along liberal/conservative lines. I can see social media shortly breaking into warring camps similar to our newspapers and news channels. There's just too much of a divide and too much trying to hurt the other side. I see memes from this group and callouts from that group. It's gotten really nasty.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Minneapolis mayor booed out of a rally he visited. I have never seen anything like this before.

https://www.nytimes.com/video/players/o … 0007178355
They need circuses and bread, clearly.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

Jay wrote:

uziq wrote:

larssen has actual intelligence, i do enjoy his posts. he comes across as someone who has reasoned his way to his positions. just that reasoning seems to reflect a certain sort of orthodoxy relevant to his specific sub-field. he has interesting things to say but they are very much the things that a poli-sci/int.-r graduate would say. being lectured on how 'episteme must have a historical dimension' by someone who clearly has never encountered the term outside of his narrow field, much like, i suspect, his use of 'reification' (lukacs? marx?), gets old pretty quickly. and being told that race should not matter or that all discrimination is economic at root make for very applaudable ticks-in-the-margin on a term paper, but elementary materialist critique 101 does not help people very much. i'm sure any BLM protestor who did a freshman year at morehouse or albany state has read that shit, too.

jay is almost incorrigibly stupid and it makes me rethink the entire idea of sharing information freely. certain people should not be taught to read. in any society with a sense of just proportion and natural harmony, jay would be stacking cordwood or breaking rocks, asked only for his name and identification number at each day's dawning on the job and never bothered for his golem-intelligence opinion on matters.
uzi, I'm sure you were an A student in school. I'm sure you were diligent and checked every box when writing your term papers. The problem is, you have zero creativity. You can regurgitate what you've been taught but you have no grasp for the nuance and you have no ability to deviate or really think for yourself. You are essentially a programmed automaton going through life without any real purpose or direction. It's not that I'm stupid, because I assure you, stupid is not a word anyone has ever used to describe me, it's that you do not actually understand the conversation. You do not live in America and yet you pontificate endlessly about America and American politics.

You accuse larssen of being patronizing. Have you looked in a mirror? You, who have all the answers to every issue imaginable, who will argue until he is blue in the face even when he is clearly wrong the majority of the time? This is why people don't like you uzi. It's not that you're stupid, because you do have a small amount of intelligence, it's that you're an arrogant asshole that doesn't contribute anything to the world. You are a pure consumer. I don't even need to argue with you. You are a generic stand-in for liberal arts college grad circa 2010 and have never evolved. I could literally go down a list of topics and already know what your opinion will be on it. You simply regurgitate what other people have told you are the correct opinions. There's no deviation from popular opinion on any topic. I was meant to break rocks? You were meant to be a cow.
lmao. i’m sure you know a lot of highly intelligent people in your milieu who rate you very highly. just as you’re very familiar with ‘liberal arts grads’ and book smart people. do you ever notice how it’s everyone here disagreeing with your hot takes, and not just me? you’ve already tried to rope all of our disparate views together before into some sort of ‘libtard’ conspiracy against you. maybe it’s just that you’re very defective and should properly be employed as a farmhand.

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Minneapolis mayor booed out of a rally he visited. I have never seen anything like this before.

https://www.nytimes.com/video/players/o … 0007178355
They need circuses and bread, clearly.
it’s bread and circuses jay, and does not apply to this situation whatsoever. hahaha. and you’re talking about unintelligently recycling things? well done at affecting noble disdain for the ordinary people though. that really is a radical departure for a conservative thinker such as yourself.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

uziq wrote:

Jay wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Someone is suing Jay's wife's charity - Can't you see how this is now an issue which affects Jay?
Nah, it's about the videos I keep seeing posted with white people down on their knees asking black people for forgiveness. It's constant references to 1619 like every white American is guilty of slavery and it's the original sin that can never be atoned for. You don't live here. It's getting dangerously stupid and people are buying in.
america does have an original sin, no? a democracy proclaiming freedom and the pursuit of happiness for all, with a giant slave population? who have never had reparations? which society has been stratified by race and gender for its whole existence?

this is what has you riled? a few white people taking a symbolic knee and saying they’ll try to do better? this is what has oppressed you? this is almost as terrible as larssen’s anecdotes about being rejected from stanford grad school because he scored lower on the GRE than a taiwanese guy or whatever. things are really going too far!

i can now understand why you both want to get this race thing over and done with. black storm clouds are brewing on the horizon. imagine having to listen to another race’s complaints for more than 7 days! slavery ended over 100 years ago, get over it!!!
Historical grievances are just that, historical. Many of the grievances they list have no bearing on modern society. Redlining? Back in the 1950s? Ok, so 70 years have passed without it. Guess what? Black people still live in majority black towns, by choice. They choose to self-segregate. There's nothing preventing them from moving to a town like mine, except they don't want to be in the minority. They'd feel more comfortable in a town where people look act and dress like they do. Is that racism? No.

We have a society where they are given a helping hand to get ahead at every level. We've created anti-poverty programs that make sure they're fed, can get to school, receive special services while they're in school, receive preferential treatment on things like college admissions and applications to government jobs. Huge strides have been taken since the 1960s to help them advance out of the abject poverty and subsistence living conditions that their position on the edges of society had degraded them to. So don't talk about original sin and how stuff is owed to people based on the color of their skin. Effort has been made. Listing historical grievances is what the Jews do to keep other Jews from mixing fully with society. They guilt their own into remaining Jewish and not straying. That is precisely what the 1619 project is meant to do as well. It's meant to be divisive. It's meant to remind black people that they are different and to remember their grievances and to never trust white people.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

uziq wrote:

Jay wrote:

uziq wrote:

larssen has actual intelligence, i do enjoy his posts. he comes across as someone who has reasoned his way to his positions. just that reasoning seems to reflect a certain sort of orthodoxy relevant to his specific sub-field. he has interesting things to say but they are very much the things that a poli-sci/int.-r graduate would say. being lectured on how 'episteme must have a historical dimension' by someone who clearly has never encountered the term outside of his narrow field, much like, i suspect, his use of 'reification' (lukacs? marx?), gets old pretty quickly. and being told that race should not matter or that all discrimination is economic at root make for very applaudable ticks-in-the-margin on a term paper, but elementary materialist critique 101 does not help people very much. i'm sure any BLM protestor who did a freshman year at morehouse or albany state has read that shit, too.

jay is almost incorrigibly stupid and it makes me rethink the entire idea of sharing information freely. certain people should not be taught to read. in any society with a sense of just proportion and natural harmony, jay would be stacking cordwood or breaking rocks, asked only for his name and identification number at each day's dawning on the job and never bothered for his golem-intelligence opinion on matters.
uzi, I'm sure you were an A student in school. I'm sure you were diligent and checked every box when writing your term papers. The problem is, you have zero creativity. You can regurgitate what you've been taught but you have no grasp for the nuance and you have no ability to deviate or really think for yourself. You are essentially a programmed automaton going through life without any real purpose or direction. It's not that I'm stupid, because I assure you, stupid is not a word anyone has ever used to describe me, it's that you do not actually understand the conversation. You do not live in America and yet you pontificate endlessly about America and American politics.

You accuse larssen of being patronizing. Have you looked in a mirror? You, who have all the answers to every issue imaginable, who will argue until he is blue in the face even when he is clearly wrong the majority of the time? This is why people don't like you uzi. It's not that you're stupid, because you do have a small amount of intelligence, it's that you're an arrogant asshole that doesn't contribute anything to the world. You are a pure consumer. I don't even need to argue with you. You are a generic stand-in for liberal arts college grad circa 2010 and have never evolved. I could literally go down a list of topics and already know what your opinion will be on it. You simply regurgitate what other people have told you are the correct opinions. There's no deviation from popular opinion on any topic. I was meant to break rocks? You were meant to be a cow.
lmao. i’m sure you know a lot of highly intelligent people in your milieu who rate you very highly. just as you’re very familiar with ‘liberal arts grads’ and book smart people. do you ever notice how it’s everyone here disagreeing with your hot takes, and not just me? you’ve already tried to rope all of our disparate views together before into some sort of ‘libtard’ conspiracy against you. maybe it’s just that you’re very defective and should properly be employed as a farmhand.
Everyone disagrees with me here because you all have roughly the same opinions on everything. So what? Everyone else has been chased off. You are exhausting to deal with.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
why are you so obsessed with the 1619 project, of all things? that seems to be a fixation of right-wing media sources taking aim at other media. the protests over police killings are not the 1619 project. very bizarre hobby horse of yours. it’s almost like you’re internalising the things that more appropriately vex right-wing journalists and pundits...

i don’t doubt that deep cultural entrenchments have to be challenged and turned over. it’s no different from white communities in, say, appalachia who won’t leave and sometimes outright refuse to adapt to a changing economy. it’s not as simple as saying ‘we gave you west virginians food stamps, the mines closed 20 years ago, get it together already’.

as for your simplistic glosses on simply upping and moving and remaking their lives with ease, i simply do not know how any of us here are meant to take this cant seriously when you, first and foremost among all people here, refuse to fucking move in your own best interests because of family or network ties. hello? some basic self awareness please?

Last edited by uziq (2020-06-07 05:27:45)


Jay wrote:

uziq wrote:

Jay wrote:

uzi, I'm sure you were an A student in school. I'm sure you were diligent and checked every box when writing your term papers. The problem is, you have zero creativity. You can regurgitate what you've been taught but you have no grasp for the nuance and you have no ability to deviate or really think for yourself. You are essentially a programmed automaton going through life without any real purpose or direction. It's not that I'm stupid, because I assure you, stupid is not a word anyone has ever used to describe me, it's that you do not actually understand the conversation. You do not live in America and yet you pontificate endlessly about America and American politics.

You accuse larssen of being patronizing. Have you looked in a mirror? You, who have all the answers to every issue imaginable, who will argue until he is blue in the face even when he is clearly wrong the majority of the time? This is why people don't like you uzi. It's not that you're stupid, because you do have a small amount of intelligence, it's that you're an arrogant asshole that doesn't contribute anything to the world. You are a pure consumer. I don't even need to argue with you. You are a generic stand-in for liberal arts college grad circa 2010 and have never evolved. I could literally go down a list of topics and already know what your opinion will be on it. You simply regurgitate what other people have told you are the correct opinions. There's no deviation from popular opinion on any topic. I was meant to break rocks? You were meant to be a cow.
lmao. i’m sure you know a lot of highly intelligent people in your milieu who rate you very highly. just as you’re very familiar with ‘liberal arts grads’ and book smart people. do you ever notice how it’s everyone here disagreeing with your hot takes, and not just me? you’ve already tried to rope all of our disparate views together before into some sort of ‘libtard’ conspiracy against you. maybe it’s just that you’re very defective and should properly be employed as a farmhand.
Everyone disagrees with me here because you all have roughly the same opinions on everything. So what? Everyone else has been chased off. You are exhausting to deal with.
isn’t it odd? all the people with university educations who can back up their thinking with citations, thinkers, theories, analytical frameworks, arrive at positions completely inimical yours, who was never educated and went to a naval college aimed to equip ex-soldiers with civvy-street spiv skills? and yet you, the one consistently against the grain, accuses a pluralism of people ranged against you of being ‘uncreative’ and ‘box tickers’.

i don’t suppose i have to remind you that nobody else here signed up with a name and life outlook cribbed literally from one book, jay galt, or to point out again that proper degrees are about making persuasive arguments or undertaking original research using said learning, and hardly involve box ticking at all. none of which you yhave any experience of whatsoever. no! they’re all just a bunch of uncreative followers! and cowards! john galt has never uncritically followed anything! no sirree!

meanwhile you fumble around making attempts at sententious high tone, no doubt in imitation of your favourite right-wing blowhards, who also love to make a point of their ‘classicism’ and grounding in ‘antiquity’. meanwhile you butcher some of the most common pop-idioms imaginable, ‘circus and bread’. come on, jay, it’s a three-word bit of latin. whatever next? you conquered, you came, you had a look? carpe per diem?
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

uziq wrote:

why are you so obsessed with the 1619 project, of all things? that seems to be a fixation of right-wing media sources taking aim at other media. the protests over police killings are not the 1619 project. very bizarre hobby horse of yours. it’s almost like you’re internalising the things that more appropriately vex right-wing journalists and pundits...

i don’t doubt that deep cultural entrenchments have to be challenged and turned over. it’s no different from white communities in, say, appalachia who won’t leave and sometimes outright refuse to adapt to a changing economy. it’s not as simple as saying ‘we gave you west virginians food stamps, the mines closed 20 years ago, get it together already’.

as for your simplistic glosses on simply upping and moving and remaking their lives with ease, i simply do not know how any of us here are meant to take this cant seriously when you, first and foremost among all people here, refuse to fucking move in your own best interests because of family or network ties. hello? some basic self awareness please?
Because it's been linked to roughly a million times over the past week by all my black, brown and liberal friends on social media. Because people who were unaware of it will now read it and it will set us back further. It was written by bigots, and it will create bigots in turn.

I wasn't telling anyone to move. Where I live is very divided along racial and religious lines. If you pointed at a map you'd see a patchwork of towns and you could point and say this one is a white town, this one is a black town, this is where the hispanic immigrants live, this is where the east asians live, this is where the south asians live, this is where the Jews live, etc. There was a whole big expose by the local newspaper that went after and exposed a bunch of real estate brokers for steering people into certain towns. But, when interviewed afterwards, the brokers all said they weren't doing it maliciously, they were doing it because their clients keep asking to live with people that look dress and talk like them. The newspapers and agitators were looking to expose systemic racism and found self-segregation instead.

In my own personal opinion, I think it's mentally and emotionally unhealthy to spend all of your time looking backwards. Historical grievances, and what if scenarios, and reliving past episodes doesn't do anyone any good. Learn from the past, sure, but don't dwell on it. It's better to look forward to what could be than to look backwards at what could have been.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
oh those irritating negroes! looking backwards all the time, thinking about the 400th anniversary of slaves' arrival in america!

and good-o. luckily no one cares about your personal opinion about slavery. maybe shut up and listen for a bit.

for someone who is so fundamentally intolerant, dismissive, and sometimes outright bellicose and threatening about these topics, you sure do have a wide and inexhaustible circle of friends. a few weeks ago in the pandemic thread it was your 'doctor friends'. then there's your useful lefty-liberal friends. now there's all your black, latino and asian brothas. you must be the most gregarious national review reader i have ever met! mazel tov, my friend!

Last edited by uziq (2020-06-07 05:57:58)

Artifice of Eternity
So I'm not trying to chime-in in any meaningful way because I really am under qualified to talk about race in America, but I think ascribing any of the current situation to black Americans not having co-located in mixed race town is misguided. I look at what we have in Canada, with fewer race related issues (not zero), and see that we still have 'little India', 'china town', 'little Italy', 'little Portugal', etc. And those places are primarily lived in by new immigrants looking for a friendly face from home to make their new lives in Canada just a little bit less scary. Their kids tend to move to other parts of the City and you get fabulous mixed race communities. My point is that it's not necessarily a bad thing that some areas are divided on racial grounds, so long as folks have the opportunity to leave if they want to. Due to abject poverty, primarily, black Americans don't seem to have that opportunity. It costs money to move. Money they don't have. They are stuck.

I won't even get into how primarily black communities formed (long history there), but it's enough to say Black people aren't generally afforded the opportunity to leave.

Last edited by Pochsy (2020-06-07 06:01:15)

The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
So I'm not trying to chime-in in any meaningful way because I really am under qualified to talk about race in America
that's exactly where you're going wrong, libtard. on the back foot being humbled already! they've got you beat, cuck!
Artifice of Eternity
Fuk, I should have come out strong and said something like 'Hark, the clarion call of the owl of Minerva is upon us, the one who flies at night!'
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

uziq wrote:

oh those irritating negroes! looking backwards all the time, thinking about the 400th anniversary of slaves' arrival in america!

and good-o. luckily no one cares about your personal opinion about slavery. maybe shut up and listen for a bit.

for someone who is so fundamentally intolerant, dismissive, and sometimes outright bellicose and threatening about these topics, you sure do have a wide and inexhaustible circle of friends. a few weeks ago in the pandemic thread it was your 'doctor friends'. then there's your useful lefty-liberal friends. now there's all your black, latino and asian brothas. you must be the most gregarious national review reader i have ever met! mazel tov, my friend!
I grew up in a minority white, mixed race town. I was in the military. I work in the construction industry. Yes, my circle of friends is probably a helluva lot more diverse than yours is.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

Pochsy wrote:

Fuk, I should have come out strong and said something like 'Hark, the clarion call of the owl of Minerva is upon us, the one who flies at night!'
jay is a hegelian, he's into minerva references. +1

I grew up in a minority white, mixed race town. I was in the military. I work in the construction industry. Yes, my circle of friends is probably a helluva lot more diverse than yours is.
i doubt it, seeing as i went to university, you know, and have lived in metropolitan centres my whole adult life and not in the suburbs. and i work with the educated classes, in publishing, and interact and mingle freely, not walking around building sites in new jersey in steel-capped boots, er, ticking compliance boxes.

jay, do you celebrate july 4th by the way? that is, after all, an important calendar date marking your origins. a little backwards looking and divisive, don't you think?
https://twitter.com/JamesMartinSJ/statu … 2419814400

#MartinGugino, the 75 year old man knocked to the ground by police in Buffalo, is a longtime peace activist and volunteer at the Catholic Worker, a movement dedicated to justice and peace, founded by Servant of God Dorothy Day, who also took to the streets to advocate for justice
great job, guys. you put a senile charity worker in a coma.
Artifice of Eternity
Material threat to life and limb those 75 year old Catholic volunteers are. He could have had a knife. He didn't...but he could have!
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
a good chance he had some nun-chuks concealed on his person.

i'll see myself out
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

Jay wrote:

I grew up in a minority white, mixed race town. I was in the military. I work in the construction industry. Yes, my circle of friends is probably a helluva lot more diverse than yours is.
You've spent your whole life with uneducated schlubs. Diverse schlubs maybe.
Fuck Israel
Artifice of Eternity
I think it's somewhat unfair to Jay to explain his knowledge base as coming from a place outside of the high academic tradition. I don't think he has a reference point to understand what we're saying is the source of discordance. It's akin to telling him that the version of Chinese food in America is a pale shade of Chinese food in China. Unless both are lived experience the comparison is lost.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
jay has a very good time being rhetorically dismissive of academics and experts because it suits him and his own poor attainments perfectly. it really is as simple as that for him. anything that clashes with his image of himself as a uniquely independent, fiercely interrogative thinker goes in the bin. it's easier for him to dismiss them all out of hand than to reluctantly admit that dilbert's engineering nous is incomparable to his own.

Last edited by uziq (2020-06-07 07:21:28)

I too grew up in a small town of 'uneducated slubs', not diverse at all though. Didn't interact with other ethnicities until my teens. The people I grew up with were seriously racist as well.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

Pochsy wrote:

I think it's somewhat unfair to Jay to explain his knowledge base as coming from a place outside of the high academic tradition. I don't think he has a reference point to understand what we're saying is the source of discordance. It's akin to telling him that the version of Chinese food in America is a pale shade of Chinese food in China. Unless both are lived experience the comparison is lost.
Why the insults? Have I insulted you? Uzi literally made my point for me. His learning ended in college and any opinion that he possesses must be sourced, and consensus reached before he utters it. He is a complete coward both physically and intellectually. If his social crowd came to the conclusion tomorrow that the cracks in the streets were a form of racism he would back them to the hilt, and cite several academics to support his case.

Are you attacking me because you fear being painted with the same brush? What have you done, pochsy, to better the world? What creativity do you possess? Do you have the courage to be genuinely different or is it always better to play it safe? Judging from your position within a government agency, with nice benefits, a guaranteed pension, and not too much hassle, I can guess.

What opinion do you possess that deviates from the mainstream? These are the things that make people interesting to talk to and to know. These are the spice of life. Because honestly, you've never come across as anything other than utterly vanilla up to this point, chode licking of uzi notwithstanding.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

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